20 research outputs found

    Alimentación de la cerda gestante

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    La estrategia en esta etapa se centrará en una alimentación, en principio, moderada y que permita mantener un buen crecimiento fetal y desarrollo de las glándulas mamarias, así como incrementar la capacidad digestiva de la cerda de cara a la lactación. En esta fase son adecuadas las raciones diseñadas con alto contenido en fibra, voluminosas, que permiten el bienestar de la hembra que, en numerosas ocasiones, presenta problemas de insatisfacción por no sentirse saciada

    Alimentación de la hembra durante la lactación y el periodo destete-cubrición

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    En esta entrega se abordan estrategias para optimizar la ingestión durante la lactación, tras estudiar la importancia de la producción de leche en los requerimientos energéticos y nutritivos de la cerda

    Biomarkers and De Novo Protein Design Can Improve Precise Amino Acid Nutrition in Broilers

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    [EN] Almost half of the protein ingested by broilers is not retained and is excreted, impairing the nitrogen utilization, health and productivity of the animals, and intensifying the environmental impact of poultry meat production. This work proposes two potential tools, combining traditional nutrition with biotechnological, metabolomics, computational and protein engineering knowledge, which can contribute to improving precise amino acid nutrition in broilers in the future: (i) the use of serum uric nitrogen content as a rapid biomarker of amino acid imbalances, and (ii) the design and modeling of de novo proteins that are fully digestible and fit exactly to the animal's requirements. Both tools can open up new opportunities to form an integrated framework for precise amino acid nutrition in broilers, helping us to achieve more efficient, resilient, and sustainable production. This information can help to determine the exact ratio of amino acids that will improve the efficiency of the use of nitrogen by poultry. Precision nutrition in broilers requires tools capable of identifying amino acid imbalances individually or in groups, as well as knowledge on how more digestible proteins can be designed for innovative feeding programs adjusted to animals' dynamic requirements. This work proposes two potential tools, combining traditional nutrition with biotechnological, metabolomic, computational and protein engineering knowledge, which can contribute to improving the precise amino acid nutrition of broilers in the future: (i) the use of serum uric nitrogen content as a rapid biomarker of amino acid imbalances, and (ii) the design and modeling of de novo proteins that are fully digestible and fit exactly to the animal's requirements. Each application is illustrated with a case study. Case study 1 demonstrates that serum uric nitrogen can be a useful rapid indicator of individual or group amino acid deficiencies or imbalances when reducing dietary protein and adjusting the valine and arginine to lysine ratios in broilers. Case study 2 describes a stepwise approach to design an ideal protein, resulting in a potential amino acid sequence and structure prototype that is ideally adjusted to the requirements of the targeted animal, and is theoretically completely digestible. Both tools can open up new opportunities to form an integrated framework for precise amino acid nutrition in broilers, helping us to achieve more efficient, resilient, and sustainable production. This information can help to determine the exact ratio of amino acids that will improve the efficiency of the use of nitrogen by poultry.Cambra López, M.; Marín-Garcia, PJ.; Lledó, C.; Cerisuelo, A.; Pascual Amorós, JJ. (2022). Biomarkers and De Novo Protein Design Can Improve Precise Amino Acid Nutrition in Broilers. Animals. 12(7):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani1207093511612

    Effect of maternal feed intake during mid-gestation on pig performance, meat quality and muscle fiber development

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    Increasing feed allowance during gestation has been related with changes in muscle fiber development and pig performance post-natally, affecting meat quality traits at slaughter

    Agrumes entiers dans les rations totales mélangeés pour brebis laitières méditerranéennes. Production et composition du lait

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    [Otros] Dans cette étude, 48 brebis en lactation, appartenant à 2 races méditerranéennes, la race Guirra (race autochtone rustique) ou la race Manchega (race mixte) ont été utilisées pour évaluer l¿effet de l¿inclu- sion de fruits d¿agrumes entiers (WCF) dans leurs rations. Quatre rations complètes ont été formulées pour être iso-énergétiques et iso-azotées. Elles se différenciaient par le taux d¿incorporation de WCF (0, 10, 20 et 30%) qui était substitué, sur une base matière sèche, à de l¿orge concassée ou à de la pulpe de betterave en pellets. La production et la composition du lait ont été mesurées une fois par semaine sur deux traites successives (matin et soir). La production de lait obtenue avec le group recevant 30% WCF a été supérieure de 12% à celle des autres groupes. De plus, on a observé une réduction du taux butyrique avec l¿inclusion de WCF. Elle était de 8,2; 7,95; 7,69 and 7,1 pour les groups recevant respectivement 0, 10, 20 et 30% de WCF (P<0,05). La teneur en protéines du lait a été maximale avec le group recevant 10% WCF (6,4%) et minimale avec celui ayant 30%WCF (6,0% ; P<0,05), car la teneur en caséine du lait a été la plus faible avec le groupe recevant 30%WCF (-0,3% par rapport aux groupes avec 0 et 10% de WCF; P< 0,05), tandis que la teneur en protéines solubles a été similaire pour tous les groupes (moyenne: 1,17%). Tout au long de la période expérimentale, on a observé une diminution de la production de lait standard (6%FCM) avec toutes les rations (-35% par semaine), mais il a été plus prononcé pour les groupes recevant 20% et 30% WCF que pour les autres. En conclusion, l¿incorporation de WCF pourrait contribuer à diminuer la dépendance vis à vis des céréales pour les brebis à haute production sans affecter les paramètres de production laitière ; mais d¿autres études relatives aux effets de WCF sur la condition corporelle et sur la capacité des animaux en lac- tation à mobiliser leurs réserves doivent être faites.[EN] A total of 48 lactating ewes, belonging to 2 different Mediterranean breeds Guirra (rustic native breed) and Manchega (mixed aptitude breed) were used to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of whole citrus fruits (WCF) in their rations. Four iso-energetic and iso-protein total mixed rations were formulated containing fresh WCF at 0, 10, 20 and 30% replacing dry-rolled barley and pelleted beet pulp on a DM basis. The milk yield and composition were obtained once a week at morning and afternoon milking. Total milk yield values observed for 30% WCF group were 12% higher than for the others. Also, a reduction of the milk fat content with the inclusion of WCF was observed, being 8.2, 7.95, 7.69 and 7.1% for 0, 10, 20 and 30% WCF groups (P<0.05). Milk protein content was maximum for ewes on 10% WFC ration (6.4%) and minimum for 30% WCF group (6.0%; P<0.05), due to the lower milk casein content of 30% WCF group (-0.3% respect to 0 and 10% WCF groups; P<0.05), while soluble protein content was similar for all the groups (mean: 1.17%). Throughout the experimental period, a reduction of 6% fat corrected milk (6%FCM) production was observed with all the rations (-35 ml per week), but it was steeper for 20 and 30% WCF groups than for the other 2 groups. In conclusion, WCF could contribute to diminishing dependence of high-milking ewes on grains without affecting the milk output, however further studies related to WCF effect on body condition and on the capacity of lactating animals to mobilize body reserves should be made.This study was subsidized by the Consejeria de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación of the Regional Government of Valencia, and by the project INIA CAL03-089. 6.Piquer Querol, O.; Rodríguez Garcia, M.; Blas Ferrer, E.; Cerisuelo, A.; Fernández Martínez, CJ.; Pascual Amorós, JJ. (2011). Whole citrus fruits in total mixed rations for Mediterranean milking ewes. Milk production and composition. Options Mediterraneennes. Serie A: Seminaires Mediterraneens. 99:251-258. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/147521S2512589

    Effects of extra feeding in mid-pregnancy for three successive parities on lean sows' productive performance and longevity

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the long-term effects of increasing feeding allowance during mid-pregnancy in sows. A total of 103 PIC pregnant sows (mixed parity) were allocated to two treatments: control (C, n49) were fed 2.5 3.0 kg d 1 (12.1 MJ ME kg 1) and extra-fed (E,n 54) received 2.0 kg d 1 of the same feed from day 4 5to 8 5of gestation over three consecutive cycles. Body weight, backfat thickness (BF) and loin depth were measured on days 4 5and 8 5of gestation, farrowing and weaning. Litter and sows performance were recorded during lactation and post-weaning. Overall culling rates were 61 and 67% for C and E groups, respectively. After three cycles, E sows showed a positive BF balance in contrast to C sows (E 1.46 mm and C 1.81 mm, PB 0.05). In cycle 3, E sows presented greater piglet birth weights than C sows, being mainly evident in sows that were nulliparous at the onset of the experiment (PB 0.05). Extra-fed sows showed a greater incidence of mastitis-metritis-agalactia syndrome than C sows (P 0.003). Thus, increasing feeding allowance during mid-pregnancy positively affected BF balance and birth weight in nulliparous sows,but impaired the sows' ability to produce milk in the long-term