3,813 research outputs found

    Production of fully-heavy tetraquark states through the double parton scattering mechanism in pppp and pApA collisions

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    The production of fully-heavy tetraquark states in proton-proton (pppp) and proton-nucleus (pApA) collisions at the center-of-mass energies of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and at the Future Circular Collider (FCC) is investigated considering that these states are produced through the double parton scattering mechanism. We estimate the cross sections for the T4cT_{4c}, T4bT_{4b} and T2b2cT_{2b2c} states and present predictions for pppp, pCapCa and pPbpPb collisions considering the rapidity ranges covered by central and forward detectors. We demonstrate that the cross sections for pApA collisions are enhanced in comparison to the pppp predictions scaled by the atomic number. Moreover, our results indicate that a search of these exotic states is, in principle, feasible in the future runs of the LHC and FCC.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Consenso Português para a Identificação Precoce de Esclerose Múltipla Secundária Progressiva: Painel Delphi

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    Introduction: Multiple sclerosis is a disease with a heterogeneous evolution. The early identification of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis is a clinical challenge, which would benefit from the definition of biomarkers and diagnostic tools applicable in the transition phase from relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis to secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. We aimed to reach a Portuguese national consensus on the monitoring of patients with multiple sclerosis and on the more relevant clinical variables for the early identification of its progression. Material and methods: A Delphi panel which included eleven Portuguese Neurologists participated in two rounds of questions between July and August of 2021. In the first round, 39 questions which belonged to the functional, cognitive, imaging, biomarkers and additional evaluations were included. Questions for which no consensus was obtained in the first round (less than 80% of agreement), were appraised by the panel during the second round. Results: The response rate was 100% in both rounds and consensus was reached for a total of 33 questions (84.6%). Consensus was reached for monitoring time, evaluation scales and clinical variables such as the degree of brain atrophy and mobility reduction, changes suggestive of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. Additionally, digital devices were considered tools with potential to identify disease progression. Most questions for which no consensus was obtained referred to the cognitive assessment and the remaining referred to both functional and imaging domains. Conclusion: Consensus was obtained for the determination of the monitorization interval and for most of the clinical variables. Most questions that did not reach consensus were related with the confirmation of progression taking into account only one test/domain, reinforcing the multifactorial nature of multiple sclerosis.Introdução: A esclerose múltipla é uma doença de evolução heterogénea. A identificação precoce da forma secundária progressiva é um desafio clínico, carecendo da definição de biomarcadores e ferramentas de diagnóstico aplicáveis na fase de transição da forma surto-remissão para a forma secundária progressiva. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estabelecer um consenso nacional português sobre a monitorização dos doentes e das variáveis clínicas mais relevantes para a identificação precoce da progressão da esclerose múltipla. Material e Métodos: Um painel Delphi constituído por 11 neurologistas portugueses respondeu a duas rondas de perguntas entre julho e agosto de 2021. Na primeira ronda foram incluídas 39 questões relacionadas com a avaliação funcional, cognitiva, imagiológica, de biomarcadores e outras, e na segunda, as questões para as quais não foi atingido consenso (menos de 80% de concordância) na primeira ronda voltaram a ser submetidas a avaliação pelo painel. Resultados: A taxa de resposta foi de 100% em ambas as rondas e 33 das 39 questões (84,6%) atingiram concordância. Foi atingido consenso relativamente ao tempo de monitorização dos doentes, às escalas de avaliação a empregar e a variáveis clínicas tais como o grau de atrofia cerebral ou redução da mobilidade, cuja alteração é sugestiva de esclerose múltipla secundária progressiva. Adicionalmente, os dispositivos digitais foram considerados ferramentas com potencial para identificar a progressão da doença. A maioria das questões para as quais não foi obtido consenso dizem respeito à avaliação cognitiva, estando as restantes inseridas nos domínios funcional e imagiológico. Conclusão: Foi obtido consenso para a determinação do intervalo de monitorização e para a maioria das variáveis clínicas. A maioria das questões sem consenso estavam relacionadas com a confirmação do diagnóstico de progressão tendo em conta apenas um teste/domínio, realçando a natureza multifatorial da esclerose múltipla.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of oilfield water treated by electroflocculation and reverse osmosis in a typical brazilian semiarid soil.

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    Produced water (PW), which is water extracted along with oil, is the largest waste stream in the oil and gas industry. With the proper treatment, this wastewater can be used in agricultural irrigation. This study evaluated the effects the application of PW treated by electroflocculation (EF) and combined electroflocculationreverse osmosis (EF-RO) on soil salinity and sodification parameters. Excessive sodium levels in PW treated by EF may affect soil structural stability and plant growth, and tends to accumulate in upper layers, displacing the nutrient K to deeper layers of the soil profile. PW treated by EF-RO did not promote salinization and soil sodification, indicating that this combined technique may be a viable alternative for oily water treatment aiming at irrigation use in semiarid regions

    Graphene field-effect transistor array with integrated electrolytic gates scaled to 200 mm

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    Ten years have passed since the beginning of graphene research. In this period we have witnessed breakthroughs both in fundamental and applied research. However, the development of graphene devices for mass production has not yet reached the same level of progress. The architecture of graphene field-effect transistors (FET) has not significantly changed, and the integration of devices at the wafer scale has generally not been sought. Currently, whenever an electrolyte-gated FET (EGFET) is used, an external, cumbersome, out-of-plane gate electrode is required. Here, an alternative architecture for graphene EGFET is presented. In this architecture, source, drain, and gate are in the same plane, eliminating the need for an external gate electrode and the use of an additional reservoir to confine the electrolyte inside the transistor active zone. This planar structure with an integrated gate allows for wafer-scale fabrication of high-performance graphene EGFETs, with carrier mobility up to 1800 cm2 V−1 s−1. As a proof-of principle, a chemical sensor was achieved. It is shown that the sensor can discriminate between saline solutions of different concentrations. The proposed architecture will facilitate the mass production of graphene sensors, materializing the potential of previous achievements in fundamental and applied graphene research.N.C.S.Vieira acknowledges a Postdoctoral fellowship at INL from FAPESP – SP/Brazil (2014/01663-6). G. Machado Jr. acknowledges a PhD grant (no. 237630/2012-5) from CNPq – Brazil

    Cellulose nanocrystals from grape pomace: production, properties and cytotoxicity assessment

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    Cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) were obtained from grape pomace through chemical and physical pretreatments. Bleached cellulose pulp was subjected to acid hydrolysis (AH) for 30 or 60min and an ultrasound treatment to obtain CNCs (AH30Sand AH60S). Compositional analyses of untreated (UGP) and pretreated (PGP) grape pomace showed the effectiveness of pretreatment in removing non-cellulosic components, recovering 80.1% cellulose in PGP (compared to 19.3% of UGP). Scanning and transmission electron microscopies were used to evaluate the CNCs morphology. AH in combination with ultrasound treatment led to needle-shaped structures and apparently more dispersed suspensions. Crystallinity index and thermal stability were studied by X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetric analysis, respectively. The AH60S sample presented high aspect ratio, crystallinity and thermal stability. CNCs toxicity was evaluated by exposing Caco-2 cells to CNCs suspension and evaluating their viability. Results showed that CNCs are non-toxic, opening the opportunity for their use on food and pharmaceutical applications.This study was supported by the Coordenacão de Aperfeiçoamento Pessoal de Ensino Superior (CAPES), Embrapa Agroindústria de Alimentos (EMBRAPA), FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IRSES-611493 (BiValBi – Biotechnologies to Valorise the regional food Biodiversity in Latin America) and Portuguese Foundation forScience andTechnology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit and COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684) and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020–Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. The work was also supported by the Norte Regional Operational Program 2014–2020 (Norte2020) through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Nanotechnology based functional solutions (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000019). Michele Michelin is a recipient of a FCT fellowship (SFRH/BPD/100786/2014). The authors thank Paula Pereira for the technical support.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Retail survey of Brazilian milk and minas frescal cheese and a contaminated dairy plant to establish prevalence, relatedness, and sources of listeria monocytogenes isolates.

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    A study was designed to recover Listeria monocytogenes from pasteurized milk and Minas frescal cheese (MFC) sampled at retail establishments (REs) and to identify the contamination source(s) of these products in the corresponding dairy processing plant. Fifty milk samples (9 brands) and 55 MFC samples (10 brands) were tested from REs located in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil. All milk samples and 45 samples from 9 of 10 MFC brands tested negative for L. monocytogenes; however, “brand F” of MFC obtained from REs 119 and 159 tested positive. Thus, the farm/plant that produced brand F MFC was sampled; all samples from the milking parlor tested negative for L. monocytogenes, whereas several sites within the processing plant and the MFC samples tested positive. All 344 isolates recovered from retail MFC, plant F MFC, and plant F environmental samples were serotype 1/2a and displayed the same AscI or ApaI fingerprints. Since these results established that the storage coolers served as the contamination source of the MFC, plant F was closed so that corrective renovations could be made. Following renovation, samples from sites that previously tested positive for the pathogen were collected from the processing environment and from MFC on multiple visits; all tested negative for L. monocytogenes. In addition, on subsequent visits to REs 159 and 119, all MFC samples tested negative for the pathogen. Studies are ongoing to quantify the prevalence, levels, and types of L. monocytogenes in MFC and associated processing plants to lessen the likelihood of listeriosis in Brazil

    Short-chain di-ureasil ormolytes doped with potassium triflate: Phase diagram and conductivity behavior

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    Di-urea cross-linked poly(oxyethylene)/siloxane hybrids, synthesized by the sol-gel process and containing a wide concentration range of potassium triflate, KCF3SO3, have been analyzed by x-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry. The pseudo-phase diagram proposed has been taken into account in the interpretation of the complex impedance measurements. The xerogels prepared are obtained as transparent, thin monoliths . At room temperature the highest conductivity found was 2 x 10-6Scm-1.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT