125 research outputs found

    The technological model of operating area by the combined transport

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    The contribution deals with design technology service model using the combined transport. It assesses the performance indicators in relation to price and quality of services provided and on this basis decides on the type of the transport. This is the decision-making processes, which should answer the question, whether used directly in road freight transport, direct rail freight transport or combined transport. In this contribution is the combined transport meant as a system between the conventional modes, which are transhipped goods from road vehicles to the rail cars or river boats


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    It is necessary to update the current system of levying charges for railway infrastructure to reflect the current market situation, to take into account the new transport strategy established by the European Union, and to reflect legislative changes in relation to Directive 2012/34/EU on creating a single European railway area. International trends aim to categorize tracks according to technical parameters and parameters based on shipment time, as well as many others. The existence of different opinions on the amount and way to charge fees for railway infrastructure have led the authors of this academic paper to create a plan for a system of charges to be derived from the current production factors as well as from a number of specific new factors used in countries neighboring the Czech Republic

    Railway Infrastructure Capacity in the Open Access Condition: Case Studies on SŽDC and ŽSR Networks

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    The railway sector in the European Union is changing. The goal of EU transport policy is to liberalize the market for rail transport services, dismantle national transport monopolies, and open competitive public tenders to other train operators. For the optimal utilization of the railway infrastructure capacity, it is necessary to calculate it properly in terms of open access to the infrastructure. At present, many important corridors are at full capacity. Therefore, in order to increase the number of freight trains, it is necessary to implement certain measures to increase the track line capacity. Infrastructure capacity research is part of the complexity of the capacity management processes. A progressive approach to define it means to describe the estimating process of railway infrastructure capacity including progressive capacity allocation approaches as a key part of capacity management. The aim is to define the processes of the infrastructure capacity management on which depends the quality level of operational traffic management as well the efficiency of the traffic flow on the infrastructure. The partial objective is to investigate the impact of systematic train paths in periodic timetables on rail infrastructure capacity. The proposals fully respect the EU transport policy

    Sodium scandium diphosphate, NaScP2O7, isotypic with Îą-NaTi(III)P2O7

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    Crystals of the title compound, NaScP2O7, were grown by a flux method. The crystal structure is isotypic with those of ι-NaTiP2O7, NaYbP2O7 and NaLuP2O7, and is closely related to that of NaYP2O7. The structural set-up consists of a three-dimensional framework of P2O7 units that are corner-shared by ScO6 octa­hedra, forming tunnels running parallel to [010]. The Na atoms are situated in the tunnels and are surrounded by nine O atoms in a distorted environment

    Svařování metodou TIG

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    Tato práce se zabývá problematikou svařování metodami MIG/MAG a TIG, přičemž největší důraz je kladen na problematiku metody TIG. Cílem této práce je definování základních faktů hrajících roli při svařování metodou TIG, dále kvalitativní porovnání dvou svářecích zdrojů různých výrobců. Jejich kvalita je posuzována z hlediska kvality poskytnutých svarových spojů a uživatelské náročnosti.ObhájenoThis thesis deals with MIG / MAG and TIG welding, with the greatest emphasis on TIG. The aim of this work is to define the basic facts that play a role in TIG welding, as well as a qualitative comparison of two welding sources of various manufacturers. Their quality is assessed in terms of the quality of welded joints provided and user demands


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    Příspěvek se zabývá stanovením základních podmínek, které podporují vznik logistického centra. V návrhu je definováno celkem deset podmínek, jejichž výčet nemusí být konečný. Tyto podmínky lze ohodnotit a pro konečný rozhodovací krok pro návrh umístění logistického centra lze využít např. multikriteriální analýzu. V závěru jsou uvedeny přístupy k osvětlení vzniku veřejného logistického centra.The Paper is about basic conditions which are necessary for establishing a logistic centre. Project defines ten conditions but this number is not definite. These conditions could be evaluated and for final step of creating logistic centre multicriteria analysis can be used. In final part of article approaches for establishing logistic centre are cited

    Various Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Usage Options and Possible Substitution

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    Recently, there were many approaches and opinions discussing efficiency and usage of EDI and, additionally, whether EDI is still up-to-date or companies require substituting it with another platform instead. Based on these papers and findings, we conducted a survey to study the current status of EDI usage in the Czech Republic. Findings from our survey helped us to understand the relation between EDI adoption and eventual EDI substitution with regard to the size of companies in the Czech Republic. This paper is based mainly on the research of Czech and foreign literature and survey conducted in the particular areas of business in the Czech Republic. The main goal of this paper is to find out the current situation of EDI usage according to company sizes and a potential for EDI substitution in the Czech Republic. This paper is considered an extension of a research about EDI adoption according to industries and logistics model implementation in the Czech Republic

    Martin Nodl: Dekret KutnohorskĂ˝

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    Recenze publikace - Martin Nodl: Dekret KutnohorskýNakladatelství LidovÊ Noviny, 2010. 451 s


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    Příspěvek popisuje inovační překládací systém Mobiler. Ten umožňuje rychlou překládku výměnných nástaveb či kontejnerů v malých terminálech mezi železniční a silniční dopravou.Tento překládací systém provozuje v Rakousku společnost RCA AG již šest let.The paper deals with an innovative system Mobiler. This system makes it possible to reloading of container and swap bodies in small intermodal terminals between rail and road transport. This system is using in Austria by company Rail Cargo Austria AG
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