166 research outputs found
N-Methyl D-Aspartic Acid (NMDA) Receptors and Depression
The monoaminergic hypothesis of depression has provided the basis for extensive research into the pathophysiology of mood disorders and has been of great significance for the development of effective antidepressants. Current antidepressant treatments not only increase serotonin and/or noradrenaline bioavailability but also originate adaptive changes increasing synaptic plasticity. Novel approaches to depression and to antidepressant therapy are now focused on intracellular targets that regulate neuroplasticity and cell survival. Accumulating evidence indicates that there is an anatomical substrate for such a devastating neuropsychiatric disease as major depression. Loss of synaptic plasticity and hippocampal atrophy appear to be prominent features of this highly prevalent disorder. A combination of genetic susceptibility and environmental factors make hippocampal neurons more vulnerable to stress. Abundant experimental evidence indicates that stress causes neuronal damage in brain regions, notably in hippocampal subfields. Stress-induced activation of glutamatergic transmission may induce neuronal cell death through excessive stimulation of N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptors. Recent studies mention that the increase of nitric oxide synthesis and inflammation in major depression may contribute to neurotoxicity through NMDA receptor. Both standard antidepressants and NMDA receptor antagonists are able to prevent stress-induced neuronal damage. NMDA antagonists are effective in widely used animal models of depression and some of them appear to be effective also in the few clinical trials performed to date. We are still far from understanding the complex cellular and molecular events involved in mood disorders. There appears to be an emerging role for glutamate neurotransmission in the search for the pathogenesis of major depression. Attenuation of NMDA receptor function mechanism appears to be a promising target in the search for a more effective antidepressant therapy
Comparison of fish community structure on artificial reefs deployed at different depths on turkish Aegean sea coast
A profundidade da implantação de recifes artificiais é uma das questões mais importantes no planejamento de etapas e do futuro êxito. A maior parte dos estudos visando determinar a comunidade de peixes em volta de recifes artificiais foi realizada, principalmente , a profundidades de 10-25m no Mediterrâneo e Mar Egeu. Os objetivos deste estudo são determinar e comparar a estrutura da comunidade de peixes em volta de recifes artificiais que foram implantados a profundidades de 20, 30 e 40 m. A técnica de censo visual foi usada para determinar as espécies e obter uma estimativa do número e tamanho dos peixes. Não houve nenhuma diferença estatística (p> 0.05) entre as profundidades, na média da biomassa de peixes e no número de indivíduos. Entretanto, a média do número de espécies foi significativamente maior nos 20 m em comparação com as profundidades de 30 m e de 40 m (pDeployment depth of artificial reefs is one of the most important issue in planning stage and future success. Most of the studies aimed at determination of fish community around artificial reefs were conducted mainly 10-25m depths in Mediterranean and Aegean Sea. The goals of this study are determine and compare of fish community structure around artificial reefs which deployed 20, 30 and 40 m depths. Underwater visual census technique was used to determine fish species, number of individual and size estimation. There was no statistical difference (p>0.05) in mean fish biomass and number of individual between the depths. But mean species number was significantly greater on 20 m in comparison to 30 m and 40 m depths (
Cumhuriyet Döneminde siyasi, ekonomik ve sosyo-kültürel yönleriyle Selçuk (1923-1957)
Antik Çağ’da Arzava Krallığı’na, 14. yüzyılda ise Batı Anadolu’nun önemli beyliklerinden Aydınoğullarına başkentlik yapan, Roma döneminde Asya Eyaleti’nin merkezi olarak kazandığı siyasi, sosyal ve ekonomik statü ile “Asya’nın Işığı” unvanını alan Selçuk tarihine kısaca göz attığımızda, şehrin parlak bir tarihi olduğu kadar, adeta unutulmaya yüz tuttuğu yıllar ve hatta asırlar olduğunu da görmekteyiz. Şehrin bu inişli çıkışlı grafiği coğrafi konumunun, ekonomik gücünün ve nüfus potansiyelinin bir yansımasıydı. Nitekim kurulduğu dönemde deniz kenarında olan, sonraki süreçte pek çok kez yer değiştiren Selçuk, 20. yüzyılın başlarından ortalarına kadar küçük bir nahiye merkezi konumunda bulunuyordu. Sahip olduğu dini değerler ile en sönük dönemlerinde bile kendinden bahsettirebilmeyi başarabilen şehrin demografik yapısı, yakın sayılabilecek bir dönemde mübadele ile tekrar değişmiştir. Genel itibariyle tarımsal üretimle geçinen insan potansiyeline sahip Selçuk, 1980’lerde tüm Türkiye’de atılım gösteren turizm ile yeniden gözde yerleşimlerden biri olmayı başarmıştır. Bu çalışmada Selçuk’un tarih boyunca geçirdiği evrelerin ardından, Cumhuriyet’in ilk yıllarından başlayarak kaza (ilçe) oluşuna kadar geçirdiği süreç detaylı olarak mercek altına alınacaktır.When we briefly look at the history of Selcuk, which was the capital of the Arzawa Kingdom in the Ancient Age and the Aydinogullari, one of the important principalities of Western Anatolia in the 14th century, and received the title of ‘Light of Asia’ with the political, social and economic status that the Asian State gained as its center during the Roman period, we see that the city has a bright history as well as years and even centuries that it is almost forgotten.
This fluctuating graph of the city was a reflection of its geographical location, its economic power and its population potential. As a matter of fact, Selcuk, which was by the sea during its establishment and moved many times in the following period, was a small sub-district center from the beginning of the 20th century to the middle of the 20th century.
The demographic structure of the city, which managed to make itself mentioned even in its faintest periods with its religious values, has changed again with exchange in a period that can be considered close. In general, Selcuk, which has the potential to live on agricultural production, has managed to become one of the most popular settlements with tourism in all of Turkey in the 1980s. In this study, after the stages of Selcuk throughout history, the process from the first years of the republic to the district will be examined in detail
Elektrik sistemlerinin bakım çalışması
Elektrik enerjisi dağıtımında tesis güvenilirliği, sistemlerin ilk gün ki gibi verimli çalışması ile bağlantılıdır. Bu ise her zaman iyi bir bakım ile mümkün olmaktadır. Elektrik sistemlerinin tesise/binaya en güvenli ve en verimli bir biçimde dağıtılması için iletimlerde kullanılan elemanların bulunduğu kabine elektrik panosu adı verilmektedir. Elektrik panosu, şalt malzemeleri, kablolar gibi elektrik iletimini gerçekleştiren elemanların yer aldığı donanımdır. Elektrik tesisatında en önemli husus, elektrik enerjisinin üretilmesi ve aktarılması aşamasında güvenliği sağlamaktır. Hem insanların sağlığı hem de elektronik aletlerin güvenli kullanımı için elektrik panosu üretim aşamasında kaliteli malzemelerin kullanılması ve sistemin düzenli ve periyodik bakımlarının yapılması güvenli kullanım açısından çok önemlidir. Bu tez çalışmasında elektrik sistemlerinin ve panoların daha güvenilir bir hale getirilmesi için yapılacak olan bakım ve onarım çalışmasından bahsedilmiştir. Aynı zamanda verim arttırmak için gerekli olan çalışmalar detaylı olarak incelenmiştir ve verim arttırmada bakımın önemine vurgulanmıştır.Plant reliability in electricity energy distribution is linked to efficient operation of the systems as they did on the first day. This is always possible with good care. In order to distribute electrical systems safely and most safely and most efficiently, the cabinet is called electric cabinet where the elements used in transmissions are located. It is the equipment in which electric conduction equipment such as electric panel, switchgear material, cables etc. is carried out. The most important issue in the electrical installation is the generation of electrical energy and the security in the process of transferring. The use of quality materials and the regular and periodic maintenance of the system are crucial for safe use, both for the health of people and the safe use of electronic appliances. In this thesis, the maintenance and repair work to make electrical systems and panels more reliable has been mentioned. At the same time, the studies required to increase yield have been examined in detail and emphasized the importance of maintaining efficiency
Verbally assisted haptic graph comprehension The role of taking initiative in a joint activity
Statistical graphs are tools for multimodal communication in daily life settings. For visually impaired people, haptic interfaces provide perceptual access to the information provided by the graph. Haptic comprehension is facilitated by audio and verbal assistance. We investigate the circumstances under which verbal assistance facilitates haptic comprehension of graphs. For this, we focus on cases where unaided haptic graph comprehension has limitations, such as when describing a global (rather than a local) maximum. In an experiment that employed a joint activity setting, we observed two major aspects of verbal assistance for haptic graph comprehension, as indicated by post-exploration sketch production of the participants: First, the results revealed significant impact of the explorer as a dialogue initiator during the course of haptic exploration. Second, verbal assistance led to more successful graph comprehension when it was enriched by modifiers
Investigation of haptic line graph comprehension through co production of gesture and language
In communication settings, statistical graphs accompany language by providing visual access to various aspects of domain entities, such as conveying information about trends. A similar and comparable means for providing perceptual access is to provide haptic graphs for blind people. In this study, we present the results of an experimental study that aimed to investigate visual line graphs and haptic line graphs in time domain by means of gesture production as an indicator of event conceptualization. The participants were asked to produce single sentence summaries of visual graphs and haptic graphs. The gestures that were produced during the course of verbal descriptions were analyzed. The results showed that directional gestures accompanied verbal descriptions of both visual graphs and haptic graphs. Further analyses revealed differences between visual graphs and haptic graphs in terms of type of gestures, as well as the production rates
Referring expressions in discourse about haptic line graphs
Statistical line graphs are widely used in multimodal communication settings and they are crucial elements of learning environments. For visually impaired people, haptic-audio interfaces that provide perceptual access to graphical representations seem as an effective tool to fulfill these needs. In an experimental study, we investigated referring expressions used in a collaborative joint activity between haptic explorers of graphs and verbal assistants who helped haptic explorers conceptualize local and non-local second-order concepts (such as extreme values, trends, or changes of trends). The results show that haptic exploration movements evoke deictically referential links that are essential for establishing common ground between explorers and assistants
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