11 research outputs found

    Counterion-controlled phase equilibria in a charge-regulated polymer solution

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    We study phase equilibria in a minimal model of charge-regulated polymer solutions. Our model consists of a single polymer species whose charge state arises from protonation-deprotonation processes in the presence of a dissolved acid, whose anions serve as screening counterions. We explicitly account for variability in the polymers’ charge states. Homogeneous equilibria in this model system are characterised by the total concentration of polymers, the concentration of counter-ions and the charge distributions of polymers which can be computed with the help of analytical approximations. We use these analytical results to characterise how parameter values and solution acidity influence equilibrium charge distributions and identify for which regimes uni-modal and multi-modal charge distributions arise. We then study the interplay between charge regulation, solution acidity and phase separation. We find that charge regulation has a significant impact on polymer solubility and allows for non-linear responses to the solution acidity: Re-entrant phase behaviour is possible in response to increasing solution acidity. Moreover, we show that phase separation can yield to the coexistence of local environments characterised by different charge distributions

    Counterion-controlled phase equilibria in a charge-regulated polymer solution

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    We study phase equilibria in a minimal model of charge-regulated polymer solutions. Our model consists of a single polymer species whose charge state arises from protonation-deprotonation processes in the presence of a dissolved acid, whose anions serve as screening counterions. We explicitly account for variability in the polymers' charge states. Homogeneous equilibria in this model system are characterised by the total concentration of polymers, the concentration of counter-ions and the charge distributions of polymers which can be computed with the help of analytical approximations. We use these analytical results to characterise how parameter values and solution acidity influence equilibrium charge distributions and identify for which regimes uni-modal and multi-modal charge distributions arise. We then study the interplay between charge regulation, solution acidity and phase separation. We find that charge regulation has a significant impact on polymer solubility and allows for non-linear responses to the solution acidity: re-entrant phase behaviour is possible in response to increasing solution acidity. Moreover, we show that phase separation can yield to the coexistence of local environments characterised by different charge distributions and mixture compositions

    Breakdown of electroneutrality in polyelectrolyte gels

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    Mathematical models of polyelectrolyte gels are often simplified by assuming the gel is electrically neutral. The rationale behind this assumption is that the thickness of the electric double layer (EDL) at the free surface of the gel is small compared to the size of the gel. Hence, the thin-EDL limit is taken, in which the thickness of the EDL is set to zero. Despite the widespread use of the thin-EDL limit, the solutions in the EDL are rarely computed and shown to match to the solutions for the electrically neutral bulk. The aims of this paper are to study the structure of the EDL and establish the validity of the thin-EDL limit. The model for the gel accounts for phase separation, which gives rise to diffuse interfaces with a thickness described by the Kuhn length. We show that the solutions in the EDL can only be asymptotically matched to the solutions for an electrically neutral bulk, in general, when the Debye length is much smaller than the Kuhn length. If the Debye length is similar to or larger than the Kuhn length, then phase separation can be initiated in the EDL. This phase separation spreads into the bulk of the gel and gives rise to electrically charged layers with different degrees of swelling. Thus, the thin-EDL limit and the assumption of electroneutrality only generally apply when the Debye length is much smaller than the Kuhn length

    Breakdown of electroneutrality in polyelectrolyte gels

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    Mathematical models of polyelectrolyte gels are often simplified by assuming the gel is electrically neutral. The rationale behind this assumption is that the thickness of the electric double layer (EDL) at the free surface of the gel is small compared to the size of the gel. Hence, the thin-EDL limit is taken, in which the thickness of the EDL is set to zero. Despite the widespread use of the thin-EDL limit, the solutions in the EDL are rarely computed and shown to match to the solutions for the electrically neutral bulk. The aims of this paper are to study the structure of the EDL and establish the validity of the thin-EDL limit. The model for the gel accounts for phase separation, which gives rise to diffuse interfaces with a thickness described by the Kuhn length. We show that the solutions in the EDL can only be asymptotically matched to the solutions for an electrically neutral bulk, in general, when the Debye length is much smaller than the Kuhn length. If the Debye length is similar to or larger than the Kuhn length, then phase separation can be initiated in the EDL. This phase separation spreads into the bulk of the gel and gives rise to electrically charged layers with different degrees of swelling. Thus, the thin-EDL limit and the assumption of electroneutrality only generally apply when the Debye length is much smaller than the Kuhn length

    Asymptotic study of the electric double layer at the interface of a polyelectrolyte gel and solvent bath

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    An asymptotic framework is developed to study electric double layers that form at the inter-face between a solvent bath and a polyelectrolyte gel that can undergo phase separation. The kinetic model for the gel accounts for the finite strain of polyelectrolyte chains, free energy ofinternal interfaces, and Stefan?Maxwell diffusion. By assuming that the thickness of the doublelayer is small compared to the typical size of the gel, matched asymptotic expansions are used toderive electroneutral models with consistent jump conditions across the gel-bath interface in two-dimensional plane-strain as well as fully three-dimensional settings. The asymptotic frameworkis then applied to cylindrical gels that undergo volume phase transitions. The analysis indicatesthat Maxwell stresses are responsible for generating large compressive hoop stresses in the double layer of the gel when it is in the collapsed state, potentially leading to localised mechanicalinstabilities that cannot occur when the gel is in the swollen state. When the energy cost of in-ternal interfaces is sufficiently weak, a sharp transition between electrically neutral and chargedregions of the gel can occur. This transition truncates the double layer and causes it to have finitethickness. Moreover, phase separation within the double layer can occur. Both of these featuresare suppressed if the energy cost of internal interfaces is sufficiently high. Thus, interfacial freeenergy plays a critical role in controlling the structure of the double layer in the gel

    The Dynamics of a Collapsing Polyelectrolyte Gel

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    We analyse the dynamics of different routes to collapse of a constrained polyelectrolyte gel in contact with an ionic bath. The evolution of the gel is described by a model that incorporates non-linear elasticity, Stefan-Maxwell diffusion and interfacial gradient free energy to account for phase separation of the gel. A bifurcation analysis of the homogeneous equilibrium states reveals three solution branches at low ion concentrations in the bath, giving way to only one above a critical ion concentration. We present numerical solutions that capture both the spatial heterogeneity and the multiple timescales involved in the process of collapse. These solutions are complemented by two analytical studies. Firstly, a phase-plane analysis that reveals the existence of a depletion front for the transition from the highly swollen to the new collapsed equilibrium state. This depletion front is initiated after the fast ionic diffusion has set the initial condition for this time regime. Secondly, we perform a linear stability analysis about the homogeneous states that show that for a range of ion concentrations in the bath, spinodal decomposition of the swollen state gives rise to localized solvent-rich(poor) and, due to the electroneutrality condition, ion-poor(rich) phases that coarsen on the route to collapse. This dynamics of a collapsing polyelectrolyte gel has not been described before

    Spinodal decomposition and collapse of a polyelectrolyte gel

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    The collapse of a polyelectrolyte gel in a (monovalent) salt solution is analysed using a new model that includes interfacial gradient energy to account for phase separation in the gel, finite elasticity and multicomponent transport. We carry out a linear stability analysis to determine the stable and unstable spatially homogeneous equilibrium states and how they phase separate into localized regions that eventually coarsen to a new stable state. We then investigate the problem of a collapsing gel as a response to increasing the salt concentration in the bath. A phase space analysis reveals that the collapse is obtained by a front moving through the gel that eventually ends in a new stable equilibrium. For some parameter ranges, these two routes to gel shrinking occur together

    Phenotypic variation modulates the growth dynamics and response to radiotherapy of solid tumours under normoxia and hypoxia

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    In cancer, treatment failure and disease recurrence have been associated with small subpopulations of cancer cells with a stem-like phenotype. In this paper, we develop and investigate a phenotype-structured model of solid tumour growth in which cells are structured by a stemness level, which varies continuously between stem-like and terminally differentiated behaviours. Cell evolution is driven by proliferation and apoptosis, as well as advection and diffusion with respect to the stemness structure variable. We use the model to investigate how the environment, in particular oxygen levels, affects the tumour's population dynamics and composition, and its response to radiotherapy. We use a combination of numerical and analytical techniques to quantify how under physiological oxygen levels the cells evolve to a differentiated phenotype and under low oxygen level (i.e., hypoxia) they de-differentiate. Under normoxia, the proportion of cancer stem cells is typically negligible and the tumour may ultimately become extinct whereas under hypoxia cancer stem cells comprise a dominant proportion of the tumour volume, enhancing radio-resistance and favouring the tumour's long-term survival. We then investigate how such phenotypic heterogeneity impacts the tumour's response to treatment with radiotherapy under normoxia and hypoxia. Of particular interest is establishing how the presence of radio-resistant cancer stem cells can facilitate a tumour's regrowth following radiotherapy. We also use the model to show how radiation-induced changes in tumour oxygen levels can give rise to complex re-growth dynamics. For example, transient periods of hypoxia induced by damage to tumour blood vessels may rescue the cancer cell population from extinction and drive secondary regrowth. Further model extensions to account for spatial variation are also discussed briefly