405 research outputs found

    On-line PCA with Optimal Regrets

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    We carefully investigate the on-line version of PCA, where in each trial a learning algorithm plays a k-dimensional subspace, and suffers the compression loss on the next instance when projected into the chosen subspace. In this setting, we analyze two popular on-line algorithms, Gradient Descent (GD) and Exponentiated Gradient (EG). We show that both algorithms are essentially optimal in the worst-case. This comes as a surprise, since EG is known to perform sub-optimally when the instances are sparse. This different behavior of EG for PCA is mainly related to the non-negativity of the loss in this case, which makes the PCA setting qualitatively different from other settings studied in the literature. Furthermore, we show that when considering regret bounds as function of a loss budget, EG remains optimal and strictly outperforms GD. Next, we study the extension of the PCA setting, in which the Nature is allowed to play with dense instances, which are positive matrices with bounded largest eigenvalue. Again we can show that EG is optimal and strictly better than GD in this setting

    Stochastic Bandits with Delay-Dependent Payoffs

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    Motivated by recommendation problems in music streaming platforms, we propose a nonstationary stochastic bandit model in which the expected reward of an arm depends on the number of rounds that have passed since the arm was last pulled. After proving that finding an optimal policy is NP-hard even when all model parameters are known, we introduce a class of ranking policies provably approximating, to within a constant factor, the expected reward of the optimal policy. We show an algorithm whose regret with respect to the best ranking policy is bounded by Oe 1a kT , where k is the number of arms and T is time. Our algorithm uses only O k ln ln T) switches, which helps when switching between policies is costly. As constructing the class of learning policies requires ordering the arms according to their expectations, we also bound the number of pulls required to do so. Finally, we run experiments to compare our algorithm against UCB on different problem instance

    Multitask Protein Function Prediction Through Task Dissimilarity

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    Automated protein function prediction is a challenging problem with distinctive features, such as the hierarchical organization of protein functions and the scarcity of annotated proteins for most biological functions. We propose a multitask learning algorithm addressing both issues. Unlike standard multitask algorithms, which use task (protein functions) similarity information as a bias to speed up learning, we show that dissimilarity information enforces separation of rare class labels from frequent class labels, and for this reason is better suited for solving unbalanced protein function prediction problems. We support our claim by showing that a multitask extension of the label propagation algorithm empirically works best when the task relatedness information is represented using a dissimilarity matrix as opposed to a similarity matrix. Moreover, the experimental comparison carried out on three model organism shows that our method has a more stable performance in both "protein-centric" and "function-centric" evaluation settings

    An efficient algorithm for learning with semi-bandit feedback

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    We consider the problem of online combinatorial optimization under semi-bandit feedback. The goal of the learner is to sequentially select its actions from a combinatorial decision set so as to minimize its cumulative loss. We propose a learning algorithm for this problem based on combining the Follow-the-Perturbed-Leader (FPL) prediction method with a novel loss estimation procedure called Geometric Resampling (GR). Contrary to previous solutions, the resulting algorithm can be efficiently implemented for any decision set where efficient offline combinatorial optimization is possible at all. Assuming that the elements of the decision set can be described with d-dimensional binary vectors with at most m non-zero entries, we show that the expected regret of our algorithm after T rounds is O(m sqrt(dT log d)). As a side result, we also improve the best known regret bounds for FPL in the full information setting to O(m^(3/2) sqrt(T log d)), gaining a factor of sqrt(d/m) over previous bounds for this algorithm.Comment: submitted to ALT 201

    A second-order perceptron algorithm

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    Nonstochastic Multiarmed Bandits with Unrestricted Delays

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    We investigate multiarmed bandits with delayed feedback, where the delays need neither be identical nor bounded. We first prove that "delayed" Exp3 achieves the regret bound conjectured by Cesa-Bianchi et al. [2016] in the case of variable, but bounded delays. Here, is the number of actions and is the total delay over rounds. We then introduce a new algorithm that lifts the requirement of bounded delays by using a wrapper that skips rounds with excessively large delays. The new algorithm maintains the same regret bound, but similar to its predecessor requires prior knowledge of and . For this algorithm we then construct a novel doubling scheme that forgoes the prior knowledge requirement under the assumption that the delays are available at action time (rather than at loss observation time). This assumption is satisfied in a broad range of applications, including interaction with servers and service providers. The resulting oracle regret bound is of order , where is the number of observations with delay exceeding , and is the total delay of observations with delay below . The bound relaxes to , but we also provide examples where and the oracle bound has a polynomially better dependence on the problem parameters

    Regret Bounds for Reinforcement Learning with Policy Advice

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    In some reinforcement learning problems an agent may be provided with a set of input policies, perhaps learned from prior experience or provided by advisors. We present a reinforcement learning with policy advice (RLPA) algorithm which leverages this input set and learns to use the best policy in the set for the reinforcement learning task at hand. We prove that RLPA has a sub-linear regret of \tilde O(\sqrt{T}) relative to the best input policy, and that both this regret and its computational complexity are independent of the size of the state and action space. Our empirical simulations support our theoretical analysis. This suggests RLPA may offer significant advantages in large domains where some prior good policies are provided

    Hierarchical cost-sensitive algorithms for genome-wide gene function prediction

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    In this work we propose new ensemble methods for the hierarchical classification of gene functions. Our methods exploit the hierarchical relationships between the classes in different ways: each ensemble node is trained \u201clocally\u201d, according to its position in the hierarchy; moreover, in the evaluation phase the set of predicted annotations is built so to minimize a global loss function defined over the hierarchy. We also address the problem of sparsity of annotations by introducing a cost- sensitive parameter that allows to control the precision-recall trade-off. Experiments with the model organism S. cerevisiae, using the FunCat taxonomy and 7 biomolecular data sets, reveal a significant advantage of our techniques over \u201cflat\u201d and cost-insensitive hierarchical ensembles
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