148 research outputs found

    Relationship between self-reported dietary intake and physical activity levels among adolescents: The HELENA study

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    Background Evidence suggests possible synergetic effects of multiple lifestyle behaviors on health risks like obesity and other health outcomes. Therefore it is important to investigate associations between dietary and physical activity behavior, the two most important lifestyle behaviors influencing our energy balance and body composition. The objective of the present study is to describe the relationship between energy, nutrient and food intake and the physical activity level among a large group of European adolescents. Methods The study comprised a total of 2176 adolescents (46.2% male) from ten European cities participating in the HELENA (Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence) study. Dietary intake and physical activity were assessed using validated 24-h dietary recalls and self-reported questionnaires respectively. Analyses of covariance (ANCOVA) were used to compare the energy and nutrient intake and the food consumption between groups of adolescents with different physical activity levels (1st to 3rd tertile). Results In both sexes no differences were found in energy intake between the levels of physical activity. The most active males showed a higher intake of polysaccharides, protein, water and vitamin C and a lower intake of saccharides compared to less active males. Females with the highest physical activity level consumed more polysaccharides compared to their least active peers. Male and female adolescents with the highest physical activity levels, consumed more fruit and milk products and less cheese compared to the least active adolescents. The most active males showed higher intakes of vegetables and meat, fish, eggs, meat substitutes and vegetarian products compared to the least active ones. The least active males reported the highest consumption of grain products and potatoes. Within the female group, significantly lower intakes of bread and cereal products and spreads were found for those reporting to spend most time in moderate to vigorous physical activity. The consumption of foods from the remaining food groups, did not differ between the physical activity levels in both sexes. Conclusion It can be concluded that dietary habits diverge between adolescents with different self-reported physical activity levels. For some food groups a difference in intake could be found, which were reflected in differences in some nutrient intakes. It can also be concluded that physically active adolescents are not always inclined to eat healthier diets than their less active peers.The HELENA study took place with the financial support of the European Community Sixth RTD Framework Programme (Contract FOOD-CT: 2005-007034). This work was also partially supported by the European Union, in the framework of the Public Health Programme (ALPHA project, Ref: 2006120), the Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research (FAS), the Spanish Ministry of Education (EX-2007-1124, and EX-2008-0641), and the Spanish Ministry of Health, Maternal, Child Health and Development Network (number RD08/0072) (JPRL, LAM)

    Evaluation of iron status in European adolescents through biochemical iron indicators: the HELENA Study

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    BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: To assess the iron status among European adolescents through selected biochemical parameters in a cross-sectional study performed in 10 European cities. SUBJECTS/METHODS: Iron status was defined utilising biochemical indicators. Iron depletion was defined as low serum ferritin (SF8.5 mg/l) plus iron depletion. Iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) was defined as ID with haemoglobin (Hb) below the WHO cutoff for age and sex: 12.0 g/dl for girls and for boys aged 12.5-14.99 years and 13.0 g/dl for boys aged ≥15 years. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay was used as analytical method for SF, sTfR and C-reactive protein (CRP). Subjects with indication of inflammation (CRP >5 mg/l) were excluded from the analyses. A total of 940 adolescents aged 12.5-17.49 years (438 boys and 502 girls) were involved. RESULTS: The percentage of iron depletion was 17.6%, significantly higher in girls (21.0%) compared with boys (13.8%). The overall percentage of ID and IDA was 4.7 and 1.3%, respectively, with no significant differences between boys and girls. A correlation was observed between log (SF) and Hb (r = 0.36, P < 0.01), and between log (sTfR) and mean corpuscular haemoglobin (r = -0.30, P < 0.01). Iron body stores were estimated on the basis of log (sTfR/SF). A higher percentage of negative values of body iron was recorded in girls (16.5%) with respect to boys (8.3%), and body iron values tended to increase with age in boys, whereas the values remained stable in girls. CONCLUSIONS: To ensure adequate iron stores, specific attention should be given to girls at European level to ensure that their dietary intake of iron is adequate.status: publishe

    Dags att precisera ämnet folkhälsovetenskap

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    Från 1920-talet inrättades utbildningar i Public Health i USA och i Centraleuropa. I Sverige täcktes kunskapsområdet av Socialmedicin och Hygien vid universiteten. Begreppet Folkhälsovetenskap som universitetsämne dök upp vid Nordiska Hälsovårdshögskolan (NHV) vid slutet av 1970-talet. Under 1980-talet blev NHV stilbildande för utvecklingen av folkhälsoutbildningarna i Sverige. Den stora expansionsperioden under 1990-talet, med nya utbildningar på såväl grund som avancerad nivå vid ett flertal svenska lärosäten, innebar att en viss spretighet i ämnesinnehåll uppkom. Vid Högskoleverkets nationella granskning av ämnet Folkhälsovetenskap vid svenska lärosäten under 2006 framfördes kritik mot bristen på enhetlig hantering av ämnet och avsaknad av acceptabel definition.Time to specify the subject field Public Health Science Training programs in Public Health were established in the United States and in Europe from the 1920s. In Sweden the field of knowledge was covered by Social Medicine and Hygiene. Nordic School of Public Health was trendsetting in modern Public Health training programs in Northern Europe from the 1980s. A period of rapid expansion of training programs, at basic as well as at advanced levels, was started in the 1990s in Sweden. However, due to a pronounced sprawling of the different training programs in Public Health in Sweden , the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education concluded a review by requesting a specification of the subject field and its content. Key Words: Public Health, training programs, historic review, Nordic School of Public Healt

    En ny skolläkarutbildning för skolans hälsofrämjande arbete

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     En ny kurs inom specialistutbildningen för skolläkare kommer att startas under 2017. Det finns en mer än 150 årig tradition bland skolläkare i Sverige att arbeta för positiv hälsoutveckling bland barn och unga i skolan. Men så här långt har det faktiskt inte funnits någon systematisk utbildning i form av specifik kurs för skolläkare. Ett viktigt mål i specialistutbildningen av läkarna är att lära sig bidra med medicinskt evidensbaserad kunskap i det tvärprofessionella samarbetet för barns hälsoutveckling i skolan samt för elever med sviktande mental hälsa, specifika neuropsykiatriska störningar och inlärningsproblem av andra orsaker

    Familial benign setting-sun phenomenon in healthy newborns

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