9 research outputs found

    The Effect of Social Media on Employees’ Job Performance: The mediating Role of Organizational Structure

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    Social media is creating a drastic change at workplaces, and organizations are increasingly interested in adaption of it for their business processes. The aim of social media usage at workplace may differ but ultimate objective is to build social networks and sharing. This empirical research examined the effect of use of social media on employees’ job performance and the mediating effect of an organizational structure. Survey data gathered from 205 valid responses and analyzed by structural equation modelling technique. Results revealed that “use of social media” is positively correlated with “employees’ job performance”, while organizational structure has positive mediating effect

    Managerial competencies review

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    Competencies are some characteristics that managers use in the organization. Many authors, researchers, etc. have done research on competencies. These surveys usually involve managers working in organizations. Organizations have a great need for competencies. These needs or requirements are constantly increasing or changing. It is important for organizations to continue their activities in the long term and to cope with other competitors. In this study, it is aimed to explain the definition of managerial competencies, their classification, and the characteristics of different types of competencies. Managers are the advantages they bring to organizations by using their management skills and their performance. In the study, different types of groupings or classifications were found by reviewing many studies. These classifications contribute to improving the functioning of organizations. Keywords: managers, competencies, managerial competencies Yönetici yetkinlikleri gözden geçirilmesi Özet Yetkinlikler, yöneticilerin kuruluşta kullandıkları birtakım özellikleridir. Birçok yazar, araştırmacı vb., yetkinlikler üzerinde araştırmalar yapmıştır. Bu araştırmalar genellikle kuruluşlarda görev yapan yöneticileri kapsamaktadır. Kuruluşlar, yetkinliklere çok fazla ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Bu ihtiyaçlar veya gereksinimler sürekli artmakta veya değişmektedir. Kuruluşların uzun vadeli olarak faaliyetlerini sürdürebilmeleri ve diğer rakiplerine baş edebilmeleri için önemlidir. Bu çalışmada yönetici yetkinliklerin tanımı, sınıflandırma, farklı türde yetkinliklerin özellikleri açıklanması amaçlanmaktadır. Yöneticiler yönetim becerilerini kullanarak ve gösterdikleri performanslarıyla kuruluşlara kazandırdıkları avantajlarıdır. Çalışmada, birçok çalışmalar gözden geçirilerek farklı türde gruplandırmalar veya sınıflandırılmalara rastlanmıştır. Bunlar sınıflandırılmalar genel olarak kuruluşların işleyişlerini daha da iyileştirmek için katkı sağlar. Anahtar Kelimeler: yöneticiler, yetkinlikler, yönetici yetkinlikler

    Managerial competencies review

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    Competencies are some characteristics that managers use in the organization. Many authors, researchers, etc. have done research on competencies. These surveys usually involve managers working in organizations. Organizations have a great need for competencies. These needs or requirements are constantly increasing or changing. It is important for organizations to continue their activities in the long term and to cope with other competitors. In this study, it is aimed to explain the definition of managerial competencies, their classification, and the characteristics of different types of competencies. Managers are the advantages they bring to organizations by using their management skills and their performance. In the study, different types of groupings or classifications were found by reviewing many studies. These classifications contribute to improving the functioning of organizations. Keywords: managers, competencies, managerial competencies Yönetici yetkinlikleri gözden geçirilmesi Özet Yetkinlikler, yöneticilerin kuruluşta kullandıkları birtakım özellikleridir. Birçok yazar, araştırmacı vb., yetkinlikler üzerinde araştırmalar yapmıştır. Bu araştırmalar genellikle kuruluşlarda görev yapan yöneticileri kapsamaktadır. Kuruluşlar, yetkinliklere çok fazla ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Bu ihtiyaçlar veya gereksinimler sürekli artmakta veya değişmektedir. Kuruluşların uzun vadeli olarak faaliyetlerini sürdürebilmeleri ve diğer rakiplerine baş edebilmeleri için önemlidir. Bu çalışmada yönetici yetkinliklerin tanımı, sınıflandırma, farklı türde yetkinliklerin özellikleri açıklanması amaçlanmaktadır. Yöneticiler yönetim becerilerini kullanarak ve gösterdikleri performanslarıyla kuruluşlara kazandırdıkları avantajlarıdır. Çalışmada, birçok çalışmalar gözden geçirilerek farklı türde gruplandırmalar veya sınıflandırılmalara rastlanmıştır. Bunlar sınıflandırılmalar genel olarak kuruluşların işleyişlerini daha da iyileştirmek için katkı sağlar. Anahtar Kelimeler: yöneticiler, yetkinlikler, yönetici yetkinlikler

    The effect of organizational change on organizational commitment

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    Change is an ongoing process of renewing the structures, directions, and capabilities of the organizations to adapt to the variable needs of customers, employees, and the marketplace. Thus, organization needs to change in order to stay in the market. Change process will be smoothed by employee’s commitment. There is a strong need to examine the effects of organizational change on organizational commitment. In this quantitative research, survey technique was used as a data collection tool. It employs the scale developed by Meyer and Allen (2004) for organizational commitment. Items used for organizational change have been adapted from scales created by Tolay et al. (2017) and Dunham et al. (1989). In the study, 410 valid questionnaires were collected from randomly selected employees working in food and beverage and packaging enterprises operating in Konya, in Turkey. The results revealed that the organizational change negatively affected employees’ commitment to the organization (β = -.42;

    The effects of organisational silence on work alienation in service enterprises

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    The effect of organizational change on organizational commitment

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    Change is an ongoing process of renewing the structures, directions, and capabilities of the organizations to adapt to the variable needs of customers, employees, and the marketplace. Thus, organization needs to change in order to stay in the market. Change process will be smoothed by employee’s commitment. There is a strong need to examine the effects of organizational change on organizational commitment. In this quantitative research, survey technique was used as a data collection tool. It employs the scale developed by Meyer and Allen (2004) for organizational commitment. Items used for organizational change have been adapted from scales created by Tolay et al. (2017) and Dunham et al. (1989). In the study, 410 valid questionnaires were collected from randomly selected employees working in food and beverage and packaging enterprises operating in Konya, in Turkey. The results revealed that the organizational change negatively affected employees’ commitment to the organization (β = -.42;

    E-COMMENTS IN BUSINESS : Muhammad Rashid, Ali Sukru Cetinkaya

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    Internet and social media have dramatically changed the pattern of the business environment. People use several social media applications (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, etc.) to share their personal experiences by e-comments about products and services of the organizations. E-comments create radical effects on business management practices because it can reach millions of people within a short time. Therefore, customers prefer to review e-comments as a reference before making any purchasing decisions. That’s why business practitioners are interested in online e-comments’ review to identify the behavior and intentions of their customers. Indeed, organizations also use such type of social media platforms to promote their products and services. However, there is limited research on the impact of e-comments on business management practices. Therefore, this theoretical study aimed to investigate and discuss the impacts of e-comments on business management practice

    International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC) national report on device-associated infection rates in 19 cities of Turkey, data summary for 2003-2012

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    Background: Device-associated healthcare-acquired infections (DA-HAI) pose a threat to patient safety, particularly in the intensive care unit (ICU). We report the results of the International Infection Control Consortium (INICC) study conducted in Turkey from August 2003 through October 2012

    Time-dependent analysis of extra length of stay and mortality due to ventilator-associated pneumonia in intensive-care units of ten limited-resources countries: findings of the International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC)

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    Ventilator-associated pneumonias (VAPs) are a worldwide problem that significantly increases patient morbidity, mortality, and length of stay (LoS), and their effects should be estimated to account for the timing of infection. The purpose of the study was to estimate extra LoS and mortality in an intensive-care unit (ICU) due to a VAP in a cohort of 69 248 admissions followed for 283 069 days in ICUs from 10 countries. Data were arranged according to the multi-state format. Extra LoS and increased risk of death were estimated independently in each country, and their results were combined using a random-effects meta-analysis. VAP prolonged LoS by an average of 2.03 days (95% CI 1.52-2.54 days), and increased the risk of death by 14% (95% CI 2-27). The increased risk of death due to VAP was explained by confounding with patient morbidity