163 research outputs found

    The dynamics of Clopotiva village: a cartographical analysis

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    The study aims to analyse the dynamics of Clopotiva, a village in Hațeg Country, from the date of its first documentary mention until present. The analysis points out the role of the natural, historical and cultural conditions together with the processes influencing the dynamics of this settlement. Information extracted from monographies, historical documents and other specialised studies were used for the medieval period, and starting with the 18th century, GIS analysis was applied to the available cartographical documents in order to highlight the morphological transformations of the village. The results showed that the village appeared initially south-west of the actual location, developing towards Râul Mare and the agricultural fields. The study also aims to create an analysis model for the dynamics of the settlements in the Hațeg Country

    Exploring the landscapes of power: space, people and power in Tara Hategului, Romania

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    Conceptul de putere și relațiile sale cu spațiul pot fi analizate din perspectiva așa numitor peisaje ale puterii. Articolul se concentreză pe Țara Hațegului, regiunea din sud-vestul Transilvaniei cunoscută pentru evoluția sa particulară din punct de vedere socio-politic. Absența unor importante intervenții maghiare alături de prezența unei puternici elite locale a generat un peisaj cultural specific. Regiunea este recunoscută pentru numărul mare de biserici medievale, fortărețe și conace care s-au conservat până în prezent. De-a lungul timpului, au fost întreprinse numeroase studii cu privire la locația, funcția și arhitectura acestor monumente. Articolul prezent cercetează localizarea și dinamica funcțiilor edificiilor și încercă să ofere o altă persectivă utilizând conceptul de peisaje ale puterii. Relația dintre oameni, spațiu și putere este regândită, analizând amprenta peisagistică a acestor structuri.The concept of power and its relations with different spaces could be analysed in the form of landscapes of power. The article concentrates on Țara Hațegului, the south-western region of Transylvania, known for its particular evolution from a socio-political perspective. The absence of important Hungarian interventions, in conjunction with the powerful local elite, generated a specific cultural landscape. The region is renowned for the large number of medieval churches, fortresses and manors which have survived until present. Various studies have been made concerning the location, the functionality and the architecture of these landmarks. Focusing on the monuments' location and dynamics, the paper attempts to offer a new interpretation using the concept of landscapes of power. The relation between the people, the space and the power is put under a new light by analysing the imprint left by the structures in the landscape

    Il martirio del principe e la fine del mondo: Constantin Br\ue2ncoveanu nei canti narrativi tradizionali romeni

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    The Prince\u2019s Martyrdom and the End of the World: Constantin Br\ue2ncoveanu Romanian Heroic Epic Songs This paper aims to reconstruct the mythical background of the romanian epic-oral song about Constantin Br\ue2ncoveanu\u2019s martyrdom. The historical figure of Br\ue2ncoveanu, prince of Wallachia between 1688 and 1714, who was beheaded by the Ottomans, in romanian folklore is conceived not simply as a saint and a sacred figure but as a cosmic figure as well

    Secretul medical în legislația Republicii Moldova

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    Background. The medical professional secret is important part, both from a medical and from a legal point of view, because the hiding of private information by the patient can change the therapeutic behavior and the divulgation of personal data, by the doctor, can cause serious harm to the patient. Objective of the study. The development of the bioethical culture with legal references, displaying the need to update certain legal regulations stipulating the principle of confidentiality, in order to establish clear limits of its applicability. Material and Methods. Scientific publications, The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, Civil Code of RM, The European Convention on Human Rights, The Declaration of WMA, organic laws of Republic of Moldova. Results. A legal basis for establishing and managing the medical secret in Republic of Moldova has been identified. The legal issues that appear as a result of ignorance of the legislation of RM, in general and of the concept of medical secret, in particular, were revealed. Social behavioral gaps were found among patients and medical stuff, in terms of non-compliance with the concept of medical secret. The necessary information has been obtained on the conscientious use of personal data protection. Conclusion. We now increasingly witness serious deviations from the rules, even from state officials, and many patients, as a part of a society of the third millennium, do not know their rights to the confidentiality of information. Introducere. Secretul profesional medical este important din punct de vedere medical și juridic, deoarece ascunderea unor informații private, de către persoana-pacient poate modifica conduita terapeutică, iar divulgarea lor de către medic poate produce prejudicii grave pacientului. Scopul lucrării. Dezvoltarea culturii bioetice cu referințe juridico-legale, etalând nevoia actualizării anumitor reglementări legale ce stipulează principiul confidențialității, întru stabilirea unor limite clare ale aplicabilității sale. Material și Metode. Publicaţiile ştiinţifice, Carta drepturilor fundamentale a Uniunii Europene, Codul Civil al RM, Convenția europeană a Drepturilor Omului, Declarația Asociației Medicale Mondiale de la Geneva, legi organice ale Republicii Moldova. Rezultate. A fost identificată o bază legală de constituire și gestionare a secretului medical în Republica Moldova. Au fost relevate problemele legale ce apar în urma necunoașterii legislației RM, per general și a conceptului de secret medical, în special. S-au depistat lacunele comportamentale sociale în rândul pacienților și al personalului medical, prin prisma nerespectării tainei medicale. S-au obținut informațiile necesare privind utilizarea conștiincioasă a posibilităților de protecție a datelor cu caracter personal. Concluzii. Actualmente, tot mai frecvent se atestă abateri grave de la normele ce reglementează principiul confidențialității, chiar și din partea înalților demnitari de stat, iar mulți pacienți nu-și cunosc drepturile privind confidențialitatea informațiilor, inclusiv și secretul medical

    Some aspects of adrenal structure and functioning in the fetus

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    Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of MoldovaIntroduction. In adults, the adrenal gland consists of two parts: the outer one - the adrenal cortex and one in the inside - the medullary adrenal. The epithelial cortices of the adrenal cortex are arranged in three areas: the glomerular area, which specializes in the production of mineralocorticoids (the main representative being aldosterone), the fasciculating area producing glucocorticoids (cortisol, cortisone) and crosslinked area possessing the ability to deliver sex hormones androgens, estrogens). Aim of the study. Description of physiological and histological changes occurring in the adrenal glands of the fetus. Conclusions. The adrenal glands have an important role in the prenatal period, contributing to the development of the fetus as well as throughout life. From a histological point of view, the adrenal glands at the fetus have a different structure from the adult, which is represented mostly by permanent and temporary fetal cortical and a disorganization of the medullary substance

    «È una questione di qualità»: riflessioni su un grecismo d’autore

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    Il contributo indaga il ruolo dell’autore nella diffusione di innovazioni lessicali attraverso l’analisi di un neologismo ciceroniano: la parola qualitas, calco derivazionale dal greco ποιότης che compare per la prima volta in ac. 1, 24. Dopo alcuni cenni introduttivi alle dinamiche del contatto tra lingue e all’ideologia linguistica di Cicerone, l’analisi di ac. 1, 24-26 metterà in luce le strategie comunicative implicite ed esplicite dell’Arpinate volte all’introduzione del calco nel lessico latino. Inoltre, il dibattito tra i personaggi del dialogo filosofico, a commento dell’uso di qualitas al posto di ποιότης¸ fa emergere la profondità delle osservazioni metalinguistiche di Cicerone e la consapevolezza dell’Arpinate del proprio ruolo di onomaturgo

    Tracheal bronchus in children - a congenital bronchopulmonary malformation with clinical significance

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    Introduction. The tracheal bronchus (BT) is a rare congenital tracheal abnormality, defined as the presence of an ectopic bronchus that comes from the lateral wall of the trachea. Most cases are asymptomatic and occasionally diagnosed by advanced chest imaging techniques. BT is usually associated with other congenital abnormalities, such as congenital heart disease, pulmonary vascular abnormalities, respiratory tract abnormalities, or chromosomal abnormalities (1). There are 3 types of BT: type I originating at the middle and lower junction of the trachea, type II - in the lower third of the trachea and type III has a BT resulting from the tracheal wall near the level of the carina, giving the appearance of trifurcated carina (3). During endotracheal intubation, it can lead to atelectasis, the association of an infection and poor ventilation, which would lead to lung collapse (2). Aim of study. Computed tomographic (CT) evaluation of the chest in children with congenital malformation - tracheal bronchus. Methods and materials. Computed tomographic (CT) evaluation of the chest in children with congenital malformation - tracheal bronchus. The current study included 14 children with congenital malformation - tracheal bronchus, confirmed by CT of the rib cage. The average age of children is 3.5 ± 4.5 / 3.6 years with a range of 5 months to 15 years. The study included 6 boys (42.9%: 95% CI 17.7-71.1) and 8 girls (57.1%: 95% CI 28.9-82.3). Pulmonary CT was performed using Toshiba Aguillion Prime 80 Slices. The statistics were processed by Epi Info 7.2, Microsoft Excel. Results. Tracheal bronchus was found in all children with an emergency on the right side. In 3 children (21.4%: 95% CI 4.7-50.8) the malformed bronchial segment has a medium onset of trachea, in 2 children (14.3%: 95% CI 1.8-42.8) . ) in the lower segment, and in most cases - 9 children (64.3%: 95% CI 35.1- 87.2) near the tracheal bifurcation, resulting in the trifurcated appearance of the trachea Children with this malformation presented children with bronchopulmonary changes infiltration pneumonia at 3 (21.4%: 95% CI 4.7-50.8), interstitial changes with the appearance of frosted glass in 2 cases (14.3%: 95% CI 1.8-42.8), segmental infiltrations with atelectatic component - 4 children (28.6%: 95). % CI 8.4-58.1), and pulmonary fibrosis in 3 children (21.4%: 95% CI 4.7-50.8). Other congenital malformations (azygous venous lobe, Fallot tetralogy, common arterial trunk, doubling of the brachiocephalic vein) than tracheal bronchus were detected in 3 children (21.4%: 95% CI 4.7-50.8). Conclusion. The tracheal bronchus is a congenital malformation of the right side of the trachea. This bronchial malformation is clinico-imaged by bronchopulmonary changes with pneumonic infiltration, fibrotic changes with matte glass imaging, segmental atelectasis and fibrotic changes, and some children are associated with other congenital malformation

    Laparoscopic resection of nonparasitar splenic cyst

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    Government Hospital IMSP SR ACSR, Department of Endoscopy and Miniinvasive Surgery, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Introduction: Nonparasitic splenic cysts are rarely disease, and may be congenital or post-traumatic in origin. Traditional management includes total or partial splenectomy, partial cystectomy with marsupialization, percutaneous drainage, and sclerotherapy. A laparoscopic technique used to minimize the risk of splenic loss and cyst recurrence is presented.In the current study, we aimed to evaluate the laparoscopic management of patients with nonparasitic splenic cysts together with their long term follow up progresses.Methods: The cases of 5 patients who underwent surgery for spleen cysts at our hospital over the last 12 years from 1998 to 2010 were analyzed. There are 1 male and 4 female. The mean age was 31 (25 - 36). Symptoms included left upper quadrant pain and there was no history of trauma. Diagnosis was based on ultrasonography (US), and computed tomography (CT) findings. The mean size of cysts was 12 (8 – 15) cm. All patients were managed with laparoscopic partial cystectomy using the diathermic monopolar cutting of the cyst wall and hemostasis by coagulation.Results: All patients had an noncomplicated postoperative course and were discharged home within 3 – 5 days. Operative time was 35 – 90 min., and blood loss was minimal. Pathology finding was a epithelial (mesothelial) cysts. One case (the second of) the operation was finished by laparoscopic splenectomy immediately after resection of the cyst. Decision for splenectomy was caused to marginal bleeding and insufficiency of experience in this kind of procedure. Consecutive follow up in 10 years showed the hyperplasia (6 cm. in diameter) of accessory spleen (initial 1cm. in diameter) in this patient. One patient underwent laparoscopic procedure repeat in two years, but in 3th procedure the spleen was removed because recurrence and infecting of the cyst. Conclusion: 1.Laparoscopic splenic cystectomy can be performed safely. 2.This technique preserves the spleen and minimizes the risk of recurrence of the cyst

    From Periphery to Centre.The Image of Europe at the Eastern Border of Europe

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    The volume From Periphery to Centre. The Image of Europe at the Eastern Border of Europe gathers the papers presented at the international symposium of the same name held in Oradea, Romania, on June 4-8, 2013. The studies aim to uncover distances between centre and periphery and their common traits as well, as they are revealed in the various images of Europe and of its Eastern border. The articles cover a time span that goes back to the early Middle Ages and reaches the present, increasing their number for the modern and contemporary eras. The volume benefits the approach of more than one discipline, as the authors are not only historians, but also philologists, archaeologists and geographers. The introductory article reveals the aims of the volume and the means to reach them, while also describing the current issues it addresses. The editors propose a double perspective: on the one hand periphery viewed from the centre and on the other periphery as it sees itself. The articles of the first chapter cover a large space, from Western to Eastern Europe, from Rome to Byzantium and to the Ottoman Empire, ending with a study on the theoretical issues concerning otherness. The articles of the second chapter seem more focused on the Romanian space, especially on Transylvania. The chapter commences with a theoretical approach concerning the border concept and its various meanings. Further on, in chronological order, the authors discuss subjects concerning anthroponimy, demography, social and religious history, which, together, draw several self-images of Romanians and of the space they inhabited. Differences are set aside in the third chapter – European Identities – as the common denominator of centre and periphery is revealed in the articles reunited here. The authors discuss subjects ranging from early attempts of a European aggregation to Romanians’ alignment with European ideas and policies