10 research outputs found

    Ressenyes monografies: "Visualizing the Structure of Science"

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    Reseñas monografías: "Visualizing the Structure of Science"

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    REVIEW OF BOOKS-2: "Visualizing the Structure of Science"

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    Meridià: un portal para la difusión de la ciencia desde una óptica integral y cooperativa

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    The proper functioning of the Research, Development and Innovation(R&D&I) cycle requires an efficient processing of scientific information. The Institute for Catalan Studies (IEC) possesses a scientific observatory which recently presented the web portal Meridià. From a global point of view, this project aims to be a cooperative initiative to integrate and share information with other agents of the scientific system, providing a thorough understanding of their environment and the evolution of the different areas in science and technology

    Meridià: a web portal to disseminate science from a comprehensive and cooperative view

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    The proper functioning of the Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I) cycle requires an efficient processing of scientific information. The Institute for Catalan Studies (IEC) possesses a scientific observatory which recently presented the web portal Meridià. From a global point of view, this project aims to be a cooperative initiative to integrate and share information with other agents of the scientific system, providing a thorough understanding of their environment and the evolution of the different areas in science and technology

    The Meridià Portal of the Observatori for Research (OR-IEC): analysis, promotion and communication of Catalan scientific knowledge.

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    The highly strategic research, development and innovation (R&D&I) cycle is fundamental to scientific knowledge and economic growth. For the cycle to function adequately, relevant R&D&I information has to be managed effectively. In recent years, the Institute for Catalan Studies (Institut d’Estudis Catalans, or IEC) has played an increasingly important role as a consultant to public bodies, primarily by preparing reports and expert opinions on strategic aspects of Catalan science policy. In 1995, the IEC was commissioned by the Autonomous Government of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya) to produce the Catalan Research Reports (Reports de la recerca a Calunya), describing the state of Catalan research in specific knowledge fields. Two volumes have been published to date, covering the six-year period 1990-1995 (24 reports) and the seven-year period 1996-2002 (27 reports). In 2003, in order to support the work involved in producing the second volume, the IEC founded the Catalan Observatory for Research (Observatori de la Recerca de Catalunya). Since then, the Observatory for Research has gradually compiled data on the R&D&I system from all the Catalan linguistic-cultural regions. In 2008 the web portal MERIDIÀ was launched with the aim of serving as a useful and practical tool for an entire spectrum of users, ranging from researchers to interested members of the general public. Users are offered differing levels of access to the portal and its information, ranging from privileged access—by special agreement—for institutions and public bodies to basic access for the public. Rather than offering comparative analyses of entities or researchers, MERIDIÀ aims essentially to serve as a tool for transforming a large quantity of highly dispersed and heterogeneous information on R&D&I activities in Catalonia into accessible knowledge

    The MERIDIÀ web portal: the study and dissemination of Catalan science

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    The highly strategic research, development, and innovation (R&D&I) cycle is fundamental to scientific knowledge and economic growth. For the cycle to function adequately, relevant R&D&I information has to be managed effectively. In recent years, the Institute for Catalan Studies (IEC) has played an increasingly important role as a consultant to public bodies, primarily by preparing reports and expert opinions on strategic aspects of Catalan science policy. In 1995, the IEC started the Reports de la recerca a Catalunya (Catalan Research Reports) project, describing the state of Catalan research in specific knowledge fields. In 2003, in order to support the work involved in producing the second edition of the Reports, the IEC founded the Observatori de la Recerca (Observatory for Research, OR-IEC). Since then, the OR-IEC has gradually compiled data on the R&D&I system from all the Catalan linguistic-cultural regions. In 2008, the web portal MERIDIÀ (Measurement of Research, Development and Innovation) was launched with the aim of serving as a useful and practical tool for a broad spectrum of users, ranging from researchers to interested members of the general public. MERIDIÀ provides a tool for transforming the large quantity of dispersed and highly heterogeneous information on R&D&I activities in Catalonia into accessible knowledge

    The Meridià portal of research observatory (OR-IEC): analysis, promotion and communication of catalan scientific knowledge

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    The highly strategic research, development and innovation(R&D&I) cycle is fundamental to scientific knowledge and economic growth. For the cycle to function adequately, relevant R&D&I information has to be managed effectively. In recent years, the Institute of Catalan Studies (Institut d’Estudis Catalans, or IEC) has played an increasingly important role as a consultant to public bodies, primarily by preparing reports and expert opinions on strategic aspects of Catalan science policy. In 1995, the IEC was commissioned by the Autonomous Government of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya) to produce the Reports de la recerca a Catalunya (Catalan Research Reports), describing the state of Catalan research in specific knowledge fields. Two volumes have been published to date, covering the six-year period 1990-1995 (24 reports) and the seven-year period 1996-2002 (27 reports). In 2003, in order to support the work involved in producing the second volume, the IEC founded the Catalan Research Observatory. Since then, the Research Observatory has gradually compiled data on the R&D&I system from all the Catalan linguistic-cultural regions. In 2008 the web portal MERIDIÀ was launched with the aim of serving as a useful and practical tool for a whole spectrum of users, ranging from researchers to interested members of the general public. Users are offered differing levels of access to the portal and its information, ranging from privileged access—by special agreement—for institutions and bodies to basic access for the public. Rather than offer comparative analyses of bodies or researchers, MERIDIÀ aims essentially to serve as a tool for transforming a large quantity of disperse and very different information on R&D&I activities in Catalonia into accessible knowledge

    El portal Meridià de l’observatori de la recerca (OR-IEC): anàlisi, promoció i difusió del coneixement científic català

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    The highly strategic research, development and innovation(R&D&I)cycle is fundamental to scientific knowledge and economic growth. For the cycle to function adequately, relevant R&D&I information has to be managed effectively. In recent years, the Institute of Catalan Studies (Institut d’Estudis Catalans, or IEC) has played an increasingly important role as a consultant to public bodies, primarily by preparing reports and expert opinions on strategic aspects of Catalan science policy. In 1995, the IEC was commissioned by the Autonomous Government of Catalonia (Generalitat) to produce the Reports de la Recerca a Catalunya (Catalan Research Reports), describing the state of Catalan research in specific knowledge fields. Two volumes have been published to date, covering the six-year period 1990-1995 (24 reports) and the seven-year period 1996-2002 (27 reports). In 2003, in order to support the work involved in producing the second volume, the IEC founded the Catalan Research Observatory. Since then, the Research Observatory has gradually compiled data on the R&D&I system from all the Catalan linguistic-cultural regions. In 2008 the web portal MERIDIÀ was launched with the aim of serving as a useful and practical tool for a whole spectrum of users, ranging from researchers to interested members of the general public. Users are offered differing levels of access to the portal and its information, ranging from privileged access –by special agreement– for institutions and bodies to basic access for the public. Rather than offer comparative analyses of bodies or researchers, MERIDIÀ aims essentially to serve as a tool for transforming a large quantity of disperse and very different information on R&D&I activities in Catalonia into accessible knowledge

    The MERIDIÀ web portal: the study and dissemination of Catalan science

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    El cicle de la recerca, el desenvolupament i la innovació (R+D+I) ocupa una posició estratègica perquè potencia el coneixement científic i el creixement econòmic. Per al bon funcionament d’aquest cicle, és imprescindible realitzar una gestió eficaç de la informació. En els darrers anys, l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC) ha desenvolupat un paper creixent com a entitat consultora dels agents públics, mitjançant l’elaboració d’informes i dictàmens sobre aspectes estratègics de la política científica catalana. L’any 1995, l’IEC engegà el projecte Reports de la recerca a Catalunya, consistent en l’elaboració d’un estudi, per matèries específiques, sobre l’estat de la recerca al Principat. L’any 2003, per donar suport a les tasques d’elaboració de la segona edició, es va posar en funcionament l’Observatori de la Recerca de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans (OR-IEC). Des de llavors, l’OR-IEC ha anat incorporant dades sobre el sistema R+D+I de tots els territoris de llengua i cultura catalanes. El 2008 s’ha posat en marxa el portal web Meridià, que és un servei pensat com una eina útil i pràctica per a diferents tipus d’usuaris, des dels investigadors fins als ciutadans interessats. Meridià pretén, essencialment, ser una eina per a transformar, en coneixement, una gran quantitat de dades disperses i heterogènies sobre les activitats de R+D+Icatalanes