7,393 research outputs found

    Aumento de la fertilidad mediante técnicas de procesamiento avanzado de semen: caso clínico

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    Current equine reproductive clinic aims to improve subfertile stallions semen quality, (which is furthermore affected by the processing protocol) and maintain this quality during storage. The aim of this paper is to present a case referred to the Hospital Clínico Veterinario Complutense, of a stallion with low sperm quality, and 0% fertility rate in the first batch of mares served. Due to these results it was decided to perform a special semen processing protocol, developed by our laboratory, in order to increase its quality throughout a colloidal centrifugation technique with EquiPure® This system is able to increase semen quality and maintain itduring cooling preservation, obtaining results of around 57,1% of total fertility, which validates this technique as an effective method for subfertile stallions semen processing.La clínica reproductiva equina actual persigue mejorar la calidad seminal de sementales subfértiles, (la cual, además, se ve afectada por el procesamiento del semen) y que ésta se conserve durante el almacenamiento. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un caso clínico remitido al Hospital Clínico Veterinario Complutense, sobre un semental que presenta una baja calidad seminal, siendo la fertilidad del primer lote de yeguas del 0%. Ante estos resultados se decide realizar un procesado del semen, desarrollado por nuestro laboratorio, enfocado a aumentar su calidad mediante un protocolo de centrifugación coloidal con EquiPure® (Nidacon International AB). La aplicación de este protocolo consigue aumentar la calidad seminal y mantenerla durante la conservación en refrigeración, obteniéndose unos resultados de fertilidad total del 57,1%, lo que lo valida como método efectivo para el procesado del semen en casos de sementales subfértiles

    Cuantificación de la contribución de las fuentes de liquidez en el Sistema de Pagos de Alto Valor en Colombia: una aproximación preliminar

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    En el presente trabajo se realiza un análisis de estática comparativa relacionado con la cuantificación de la contribución de las distintas fuentes de liquidez que utilizan las entidades financieras en Colombia para cumplir (liquidar) sus obligaciones en el sistema de pagos de alto valor operado por el Banco de la República, al que se denomina sistema CUD. Con base en ello se evalúa también la incidencia de diversas políticas adoptadas por el banco central para propender por la liquidación más temprana de las operaciones y mitigar riesgos de liquidez en el sistema de pagos de alto valor. Para tales efectos, se consideró el comportamiento transaccional y de liquidez intradía de los participantes en el CUD correspondiente a dos periodos de marcadas diferencias tanto en la funcionalidad del sistema como en el entorno económico (mayo de 2002 y mayo de 2010), agregando la información por grupos de agentes más activos como son los bancos, comisionistas de bolsa y sociedades fiduciarias. En la metodología propuesta se asume que los participantes utilizan como fuente primaria su saldo en cuentas de depósito en el banco central (encaje) con el cual inician un día de operaciones, luego se calcula el valor efectivo de la liquidez provista por el Banco de la República u obtenida en el mercado monetario y se toma como residuo la dinámica de los pagos entre los agentes (liquidez de los pagos entrantes). Este análisis permite hacer una aproximación preliminar a la identificación de las estrategias utilizadas por las entidades financieras respecto al uso de cada una de las fuentes alternativas de liquidez en el sistema de pagos y a identificar riesgos potenciales que se derivan de las mismas para cada tipo de participantes y sobre el sistema en su conjunto. También provee elementos de juicio a las autoridades financieras para el diseño de políticas macroprudenciales que mitiguen el riesgo de liquidez y el riesgo sistémico.Sistema de pagos de alto valor, sistemas de liquidación bruta en tiempo real, fuentes de liquidez, encaje, provisión de liquidez del banco central, dinámica de pagos interbancarios. Classification JEL: E42, E41, E51, C70.

    Opportunistic Pathogenic Bacteria Colonize Thorns of Native Rio Grande Valley Plants

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    Thorns serve as mechanical defenses of plants against herbivory. However, plant thorns harbor microorganisms that are potentially pathogenic. These pathogens may be transferred to herbivores and other animals and provide an additional defense for the plants. Thorns from 5 plant species native to the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas were collected and used to isolate bacteria colonizing the thorn surface. Thorns, leaves and stems of plants were visualized using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to observe any bacteria on the plant surface. Isolated bacteria were tested for their ability to grow in aerobic versus anaerobic environments, to produce hemolysis, carbon source utilization, and were gram-stained. Bacteria were identified by sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. A total of 69 pure cultures were obtained of which 61 were positively identified. The majority of the bacteria were gram-positive and facultative (i.e., able to grow both aerobically and anaerobically). Many (23%) were hemolytic suggesting that they were opportunistic blood-borne pathogens. All isolated organisms metabolized a collection of 31 tested organic substrates and metabolic activity was observed to be more efficient among anaerobically-isolated microorganisms compared to microorganisms isolated aerobically. SEM revealed that bacteria were found on the thorn surface but also on the stems and leaves of the plants. Identification using the 16S rRNA gene revealed the presence of 10 species representing 7 genera. The most commonly identified organisms were Bacillus cereus, Serratia marcescens, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, all of which are opportunistic pathogens

    Evaluating the Acceptance and Use of an Electronic Medical record at a Student-Run Free Clinic

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    This study is an evaluation of the implementation of an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) at the Student Health Action Coalition (SHAC), a student-run free clinic. The implementation is evaluated in light of the constructs of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and facilitating conditions presented in the Unified Theory for Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). The methodology encompassed nine one-on-one interviews with SHAC volunteers to learn their perspectives on the EMR. Findings show that use of and acceptance of the EMR at SHAC is influenced mainly by the performance and effort expectancy the volunteer associates with it and by the facilitating conditions supporting the system. Training volunteers more extensively on how to use the system may improve the efficiency of the EMR implementation. This research contributes to the field of medical informatics and may be of interest to other small clinics that are in the process of adopting and implementing an EMR

    Inhibition of MT1-MMP proteolytic function and ERK1/2 signalling influences cell migration and invasion through changes in MMP-2 and MMP-9 levels

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    Membrane type-1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP, MMP-14) is a unique protease that cleaves extracellular proteins, activates proMMPs, and initiates intracellular signalling. MCF-7 cells are non-invasive and deficient in MT1-MMP, MMP-2, and MMP-9 expression. We created an MCF-7 cell line (C2) that stably produces active MT1-MMP and demonstrated increased ERK1/2 phosphorylation. MAPK inhibition in this cell line showed an inverse relationship in MMP-2 and MMP-9 transcripts where levels of these genes increased and decreased, respectively. Using invasive MDA-MB 231 cells that endogenously produce MT1-MMP and have naturally high pERK levels, we demonstrated the identical inverse relationship between MMP-2 and -9 transcript and protein levels, suggesting that this novel relationship is conserved amongst MT1-MMP positive breast cancer cells. To further analyze the relationship between MMP-2 and -9 levels, we chemically inhibited activation and catalytic activity of MT1-MMP using a furin and MMP inhibitor, respectively, to show that interference with the functions of MT1-MMP induced changes in MMP-2 and 9 transcript levels that were always inverse of each other, and likely mediated by differential transcriptional activity of the NF-κB transcription factor. Furthermore, we analyzed the functional consequences of these expression changes to show MMP, and in particular ERK, inhibition decreased migration and invasion using 2D culture, and inhibits the formation of an invasive phenotype in Matrigel 3D culture. This study demonstrated a novel inverse transcriptional relationship between MMP-2 and -9 levels and MT1-MMP activity that have functional consequences, and also showed that increases in the levels of MMPs does not necessarily correlate with an invasive phenotype

    La capsazepina antagoniza la activación de TRPV1 inducida por estímulos térmicos y osmóticos en células humanas similares a odontoblastos

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    Objetivos: El dolor dental, que es el principal motivo de consulta de los pacientes al dentista, está clasificado como un problema de salud pública. El estudio de los mecanismos celulares y moleculares que contribuyen al dolor es un elemento fundamental para desarrollar nuevos analgésicos. Mediante el uso de un antagonista selectivo en un modelo in vitro, este estudio pretendía establecer el papel del TRPV-1 en células humanas similares a odontoblastos (OLC) como diana terapéutica para el dolor dental mediado por estímulos térmicos y osmóticos nocivos. Métodos: Las OLC se diferenciaron a partir de células mesenquimales de la pulpa dental y se evaluó la expresión de TRPV1. La activación de TRPV-1 se determinó evaluando los cambios en la concentración de calcio tras la estimulación con soluciones hiperosmóticas de manitol y xilitol o DMEM calentado a 45 °C, utilizando la sonda fluorescente de calcio Fluo-4 AM. Además, los cambios en la fluorescencia (F/F0) debidos al flujo de calcio se evaluaron mediante fluorometría y citometría de flujo. Simultáneamente, las células fueron coestimuladas con el antagonista selectivo capsazepina (CZP). Resultados: Las OLC expresaron DSPP y DMP-1, confirmando su fenotipo celular. Se expresó TRPV1, y su activación por diferentes estímulos produjo un aumento del Ca2+ citosólico que fue reducido por el antagonista. Los dos métodos utilizados para evaluar la activación del TRPV1 mediante la medición de la fluorescencia de la sonda de calcio mostraron patrones similares. Conclusiones: Estos resultados sugieren que la modulación del TRPV-1 mediante un antagonista puede implementarse como estrategia farmacológica para el manejo del dolor dental mediado por estímulos hiperosmóticos y térmicos.Objectives: Dental pain, which is the main reason for patients consulting dentists, is classified as a public health concern. The study of cellular and molecular mechanisms contributing to pain is a fundamental element for developing new analgesics. By using a selective antagonist in an in vitro model, this study aimed to establish the role of TRPV-1 in human odontoblast-like cells (OLCs) as a therapeutic target for dental pain mediated by noxious thermal and osmotic stimuli. Methods: OLCs were differentiated from dental pulp mesenchymal cells and TRPV1 expression was evaluated. Activation of TRPV-1 was determined by evaluating changes in calcium concentration after stimulation with mannitol and xylitol hyperosmotic solutions or DMEM heated at 45 °C, using the fluorescent calcium probe Fluo-4 AM. In addition, changes in fluorescence (F/F0) due to calcium flux were evaluated using fluorometry and flow cytometry. Simultaneously, the cells were co-stimulated with the selective antagonist capsazepine (CZP). Results: OLCs expressed DSPP and DMP-1, confirming their cellular phenotype. TRPV1 was expressed, and its activation by different stimuli produced an increase in cytosolic Ca2+ which was reduced by the antagonist. Both methods used to evaluate TRPV1 activation through the measurement of calcium probe fluorescence showed similar patterns. Conclusions: These results suggest that TRPV-1 modulation using an antagonist can be implemented as a pharmacological strategy for managing dental pain mediated by hyperosmotic and thermal stimuli

    El Mindfulness Disposicional y su Relación con el Bienestar, la Salud Emocional y la Regulación Emocional

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    Mindfulness a traditional Eastern practice recently has been introduced into the Western multiples fields of knowledge and research. Mindfulness, defined as a dispositional trait, refers to a set of observable behaviors, dispositions or innate tendencies o f human beings, related to the natural tendency to be aware (mindful) (Baer, Smith, Hopkings, Krietemeyer & Toney, 2006) in which specific traits and individual differences are shown (Brown & Ryan, 2003). This dispositional trait could be cultivated with the practice. A narrative review of literature, from 2005-2015, was performed in order to understand: What are the outcomes about the relationship of dispositional mindfulness, wellbeing, emotional health and emotional regulation? The literature reviewed  establish  the  relationship  between  the  presence  of dispositional  mindfulness  trait, emotional  health  and  emotional regulation.  Also  the  positive  impact  of these  on  emotions, thoughts, behaviors and lifestyles is suggested. It is recommended: additional research on the field with different research methodology, both quantitative and qualitative, the inclusion of strategies to develop dispositional mindfulness in therapeutic interventions in mental health and the development of therapeutic and educational programs on the basis of mindfulness as practice and dispositional trait.Una de las prácticas de la sociedad oriental que se ha insertado en múltiples campos del saber y la investigación es el mindfulness, tanto la práctica como el rasgo disposicional. El mindfulness, entendido como rasgo disposicional, se refiere a un conjunto de conductas observables, disposiciones o tendencias innatas de los seres humanos, relacionadas a la tendencia natural de ser consciente (mindful) (Baer, Smith, Hopkings, Krietemeyer & Toney, 2006), en la cual se presentan rasgos específicos en los cuales hay diferencias individuales (Brown & Ryan,2003), que pueden ser cultivados. Se realiza una revisión narrativa de literatura, de los últimos 10 años, con el propósito de conocer: ¿Cuáles son los hallazgos en torno a la relación entre el mindfulness disposicional y el bienestar,  la salud  emocional y la regulación emocional? La literatura revisada es consistente en señalar la relación entre la presencia del rasgo de mindfulness disposicional en los individuos e indicadores de bienestar, salud emocional y regulación emocional y el impacto de estos en emociones, pensamientos, conductas y estilos de vida más positivos. Se recomienda: que se continúen realizando investigaciones con diversa metodología, tanto cuantitativa como cualitativa sobre estos temas, la inclusión de estrategias que desarrollen los rasgos de mindfulness disposicional en intervenciones terapéuticas en salud mental y el desarrollo de programas terapéuticos y educativos sobre las bases de mindfulness como práctica y como rasgo disposicional

    Stable expression of α1-antitrypsin Portland in MDA-MB-231 cells increased MT1-MMP and MMP-9 levels, but reduced tumour progression.

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    The membrane bound matrix metalloproteinase MT1-MMP plays roles in modulating cell movement, independent of its abilities to remodel the extracellular matrix. Unlike many MMPs, MT1-MMP is activated in the Golgi prior to secretion by a pro-protein convertase, primarily furin. Regulation of the activation of pro-MT1-MMP has been methodically investigated, as altering the level of the active protein has broad implications in both activating other proMMPs, including pro-MMP-2, and many subsequent remodelling events. Our previous work in MCF-7 cells has demonstrated that modest, and not extremely high, levels of active MT1-MMP manifests into altered cell morphology and movement. At this low but optimal amount of MT1-MMP protein, changes to MT1-MMP levels are always mirrored by MMP-9 and pERK levels, and always opposite to MMP-2 levels. In this study, stable expression of the furin inhibitor α1- antitrypsin Portland (α1-PDX) in MDA-MB-231 cells increased overall MT1-MMP levels, but cells maintained a 21% proportion of pro-MT1-MMP. The increase in MT1- MMP was mirrored by increases in MMP-9 and pERK, but a decrease in MMP-2. These changes were associated with increased NF-κB transcription. In vitro analysis showed that α1-PDX decreased cell protrusions and migration, and this manifested as decreased tumourigenesis when examined in vivo using a chick CAM assay