64 research outputs found

    Simple model for a quantum wire III. Transmission of finite samples with correlated disorder

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    The effect of a continuous model of correlations upon one-dimensional finite disordered quantum wires modeled by an array of delta-potentials, is analyzed. Although the model proposed is not able to include new truly extended states in the spectrum, the transport properties of a finite sample are noticeably improved due to the existence of states whose localization length is larger than the system size. This enhancement of transmission is maximized for relatively short chains.Comment: 6 pages, 18 figure

    Evaluación de la gestión económica y del plan de actuación para la mejora de los centros docentes en la Comunidad Valenciana por la Inspección de Educación

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    This article shows two external assessment plans for non-university educational institutions developed by the Education Inspectorate of the Valencian Community: the assessment and partial supervision of the financial management of public schools, as the core of their management autonomy, and the supervision and assessment of the action plan for the improvement, as the development of their pedagogical autonomy. From planning to the set of evaluation actions, we show as appendices the instruments used and refer to the URL of the Generalitat Valenciana’s Education Inspectorate to consult the regulatory documents that support them, as well as the models used. Each of these assessment plans has an executive report which is sent to the management team of the Regional Department responsible for Education and is made known to the school director.En este artículo se muestran dos planes de evaluación externa de los centros docentes de niveles no universitarios realizados por la Inspección de Educación de la Comunidad Valenciana: la evaluación y supervisión parcial de la gestión económica de los centros públicos, como eje de su autonomía de gestión, y la supervisión y evaluación del plan de actuación para la mejora, como desarrollo de su autonomía pedagógica. Desde la planificación al conjunto de actuaciones de evaluación, mostramos los instrumentos utilizados como anexos y dirigimos las referencias a la URL de la Inspección de Educación de la Generalitat Valenciana para consultar los documentos normativos que los sustentan, así como los modelos utilizados. Cada uno de estos planes de evaluación dispone de un informe ejecutivo que se remite al equipo de dirección de la Conselleria competente en materia de Educación y se da a conocer a la dirección del centro educativo

    Web de suscripción mensual para bot de Instagram

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    [ES] El presente proyecto de emprendimiento consiste en el análisis y el desarrollo de una idea de negocio basada en la oferta de un servicio de automatización de interacciones en Instagram. El objetivo de la automatización de interacciones es el crecimiento (en número de seguidores y actividad) orgánico de la cuenta de Instagram del usuario. Para lograrlo se ha hecho un estudio de mercado analizando posibles competidores, se han utilizado distintas metodologías que han ayudado a trazar el plan de empresa y finalmente se han materializado las conclusiones obtenidas en dicho estudio en una versión preliminar completamente funcional del producto final. El producto es una aplicación web mediante la cual los usuarios se registran y contratan un plan de suscripción, el cual les da acceso al servicio que realiza las interacciones. Se les da acceso a un panel de configuración, donde pueden parametrizar el comportamiento del servicio de automatización para ajustarlo a las particularidades de sus cuentas. Este TFG se ha desarrollado en el marco de Start.inf, el espacio de emprendimiento de la ETSInf.[EN] This entrepreneurship project consists of the analysis and development of a business idea based on the offer of an interaction automation service on Instagram. The goal of the automation of interactions is the organic growth (in number of followers and activity) of the user's Instagram account. To achieve this, a market study has been carried out analyzing possible competitors, different methodologies have been used to help to draw up the business plan and finally the conclusions obtained in said study have been materialized in a fully functional preliminary version of the final product. The product is a web application through which users register and contract a subscription plan, which gives them access to the service that performs the interactions. They are given access to a configuration panel, where they can parameterize the behavior of the automation service to adjust it to the particularities of their accounts. This TFG has been developed within the framework of Start.inf, the entrepreneurship space of the ETSInf.Cerver Copoví, MÁ. (2021). Web de suscripción mensual para bot de Instagram. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/172266TFG


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    [ES] En este Trabajo fin de Grado se presenta el proceso de realización y análisis de una pieza audiovisual que lleva por título Breve guía sobre el trap en España. Este proyecto hace un repaso sobre la escena musical del Trap que ha surgido en España estos últimos años. Además, se verá el fuerte vínculo con internet y las nuevas tecnologías que tiene este movimiento. El objetivo de este proyecto es mostrar el surgimiento de esta corriente y la razón de sus características y su éxito, acercando y familiarizando estos conceptos a personas que desconocen el trap.[EN] In this Final Thesis, the process of execution and analysis of an audiovisual piece entitled Short Guide to the Trap Music in Spain will be presented. This paper undertakes an overview of the emerging musical scene of trap music in Spain in recent years. Besides, the strong bond existing between this musical genre and the Internet and ICT will be analysed. The aim of this paper is to present the emergence of this trend and the reason for its main characteristics and success, bringing this genre closer to the general audience.Amorós Cerver, AL. (2020). EL TRAP EN ESPAÑA: NUEVAS TENDENCIAS EN LA INDUSTRIA MUSICALREALIZACIÓN DE UNA PIEZA AUDIOVISUAL. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/158658TFG

    A Team-Based Collaboration Used for the Development of Transnational Online Distance Education Courses

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    Using a team-based course development approach, the University of British Columbia collaborated with the Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation (APFNet) and universities from Australia, the Philippines, Malaysia, China, and Canada to design and develop six transnational, online, distance-education courses covering diverse topics such as sustainable forest policy, international dialogues in global forestry issues and forest restoration. The team-based approach is commonly used in online course development to form a cost-effective managerial and development team that manages timelines, coordinates solutions, and oversees budgets, all of which are particularly challenging for an international collaboration among universities across the Asia-Pacific region, due to cultural differences and variations in teaching and learning practices. This paper gives an overview of the design and development of transnational, online, distance-education courses, and the results of a pilot study that put the completed courses through an in-house, evidence-based quality enhancement rubric and a written survey reporting the leading professors’ satisfaction with the project management and instructional design services. The quality enhancement rubric showed that the course designs were of high quality and the written survey revealed that the subject matter experts were satisfied overall. However, many improvements were suggested and could be implemented to improve the quality of course design, and the collaboration in orientating subject matter experts to the team-based development process, and in implementing best practices for online course design

    Universidad emprendedora: de los spillovers de conocimiento a las sin-offs académicas

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    Esta tesis doctoral tiene como hilo conductor la utilización del conocimiento generado en las universidades para crear una empresa innovadora. Analizamos los spillovers de conocimiento, destacando el rol de la universidad como fuente de estos, describimos las universidades emprendedoras e identificamos las características de un ecosistema emprendedor ‘ideal’ que favorezca la creación y éxito de las spin-offs académicas. El impacto positivo que tienen los spillovers de conocimiento en términos de avance tecnológico, crecimiento económico y empleo nos llevó a interesarnos más por este concepto y plantearnos la identificación de las distintas líneas de investigación existentes en torno a dicho fenómeno. Mediante un estudio bibliométrico, identificamos cinco enfoques alrededor de los spillovers de conocimiento: (a) localización; (b) aglomeración; (c) enfoque institucional; (d) demografía; y (e) teoría del emprendimiento de los spillovers de conocimiento. Las universidades también son fuente de spillovers de conocimiento y muchas de ellas vienen adoptando una postura proactiva para que el conocimiento que generan se lleve a la práctica, bien por parte de la comunidad universitaria, bien por parte de agentes externos a ella, dando lugar a lo que se conoce como “universidad emprendedora”, es decir, aquella universidad que asume el emprendimiento y el crecimiento económico de su entorno como parte de su misión, junto a la docencia y la investigación. Surge así un novedoso campo de estudio caracterizado por una notable fragmentación, lo que aconseja llevar a cabo una sistematización teórica. De nuevo se recurrió a un estudio bibliométrico para identificar las principales líneas de investigación. Entre otras conclusiones, de la revisión de los distintos trabajos que dan cuerpo a cada una de estas líneas, destacamos la necesidad de que las políticas públicas apoyen el modelo de triple hélice, es decir, las relaciones entre empresa, universidad y gobierno, por su papel en la transferencia de conocimiento y la innovación, para que de esta forma la universidad pueda contribuir al crecimiento económico como parte de su misión. En la literatura sobre “universidad emprendedora”, las spin-offs académicas son uno de los mecanismos de transferencia que mayor interés ha suscitado entre los investigadores; los estudios constatan que se trata de una forma de emprendimiento académico que genera nuevos empleos de alta cualificación y contribuye al desarrollo económico y a la generación de riqueza. Mediante un estudio de múltiples casos identificamos las características idiosincrásicas, los elementos y los agentes que conforman un ecosistema emprendedor ‘ideal’ para favorecer la creación y éxito de este tipo de empresas. Los resultados obtenidos también han permitido identificar los rasgos diferenciadores de este ecosistema frente al ecosistema emprendedor ‘convencional’. Concluimos que procede poner el énfasis en políticas e incentivos a la investigación y a la transferencia, en la importancia de una cultura que las ponga en valor, en la necesidad de contar con capital humano de alta cualificación, en el papel destacado de las oficinas de transferencia de las universidades y en disponer de suficientes fondos para la contratación e investigación. En definitiva, en el contexto económico actual, para que las organizaciones y los países mejoren su competitividad, deben comprender que el conocimiento es un recurso estratégico clave que deben gestionar de una forma adecuada como input básico de la innovación. Esta investigación, a través de sus tres artículos, nos permite afirmar que el desarrollo económico regional y nacional depende tanto de la existencia de spillovers de conocimiento, como de las relaciones entre empresa-universidad-gobierno por su papel en la transferencia de conocimiento y en la innovación, y que las spin-off académicas son una potente herramienta para transferir el conocimiento generado en universidades y entidades públicas de investigación a la sociedad. Para potenciar el crecimiento de las regiones o países a las que dan soporte, las políticas públicas deben apoyar y fomentar tanto las relaciones y mecanismos que tienen un impacto directo o indirecto en la innovación, como el ecosistema en el que tienen lugar.This dissertation addresses the use of knowledge generated in universities to create an innovative company. We analyze knowledge spillovers, highlighting the role of universities as a source of knowledge, describe entrepreneurial universities and identify the characteristics of an 'ideal' entrepreneurial ecosystem that favors the creation and success of academic spin-offs. The positive impact of knowledge spillovers in terms of technological progress, economic growth and employment led us to become more interested in this concept and to consider identifying the different lines of research that exist around this phenomenon. Through a bibliometric study, we identified five approaches to knowledge spillovers: (a) localization; (b) agglomeration; (c) institutional approach; (d) demography; and (e) entrepreneurship theory of knowledge spillovers. Universities are also a source of knowledge spillovers and many of them have been adopting a proactive attitude so that the knowledge they generate is put into practice, either by the university community or by external agents, giving rise to what is known as the "entrepreneurial university", i.e. a university that assumes entrepreneurship and the economic growth of its environment as part of its mission, together with teaching and research. Thus, a new field of study emerges, characterized by a notable fragmentation, which makes it advisable to carry out a theoretical systematization. Once again, a bibliometric study was used to identify the main lines of research. Among other conclusions, from the review of the different works that give body to each of these lines, we highlight the need for public policies to support the triple helix model, i.e., the relationships between industry, university and government, for their role in the transfer of knowledge and innovation, so that in this way the university can contribute to economic growth as part of its mission. In the literature on "entrepreneurial universities", academic spin-offs are one of the transfer mechanisms that have attracted the greatest interest among researchers; studies show that they are a form of academic entrepreneurship that generates new highly skilled jobs and contributes to economic development and wealth generation. Through a multi-case study we identified the idiosyncratic characteristics, elements and agents that make up an 'ideal' entrepreneurial ecosystem to favor the creation and success of this type of enterprise. The results obtained have also allowed us to identify the differentiating features of this ecosystem compared to the 'conventional' entrepreneurial ecosystem. We conclude that emphasis should be placed on policies and incentives for research and transfer, on the importance of a culture that values them, on the need for highly qualified human capital, on the prominent role of university transfer offices, and on sufficient funding for hiring and research. In summary, in the current economic context, in order for organizations and countries to improve their competitiveness, they must understand that knowledge is a key strategic resource that must be adequately managed as a basic input for innovation. This research, through its three articles, allows us to assert that regional and national economic development depends on the existence of knowledge spillovers, as well as on industry-university-government relations for their role in knowledge transfer and innovation, and that academic spin-offs are a powerful tool for transferring the knowledge generated in universities and public research institutions to society. To enhance the growth of the regions or countries they serve, public policies should support and encourage both the relationships and mechanisms that have a direct or indirect impact on innovation, and the ecosystem in which they take place

    El estilo directivo de las mujeres y su influencia sobre la gestión del equipo de trabajo en las cooperativas valencianas

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    The research presented here studies the link between management style and the management of working teams in a sample of Valencian cooperatives with more than ten workers. It also studies gender-related management stereotypes and compares the perceptions of male and female managers. The conclusions indicate that the traditional stereotypes remain, although the gender variable is not the most appropriate way of classifying the perceptions of the people interviewed.Women, management style, working team, leadership, glass ceiling.

    Strategies to establish the structure and the evaluation system of the student projects in the bachelor engineering in industrial design and product development at Universitat Politècnica de València campus of Alcoi

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    [EN] The Bachelor Engineering in Industrial Design and Product Development is a multidisciplinary degree, in which a wide range of disciplines have a key role in the final projects developed by the students of the fourth grade. At Universitat Politècnica de València ¿ Campus d¿Alcoi, a number of lecturers are involved in an Education Project in order to change and adapt the evaluation system of the student projects. The current model is based on developing the work with the help of a supervisor and the evaluation carried out by other three teachers, who form the panel. In the frame of the Education Project, some teachers are trying to apply new strategies to improve both the supervising process and the evaluation system of the projects. First of all, an index is provided to the students to adapt the structure of their work. Then, it is intended that a number of teachers, each one from a different specialization, supervise the progress of the students weekly. Finally, the same teachers will take part in the evaluation as examiners. All this work must be integrated in the 120 attendance hours established to develop the project, which correspond to the 12 ECTS. In the frame of the new teaching-learning methodologies, the aim of this Education Project is to provide a system to develop and evaluate the student final projects, taking into account the role of students, supervisors and examiners in every stage of the work.Juliá Sanchis, E.; Jorda-Vilaplana, A.; Valor Valor, M.; Pla-Ferrando, L.; Sempere Ripoll, S.; Picó Silvestre, JF.; Bonet-Aracil, M.... (2017). Strategies to establish the structure and the evaluation system of the student projects in the bachelor engineering in industrial design and product development at Universitat Politècnica de València campus of Alcoi. EDULEARN Proceedings (Internet). 249-255. doi:10.21125/edulearn.2017.0106S24925


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    [EN] The Bachelor Engineering in Industrial Design and Product Development establishes the final project as a compulsory stage to achieve the degree. Due to the wide range of industrial products that can be designed, there is an extensive number of topics. The students can choose their final project according to the specialization they have studied all along the fourth academic year. At Universitat Politècnica de València ¿ Campus d¿Alcoi, three specializations can be studied: a) Product Design; b) Production and Innovation, and c) Textile and Fashion Design. Due to the multidisciplinary approach, there is a need to define a general index, both for students and lecturers, which contains the minimum contents of every type of project. Part of the work consists of analysing the three types of projects and the basic structure for each one, depending on the specialization. In addition, there is a particular project based on communication issues. A team of lecturers are involved in an education project at Universitat Politècnica de València. There is, at least, one representative for each specialization. The team has been working based on the last five years presented final projects and with a National Standard UNE 157001:2014: general criteria for the formal preparation of the documents constituting a technical project. The aim of this part of the project is to define the main structure for the minimum contents that these projects must include for their assessment. Finally, a document has been prepared as a basic guideline for students and lecturers, with definitions and instructions. Despite being four different topics, results show a common part which must be fulfilled by every project. Apart from the common part, every specialization has defined the particular features to be included. This document is useful for every part in the process: students to focus on the tasks to develop, lecturers to guide the students and introduce the process and the panel of teachers to obtain the basis for the evaluation.Bonet-Aracil, M.; Valor Valor, M.; Jorda-Vilaplana, A.; Sempere Ripoll, S.; Juliá Sanchis, E.; Pla-Ferrando, L.; Picó Silvestre, JF.... (2017). DEFINITION OF THE MAIN FEATURES OF THE STUDENT PROJECTS FOR THEIR DEVELOPMENT AND ASSESSMENT IN THE BACHELOR ENGINEERING IN INDUSTRIAL DESIGN AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT AT UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE VALÈNCIA CAMPUS OF ALCOI. EDULEARN Proceedings (Internet). 9471-9474. doi:10.21125/edulearn.2017.0789S9471947

    Cultural audit as a tool to increase employee involvement in small firms: A case study

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    Employee involvement is a common goal for most companies. This research started when managers of a familyrun horticultural firm decided to increase employee commitment and improve organizational climate. To help them, we considered the possibility of developing a cultural audit, adapting the tool to the fact that it was a small family business. Therefore, this paper will firstly review the existing literature concerning organizational culture, specially which cultural characteristics should be more valuable to achieve employee commitment and involvement and how to run a cultural audit. Secondly, it will expose the design and implementation of a cultural audit at this company, through an explicative case study that aims to compare the existing culture with the characteristics described theoretically. The study discusses the lack of trust, of a creative atmosphere, and of a shared vission, and suggests some recommendations to develop these characteristics, in order to gain the desired level of employee involvement. Key words: Employee involvement, organizationalO envolvimento dos empregados é um objectivo frequente nas organizações. A presente investigação surgiu de uma oportunidade criada no seio de uma empresa familiar no sector da horticultura, quando se decidiu aumentar o envolvimento dos empregados e melhorar o clima organizacional. Os investigadores desenvolveram um instrumento de auditoria cultural, adaptado a pequenas empresas familiares. Este artigo revê a literatura sobre cultura organizacional, com particular destaque para os trabalhos em que se relaciona a cultura e o envolvimento dos empregados, e auditoria cultural. Em segundo lugar, é exposto o desenho e a implementação da auditoria cultural na empresa, para o que se recorre a um estudo de caso. Por fim, são discutidos sucessivamente a falta de confiança, a atmosfera criativa, e a visão partilhada, e sugeridas algumas recomendações sobre como desenvolver estes atributos