1,034 research outputs found

    Model Continuity in Discrete Event Simulation: A Framework for Model-Driven Development of Simulation Models.

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    Most of the well known modeling and simulation methodologies state the importance of conceptual modeling in simulation studies and they suggest the use of conceptual models during the simulation model development process. However, only a limited number of methodologies refers to howto move from a conceptual model to an executable simulation model. Besides, existing modeling and simulation methodologies do not typically provide a formal method for model transformations between the models in different stages of the development process. Hence, in the current M&S practice, model continuity is usually not fulfilled. In this article, a model driven development framework for modeling and simulation is in order to bridge the gap between different stages of a simulation study and to obtain model continuity. The applicability of the framework is illustrated with a prototype modeling environment and a case study in the discrete event simulation domain

    A Conceptual Framework for Cloud-based Collaborative Online Course Provision

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    A cloud-based collaborative environment for online course provision between universities can facilitate a cost-effective, efficient and enriched education enabling good student experience. However, there are a number of challenges and issues that should be taken into consideration prior to adopting the collaborative environment. They relate to management and administration, cost, collaborative Virtual Learning Environment, ownership, development of courses and teaching resources, as well as culture. To address these challenges a conceptual framework is proposed for this environment which highlights key issues and associated relationships between them. The framework contains five main elements, including Quality, Legal, Security, Operation and Education. The framework illustrates the relationship between the elements. A prototype is also discussed which was designed to test part of the framework

    Projected Sensivity to Dimension-6 Triple Gauge Couplings at the FCC-hh

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    In this study, we investigate the process ppW±γpp \rightarrow W^{\pm} \gamma for the physics potential of the FCC-hh with s=100\sqrt{s}=100 TeV to examine the anomalous WWγWW\gamma couplings defined by three CP-conserving and two CP-violating effective operators of dimension-6. The analysis containing the realistic detector effects is carried out in the mode where W±W^{\pm} bosons in the final state decay into the leptonic channel. The best sensitivities obtained from the process ppW±γpp \rightarrow W^{\pm} \gamma on the anomalous couplings CWWW/Λ2C_{WWW}/ \Lambda^{2} and CW,B/Λ2C_{W,B}/ \Lambda^{2} determined by CP-conserving effective Lagrangians are [0.01;0.01][-0.01; 0.01] TeV2^{-2} and [0.88;0.88][-0.88; 0.88] TeV2^{-2}, while CW~WW/Λ2C_{\tilde{W}WW}/ \Lambda^{2} and CW~/Λ2C_{\tilde{W}}/ \Lambda^{2} couplings defined by CP-violating effective Lagrangian are obtained as [0.03;0.03][-0.03; 0.03] TeV2^{-2} and [0.47;0.47][-0.47; 0.47] TeV2^{-2} at the FCC-hh with s=100\sqrt{s}=100 TeV, Lint=30L_{int}=30 ab1^{-1}. However, if the systematic uncertainty is included, we obtain reduced sensitivities on the anomalous WWγWW\gamma coupling . The results are compared for assumed systematics of 5%5\% and 10%10\%.Comment: 17 pages, 6 Figures and Tables I

    Search for the anomalous ZZZZZZ and ZZγZZ\gamma gauge couplings through the process e+eZZe^+e^- \to ZZ with unpolarized and polarized beams

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    This work offers the constraints on the anomalous neutral triple gauge couplings (aNTGC) for the process e+eZZe^+e^- \to ZZ at the CLIC with s=3\sqrt{s}=3 TeV. The realistic CLIC detector environments and their effects are considered in our analysis. The study is planned for the decays of producted ZZ bosons to a pair of charged leptons (electrons or muons) and neutrino pairs. The bounds on the aNTGCs defining CPCP-conserving CB~W/Λ4C_{\widetilde{B}W}/{\Lambda^4} coupling and three CPCP-violating CWW/Λ4C_{WW}/{\Lambda^4}, CBW/Λ4C_{BW}/{\Lambda^4}, and CBB/Λ4C_{BB}/{\Lambda^4} couplings are obtained. Also, the effects and advantages of polarization for incoming electron beams in these calculations are investigated.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figure

    Internet of Hybrid Energy Harvesting Things

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    © 2017 IEEE. Internet of Things (IoT) is a perfect candidate to realize efficient observation and management for Smart City concept. This requires deployment of large number of wireless devices. However, replenishing batteries of thousands, maybe millions of devices may be hard or even impossible. In order to solve this problem, Internet of Energy Harvesting Things (IoEHT) is proposed. Although the first studies on IoEHT focused on energy harvesting (EH) as an auxiliary power provisioning method, now completely battery-free and self-sufficient systems are envisioned. Taking advantage of diverse sources that the concept of Smart City offers helps us to fully appreciate the capacity of EH. In this way, we address the primary shortcomings of IoEHT; availability, unreliability, and insufficiency by the Internet of Hybrid EH Things (IoHEHT). In this paper, we survey the various EH opportunities, propose an hybrid EH system, and discuss energy and data management issues for battery-free operation. We mathematically prove advantages of hybrid EH compared to single source harvesting as well. We also point out to hardware requirements and present the open research directions for different network layers specific to IoHEHT for Smart City concept

    Harvesting-throughput trade-off for wireless-powered smart grid IoT applications: An experimental study

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    © 2018 IEEE. Sensor nodes, one of the most crucial elements of Internet of Things (IoT), sense the environment and send their observations to a remote Access Point (AP). One drawback of sensor nodes in an IoT setting is their limited battery supply. Hereby, energy harvesting (EH) stands as a promising solution to reduce or even completely eliminate lifetime constraints of sensors with exploitation of available resources. In this paper, we propose an electric-field EH (EFEH) method to enable battery-less execution of sensor-based IoT services for Smart Grid (SG) context. For this purpose, for the first time in the literature, harvestable energy through EFEH method is investigated with a transformer room experimental set-up. Our experiments reveal that 40 mJ of energy can be harvested in a period of 900 sec with the proposed EFEH method. Building on this energy profile, we define a throughput objective function θ for a «harvest-then-transmit» type system model, to shed light on the harvesting- throughput trade-off specific to IoT-assisted SG applications. Numerical results disclose non- trivial relationships between optimal harvesting period T-H, optimal transmission period T-T and critical network parameters such as node-AP hop distance, path loss exponent and minimum reporting frequency requirement

    Effects of various inulin levels on in vitro digestibility of corn silage, perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and common vetch (Vicia sativa L.)/oat (Avena sativa L.) hay

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of various inulin levels on in vitro true dry matter digestibility (IVTDDM) and in vitro neutral detergent fibre digestibility (IVTDNDF) of corn silage (CS), perennial ryegrass (PR), and common vetch/oat hay (VO). Inulin was added to the fermenter at concentrations of 0 (CSC, PRC, VOC), 100 (CS100, PR100, VO100), 200 (CS200, PR200, VO200), and 300 (CS300, PR300, VO300) mg/litre of total culture fluid using an in vitro DaisyII incubator. Each fermenter contained 1600 ml buffer solution and 400 ml rumen fluid. The IVTDDM and IVTDNDF were determined with a DaisyII incubator and rumen fluid obtained from three cannulated Karayaka rams. The IVTDDM values (%) for PRC, PR100, PR200, and PR300 were 70.06 ± 1.133, 73.21 ± 4.153, 70.36 ± 0.506, and 66.69 ± 1.317, respectively. The effects of various inulin levels on IVTDDM and IVTDNDF values of PR were significant (P <0.05). The IVTDDM and IVTDNDF values for CS and VO were not significantly (P >0.05) different. Among the treatments, supplementation of inulin to CS and VO did not have a significant (P >0.05) effect on IVTDDM and IVTDNDF values. The high dose of inulin (PR300) reduced IVTDDM and IVTDNDF, whereas PR100 showed a statistically significant (P <0.05) increase on IVTDDM and IVTDNDF. However, in vivo studies with PR may be required to show the effects of various levels of inulin supplementation to support the IVTD findings of the current study.Keywords: Inulin, in vitro true digestibility, hay, silag

    R Markdown: Integrating A Reproducible Analysis Tool into Introductory Statistics

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    Nolan and Temple Lang argue that “the ability to express statistical computations is an es- sential skill.” A key related capacity is the ability to conduct and present data analysis in a way that another person can understand and replicate. The copy-and-paste workflow that is an artifact of antiquated user-interface design makes reproducibility of statistical analysis more difficult, especially as data become increasingly complex and statistical methods become increasingly sophisticated. R Markdown is a new technology that makes creating fully-reproducible statistical analysis simple and painless. It provides a solution suitable not only for cutting edge research, but also for use in an introductory statistics course. We present experiential and statistical evidence that R Markdown can be used effectively in introductory statistics courses, and discuss its role in the rapidly-changing world of statistical computation