4 research outputs found

    Wildfires impact on surface nitrogen oxides and ozone in Central Italy

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    AbstractA summer campaign in Central Italy was carried out to study the impact of fire emissions on the mixing ratios of surface trace gases. Observations with a selective and sensitive instrument that uses the laser induced fluorescence technique for direct measurements of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), show a significant increase of NO2 mixing ratios, in the evening, when a fire plume reached the observations site. The increase of NO2 mixing ratios is well correlated (R=0.83) with that of particulate matter (PM), which is one of the primary product of forest and grassland fires. The tight correlation between NO2 and PM is used to improve the performance of a statistical regression model to simulate the observed O3, and to highlight the effect of fire emissions on the O3 mixing ratios. The statistical regression model of O3 improves in terms of performance (bias reduction of 77% and agreement enhancement of 10% for slope and correlation coefficient) when PM2.5 is included as additional input and proxy of the fire emissions among the usual input parameters (meteorological data and NO2 mixing ratios). A case study, comparing observed and modeled O3 in different days (with and without fire plume), suggests an impact of fire emissions on the O3 mixing ratios of about 10%

    Aircraft observations of the lower troposphere above a megacity: Alkyl nitrate and ozone chemistry

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    Within the framework of the RONOCO (ROle of Nighttime chemistry in controlling the Oxidising Capacity of the atmOsphere) campaign a daytime flight over the metropolitan area of London were carried out to study the nitrogen oxide chemistry and its role in the production and loss of ozone (O) and alkyl and multifunctional nitrate (σANs). The FAAM BAe-146 aircraft, used for these observations, was equipped with instruments to measure the most relevant compounds that control the lower troposphere chemistry, including O, NO, NO, NO, NO, HNO, peroxy nitrates (σPNs), σANs, OH, and HO. In the London's flight a strong ozone titration process was observed when flying above Reading (downwind of London) and when intercepting the London plume. The coupled cycles of NO and HO can have different terminations forming σPNs, σANs, HNO or peroxides (HO, ROOH) altering the O production. In the observations reported here, we found that a strong ozone titration (δO=-16ppb), due to a rapid increase of NO (δNO=27ppb), corresponds also to a high increase of σANs concentrations (δσANs=3ppb), and quite stable concentrations of HNO and σPNs. Unexpectedly, compared with other megacities, the production of σANs is similar to that of O (O+NO), suggesting that in the London plume, at least during these observations, the formation of σANs effectively removes active NO and hence reduces the amount of O production. In fact, we found that the ratio between the ozone production and the alkyl nitrates production (observed) approximate the unity; on the contrary the calculated ratio is 7. In order to explain this discrepancy, we made sensitivity tests changing the alkyl nitrates branching ratio for some VOCs and we investigated the impact of the unmeasured VOCs during the flight, founding that the calculated ratio decreases from 7 to 2 and that, in this condition, the major contribution to the σANs production is given by Alkanes. Observations and analysis reported here suggest that in the London plume the high NO emissions and the chemistry of some VOCs (mainly Alkanes) produce high concentrations of σANs competing against the local ozone production

    Effects of land use on surface–atmosphere exchanges of trace gases and energy in Borneo: comparing fluxes over oil palm plantations and a rainforest

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    This paper reports measurements of land–atmosphere fluxes of sensible and latent heat, momentum, CO2, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), NO, NO2, N2O and O3 over a 30 m high rainforest canopy and a 12 m high oil palm plantation in the same region of Sabah in Borneo between April and July 2008. The daytime maximum CO2 flux to the two canopies differs by approximately a factor of 2, 1200 mg C m−2 h−1 for the oil palm and 700 mg C m−2 h−1 for the rainforest, with the oil palm plantation showing a substantially greater quantum efficiency. Total VOC emissions are also larger over the oil palm than over the rainforest by a factor of 3. Emissions of isoprene from the oil palm canopy represented 80 per cent of the VOC emissions and exceeded those over the rainforest in similar light and temperature conditions by on average a factor of 5. Substantial emissions of estragole (1-allyl-4-methoxybenzene) from the oil palm plantation were detected and no trace of this VOC was detected in or above the rainforest. Deposition velocities for O3 to the rainforest were a factor of 2 larger than over oil palm. Emissions of nitrous oxide were larger from the soils of the oil palm plantation than from the soils of the rainforest by approximately 25 per cent. It is clear from the measurements that the large change in the species composition generated by replacing rainforest with oil palm leads to profound changes in the net exchange of most of the trace gases measured, and thus on the chemical composition of the boundary layer over these surfaces