383 research outputs found

    Caspase-independent programmed cell death triggers Ca2PO4 deposition in an in vitro model of nephrocalcinosis

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    We provide evidence of caspase-independent cell death triggering the calcification process in GDNF-silenced HK-2 cells

    Cell death in the kidney

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    Apoptotic cell death is usually a response to the cell’s microenvironment. In the kidney, apoptosis contributes to parenchymal cell loss in the course of acute and chronic renal injury, but does not trigger an inflammatory response. What distinguishes necrosis from apoptosis is the rupture of the plasma membrane, so necrotic cell death is accompanied by the release of unprocessed intracellular content, including cellular organelles, which are highly immunogenic proteins. The relative contribution of apoptosis and necrosis to injury varies, depending on the severity of the insult. Regulated cell death may result from immunologically silent apoptosis or from immunogenic necrosis. Recent advances have enhanced the most revolutionary concept of regulated necrosis. Several modalities of regulated necrosis have been described, such as necroptosis, ferroptosis, pyroptosis, and mitochondrial permeability transition-dependent regulated necrosis. We review the different modalities of apoptosis, necrosis, and regulated necrosis in kidney injury, focusing particularly on evidence implicating cell death in ectopic renal calcification. We also review the evidence for the role of cell death in kidney injury, which may pave the way for new therapeutic opportunities

    Regulation of zebrafish melanocyte development by ligand-dependent BMP signaling

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    Preventing terminal differentiation is important in the development and progression of many cancers including melanoma. Recent identification of the BMP ligand GDF6 as a novel melanoma oncogene showed GDF6-activated BMP signaling suppresses differentiation of melanoma cells. Previous studies have identified roles for GDF6 orthologs during early embryonic and neural crest development, but have not identified direct regulation of melanocyte development by GDF6. Here, we investigate the BMP ligand gdf6a, a zebrafish ortholog of human GDF6, during the development of melanocytes from the neural crest. We establish that the loss of gdf6a or inhibition of BMP signaling during neural crest development disrupts normal pigment cell development, leading to an increase in the number of melanocytes and a corresponding decrease in iridophores, another neural crest-derived pigment cell type in zebrafish. This shift occurs as pigment cells arise from the neural crest and depends on mitfa, an ortholog of MITF, a key regulator of melanocyte development that is also targeted by oncogenic BMP signaling. Together, these results indicate that the oncogenic role ligand-dependent BMP signaling plays in suppressing differentiation in melanoma is a reiteration of its physiological roles during melanocyte development

    Hypercalciuria and nephrolithiasis: Expanding the renal phenotype of Donnai-Barrow syndrome

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    Whole exome sequencing detected novel likely pathogenic variants in LRP2 gene in 2 patients presenting with hearing and vision loss, and the Dent disease (DD) classical renal phenotype, that is, low molecular weight proteinuria (LMWP), hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis/nephrolithiasis. We propose that a subset of patients presenting as DD may represent unrecognized cases or mild forms of Donnai-Barrow/facio-oculo-acustico-renal (DB/FOAR) syndrome or be on the phenotypic continuum between the 2 conditions

    Human parietal epithelial cells (PECs) and proteinuria in lupus nephritis: a role for ClC-5, megalin, and cubilin?

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    Background: Parietal epithelial cells are a heterogeneous population of cells located on Bowman’s capsule. These cells are known to internalize albumin with a still undetermined mechanism, although albumin has been shown to induce phenotypic changes in parietal epithelial cells. Proximal tubular cells are the main actors in albumin handling via the macromolecular complex composed by ClC-5, megalin, and cubilin. This study investigated the role of ClC-5, megalin, and cubilin in the parietal epithelial cells of kidney biopsies from proteinuric lupus nephritis patients and control subjects and identified phenotypical changes occurring in the pathological milieu. Methods: Immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence analyses for ClC-5, megalin, cubilin, ANXA3, podocalyxin, CD24, CD44, HSA, and LTA marker were performed on 23 kidney biopsies from patients with Lupus Nephritis and 9 control biopsies (obtained from nephrectomies for renal cancer). Results: Two sub-populations of hypertrophic parietal epithelial cells ANXA3+/Podocalyxin−/CD44−, both expressing ClC-5, megalin, and cubilin and located at the tubular pole, were identified and characterized: the first one, CD24+/HSA−/LTA− had characteristics of human adult parietal epithelial multipotent progenitors, the second one, CD24−/LTA+/HSA+ committed to become phenotypically proximal tubular cells. The number of glomeruli presenting hypertrophic parietal epithelial cells positive for ClC-5, megalin, and cubilin were significantly higher in lupus nephritis patients than in controls. Conclusions: Our results may provide further insight into the role of hypertrophic parietal epithelial cells located at the tubular pole and their possible involvement in protein endocytosis in lupus nephritis patients. These data also suggest that the presence of hypertrophic parietal epithelial cells in Bowman's capsule represents a potential resource for responding to protein overload observed in other glomerulonephritis

    MINE: Module Identification in Networks

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Graphical models of network associations are useful for both visualizing and integrating multiple types of association data. Identifying modules, or groups of functionally related gene products, is an important challenge in analyzing biological networks. However, existing tools to identify modules are insufficient when applied to dense networks of experimentally derived interaction data. To address this problem, we have developed an agglomerative clustering method that is able to identify highly modular sets of gene products within highly interconnected molecular interaction networks.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>MINE outperforms MCODE, CFinder, NEMO, SPICi, and MCL in identifying non-exclusive, high modularity clusters when applied to the <it>C. elegans </it>protein-protein interaction network. The algorithm generally achieves superior geometric accuracy and modularity for annotated functional categories. In comparison with the most closely related algorithm, MCODE, the top clusters identified by MINE are consistently of higher density and MINE is less likely to designate overlapping modules as a single unit. MINE offers a high level of granularity with a small number of adjustable parameters, enabling users to fine-tune cluster results for input networks with differing topological properties.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>MINE was created in response to the challenge of discovering high quality modules of gene products within highly interconnected biological networks. The algorithm allows a high degree of flexibility and user-customisation of results with few adjustable parameters. MINE outperforms several popular clustering algorithms in identifying modules with high modularity and obtains good overall recall and precision of functional annotations in protein-protein interaction networks from both <it>S. cerevisiae </it>and <it>C. elegans</it>.</p

    A Mechanistic Basis for the Coordinated Regulation of Pharyngeal Morphogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans by LIN-35/Rb and UBC-18–ARI-1

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    Genetic redundancy, whereby two genes carry out seemingly overlapping functions, may in large part be attributable to the intricacy and robustness of genetic networks that control many developmental processes. We have previously described a complex set of genetic interactions underlying foregut development in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Specifically, LIN-35/Rb, a tumor suppressor ortholog, in conjunction with UBC-18–ARI-1, a conserved E2/E3 complex, and PHA-1, a novel protein, coordinately regulates an early step of pharyngeal morphogenesis involving cellular re-orientation. Functional redundancy is indicated by the observation that lin-35; ubc-18 double mutants, as well as certain allelic combinations of pha-1 with either lin-35 or ubc-18, display defects in pharyngeal development, whereas single mutants do not. Using a combination of genetic and molecular analyses, we show that sup-35, a strong recessive suppressor of pha-1–associated lethality, also reverts the synthetic lethality of lin-35; ubc-18, lin-35; pha-1, and ubc-18 pha-1 double mutants. SUP-35, which contains C2H2-type Zn-finger domains as well as a conserved RMD-like motif, showed a dynamic pattern of subcellular localization during embryogenesis. We find that mutations in sup-35 specifically suppress hypomorphic alleles of pha-1 and that SUP-35, acting genetically upstream of SUP-36 and SUP-37, negatively regulates pha-1 transcription. We further demonstrate that LIN-35, a transcriptional repressor, and UBC-18–ARI-1, a complex involved in ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis, negatively regulate SUP-35 abundance through distinct mechanisms. We also show that HCF-1, a C. elegans homolog of host cell factor 1, functionally antagonizes LIN-35 in the regulation of sup-35. Our cumulative findings piece together the components of a novel regulatory network that includes LIN-35/Rb, which functions to control organ morphogenesis. Our results also shed light on general mechanisms that may underlie developmental genetic redundancies as well as principles that may govern complex disease traits

    Inferring PDZ Domain Multi-Mutant Binding Preferences from Single-Mutant Data

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    Many important cellular protein interactions are mediated by peptide recognition domains. The ability to predict a domain's binding specificity directly from its primary sequence is essential to understanding the complexity of protein-protein interaction networks. One such recognition domain is the PDZ domain, functioning in scaffold proteins that facilitate formation of signaling networks. Predicting the PDZ domain's binding specificity was a part of the DREAM4 Peptide Recognition Domain challenge, the goal of which was to describe, as position weight matrices, the specificity profiles of five multi-mutant ERBB2IP-1 domains. We developed a method that derives multi-mutant binding preferences by generalizing the effects of single point mutations on the wild type domain's binding specificities. Our approach, trained on publicly available ERBB2IP-1 single-mutant phage display data, combined linear regression-based prediction for ligand positions whose specificity is determined by few PDZ positions, and single-mutant position weight matrix averaging for all other ligand columns. The success of our method as the winning entry of the DREAM4 competition, as well as its superior performance over a general PDZ-ligand binding model, demonstrates the advantages of training a model on a well-selected domain-specific data set

    Conserved Expression Signatures between Medaka and Human Pigment Cell Tumors

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    Aberrations in gene expression are a hallmark of cancer cells. Differential tumor-specific transcript levels of single genes or whole sets of genes may be critical for the neoplastic phenotype and important for therapeutic considerations or useful as biomarkers. As an approach to filter out such relevant expression differences from the plethora of changes noted in global expression profiling studies, we searched for changes of gene expression levels that are conserved. Transcriptomes from massive parallel sequencing of different types of melanoma from medaka were generated and compared to microarray datasets from zebrafish and human melanoma. This revealed molecular conservation at various levels between fish models and human tumors providing a useful strategy for identifying expression signatures strongly associated with disease phenotypes and uncovering new melanoma molecules