53 research outputs found

    New zebrafish models of neurodegeneration

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    In modern biomedicine, the increasing need to develop experimental models to further our understanding of disease conditions and delineate innovative treatments has found in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) an experimental model, and indeed a valuable asset, to close the gap between in vitro and in vivo assays. Translation of ideas at a faster pace is vital in the field of neurodegeneration, with the attempt to slow or prevent the dramatic impact on the society's welfare being an essential priority. Our research group has pioneered the use of zebrafish to contribute to the quest for faster and improved understanding and treatment of neurodegeneration in concert with, and inspired by, many others who have primed the study of the zebrafish to understand and search for a cure for disorders of the nervous system. Aware of the many advantages this vertebrate model holds, here, we present an update on the recent zebrafish models available to study neurodegeneration with the goal of stimulating further interest and increasing the number of diseases and applications for which they can be exploited. We shall do so by citing and commenting on recent breakthroughs made possible via zebrafish, highlighting their benefits for the testing of therapeutics and dissecting of disease mechanisms

    Tissue-Specific Requirement for the GINS Complex During Zebrafish Development

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    Efficient and accurate DNA replication is particularly critical in stem and progenitor cells for successful proliferation and survival. The replisome, an amalgam of protein complexes, is responsible for binding potential origins of replication, unwinding the double helix, and then synthesizing complimentary strands of DNA. According to current models, the initial steps of DNA unwinding and opening are facilitated by the CMG complex, which is composed of a GINS heterotetramer that connects Cdc45 with the mini-chromosome maintenance (Mcm) helicase. In this work, we provide evidence that in the absence of GINS function DNA replication is cell autonomously impaired, and we also show that gins1 and gins2 mutants exhibit elevated levels of apoptosis restricted to actively proliferating regions of the central nervous system (CNS). Intriguingly, our results also suggest that the rapid cell cycles during early embryonic development in zebrafish may not require the function of the canonical GINS complex as neither zygotic Gins1 nor Gins2 isoforms seem to be present during these stages

    Tissue-Specific Requirement for the GINS Complex During Zebrafish Development.

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    Efficient and accurate DNA replication is particularly critical in stem and progenitor cells for successful proliferation and survival. The replisome, an amalgam of protein complexes, is responsible for binding potential origins of replication, unwinding the double helix, and then synthesizing complimentary strands of DNA. According to current models, the initial steps of DNA unwinding and opening are facilitated by the CMG complex, which is composed of a GINS heterotetramer that connects Cdc45 with the mini-chromosome maintenance (Mcm) helicase. In this work, we provide evidence that in the absence of GINS function DNA replication is cell autonomously impaired, and we also show that gins1 and gins2 mutants exhibit elevated levels of apoptosis restricted to actively proliferating regions of the central nervous system (CNS). Intriguingly, our results also suggest that the rapid cell cycles during early embryonic development in zebrafish may not require the function of the canonical GINS complex as neither zygotic Gins1 nor Gins2 isoforms seem to be present during these stages

    Antagonism between Gdf6a and retinoic acid pathways controls timing of retinal neurogenesis and growth of the eye in zebrafish.

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    Maintaining neurogenesis in growing tissues requires a tight balance between progenitor cell proliferation and differentiation. In the zebrafish retina, neuronal differentiation proceeds in two stages with embryonic retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) of the central retina accounting for the first rounds of differentiation, and stem cells from the ciliary marginal zone (CMZ) being responsible for late neurogenesis and growth of the eye. In this study, we analyse two mutants with small eyes that display defects during both early and late phases of retinal neurogenesis. These mutants carry lesions in gdf6a, a gene encoding a BMP family member previously implicated in dorsoventral patterning of the eye. We show that gdf6a mutant eyes exhibit expanded retinoic acid (RA) signalling and demonstrate that exogenous activation of this pathway in wild-type eyes inhibits retinal growth, generating small eyes with a reduced CMZ and fewer proliferating progenitors, similar to gdf6a mutants. We provide evidence that RA regulates the timing of RPC differentiation by promoting cell cycle exit. Furthermore, reducing RA signalling in gdf6a mutants re-establishes appropriate timing of embryonic retinal neurogenesis and restores putative stem and progenitor cell populations in the CMZ. Together, our results support a model in which dorsally expressed gdf6a limits RA pathway activity to control the transition from proliferation to differentiation in the growing eye

    Rpgrip1 is required for rod outer segment development and ciliary protein trafficking in zebrafish

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    The authors would like to thank the Royal Society of London, the National Eye Research Centre, the Visual Research Trust, Fight for Sight, the W.H. Ross Foundation, the Rosetrees Trust, and the Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity for supporting this work. This work was also supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Saud University for funding this research (Research Project) grant number ‘RGP – VPP – 219’.Mutations in the RPGR-interacting protein 1 (RPGRIP1) gene cause recessive Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA), juvenile retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and cone-rod dystrophy. RPGRIP1 interacts with other retinal disease-causing proteins and has been proposed to have a role in ciliary protein transport; however, its function remains elusive. Here, we describe a new zebrafish model carrying a nonsense mutation in the rpgrip1 gene. Rpgrip1homozygous mutants do not form rod outer segments and display mislocalization of rhodopsin, suggesting a role for RPGRIP1 in rhodopsin-bearing vesicle trafficking. Furthermore, Rab8, the key regulator of rhodopsin ciliary trafficking, was mislocalized in photoreceptor cells of rpgrip1 mutants. The degeneration of rod cells is early onset, followed by the death of cone cells. These phenotypes are similar to that observed in LCA and juvenile RP patients. Our data indicate RPGRIP1 is necessary for rod outer segment development through regulating ciliary protein trafficking. The rpgrip1 mutant zebrafish may provide a platform for developing therapeutic treatments for RP patients.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Abrogation of Stem Loop Binding Protein (Slbp) function leads to a failure of cells to transition from proliferation to differentiation, retinal coloboma and midline axon guidance deficits

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    Through forward genetic screening for mutations affecting visual system development, we identified prominent coloboma and cell-autonomous retinal neuron differentiation, lamination and retinal axon projection defects in eisspalte (ele) mutant zebrafish. Additional axonal deficits were present, most notably at midline axon commissures. Genetic mapping and cloning of the ele mutation showed that the affected gene is slbp, which encodes a conserved RNA stem-loop binding protein involved in replication dependent histone mRNA metabolism. Cells throughout the central nervous system remained in the cell cycle in ele mutant embryos at stages when, and locations where, post-mitotic cells have differentiated in wild-type siblings. Indeed, RNAseq analysis showed down-regulation of many genes associated with neuronal differentiation. This was coincident with changes in the levels and spatial localisation of expression of various genes implicated, for instance, in axon guidance, that likely underlie specific ele phenotypes. These results suggest that many of the cell and tissue specific phenotypes in ele mutant embryos are secondary to altered expression of modules of developmental regulatory genes that characterise, or promote transitions in, cell state and require the correct function of Slbp-dependent histone and chromatin regulatory genes

    Genesis of a Fungal Non-Self Recognition Repertoire

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    Conspecific allorecognition, the ability for an organism to discriminate its own cells from those of another individual of the same species, has been developed by many organisms. Allorecognition specificities are determined by highly polymorphic genes. The processes by which this extreme polymorphism is generated remain largely unknown. Fungi are able to form heterokaryons by fusion of somatic cells, and somatic non self-recognition is controlled by heterokaryon incompatibility loci (het loci). Herein, we have analyzed the evolutionary features of the het-d and het-e fungal allorecognition genes. In these het genes, allorecognition specificity is determined by a polymorphic WD-repeat domain. We found that het-d and het-e belong to a large gene family with 10 members that all share the WD-repeat domain and show that repeats of all members of the family undergo concerted evolution. It follows that repeat units are constantly exchanged both within and between members of the gene family. As a consequence, high mutation supply in the repeat domain is ensured due to the high total copy number of repeats. We then show that in each repeat four residues located at the protein/protein interaction surface of the WD-repeat domain are under positive diversifying selection. Diversification of het-d and het-e is thus ensured by high mutation supply, followed by reshuffling of the repeats and positive selection for favourable variants. We also propose that RIP, a fungal specific hypermutation process acting specifically on repeated sequences might further enhance mutation supply. The combination of these evolutionary mechanisms constitutes an original process for generating extensive polymorphism at loci that require rapid diversification

    The Cytosolic Domain of Fis1 Binds and Reversibly Clusters Lipid Vesicles

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    Every lipid membrane fission event involves the association of two apposing bilayers, mediated by proteins that can promote membrane curvature, fusion and fission. We tested the hypothesis that Fis1, a tail-anchored protein involved in mitochondrial and peroxisomal fission, promotes changes in membrane structure. We found that the cytosolic domain of Fis1 alone binds lipid vesicles, which is enhanced upon protonation and increasing concentrations of anionic phospholipids. Fluorescence and circular dichroism data indicate that the cytosolic domain undergoes a membrane-induced conformational change that buries two tryptophan side chains upon membrane binding. Light scattering and electron microscopy data show that membrane binding promotes lipid vesicle clustering. Remarkably, this vesicle clustering is reversible and vesicles largely retain their original shape and size. This raises the possibility that the Fis1 cytosolic domain might act in membrane fission by promoting a reversible membrane association, a necessary step in membrane fission

    Mitochondrial Fragmentation Is Involved in Methamphetamine-Induced Cell Death in Rat Hippocampal Neural Progenitor Cells

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    Methamphetamine (METH) induces neurodegeneration through damage and apoptosis of dopaminergic nerve terminals and striatal cells, presumably via cross-talk between the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria-dependent death cascades. However, the effects of METH on neural progenitor cells (NPC), an important reservoir for replacing neurons and glia during development and injury, remain elusive. Using a rat hippocampal NPC (rhNPC) culture, we characterized the METH-induced mitochondrial fragmentation, apoptosis, and its related signaling mechanism through immunocytochemistry, flow cytometry, and Western blotting. We observed that METH induced rhNPC mitochondrial fragmentation, apoptosis, and inhibited cell proliferation. The mitochondrial fission protein dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1) and reactive oxygen species (ROS), but not calcium (Ca2+) influx, were involved in the regulation of METH-induced mitochondrial fragmentation. Furthermore, our results indicated that dysregulation of ROS contributed to the oligomerization and translocation of Drp1, resulting in mitochondrial fragmentation in rhNPC. Taken together, our data demonstrate that METH-mediated ROS generation results in the dysregulation of Drp1, which leads to mitochondrial fragmentation and subsequent apoptosis in rhNPC. This provides a potential mechanism for METH-related neurodegenerative disorders, and also provides insight into therapeutic strategies for the neurodegenerative effects of METH