187 research outputs found

    Molecular Epidemiology and Virulence Profiles of Colistin-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Blood Isolates From the Hospital Agency “Ospedale dei Colli,” Naples, Italy

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    Resistance to colistin is increasingly reported in Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical isolates. The aim of this study was to analyze the molecular epidemiology and virulence profiles of 25 colistin-resistant K. pneumoniae blood isolates from the Hospital Agency “Ospedale dei Colli,” Naples, Italy, during 2015 and 2016. Colistin MIC values of isolates ranged from 4 to 256 mg/L. The inactivation of the mgrB gene, encoding a negative regulator of the PhoQ/PhoP signaling system, was the most frequent mechanism of colistin resistance found in 22 out of 25 isolates. Of these, 10 isolates assigned to ST512 and PFGE types A and A4 showed identical frameshift mutation and premature termination of mgrB gene; 4 isolates assigned to ST258 and PFGE types A1 showed non-sense, frameshift mutation, and premature termination; 3 and 1 isolates assigned to ST258 and PFGE A2 and ST512 and PFGE A3, respectively, had insertional inactivation of mgrB gene due to IS5-like mobile element; 2 isolates assigned to ST101 and 1 to ST392 had missense mutations in the mgrB gene, 1 isolate assigned to ST45 showed insertional inactivation of mgrB gene due to IS903-like mobile element. phoQ missense mutations were found in 2 isolates assigned to ST629 and ST101, respectively, which also showed a missense mutation in pmrA gene. The mcr-1-2-3-4 genes were not detected in any isolate. Colistin-resistant K. pneumoniae isolates showed variable virulence profiles in Galleria mellonella infection assays, with the infectivity of two isolates assigned to ST45 and ST629 being significantly higher than that of all other strains (P < 0.001). Interestingly, colistin MIC values proved to make a significant contribution at predicting lethal doses values (LD50 and LD90) of studied isolates in G. mellonella. Our data show that MgrB inactivation is a common mechanism of colistin resistance among K. pneumoniae in our clinical setting. The presence of identical mutations/insertions in isolates of the same ST and PFGE profile suggests the occurrence of clonal expansion and cross-transmission. Although virulence profiles differ among isolates irrespective of their genotypes, our results suggest that high colistin MIC could predict lower infectivity capability of the isolates

    A method for purification, identification and validation of DNMT1 mRNA binding proteins

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    DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) is the enzyme responsible for the maintenance of DNA methylation patterns during cell division. DNMT1 expression is tightly regulated within the cell cycle. Our previous study showed that the binding of a protein with an apparent size of ~40 kDa on DNMT1 3’-UTR triggered the destabilization of DNMT1 mRNA transcript during Go/G1 phase. Using RNA affinity capture with the 3’-UTR of DNMT1 mRNA and matrix-assisted laser desorption-time of flight tandem mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS-MS) analysis, we isolated and identified AUF 1 (AU-rich element ARE:poly-(U)-binding/degradation factor) as the binding protein. We then validated the role of this protein in the destabilization of DNMT1 mRNA. In this report, we detail the different approaches used for the isolation, the identification of a RNA binding protein and the validation of its role

    5-Aza-2′-deoxycytidine stress response and apoptosis in prostate cancer

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    While studying on epigenetic regulatory mechanisms (DNA methylation at C-5 of –CpG– cytosine and demethylation of methylated DNA) of certain genes (FAS, CLU, E-cadh, CD44, and Cav-1) associated with prostate cancer development and its better management, we noticed that the used in vivo dose of 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine (5.0 to 10.0 nM, sufficient to inhibit DNA methyltransferase activity in vitro) helped in the transcription of various genes with known (steroid receptors, AR and ER; ER variants, CD44, CDH1, BRCA1, TGFβR1, MMP3, MMP9, and UPA) and unknown (DAZ and Y-chromosome specific) proteins and the respective cells remained healthy in culture. At a moderate dose (20 to 200 nM) of the inhibitor, cells remain growth arrested. Upon subsequent challenge with increased dose (0.5 to 5.0 μM) of the inhibitor, we observed that the cellular morphology was changing and led to death of the cells with progress of time. Analyses of DNA and anti-, pro-, and apoptotic factors of the affected cells revealed that the molecular events that went on are characteristics of programmed cell death (apoptosis)

    Lectura y coherencia textual (análisis de un texto narrativo)

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    Los autores proponen la Lingüística Textual para un reenfoque de las actividades de análisis de texto en la enseñanza. Como modelo de aplicación de esa propuesta se expone un caso de análisis textual de una nanación en el que se localizan los mecanismos de coherencia y se generan preguntas de control y ejercicios para que el alumno desarrolle estrategias de lectura

    Primary gliosarcoma: key clinical and pathologic distinctions from glioblastoma with implications as a unique oncologic entity

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    This report presents the historical experience, clinical presentation, treatment, prognosis, and pathogenesis of gliosarcoma described to date in the English literature. PubMed query of term “gliosarcoma” was performed, followed by a rigorous review of cited literature. Articles selected for analysis included: (1) case reports of gliosarcoma, (2) review articles of gliosarcoma, and (3) studies of the pathogenesis or genetics of gliosarcoma in humans. Our review identified 219 cases of gliosarcoma in 34 reports and eight articles addressing the pathogenesis. Survival in larger series ranged 4–11.5 months. Features unique to gliosarcoma compared to glioblastoma (GBM) include their temporal lobe predilection, potential to appear similar to a meningioma at surgery, repeated reports of extracranial metastases, and infrequency of EGFR mutations. Published experience is limited to small case series, and the pathogenesis remains unclear. Clinical and pathologic characteristics distinct from GBM suggest that they may warrant specific treatment, separate from conventional GBM therapy

    The molecular pathology of p53 in primitive neuroectodermal tumours of the central nervous system

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    One hundred and one pre-treatment primary central primitive neuroectodermal tumours were analysed for the expression of p53 protein by immunohistochemistry using the monoclonal antibody DO-7. The staining intensity was classified into four groups: strong, medium, weak and negative and strong staining intensity was associated with the poorest survival. DNA sequencing of the p53 gene was performed in 28 cases representing all four staining groups. Mutations were found in only three of the strong staining tumours suggesting that DNA mutations were not common events and that in the majority of the tumours with over-expressed p53, the protein was likely to be wild-type. Results of immunohistochemistry showed a significantly positive relationship between the expression of p53 and Bax and Bcl-2 proteins, but not Waf-1. Multivariate analyses supported the prognostic value of p53 immunostaining in central primitive neuroectodermal tumours and also of age and gender of patients