5,977 research outputs found

    Il paradosso dell’organizzazione "creativa"

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    L'articolo si propone di sviluppare una lettura semiotica dei processi organizzativi e decisionali dell'impresa, in particolare inn relazione al passaggio dalla dimesnione fordista a quella post-fordista. Sono evidenziate le trasformazione dei ruoli tematici e narrativi al fine di evidenziare i diversi livelli di autonomia e potere,, e le loro ricadute concrete dal punto di vista del funzionamento dell'impresa. Si analizzano infine le forme di interazione previste/correlate ai modelli organizzatvi più recenti. mostrandone i rischi soprattutto dal punto di vista della trasformazione degli obiettivi e delle condiizoni della loro realizzabilità

    Search for new physics at BaBar

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    We present recent results concerning the searches for light Higgs-like particles in the decay Υ(3S) → γA0, A0 → μ+μ− and Υ(3S) → γA0, A0 → invisible as well as the latest upper limits measured in the search for lepton flavour violating decays τ → 3� (� = e, μ) with the BaBar experiment

    High-energy physics experiments in space

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    Regulatory framework analysis of the solar photovoltaic energy in Brazil: successes and delays of a renewable energy policy

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    The market for photovoltaic solar energy is in a stage of strong growth, worldwide. Such growth is fostered by national and international regulatory frameworks, designed to launch and secure large scale diffusion of the technology. Brazil is considered one of the most promising markets for photovoltaic energy mainly due to favourable conditions for the implementation of this kind of generation. However, the representativeness of solar power in the Brazilian electricity matrix remains lower than expected which opens the door to interesting considerations. The current study investigates the adequacy of the most important energy policies, legislation, regulations, economic, financial and fiscal support schemes In this context, a comprehensive review of the Brazilian regulatory framework for photovoltaic energy was developed. Then some semi structured interviews with photovoltaic professionals were conducted to explore policy adequacy in a deeper way. The study finds that, despite the current regulatory framework having driven significant photovoltaic development in Brazil, urgent improvements are currently needed. To follow a process of modernization of the electricity sector, the recommendation for Brazil is to create a more coherent, stable, open and competitive regulatory framework, both for centralized and distributed photovoltaic generation.O mercado de energia solar fotovoltaica encontra-se em fase de forte crescimento mundial. Esse crescimento é promovido por estruturas regulatórias nacionais e internacionais, projetadas para iniciar e garantir a difusão em larga escala da tecnologia. O Brasil é considerado um dos mercados mais promissores para o sucesso da energia fotovoltaica, principalmente graças às condições favoráveis para a implantação deste tipo de geração. No entanto, a representatividade da energia solar na matriz elétrica brasileira continua abaixo do esperado o que abre a porta para considerações interessantes. O presente estudo investiga a adequação das mais importantes políticas energéticas, da legislação da regulamentação e dos apoios económicos, financeiros e fiscais. Nesse contexto, foi desenvolvida uma ampla revisão do marco regulatório brasileiro para a energia fotovoltaica. Depois disso, foram realizadas algumas entrevistas semiestruturadas com profissionais do setor para explorar essa adequação da política de uma forma mais aprofundada. O estudo conclui que, apesar do quadro regulatório atual ter impulsionado um desenvolvimento fotovoltaico significativo no Brasil, melhorias urgentes são atualmente necessárias. Para acompanhar um processo de modernização do setor elétrico, a recomendação para o Brasil é a criação de um marco regulatório mais coerente, estável, aberto e competitivo, tanto para o setor fotovoltaico centralizado quanto para a geração distribuída

    Is tranexamic acid effective in reducing postoperative blood loss in adult patients with lumbar degenerative disease who are undergoing posterior lumbar spinal fusion surgery?

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this selective EBM review is to determine whether or not “Is tranexamic acid effective in reducing postoperative blood loss in adult patients with lumbar degenerative disease who are undergoing posterior lumbar spinal fusion surgery?” STUDY DESIGN: A review of two double-blinded randomized controlled trials (RCT) and one RCT. DATA SOURCES: All articles were peer-reviewed and published in English between 2017-2020. They were found through PubMed and chosen based on ability to answer the objective. OUTCOMES MEASURED: The outcome measured in all articles was the objective amount of blood loss in mL contained in drainage output through postoperative day two. Xu et al. 2020 and Xu et al. 2017 calculated the pure blood contained in the postoperative drainage, while Kim et al. considered all fluid in the postoperative drainage to represent blood loss. RESULTS: Xu et al. 2020 found a statistically significant difference (p-value \u3c0.05) between the tranexamic acid (TXA) group, whose mean blood loss represented as mean ± standard deviation was 55.0± 23, and the placebo group, whose blood loss was reported as 114.5± 45.9. There was a mean difference of 59.5 between the groups. The study performed by Xu et al. 2017 found that average blood loss was 39.9± 28.5 in the TXA group, and 160.2± 82.8 in the placebo group, with a statistically significant p-value of 0.001. The mean difference between groups was 120.3. Kim et al. reported a mean 24-hour postoperative blood loss of 384± 33 in the TXA group, and 541± 28 in the placebo group, with a p-value of 0.04 and a mean difference of 157. Blood loss upon drain removal in the TXA group was 149± 18 and was 274± 50 in the placebo group, with a p-value of 0.02 and a mean difference of 125. CONCLUSION: All studies in this review found that use of TXA in posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) was effective in decreasing postoperative blood loss in patients with severe lumbar degenerative disease. Future studies could focus on optimal dosing and route of TXA administration

    Radiation-induced edge effects in deep submicron CMOS transistors

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    The study of the TID response of transistors and isolation test structures in a 130 nm commercial CMOS technology has demonstrated its increased radiation tolerance with respect to older technology nodes. While the thin gate oxide of the transistors is extremely tolerant to dose, charge trapping at the edge of the transistor still leads to leakage currents and, for the narrow channel transistors, to significant threshold voltage shift-an effect that we call Radiation Induced Narrow Channel Effect (RINCE)

    Migrare / Immigrare

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    Molecular detection of parasites (Trematoda, Digenea: Bucephalidae and Monorchiidae) in the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis (Mollusca: Bivalvia)

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    Members of the globally distributed bivalve family Ostreidae (oysters) have a significant role in marine ecosystems and include species of high economic importance. In this work, we report the occurrence of digenean parasites of the families Bucephalidae (Prosorhynchoides sp.) and Monorchiidae (Postmonorchis sp.) in Mediterranean native populations of Ostrea edulis (but not in the introduced Magallana gigas). Molecular detection was based on DNA sequencing of the ribosomal intergenic spacer 2 (ITS2) marker. The importance of detecting the presence of overlooked digenean parasites in Mediterranean oysters is discussed. © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group