59 research outputs found

    Моральний аспект у детективних романах А. Конана Дойля і А. Крісті

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    Objectives: To investigate whether posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) are related to attentional bias towards cancer-related stimuli among parents of children recently diagnosed with cancer. Methods: Sixty-two parents completed questionnaires measuring PTSS, depression, and anxiety and the emotional Stroop task via the Internet. The emotional Stroop task included cancer-related words, cardiovascular disease-related words, and neutral words. Results: Participants were split in two groups based on the median of PTSS: High-PTSS and Low-PTSS. There was a significant interaction between word-type and group and a planned contrast test of this interaction indicated that the High-PTSS group had longer response latencies on cancer-related words compared to the other word-type and group combinations. Conclusions: Findings suggest that PTSS are related to attentional bias towards cancer-related stimuli among parents of children recently diagnosed with cancer. Implications of this finding for the understanding of PTSS in this population, future research, and clinical practice are discussed

    Foreword: The Vanishing Constitution

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    Increasing survival rates in childhood cancer have yielded a growing population of parents of childhood cancer survivors (CCSs). This systematic review compiles the literature on positive and negative long-term psychological late effects for parents of CCSs, reported at least five years after the child’s diagnosis and/or two years after the end of the child’s treatment. Systematic searches were made in the databases CINAHL, EMBASE, PsycINFO, and PubMed. Fifteen studies, published between 1988 and 2010, from 12 projects were included. Thirteen studies used quantitative methodology, one quantitative and qualitative methodology, and one qualitative methodology. A total of 1045 parents participated in the reviewed studies. Mean scores were within normal ranges for general psychological distress, coping, and family functioning. However, a substantial subgroup reported a clinical level of general psychological distress, and 21–44% reported a severe level of posttraumatic stress symptoms. Worry, disease-related thoughts and feelings, marital strains, as well as posttraumatic growth was reported. Several factors were associated with the long-term late effects, such as parents’ maladaptive coping during earlier stages of the childs disease trajectory and children’s current poor adjustment. Quality assessments of reviewed studies and clinical implications of findings are discussed and recommendations for future research are presented


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    <p>Subcategories and categories are presented in alphabetical order.</p

    Cancer during Adolescence: Negative and Positive Consequences Reported Three and Four Years after Diagnosis

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    Persons diagnosed with cancer during adolescence have reported negative and positive cancer-related consequences two years after diagnosis. The overall aim was to longitudinally describe negative and positive cancer-related consequences reported by the same persons three and four years after diagnosis. A secondary aim was to explore whether reports of using vs. not using certain coping strategies shortly after diagnosis are related to reporting or not reporting certain consequences four years after diagnosis. Thirty-two participants answered questions about coping strategies shortly after diagnosis and negative and positive consequences three and four years after diagnosis. Answers about consequences were analysed with content analysis, potential relations between coping strategies and consequences were analysed by Fisher's exact test. The great majority reported negative and positive consequences three and four years after diagnosis and the findings indicate stability over time with regard to perceived consequences during the extended phase of survival. Findings reveal a potential relation between seeking information shortly after diagnosis and reporting a more positive view of life four years after diagnosis and not using fighting spirit shortly after diagnosis and not reporting good self-esteem and good relations four years after diagnosis. It is concluded that concomitant negative and positive cancer-related consequences appear stable over time in the extended phase of survival and that dialectical forces of negative and positive as well as distress and growth often go hand-in-hand after a trauma such as cancer during adolescence

    Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress in Parents of Children on Cancer Treatment : Factor Structure, Experiential Avoidance, and Internet-based Guided Self-help

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    Having a child diagnosed with cancer is stressful and many parents of children on treatment for cancer report symptoms of posttraumatic stress (PTSS). The overall purpose was to, among parents of children on treatment for cancer, investigate the factor structure of PTSS; investigate the relationships between experiential avoidance (EA), rumination, PTSS and depression; and to develop, test, and evaluate a guided self-help intervention provided via the internet. In a longitudinal study with three assessments (n = 249-203) results indicated that a four-factor solution of PTSS including the factors re-experiencing, avoidance, dysphoria, and hyper-arousal provided best fit and that the pattern and size of factor loadings were equivalent across the three assessments (Study I). In a case study with pre-, post-, and follow-up assessments a guided self-intervention was well received with clinical significant and reliable improvements in PTSS, depression, and quality of life (Study II). Furthermore, in cross-sectional analyses (n = 79) EA and rumination were positively associated with PTSS and depression and provided incremental explanation in depression while controlling for demographic characteristics, anxiety, and PTSS. In longitudinal analyses (n = 20), EA but not rumination predicted PTSS and depression while controlling for initial levels (Study III). Finally, in a randomized controlled trial with parents fulfilling the modified symptom criteria on the PTSD-Checklist allocated to guided self-help via the internet (n = 31) or to a wait-list control condition (n = 27) there was a significant intervention effect with a large effect size for the primary outcome PTSS. Similar results were observed for the secondary outcomes depression and anxiety, but not for EA and rumination. Exploratory analyses suggested that the relationships between EA and PTSS and between EA and depression were weakened in the intervention group (Study IV). The studies included in the current thesis suggest that a four-factor solution should be used when assessing PTSS in parents of children on cancer treatment. Furthermore, rumination and EA in particular seem to be important constructs to consider when understanding PTSS and depression in this population. Finally, guided self-help via the internet shows promise in reducing PTSS and depression among parents of children on cancer treatment who report a high level of PTSS

    Självhjälp med e-poststöd vid full och partiell anorexia nervosa : preliminära resultat från en randomiserad kontrollerad studie

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    Anorexia nervosa är ett allvarligt tillstånd med hög dödlighet i långtidsuppföljningar. Trots detta finns i dagsläget ingen tydlig evidens vad gäller val av metod eller effektivitet när det gäller behandling för denna problematik. Föreliggande uppsats rapporterar preliminära resultat från en randomiserad kontrollerad studie av självhjälp med e-poststöd för individer med full och partiell anorexia nervosa. Syftet var att undersöka huruvida en behandling i självhjälpsformat som bygger på rekommenderade riktlinjer för vård av anorexia nervosa samt acceptance and commitment therapy är effektiv med avseende på beteende-, attityd- ochpersonlighetsvariabler relaterade till ätstörningsproblematik samt generella variabler som depression, självkänsla, tillfredställelse med livet och social anpassning. Under tidsperioden inkluderades 15 deltagare i studien och randomiserades till behandling(N=7) eller väntelista (N=8). Deltagare genomgick EDE-intervju före och efter behandling respektive väntelista samt svarade på en rad självskattningsformulär. Behandling respektive väntelista pågick under 12 veckor där deltagare i behandlingsgruppen arbetade på egen handmed ett nyskrivet självhjälpsmaterial med stöd via e-post från en kontaktperson.”Intent-to-treat”-analyser visade på enstaka signifikanta förbättringar i inomgruppsjämförelser mellan för- och eftermätning för behandlingsgruppen på attitydvariabler. Deltagarna i behandlingsgruppen försämrades dock signifikant på den generella variabeln social anpassning. Beräkning av kliniskt signifikanta förbättringar visade på enstaka förbättringar för enskilda deltagare. Ingen deltagare rörde sig ur en ätstörningsdiagnos men två deltagare i behandlingsgruppen ökade i vikt. Ingen deltagare i väntelistgruppen ökade lika mycket, istället gick tre ner motsvarande vikt. Slutsatserna är att resultaten är för preliminära för att med säkerhet kunna uttala sig ombehandlingsformatets effektivitet för denna problematik. Data från fler deltagare samt uppföljningsmätningar behövs för att kunna besvara frågeställningarna på ett adekvat sätt

    Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress in Parents of Children on Cancer Treatment : Factor Structure, Experiential Avoidance, and Internet-based Guided Self-help

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    Having a child diagnosed with cancer is stressful and many parents of children on treatment for cancer report symptoms of posttraumatic stress (PTSS). The overall purpose was to, among parents of children on treatment for cancer, investigate the factor structure of PTSS; investigate the relationships between experiential avoidance (EA), rumination, PTSS and depression; and to develop, test, and evaluate a guided self-help intervention provided via the internet. In a longitudinal study with three assessments (n = 249-203) results indicated that a four-factor solution of PTSS including the factors re-experiencing, avoidance, dysphoria, and hyper-arousal provided best fit and that the pattern and size of factor loadings were equivalent across the three assessments (Study I). In a case study with pre-, post-, and follow-up assessments a guided self-intervention was well received with clinical significant and reliable improvements in PTSS, depression, and quality of life (Study II). Furthermore, in cross-sectional analyses (n = 79) EA and rumination were positively associated with PTSS and depression and provided incremental explanation in depression while controlling for demographic characteristics, anxiety, and PTSS. In longitudinal analyses (n = 20), EA but not rumination predicted PTSS and depression while controlling for initial levels (Study III). Finally, in a randomized controlled trial with parents fulfilling the modified symptom criteria on the PTSD-Checklist allocated to guided self-help via the internet (n = 31) or to a wait-list control condition (n = 27) there was a significant intervention effect with a large effect size for the primary outcome PTSS. Similar results were observed for the secondary outcomes depression and anxiety, but not for EA and rumination. Exploratory analyses suggested that the relationships between EA and PTSS and between EA and depression were weakened in the intervention group (Study IV). The studies included in the current thesis suggest that a four-factor solution should be used when assessing PTSS in parents of children on cancer treatment. Furthermore, rumination and EA in particular seem to be important constructs to consider when understanding PTSS and depression in this population. Finally, guided self-help via the internet shows promise in reducing PTSS and depression among parents of children on cancer treatment who report a high level of PTSS