110 research outputs found

    Alas e luas brancas: gênero, performance e música em Chiquinha Gonzaga

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    Esta breve comunicação busca refletir acerca da trajetória da compositora Chiquinha Gonzaga (18471-1935) assim como algumas das estratégias narrativas mobilizadas por seus biógrafos depois de sua morte. E é rastreando as formas de objetivação de seu carisma a partir de suas biografias que se pode compreender de que forma as convenções de gênero estão articuladas à produção de bens simbólicos

    From Francisca to Chiquinha: The unsuspected pioneering of Chiquinha Gonzaga

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    Este artigo toma a trajetória da compositora brasileira Chiquinha Gonzaga (1847-1935) com o objetivo de analisar o processo de construção social de seu renome a partir das inflexões de gênero presentes no campo da produção cultural carioca nas primeiras décadas do século XX. A tentativa de circunscrever a rede de relações sociais na qual ela se inseria – dando especial atenção à constituição de seu arquivo pessoal e à confecção de sua primeira biografia pela folclorista Mariza Lira (1899-1971) – é amparada por uma perspectiva socioantropológica que vê na história de vida da compositora o resultado de um projeto coletivo no qual interesses diversos são negociados e materializados em uma narrativa específica. Nesse sentido, tanto o nome Chiquinha Gonzaga quanto seu adjetivo “pioneira” podem ser repensados à luz dessa complexa dinâmica.This article takes the trajectory of Brazilian composer Chiquinha Gonzaga (1847-1935) with the purpose of analyzing the social construction of her repute having in mind the gender inflexions present in 20th century Brazilian field of cultural production. The attempt of circumscribing her social network – focusing on the constitution of her archive and on her first biography by the folklorist Mariza Lira (1899-1971) – is supported by a socio-anthropological perspective that sees in the compositor’s life history the result of a collective project in which multiple interests are negotiated and materialized in a specific narrative. In this sense, either the name Chiquinha Gonzaga or the adjective “pioneer” can be thought through this complex dynamics

    Entre a praça e o largo: artistas e intelectuais na formação de dois “berços” do samba

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    Comparando a Praça Onze e o Largo da Banana, este artigo analisa as negociações assimétricas entre sambistas negros e intelectuais brancos na consolidação desses espaços como “berços” do samba, conduzidas nos Museu da Imagem e do Som do Rio de Janeiro e de São Paulo. Projetos de história oral realizados entre os anos 1960 e 1980 ambicionavam formalizar uma narrativa a partir dos mesmos parâmetros acerca da autenticidade da cultura popular, mas produziram efeitos diversos, relacionados com o modo como as identidades étnico-raciais se constituíram nas duas cidades.[Este artigo resulta de reflexões conjuntas relacionadas com nossas pesquisas de doutorado, financiadas pela Fapesp (Processos n. 16/ 26239-8 e 16/02062-1), e com o pós-doutorado realizado no Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies da University of Illinois pela autora. Agradecemos a essas instituições os financiamentos dos projetos.]By comparing Praça Onze and Largo da Banana, this article analyzes the asymmetric negotiations between black musicians and white intellectuals involved with the consecration of those places into “cradles” of samba at the units of Museu da Imagem e do Som in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Oral history projects from the 1960s to the 1980s aimed at creating a narrative based on the popular culture authenticity’s parameters, but creates different results, related to the ethnic and racial identities in both cities

    Novo Gênero e Espécie de Baetidae (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) do Brasil

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    Tupiara gen.nov. (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae) is described from one species, Tupiara ibirapitanga sp.nov., based on nymphs and the male adult. The nymphs can be distinguished by the following combination of characteristics: relatively narrow mandibles with partially fused incisors; left mandible with external incisor provided with multiple denticles apically and on inner margin, and with an obtuse angle between incisors and anterior margin; right prostheca basally bifurcated; rectangular, apically rounded paraglossa; second segment of labial palps distomedially pronounced and rounded; dorsal margin of femora conspicuously sclerotized; tarsal claws with two rows of denticles; and terga without scales or scale bases. Adults can be diferentiated by having the turbinate portion of the compound eyes elliptical and relatively narrow; hindwings with acute process on basal one-third and two unbranched longitudinal veins; and an internally curved, narrow-elongate third segment of the genital forceps. The possible relationship between Tupiara gen.nov. and Andesiops, as well as the differences between the two genera, are discussed. Representatives of Tupiara ibirapitanga sp.nov. were mainly collected from well-preserved areas and at relatively high elevations in the states of Amazonas, Minas Gerais, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Aspects of the emergence of nymphs of the species are related.Tupiara gen.nov. (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae) é descrito a partir de uma única espécie, Tupiara ibirapitanga sp.nov., baseado em ninfas e no macho adulto. As ninfas podem ser distinguidas por apresentarem a seguinte combinação de caracteres: mandíbulas relativamente estreitas e com incisivos parcialmente fusionados; mandíbula esquerda com incisivo externo provido de múltiplos dentículos apicais e na margem interna, e com ângulo entre incisivos e margem anterior obtuso; prosteca direita basalmente bifurcada; paraglossa retangular, de ápice arredondado; segundo artículo do palpo labial distomedianamente pronunciado e arredondado; margem dorsal do fêmur conspicuamente esclerosada; garras com duas fileiras de dentículos; e tergitos sem escamas ou bases de escamas. O macho adulto pode ser diferenciado por ter a porção turbinada dos olhos compostos elíptica e relativamente estreita; asas posteriores com um processo agudo no terço basal e duas nervuras longitudinais não ramificadas; e o terceiro artículo do fórceps genital estreito, alongado e recurvado internamente. A possível relação de Tupiara gen.nov. com Andesiops, assim como as diferenças entre ambos os gêneros, são discutidas. Representantes de Tupiara ibirapitanga sp.nov. foram coletados principalmente em áreas bem preservadas e em altitudes relativamente elevadas nos estados de Amazonas, Minas Gerais e Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Aspectos da emergência das ninfas da espécie são relatados

    Biofilm formation by Salmonella enteritidis at different incubation temperatures

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    Background: The genus Salmonella, associated with poultry products, is considered the leading cause of foodborne outbreaks in humans in many countries. In Brazil, Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) is the serovar remains as one most frequently isolated from humans, and it is also a major serovar found in animals, food, animal feed, and environmental samples, despite all the efforts to control this pathogen. Also, the bacterium is able to form biofilms on different surfaces, protecting cells from both cleaning and sanitizing procedures in the food industries. This study aimed to verify the ability of Salmonella Enteritidis isolates to form biofilm on polystyrene at different incubation temperatures. Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 171 SE samples were isolated from foodborne outbreaks (foods and stool cultures) and poultry products between 2003 and 2010. The biofilm-forming ability of samples was measured at four different temperatures (3°C, 9ºC, 25ºC, and 36ºC), for 24 h, simulating temperatures usually found in poultry slaughterhouses. Later, 200 μL of each bacterial suspension was inoculated, in triplicate, onto 96-well, flat-bottomed sterile polystyrene microtiter plates, washed, after that, the biofilm was fixed with methanol. The plates were dried at ambient temperature, stained with 2% Hucker’s crystal violet. Afterwards, absorbance was read using an ELISA plate reader and the optical density (OD) of each isolate was obtained by the arithmetic mean of the absorbance of three wells and this value was compared with the mean absorbance of negative controls (ODnc). The following classification was used for the determination of biofilm formation: no biofilm production, weak biofilm production, moderate biofilm production and strong biofilm production. Results demonstrated all isolates from stool cultures and foods involved in foodborne outbreaks, at least one of the four temperatures tested, were able to form biofilm, even at 3°C, undescribed as possible for the growth of SE. SE strains from poultry products also formed biofilm at least at one of the temperatures. Discussion: The prevention of biofilms formation is very important, once they can be difficult to remove from utensils and food equipment surfaces, becoming a chronic source of microbial contamination of foods, possible dissemination of diseases, and increase of resistance to cleaning and sanitization procedures. A high ability for biofilm formation on plastic surfaces was observed. We may consider that Salmonella has the capacity to bind to surfaces, with relevant impacts on public health. Although biofilm formation could be affected by temperature, most of the SE isolates analyzed in our study were strong biofilm producers at all temperatures, including at 3°C, a temperature used for food preservation and until then not acknowledged as worrisome regarding the development of Salmonella spp. There is a common sense that maintenance of food at low temperatures, particularly below 5°C, is safer to consumers as low temperatures reduce microbial multiplication. However, our results show that the growth of SE in its sessile form is possible under refrigeration. These findings lead to the assumption that the ability of SE to form biofilms, especially at low temperatures, is related to its endurance in inhospitable environments, eventually infecting humans, and that may be one of the factors associated with the high prevalence of this serovar in outbreaks of foodborne diseases. To our knowledge, this is the first publication about biofilm formation by Salmonella Enteritidis at 3ºC

    Upregulation of Nrf2 and decreased redox signaling contribute to renoprotective effects of chemerin receptor blockade in diabetic mice

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    Chemerin, acting through its receptor ChemR23, is an adipokine associated with inflammatory response, glucose and lipid metabolism and vascular function. Although this adipokine has been associated with the development and progression of kidney disease, it is not clear whether the chemerin/ChemR23 system plays a role in renal function in the context of diabetes. Therefore, we sought to determine whether ChemR23 receptor blockade prevents the development and/or progression of diabetic nephropathy and questioned the role of oxidative stress and Nrf2 in this process. Renal redox state and function were assessed in non-diabetic lean db/m and diabetic obese db/db mice treated with vehicle or CCX832 (ChemR23 antagonist). Renal reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, which was increased in diabetic mice, was attenuated by CCX832. This was associated with an increase in Nox 4 expression. Augmented protein oxidation in db/db mice was not observed when mice were treated with CCX832. CCX832 also abrogated impaired Nrf2 nuclear activity and associated downregulation in antioxidants expression in kidneys from db/db mice. Our in vivo findings highlight the role of the redox signaling and Nrf2 system as renoprotective players during chemerin receptor blockade in diabetic mice. The chemerin/ChemR23 system may be an important target to limit renal dysfunction associated with obesity-related diabetes

    O BNDES e o apoio às cooperativas agropecuárias e agroindustriais

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    Contém ApêndiceBibliografia: p. 495-497.O cooperativismo ocupa papel de destaque na agropecuária brasileira. Além de seu papel social, as maiores cooperativas apresentam faturamento que as posiciona entre as maiores empresas do setor no país. Considerando a importância do cooperativismo agropecuário no Brasil, este artigo apresenta: o histórico dessa forma de organização no país; os principais programas do BNDES para o setor; os desembolsos do Banco para as cooperativas agropecuárias e agroindustriais entre 2000 e 2014; e o mapeamento do universo e de uma amostra qualificada por meio da aplicação de questionário. Além do destaque das cooperativas da região Sul como beneficiárias de recursos do BNDES, ficou claro, neste estudo, o importante papel desempenhado pelo Banco no financiamento às cooperativas agroindustriais