37 research outputs found

    New organization strategies of industrial areas - İstanbul case study

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    Günümüzde ileri bilgi teknolojileri ve telekomünikasyondaki gelişmelerin etkisiyle, sanayi alanları yerseçimi ekonomileri önemini kaybetmeye başlamış, sanayi alanları bir ölçüde alana bağlı olmaktan kurtulmuştur. Bu çalışmada İstanbul Metropoliten Alan bütününde üretim alanlarının yapısal özelliklerinin belirlenmesi, desantralizasyon koşullarının test edilmesi ve yeni yer seçimi eğilimlerinin ortaya konması amaçlanmaktadır. İstanbul’da merkez özelliği gösteren yerleşmelerde bulunan küçük sanayi kuruluşları ve büyük sanayi kuruluşları ile anket çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Buna göre, büyük sanayi kuruluşlarının yer seçimi tercihlerinde “ekonomik büyüme potansiyeli” ile “pazar” faktörlerinin en fazla tercih edilen faktörler olduğu ve “işgücü sunusu” faktörünün bütün sanayi kuruluşlarında diğer faktörlere göre daha az önemsenen faktör olduğu tespit edilmiştir.The manufacturing industry which is one of the specialized activities in cities defines the value added characteristics of raw materials that facilitate the development of commerce. Because of the settlement models of the location of industry and it?s relation with political control and their effects on cultural landscape in the whole environment, industry has an important effect from the point of urban planners. Today, with the development of information technology and telecommunication, location economies of industrial areas have lost their importance and decrease their dependence to the area. In this research, determination of structural properties of production areas in the whole of Istanbul Metropolitan Area, testing the decentralization conditions and creating new industrial location tendencies are aimed. To put forward the reasons of transformations and differentations in the Central Business District (CBD) and sub-centers depend on the development process of settlements and determine the expectations and tendencies of manufacturing industry locations, questionnaires with small scale manufacturing industries locating in CBD, 2nd and 3rd degree sub-centers and large scale manufacturing industries were done. According to data getting from the questionnaires, the most prefered factors for large scale manufacturing industries are "economic growth potential" and "market". "Cheap land supply" is the third prefered factor. "Labour supply" factor is the least prefered factor by both small scale and large scale manufacturing industries

    Effect of short term match program on certain blood lipids of football players

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    Purpose: In this study, it is aimed to determine the effect of match program of 10 days and in chronic medium intensity on the Triglyceride, Cholesterol, HDL and LDL blood values of football players. Instruments and Methods: Research is performed on 18 healthy male footballer subjects. All subjects participated in match program for total of 7 days, 90 minutes on one day within the framework of a 10 days match program. Blood samples were taken from all subjects in resting position before starting to the match program and 2 hours after the end of the last match. Triglyceride, Cholesterol, HDL and LDL levels were specified in the blood samples received. Findings: According to the data obtained at the end of the match program, triglyceride level has decreased significantly in comparison to the values before the match program (p<0.05). Same result was obtained for the cholesterol levels, similarly blood values taken at the end of the match program as the posttest measurements were lower than the pretest measurements, thus the difference between was statistically important (p<0.05).At the end of the match program, there was a significant decrease in the posttest measurements of LDL in comparison to the pretest measurements (p>0.05). It is determined that HDL values after the match recorded an increase in comparison to the values before the match. Thus, the difference between is statistically significant (p<0.05). Results: According to the results of the study, short-term match program caused changes in the Cholesterol, HDL and LDL blood values


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    Bu araştırmada, 8&#8211;10 yaş grubu çocukların Çoklu Zekâ Alanlarının gelişim düzeyine 12 haftalık Futbol eğitiminin etkisinin olup olmadığı incelenmiştir. Her çocuk tüm zekâ alanlarına sahip olarak dünyaya gelir. Ancak çevresel faktörlerin etkisiyle bazı zekâ alanları daha çok gelişme fırsatı bulurken bazıları da az gelişme şansı yakalar. Bu çerçevede çocukların zekâ alanlarının gelişiminde etkili olan çevresel faktör olarak düzenli verilen futbol eğitiminin etkilerini araştırılmıştır. Araştırmanın evrenini 2005&#8211;2006 ve 2006&#8211;2007 yıllarında, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığına bağlı Ankara İli İlköğretim Okulu öğrencileri oluşturmaktadır. Örneklemini ise; Ankara&#8217;nın merkez 6 ilçesinden bulunan 13 okulun 3. ve 4. sınıfında öğretim gören 2389 öğrenci ile Ankara Spor ve Gençlerbirliği Spor kulüplerinde yaz futbol okuluna devan eden 1060 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. İlköğretim üçüncü ve dördüncü sınıf öğrencilerle kontrol grubu, Ankara Spor ve Gençlerbirliği spor kulüplerinin futbol okuluna devam eden öğrencilerle ise deney grubu oluşturuldu. Araştırmada öğrenci ve ailesine ait bazı bilgileri edinebilmek için &#8220;Kişisel Bilgi Formu&#8221;, öğrencilerin çoklu zekâ dağılım ve düzeylerini belirlemek için ise &#8220;İlköğretim Öğrencilerinin Çoklu Zekâ Alanlarında Kendilerini Değerlendirme Envanteri&#8221; kullanıldı. Kontrol ve deney grubu öğrencilerine çalışmanın başında ön test, 12 haftalık çalışma sonunda son test ve bunu takip eden haftada da kalıcılık testleri uygulanıldı. Elde edilen verilerle öğrencilerin mevcut Çoklu Zekâ düzey ve dağılımları ile 3 aylık süreçte meydana gelen değişimler ve bu değişimlerin kalıcılık düzeyleri gözlenerek karşılaştırıldı. 119 Deney ve kontrol grubunu oluşturan öğrencilerin her bir zekâ türündeki öntest, son test ve kalıcılık test sonuçları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesinde İlişkili Ölçümler (Tekrarlı Ölçümler) için Tek Faktörlü ANOVA (One-Way ANOVA for Repeated Measures) analiz yöntemi kullanıldı. Deney ve kontrol grubunu oluşturan öğrencilerin her bir zekâ türündeki gösterdikleri değişimin karşılıklı olarak değerlendirilmesinde Karışık Ölçümler için İki Faktörlü ANOVA(Two-Way ANOVA for Mixed Measures) analiz yöntemi kullanıldı. Araştırmanın sonucunda 8&#8211;10 yaş grubu öğrencilere verilen 12 haftalık futbol eğitiminin, öğrencilerin fiziksel ve fizyolojik gelişimine olumlu katkılarının yanın da, sadece bedensel-kinestetik değil diğer sekiz zekâ alanlarının da gelişiminde etkili olduğu, kontrol grubu öğrencilerinin erişim puanları ile deney grubu öğrencilerinin erişim puanları karşılaştırıldığında verilen futbol eğitiminin, çocukların doğal gelişim sürecinde çoklu zekâ alanlarını olumlu yönde etkilediği ve meydana gelen gelişimin de kalıcı olduğu bulunmuştur.In this research, it has been analysed whether 12-week football training has had affect on level development of Multiple Intelligence Fields of children of 8-10 year- old group. Every child is born with all intelligence fields. However, some intelligence fields develop more than the others with effect of environmental factors. In this context, we have researched the effect of football training on the development of intelligence development of children, as an environmental factor. The study was conducted on the students of Elementary School between 2005&#8211;2006 and 2006&#8211;2007 academic years in the Province of Ankara affiliated to the Ministry of National Education. The student participated into the study were 2389 students who collected from 3rd and 4th grades in 13 schools in 6 counties of Ankara and 1060 students who play in the summer football programs in Ankara Sports Club and Gençlerbirliği Sports Club. In the research, to collect some information about students and their families, &#8220;Personal Information Forms&#8221; were filled by students; and to determine the multiple intelligence distribution and level of students &#8220;Evaluation Inventory for Elementary School Students to Evaluate Themselves in Multiple Intelligence Fields&#8221; were filled by the 121 students. On the students of control and experiment groups, a preliminary test was performed before the studies, a final test was performed at the end of the 12- week study and a test was performed a week after the last test for determining the persistence of the effect of the training. Based on the collected data, the current Multiple Intelligence Level and Distribution of Students, the changes that has come into being after a three months process and the persistence of changes were compared. Each change that came into being in any intelligence field was analysed by examining the persistence of the changes and comparing the values of experimental and control groups. One-Way ANOVA for Repeated Measures analysis method was applied for analysing the relationship between the results obtained from preliminary test, final test and the test for determining the persistence of the change in the students of Experimental and control groups for each kind of intelligence. Two-Way ANOVA for Mixed Measures analysis method was applied for evaluation the changes the students in the experimental and control groups went trough in each intelligence, in comparison. It has been found at the end of the study that 12- week football training given to student had effect on the physical and physiological developments of students, not only in physicalkinaesthetic ways but also in the development of the other intelligence fields; when the achievement grades of controlling group students and experimental groups students were compared it is seen that the football training has positive effect on the development of the multiple intelligence of students in their natural development process and that the change was persistent


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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, futbol hakemlerinin saldırganlık tiplerini klasman düzeylerine göre karşılaştırmaktır. Araştırmada; Kiper (1984) tarafından güvenirliği test edilen saldırganlık envanteri uygulanmıştır. Verilerin aritmetik ortalaması ve standart sapmaları hesaplanmış, envanter puanlarının gruplar arasında farklılık gösterip göstermediğine tek yönlü Varyans analizi, farklı olan gruplarda ise Tukey testi yapılmış ve önem düzeyi (0,05) olarak alınmıştır. Bulgulara göre, Üst klasman hakemlerinin atılganlık puanları Üst klasman yardımcı hakemlerine göre, Üst klasman hakemlerinin yıkıcı saldırganlık puanları ise klasman ve klasman yardımcı hakemlerine göre anlamlı derecede yüksektir (p<0,05). Sonuç olarak, çalışmaya katılan hakemlerde, klasman dereceleri yüksek olan hakemlerin, atılganlık düzeylerinin de yüksek olduğu, stresin yoğunlaştığı durumlarda ise klasman ve yardımcı klasman hakemlerinin bu durumdan daha fazla etkilendikleri saptanmıştır.The aim of this study was to compare football referees’agression types according to their classification levels. In the research, agression inventory was implemented and its reliability was tested by Kiper(1984). The arithmetic mean and standard deviations of the data were calculated variance analysis was used to identify whether there were any differences or not between groups; Tukey test was used for determining groups that show a difference and level of importance was taken as (0,05) According to the findings upper classifying referees’enterprise points were increased significant degree in terms of upper classifying assistant referees and upper classifying assistant referees’ destructive agression points were increased significant degree in terms of ranking referees. As a result, when the referees’grades increase, enterprise levels’ increase and when stress and constraint is intensive, agression impulse gets into motion and in this situation ranking referees’are determined much more effect.


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    The significance of our study is that it aims to help reclaim the amateur spirit under the guidance of trainers, emphasize the social importance of sports through prioritizing this amateur spirit over material gains, and prevent degeneration in sports by creating an ethical understanding of sports and promoting playing by rule


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    Regular exercise is to increase children's physical and functional capacities. Significant degree of physical working capacity in children with growth changes. Developmental age children tend to grow faster than the body parts of the body. This period of major changes occur in the children's motor skills. The purpose of this study, that girls swimming training as height, weight, and in particular to investigate whether the effect of the arms and hand grip strength of the developmen

    Effect of short-term match period on the glucose and insulin levels of football players

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    Insulin level and blood insulin level differs according to the period and intensity of exercises. Body utilizes the glucose in the blood as energy at first. Insulin enables the glucose in the blood to enter into muscle cells. Certain adjustment mechanisms develop in the muscles as a result of exercises performed regularly, thus it is possible for the muscle to take glucose into more muscle cells and to use this glucose more efficiently as energy. This adjustment can be developed more efficiently by means of regular exercise. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of moderate match program of 10 days on the glucose and insulin levels. Research is performed on 18 healthy male footballer subjects. All subjects participated in match program for total of 7 days, 90 minutes on one day within the framework of a 10 days match program. Blood samples were taken from all subjects in resting position before starting to the match program and 2 hours after the end of the last match. Glucose and insulin levels were specified in the blood samples received. At the end of the application, posttest glucose values of the experimental group which are the 2nd measurements, were higher than the pretest values that are the 1st measurements (p<0.05). At the end of the match program, a meaningful increase is determined in the insulin values of the footballers in comparison to their pretest values (p<0.05). Difference was statistically significant (p<0.05). Results of the study reveal that match program of 10 days influences glucose and insulin levels of football players in a significant way

    Effect of football practices on certain blood values of athletes

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    In this study, it is aimed to determine the effect of 10 days match program of football players on RBC (Erythrocyte), WBC (Leucocyte), PLT (Trombosit), HGB (Hemoglobin) blood values. Research is performed on 18 healthy male footballer subjects. All subjects participated in match program for total of 7 days, 90 minutes on one day within the framework of a 10 days match program. Blood samples were taken from all subjects in resting position before starting to the match program and 2 hours after the end of the last match. RBC (Erythrocyte), WBC (Leucocyte), PLT (Trombosit), HGB (Hemoglobin) levels were specified in the blood samples received. At the end of the application, RBC (Erythrocyte) levels of the group was higher than the pretest values which were the 1st measurement (p<0.05). There is no statistically important difference in the WBC (Leucocyte) values of the footballers at the end of matches (p>0.05). Posttest measurements of HGB (Hemoglobin) levels were higher than the pretest measurements, and the difference in between was statistically significant (p<0.05). In a similar way, PLT (Trombosit) values obtained at the end of match program were higher than the pretest measurement values taken before beginning to the match program, and the difference in between is important (p<0.05). As a result of this study, it can be stated that match program of 10 days has caused significant alterations in complete blood values of RBC (Erythrocyte), PLT (Trombosit), and HGB (Hemoglobin) values of footballers

    Aşırı Kilo Kaybının Nadir Bir Nedeni: Diensefalik Sendromlu Üç Olgu

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    Diensefalik sendrom, daha çok erken çocukluk döneminde görülen, yaygın kilo kaybı ve cilt altı yağ dokusu kaybı, aşırı hareketlilik, öfori ve aşırı uyanıklık durumu ile karakterize bir sendromdur. Genellikle hipotalamik-optik kiazmatik bölgenin yer kaplayıcı neoplastik oluşumlarına eşlik eder. Kitle boyutu ile kilo alımı arasında ters orantı mevcuttur. Bu olgu sunumunda kliniğimizde hipotalamik-optik kiazmatik gliom tanısı ile tedavi alan ve boy uzaması devam ettiği halde aşırı kilo kaybı olan ve tartıları -2 standart sapmanın altında izlenen 1 yaş altı 3 olgu, endokrinolojik incelemeleri ile birlikte literatür bilgileri ışığında değerlendirilerek sunulmuştur. Kilo alımında duraklamanın ender de olsa önemli nedenlerinden birinin diensefalik sendrom olabileceğine dikkat çekilmiştir