61 research outputs found

    A common QTL for resistance to races 3 and 9 of soybean cyst nematode

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la asociación entre el gen rhg1 y la resistencia a las razas 3 y 9 de Heterodera glycines (Nematode del Quiste de la Soja - NQS). El cultivar resistente Hartwig fue cruzado con la línea susceptible Y23 y la respuesta a las razas 3 y 9 fue evaluada en 135 y 128 Líneas Endogámicas Recombinantes (LER), respectivamente. Los ensayos de respuesta al NQS fueron realizados en invernáculo bajo un diseño completamente aleatorizado. Ocho marcadores SSR fueron ordenados en una región genómica de 57 cM. La heredabilidad de la resistencia a las razas 3 y 9 fue 80,97 y 80,39%, respectivamente, indicando que pocos genes mayores estaban segregando en la población. Aplicando Mapeo por Intervalo Compuesto (MIC), el gen de resistencia rhg1 fue mapeado entre los marcadores SSR Satt275 y Satt038, a 2,0 y 3,0 cM del marcador Satt038, explicando el 29,11 y 20,01% de la varianza fenotípica de la resistencia a la raza 3 y 9, respectivamente. Estos marcadores serían herramientas útiles para auxiliar en la selección de genotipos resistentes al NQS y acelerar la introgresión de loci de resistencia al NQS a cultivares élite de soja.The aim of this work was to study the association between the rhg1 gene and the soybean response to races 3 and 9 of Heterodera glycines (Soybean Cyst Nematode - SCN). The resistant cv. Hartwig was crossed with the susceptible line Y23 and the response to races 3 and 9 was evaluated in 135 and 128 Recombinant Inbred Lines (RIL), respectively. Nematode assays were performed in the greenhouse using a completely randomized design. Eight SSR markers covered a genomic region of 57 cM. Estimated heritabilities of resistance to race 3 and 9 were 80.97 and 80.39%, respectively, showing that a few major genes are segregating in the population. Applying the Composite Interval Mapping (CIM) method, the rhg1 resistance gene was mapped between the SSR markers Satt275 and Satt038 at 2.0 and 3.0 cM from marker Satt038, explaining 29.11 and 20.01% of phenotypic variance in resistance to races 3 and 9, respectively. These SSR markers would be useful tools for assisting in the selection of SCN-resistant genotypes and for expediting the introgression of SCN resistance loci from cv. Hartwig to soybean elite cultivars.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Sexual function after vaginal erbium laser: the results of a large, multicentric, prospective study.

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    The aim of this multicentric, prospective study was to evaluate the effects of vaginal erbium laser (VEL-SMOOTH®) on sexual function in postmenopausal women suffering from the genitourinary syndrom..

    Sexual function after pelic organ prolapse surgery. Trocarless Transvaginal Mesh (TTMS) vs. laparoscopic transperitoneal pelvic organ prolapse suspension

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    Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and low urinary tract symptoms related to pelvic organs prolapse represent a common condition that negatively impacts on female sexuality (FS). The repair of this anatomical/functional condition could affect female sexual function. Laparoscopic approach known as “pelvic organ prolapse surgery” (POPs) or the anterior repair with a trocar-less trans-vaginal mesh (TTMs) represent two different surgical techniques to reach functional and sexual improvements. This study aimed to compare the results of minimally invasive approach (POPs) with open trans-vaginal mesh tape repair for the correction of SUI and to evaluate the different outcomes on sexual activity and urinary symptoms

    A common QTL for resistance to races 3 and 9 of soybean cyst nematode

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la asociación entre el gen rhg1 y la resistencia a las razas 3 y 9 de Heterodera glycines (Nematode del Quiste de la Soja - NQS). El cultivar resistente Hartwig fue cruzado con la línea susceptible Y23 y la respuesta a las razas 3 y 9 fue evaluada en 135 y 128 Líneas Endogámicas Recombinantes (LER), respectivamente. Los ensayos de respuesta al NQS fueron realizados en invernáculo bajo un diseño completamente aleatorizado. Ocho marcadores SSR fueron ordenados en una región genómica de 57 cM. La heredabilidad de la resistencia a las razas 3 y 9 fue 80,97 y 80,39%, respectivamente, indicando que pocos genes mayores estaban segregando en la población. Aplicando Mapeo por Intervalo Compuesto (MIC), el gen de resistencia rhg1 fue mapeado entre los marcadores SSR Satt275 y Satt038, a 2,0 y 3,0 cM del marcador Satt038, explicando el 29,11 y 20,01% de la varianza fenotípica de la resistencia a la raza 3 y 9, respectivamente. Estos marcadores serían herramientas útiles para auxiliar en la selección de genotipos resistentes al NQS y acelerar la introgresión de loci de resistencia al NQS a cultivares élite de soja.The aim of this work was to study the association between the rhg1 gene and the soybean response to races 3 and 9 of Heterodera glycines (Soybean Cyst Nematode - SCN). The resistant cv. Hartwig was crossed with the susceptible line Y23 and the response to races 3 and 9 was evaluated in 135 and 128 Recombinant Inbred Lines (RIL), respectively. Nematode assays were performed in the greenhouse using a completely randomized design. Eight SSR markers covered a genomic region of 57 cM. Estimated heritabilities of resistance to race 3 and 9 were 80.97 and 80.39%, respectively, showing that a few major genes are segregating in the population. Applying the Composite Interval Mapping (CIM) method, the rhg1 resistance gene was mapped between the SSR markers Satt275 and Satt038 at 2.0 and 3.0 cM from marker Satt038, explaining 29.11 and 20.01% of phenotypic variance in resistance to races 3 and 9, respectively. These SSR markers would be useful tools for assisting in the selection of SCN-resistant genotypes and for expediting the introgression of SCN resistance loci from cv. Hartwig to soybean elite cultivars.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Robot-assisted pelvic floor reconstructive surgery: an international Delphi study of expert users.

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    Robotic surgery has gained popularity for the reconstruction of pelvic floor defects. Nonetheless, there is no evidence that robot-assisted reconstructive surgery is either appropriate or superior to standard laparoscopy for the performance of pelvic floor reconstructive procedures or that it is sustainable. The aim of this project was to address the proper role of robotic pelvic floor reconstructive procedures using expert opinion. We set up an international, multidisciplinary group of 26 experts to participate in a Delphi process on robotics as applied to pelvic floor reconstructive surgery. The group comprised urogynecologists, urologists, and colorectal surgeons with long-term experience in the performance of pelvic floor reconstructive procedures and with the use of the robot, who were identified primarily based on peer-reviewed publications. Two rounds of the Delphi process were conducted. The first included 63 statements pertaining to surgeons' characteristics, general questions, indications, surgical technique, and future-oriented questions. A second round including 20 statements was used to reassess those statements where borderline agreement was obtained during the first round. The final step consisted of a face-to-face meeting with all participants to present and discuss the results of the analysis. The 26 experts agreed that robotics is a suitable indication for pelvic floor reconstructive surgery because of the significant technical advantages that it confers relative to standard laparoscopy. Experts considered these advantages particularly important for the execution of complex reconstructive procedures, although the benefits can be found also during less challenging cases. The experts considered the robot safe and effective for pelvic floor reconstruction and generally thought that the additional costs are offset by the increased surgical efficacy. Robotics is a suitable choice for pelvic reconstruction, but this Delphi initiative calls for more research to objectively assess the specific settings where robotic surgery would provide the most benefit

    ATLAS FTK : Fast Track Trigger

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    A track reconstruction system for the trigger of the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider is described. The Fast Tracker is a highly parallel hardware system designed to operate at the Level-1 trigger output rate. It will provide high-quality tracks reconstructed over the entire inner detector by the start of processing in the Level-2 trigger. The system is based on associative memories for pattern recognition and fast FPGA's for track reconstruction. Its design and expected performance under instantaneous luminosities up to 3 x 10^34 / cm^2 / s are discussed