127 research outputs found

    A Retrospective Evaluation of Crown-fractured Permanent Teeth Treated in a Pediatric Dentistry Clinic

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    A retrospective study was carried out on the dental trauma records of 93 patients (55 boys, 38 girls) with 129 crown-fractured teeth. The patients’ average age was 9.57 years (SD 1.57), ranging between 7 and 15 years. Uncomplicated crown facture (comprising enamel–dentin) was the most observed type of injury (n = 107, 83%). Only 15 patients (16.13%) sought treatment in less than 24 h following the injury. Of 41 injured teeth (31.79%) the apices were open at the time of presentation at the clinic. The initial treatment of these injured teeth were interim restoration with acid-etch and composite (69%), Cvek amputation (2.33%), fragment reattachment (1.55%), apexification (APX, 10.07%), and root-canal treatment (RCT, 17.05%). Out of 94 teeth, which were diagnosed as vital on admittance, 23 (24.46%) later developed pulp necrosis and required APX or RCT depending on their apical status. In 66 teeth (51.16%) definitive treatment was provided with only esthetic restoration (ER), while in 15.50% and 26.68% of injured teeth ER was carried out following APX and RCT, and RCT, respectively. Definitive treatment was provided in 3–6 months for 29.45% of the injured teeth, while 27.13% and 20.16% of teeth received definitive treatment within 1–3 months and 6 months to 1 year, respectively. Type of crown-fracture, elapsed time following injury, and vitality of the tooth on admittance and pulp necrosis observed were significantly related to the total time spent for definitive treatment (P \u3c 0.05)

    Eruption Delay and Sequelae in Permanent Incisors Following Intrusive Luxation in Primary Dentition: A Case Report

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    With respect to its consequences, intrusive luxation is one of the most severe form of dental traumatic injuries in primary dentition. This case report presents crown and root deformation of a permanent incisor together with its delayed eruption which have resulted from a traumatic injury to its predecessor

    Migrating Birds Optimization-Based Feature Selection for Text Classification

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    This research introduces a novel approach, MBO-NB, that leverages Migrating Birds Optimization (MBO) coupled with Naive Bayes as an internal classifier to address feature selection challenges in text classification having large number of features. Focusing on computational efficiency, we preprocess raw data using the Information Gain algorithm, strategically reducing the feature count from an average of 62221 to 2089. Our experiments demonstrate MBO-NB's superior effectiveness in feature reduction compared to other existing techniques, emphasizing an increased classification accuracy. The successful integration of Naive Bayes within MBO presents a well-rounded solution. In individual comparisons with Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), MBO-NB consistently outperforms by an average of 6.9% across four setups. This research offers valuable insights into enhancing feature selection methods, providing a scalable and effective solution for text classificatio

    Primary Molar Pulpotomies with Different Hemorrhage Control Agents and Base Materials: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Objective: To evaluate the clinical and radiographical success of primary molar pulpotomies which used 15.5% ferric sulfate (FS) or 1.25% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) for hemostasis and zinc oxide-eugenol (ZOE) and calcium hydroxide (CH) pastes as base materials. Methods: In 29 healthy children, 80 primary molars were randomly allocated to one of the study groups: Group 1: FS-ZOE, Group 2: FS-CH, Group 3: NaOCl-ZOE, and Group 4: NaOCl-CH. After hemostasis with the respective solutions, pulp stumps and floor of the pulp chambers were covered with either ZOE or CH pastes. All teeth were restored with stainless steel crowns. Follow-up examinations were carried out at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. Results: One tooth in Group 1 and two teeth in Group 4 were extracted because of pain and periapial pathosis at sixth month. After 12 months, clinical success rates of pulpotomies in Groups 1-4 were 95%, 100%, 100%, and 89.5%, respectively. The differences were not significant (P = 0.548). Radiographic success rates for Groups 1-4 were 80%, 88.9%, 78.9%, and 84.2%, respectively. No statistically significant difference was found (P = 0.968). Pain on percussion was the most observed clinical finding. However, internal root resorption was the most common radiological finding and it was observed significantly more in mandibular primary molars (P \u3c 0.05). Conclusion: Both ZOE and CH can be preferred as base materials after hemostasis achieved by the use of 15.5% FS or 1.25% NaOCl in primary tooth pulpotomy

    Was Greek rationalism dead in ancient Rome?

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    ##nofulltext##It is no secret that Western culture owes a great deal to Greek philosophers when it comes to rationalistic thought. Greek philosophy has had a heavy emphasis on subjects such as “ethics” and “virtue”; and always had a strong tradition at cosmology, metaphysics and all fields of science. Some authors from the 19th and 20th centuries suggest that the Roman state was unsuccessful at keeping this tradition alive: Maybe it was this decline of rationalism that turned the Roman Republic into an Empire, or maybe the absence of rationalism was the reason all along for Roman imperialism. Some authors even claim that accepting Christianity was a clear sign of Rome’s willingness to deny the “natural order of things”. While it is true that the Roman philosophy was less significant than Greek during middle ages, according to some other authors, it may be considered inaccurate to think of Roman philosophy as limited to its appropriation (and limitation) of the Hellenistic schools. Even when Stoics were the dominant thinkers of a certain period, other philosophical currents such as Neoaristotelianism, Neopythagoreanism, and Middle Platonism have been prominent. And in the political climate of the third century, the tide turned in favour of Neoplatonism; which also has as noteworthy an interest in all sciences and virtues as ancient Greek philosophers. The fact that a shift such as this one could happen contradicts the supposed negative correlation between rationalism and Roman imperialism

    Stress-strain behaviour of randomly distributed, discrete fiber and mesh reinforced sand.

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    Solunum havasında alkol düzeyini etkileyen etmenler

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    Liability arising from the operation of civilian nuclear power plants

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    Teknolojik ilerlemeler ve hayat standartlarının değişmesi, her geçen gün küresel enerji ihtiyacını arttırmaktadır. Nükleer enerji, 1900'1erin ortalarından beri, fosil yakıtlardan daha temiz ve daha güvenli olduğu gerekçeleriyle, bunlara alternatif olarak gösterilmektedir. Fakat bunların yanında nükleer enerji, çok geniş coğrafyaları uzun süre etkisi altına alacak çok büyük facialara sebep olma potansiyeline sahiptir. Bu sebeple, nükleer enerjiyle enerji üretimine yönelik olarak özel bir sorumluluk rejimi yaratma gereği doğmuştur. Uluslararası sorumluluk, idari sorumluluk, cezai sorumluluk ve insan hakları hukuku sorumluluğu bu rejimin kamu hukuku ayağını oluştururken; pek çok uluslararası anlaşma, protokol, karar ve ulusal mevzuat da rejimin özel hukuk ayağını oluşturmaktadır. Paris Sözleşmesi, ülkemizde, 5710 sayılı Kanun'un açık atfıyla, nükleer santral işletenin özel hukuk sorumluluğunun temel dayanağı olan belgedir. Bunun yanında bu tip sorumluluğun çevre hukuku sorumluluğuyla da kesişmesi söz konusudur.Technological advancements and changes in living standards have been increasing global energy needs in a consistent manner. Since mid 1900s, nuclear energy has been advertised as a safer and cleaner alternative to fossil fuel. Though at the same time, nuclear power has the potential to create catastrophes that may cause unimaginable and damage and affect huge landmasses fora very long time. For this reason, it has become essential to have a special liability regime for the generation of nuclear energy. This liability regime is twofold; with international liability, administrative liability, criminal liability and human rights liability constituting its public law branch; while international conventions, protocols and decisions and national legislations forming its private law doctrine. in Turkey, Code n. 5710 expressly cites Paris Convention as the main source of private law liability for nuclear energy generation. Furthermore, private law liability intersects with environmental law liabilities in many aspects.Aralı