7 research outputs found

    Skin prick test results of child patients diagnosed as bronchial asthma

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    WOS: 000253857900005PubMed: 17338898Background:The pathogenesis of asthma is associated with both genetic and environmental factors. Allergen sensitization is an important risk factor in asthma development. Aim: To evaluate sensitivity to allergens by using the skin prick test in patients with a diagnosis of bronchial asthma. Method: Patients with a diagnosis of bronchial asthma followed-up at the Ministry of Health, Diskapi Children's Diseases Training and Research Hospital in Ankara (Turkey) between January 1995 and March 2000 were included. Sensitivity to allergens, as determined by the skin prick test, was evaluated retrospectively. Results: The files of a total of 3025 children (63.3% boys) with bronchial asthma, aged 3 months to 16 years were evaluated. Of the total, 1667 patients with a diagnosis of bronchial asthma and 1358 with bronchial asthma plus allergic rhinitis were under follow-up. Of the 3025 asthmatic patients, 1902 had undergone the skin prick test and 60.3% of these patients were atopic. The most common allergens were house dust mite [726 patients (63.3%)], followed by pollens [565 patients (49.3%)]. The most common allergen within this group was grass pollens [348 patients (30.3%)]. Conclusions: Atopy was an important risk factor in our patients and the most common allergens were aeroallegens. The development of sensitization could be delayed by early precautions

    Anaphylaxis during induction of anesthesia

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    Planlıoperasyon için ameliyathaneye alınan 28 yaşındaki kadın hastada, indüksiyon ajanlarınıizleyen ciddi bronkospazm ve cilt döküntüleri oluştu. Tüm çabalara rağmen, hasta ventile edilemeyince anafilaksiden şüphelenilerek adrenalin 0.03 mg iv uygulandı. Bronkospazm kısmen azalıp diğer tedaviler uygulandıktan sonra cerrahiye izin verildi. Anestezi olaysız sonlandı. Taburculuktan sonra, hastamıza anafilaksi oluşturan ajanıtespit etmek için, indüksiyonda kullanılan vekuronyum bromür (norcuron®) ve pentotal sodyum (pental sodyum®) ile deri testleri uygulandı. Hastada norkuron allerjisi tespit edildi. Hasta durumu hakkında bilgilendirildi. Bu vaka nedeni ile anestezistin korkulu rüyasıolan anafilaksiyi, tedavisini ve sonraki yaklaşımların ne olmasıgerektiğini kısaca tartışmayıamaçladık.The 28 year old female patient scheduled for elective surgery developed serious bronchospasm and skin rash following administration of iv induction agents. All attempts of ventilating the patient failed and the anesthesiologists suspected anaphylaxis and the patient was given adrenaline 0.03 mg IV. Bronchospasm was relieved partially and other measures of treatment were applied before the surgery was allowed to start. No further problems were observed during the rest of anesthesia. After her discharge from the hospital the patient was tested for vecuronium and penthotal with skin tests for detection of the agent responsible for anaphylaxis. Allergy against vecuronium was detected and the patient was informed. With the occasion of this case, we wanted to discuss briefly anaphylaxis, which is one of the most feared complications of anesthesiology, its treatment and follow up of the patient

    House Dust Mites Confer a Distinct Immunological Feature among Dermatitis

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    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a heterogeneous disease with regard to clinical phenotype and natural history. We investigated T cell subtypes and cytokine responses in peripheral blood and skin lesions of AD patients with various sensitivities