8 research outputs found

    Legal Admissibility of Employee Polygraph Examinations in Poland

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    "Polygraph testing in Poland is associated mostly with criminal cases and discussion about the power of evidence from such examinations in criminal investigations. Th e use of the polygraph in Poland in criminal cases has been described extensively.1 Nevertheless, recently the discussion has increasingly frequently pertained to the use of such examinations in other fi elds, and especially in labour and employment. Court cases related to labour law increasingly frequently feature the question of admissibility of such examinations and the consequences that they entail for the employee, including also the option to dissolve an employment contract on the power of such an examination. Moreover, the enrolment procedure of the future employee using such an examination is questionable."(...

    Czynności operacyjno-rozpoznawcze prowadzone w aresztach śledczych i zakładach karnych

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    W opracowaniu omówiono pojęcie czynności operacyjno-rozpoznaw-czych oraz dokonano próby analizy czy na podstawie obowiązujących prze-pisów prawa istnieje możliwość prowadzenia czynności operacyjno-rozpoznawczych w zakładach karnych i aresztach śledczych. Autorka pod-waża dotychczas prezentowane poglądy wskazujące na brak prawnych możliwości prowadzenia czynności operacyjno-rozpoznawczych w tychże jednostkach. Ponadto, Autorka postuluje wprowadzenie ustawowych ograni-czeń możliwości stosowania czynności operacyjno-rozpoznawczych w aresztach śledczych i zakładach karnych.This study defines operational reconnaissance and attempts to examine whether currently valid legal regulations allow for taking operational recon-naissance steps in detention wards and penal institutions. The author hereof questions the hitherto prevailing view that no legal grounds exist that permit to conduct operational reconnaissance in the said units. Moreover, the au-thor calls for imposing statutory limitations on the possibility of conducting operational reconnaissance therein

    Multiscale Characterization of an Oxide Scale Formed on the Creep-Resistant ATI 718Plus Superalloy during High-Temperature Oxidation

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    The ATI 718Plus® is a creep-resistant nickel-based superalloy exhibiting high strength and excellent oxidation resistance in high temperatures. The present study is focused on multiscale 2D and 3D characterization (morphological and chemical) of the scale and the layer beneath formed on the ATI 718Plus superalloy during oxidation at 850 °C up to 4000 h in dry and wet air. The oxidized samples were characterized using various microscopic methods (SEM, TEM and STEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and electron diffraction. The 3D visualization of the microstructural features was achieved by means of FIB-SEM tomography. When oxidized in dry air, the ATI 718Plus develops a protective, dense Cr2O3 scale with a dual-layered structure. The outer Cr2O3 layer is composed of coarser grains with a columnar shape, while the inner one features fine, equiaxed grains. The Cr2O3 scale formed in wet air is single-layered and features very fine grains. The article discusses the difference between the structure, chemistry and three-dimensional phase distribution of the oxide scales and near-surface areas developed in the two environments. Electron microscopy/spectroscopy findings combined with the three-dimensional reconstruction of the microstructure provide original insight into the role of the oxidation environment on the structure of the ATI 718Plus at the nanoscale

    Bioactive and antibacterial Ti6Al4V for bone contact applications

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    Silver is a well-known antibacterial agent with broad spectrum activity and low resistance development . An increasing interest is registered for silver nanoparticles because of their large surface area and multiple mode of action (damage of the cell membrane, induction of ROS and release of silver ions). Despite of a wide research on surface enrichment of titanium surfaces with silver, the identification of an affective technology is a still an open issue. The aim of the present research is the surface modification of Ti6Al4V alloy in order to induce bioactive and antibacterial behaviou

    Optimisation of micro-arc oxidation electrolyte for fabrication of antibacterial coating on titanium

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    This study has been carried out to optimise the silver (Ag) content of the coating synthesised on commercially pure titanium (Cp-Ti, Grade 4) for biomedical applications by micro-arc oxidation (MAO) process. The MAO process has been conducted in electrolytes containing silver acetate (AgC2H3O2) at different concentrations between 0 and 0.002 mol L-1. When compared to the base electrolyte, coatings synthesised in >= 0.001 mol L-1 AgC2H3O2 added electrolytes exhibited an antibacterial efficiency of 99.8% against Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). Detailed examination revealed that the presence of 0.01 mol L-1 AgC2H3O2 in the electrolyte resulted in incorporation of 1.4 wt-% Ag into fabricated coating consisting mainly of outer hydroxyapatite (HA) and inner titanium oxide (TiO2) layers. In comparison to the Ag-free coating, 1.4 wt-% Ag in the coating lowered the proliferation of SAOS-2 cells, which still tended to grow at a relatively low rate with increasing culturing time