310 research outputs found

    Poziom antyoksydantów a wymioty ciężarnych – badanie porównawcze przypadków

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    Objectives: Dietary antioxidant intake decreases the risk of many diseases. Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is the most common eating disorder during pregnancy. Therefore, the authors conducted this prospective and case control study to evaluate dietary antioxidant levels of women with HG and compare with healthy pregnant women. Material and Methods: This prospective case control study was conducted at a government hospital in the southeastern region of Turkey, from February 2010 to May 2010. A total of 100 pregnant women were included into the study. Dietary antioxidant levels (DAL) were measured according to the new 92-item antioxidant nutrient questionnaire developed by Satia et al (1). 50 women with HG and 50 healthy pregnant women were evaluated. Statistical analyses were carried out with statistical packages for SPSS 15.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Results: There were no statistically significant differences between the groups regarding the age of the patients, gestational age, educational status, body height and weight (p>.05). Vitamin E, E equivalent, vitamin C, carotene and vitamin A levels were significantly lower in women with HG (pCel: Spożywanie antyoksydantów obniża ryzyko wielu chorób. Wymioty ciężarnych (HG) są najczęstszym zaburzeniem odżywiania w ciąży. Z tego powodu autorzy przeprowadzili badanie porównawcze przypadków celem oceny poziomu antyoksydantów u kobiet z wymiotami ciężarnych w porównaniu ze zdrowymi kobietami. Materiał i metody: Badanie przeprowadzono w szpitalu w południowowschodniej Turcji, w okresie od lutego 2010 do maja 2010 na 100 ciężarnych kobietach. Poziom antyoksydantów (DAL) mierzono według nowego 92-pytaniowego kwestionariusza dotyczącego spożycia antyoksydantów opracowanego przez Satia [1]. Oceniono 50 ciężarnych z wymiotami i 50 zdrowych ciężarnych. Analizę statystyczną przeprowadzono przy pomocy pakietu statystycznego SPSS 15.0 dla Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Wyniki: Nie znaleziono istotnych statystycznie różnic pomiędzy badanymi grupami w odniesieniu do wieku pacjentek, wieku ciążowego, wykształcenia, wzrostu i wagi (p>0,05). Poziomy witaminy E, równoważnika wit. E, witaminy C, karotenu, i witaminy A były istotnie niższe u ciężarnych z wymiotami (


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    Increasing competitive environment’s pressure on business organizations during globalization process and after it prompts finance managers to be more cautious about business financing and establishing capital structure. Capital structure decisions change capital components of business organizations and thus become more important in terms of decreasing capital cost and increasing firm value. Modigliani’s and Miller’s approach towards capital structure are the most outstanding ones among the studies related to this issue. It seems that this approach was adopted intensely first and developed by other studies which were done later; even from its drawbacks new capital structure approaches have been suggested. Since bankruptcy and agency cost, arising from excessive borrowing, and asymmetric information problem affect capital cost and firm value, they should be taken into account at least as much as tax advantage provided by the loan for establishing capital structure. In this paper, we tried to form a frame for capital structure at first and then mentioned about trade-off and pecking order theories on establishing capital structure. In the next stage, we referred to previous studies in literature concerning approaches adopted for establishing business organisations’ capital structures. In the last part, a field research, relating to the importance of factors which are taken into account while establishing capital structure in textile businesses, was applied, and analyses regarding the determination of current situation of active business organizations were done. We also applied face-to-face survey method in this study, and the analysis was carried out by subjecting hypotheses to t-test and chi square test with the help of SPSS packaged software

    Porównanie czynników ryzyka niekorzystnych wyników położniczych u młodocianych ciężarnych i ciężarnych w zaawansowanym wieku

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    Objectives: To evaluate clinical outcomes of pregnancies in adolescent, advanced and reproductive women maternal age. Materials and methods: A total of 187 pregnant women were included into the study, 51 (27.27 %) were adolescent pregnancies, mean age 17.7±3.3 years (range, 14-18 years), 40 (21.29 %) advanced maternal age pregnancies, mean age 41.4±2.6 years (range, 39-50 years) and 96 (51.33 %), healthy controls, mean age 28.8±4.3 years (range, 19-37 years). The majority of the adolescent pregnant women were nulliparous, while all of the advanced age pregnant women were multiparous (mean gravidity 4.5±2.4; range, 6-12). Mean gravidity of the control group was 3.6± 1.7 (range, 1-12). Results: There was statistically significant difference among the groups regarding demographic characteristics. According to the Bonferroni method, there was statistically significant difference among the three groups. Adverse fetal features were statistically different among the groups and the odd ratios were higher in the advanced maternal age group. The odds ratios (95% CI) for lower Apgar scores (Apgar score 1 and 5) and low birth weight in adolescent maternal age and advanced maternal age group were as follows: 1.88 (1.27 - 2.78) vs. 2.46 (1.55 - 3.85), 2.17 (1.18 - 4.00) vs. 4.79 (3.02-6.69) and 1.39 (1.14 - 1.68) vs. 3.06 (1.59 - 5.88), respectively. Gestational age at birth showed minimal risk for adolescent age group but no risk was noted in the advanced age group. Conclusions: The present study showed that pregnancies in adolescent maternal age, advanced maternal age and reproductive maternal age are different from each other in terms of clinical characteristics. According to this study advanced maternal age pregnancies are more risky and more likely to have adverse fetal outcome.Cel: Ocena wyników położniczych u ciężarnych młodocianych oraz w wieku zaawansowanym i reprodukcyjnym. Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono 187 ciężarnych, 51 (27,27%) młodocianych, średnia wieku 17,7±3,3 lat (zakres 14-18 lat), 40 (21,29%) w zaawansowanym wieku, średnia wieku 41,4±2,6 lat (zakres 39-50 lat) i 96 (51,33%) zdrowych ciężarnych stanowiących grupę kontrolną, średnia wieku 28,8±4,3 lat (zakres 19-37 lat). Większość młodocianych ciężarnych była nieródkami, podczas gdy wszystkie starsze ciężarne były wieloródkami (średnia ilość ciąż 4,5±2,4; zakres 6-12). Średnia rodność w grupie kontrolnej wynosiła 3,6±1,7 (zakres 1-12). Wyniki: Znaleziono istotną statystycznie różnicę pomiędzy grupami dotyczącą cech demograficznych. Według metody Bonferroni różnica pomiędzy trzema badanymi grupami była istotna statystycznie. Niekorzystne wyniki położnicze oraz iloraz szans były wyższe u kobiet ciężarnych w zaawansowanym wieku. Ilorazy szans (95%CI) dla niższego wyniku w skali Agar (Agar 1 i 5) oraz niższej masy urodzeniowej w grupie młodocianych i grupie starszych ciężarnych wynosiły odpowiednio: 1,88 (1,27-2,78) vs. 2,46(1,55-3,85), 2,17(1,18-4,00) vs. 4,79 (3,02-6,69) i 1,39 ((1,14-1,68) vs. 3,06 (1,59-5,88). Wiek ciążowy w momencie porodu okazał się minimalnie istotnym czynnikiem ryzyka w grupie młodocianych a w grupie starszych ciężarnych nie obserwowano żadnego ryzyka. Wnioski: Badanie wykazało, że ciąże u młodocianych, u kobiet w starszym wieku oraz w wieku rozrodczym różnią się między sobą pod względem klinicznym. Według naszego badania ciąża u kobiety w starszym wieku jest obarczona większym ryzykiem niekorzystnych wyników położniczych

    On a Stability Theorem of the Optimal Control Problem For Quasi Optic Equation

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    In this paper, the finite difference method is applied to the optimal control problem of system governed by stationary equation of Quasi-Optic . For this aim, the finite difference scheme is constituted for considered optimal control problem. Obtained an estimation for the solution of this difference scheme, the error of the difference scheme is evaluated. Finally, the convergence according to the functional of the finite difference approximations is proved

    Evaluation of management of postpneumonic empyema thoracis in children

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    Background Empyema is a well-known sequelae of pneumonia, which is increasingly being reported in children despite strict management. The appropriate management remains controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate different management options of postpneumonic empyema in children.Materials and methods A total of 330 patients were reviewed between 2002 and 2012; their ages ranged from 1.25 to 15 years, with a median age of 4.3 years. The various management procedures included thoracentesis (n= 11), chest tube drainage (n= 229), chest tube drainage with intrapleural fibrinolytic therapy (n =117), video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) (n =35), and thoracotomy because of a trapped lung noted on admissions and failed procedures (n =94).Results Variable success rates were noted as follows: tube thoracotomy (48.24%), fibrinolytic treatment (68.37%), and VATS (85.71%). Postoperative complications (11.14%) included wound infection (n = 10), atelectasis (n= 18), delayed expansion (n= 7), and need for reoperation (n= 2). Four patients died (1.21%), two of them  following thoracotomy, one patient after fibrinolysis, and one patient following VATS. Patients treated with thoracotomy recovered completely.Conclusion New therapeutic modalities had variable success rates in children with postpneumonic empyema. Thoracotomy is still needed as a last resort for cases unresponsive to chemical fibrinolysis and following failed thoracoscopy.Keywords: decortication, empyema, fibrinolysis, thoracotom

    Pozytonowa emisyjna tomografia komputerowa z 18F-FDG, ultrasonografia i tomografia komputerowa w łagodnych i złośliwych guzach jajnika w korelacji z pooperacyjnym wynikiem histopatologicznym

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    Abstract Objectives: The role of 18F-FDG (18F fluorodeoxyglucose) PET/CT** (Positron emission tomography) in the diagnosis, treatment and follow up of benign and malignant ovarian tumors had been investigated previously. The objective of the following study was to evaluate the predictive value of PET/CT in benign and malignant ovarian tumors and compare with computerized tomography and post-operative pathology. Materials and methods: In this retrospective study, a total of sixty nine cases with benign or malignant pelvic masses underwent laparotomy at our clinic. Postoperative pathology of the patients was recorded and PET/CT results were compared with ultrasonography, computerized tomography and postoperative pathology. Results: The ROCs and AUCs values four predictors were shown in Figure 1. The AUCs (95 % CI) values calculated for CA 125, ultrasonography (USG), PET/CT and CT were as follows: 0.855(0.752-0.958), 0.703(0.540-0.866), 0.681(0.514-0.848) and 0.631(0.463-0.799) respectively. CA 125 has the highest AUC value in order to predict the malignant potential of the patient. USG has the highest AUC value between the imaging techniques, following PET/CT and CT. Conclusion: According to this study, among four modalities that distinguish malignant potential preoperatively; CA125 is the best parameter. USG and PET provide similar benefits in detecting malignant ovarian masses preoperatively. Both of these parameters are superior to CT. Combination of CA125, USG and PET/CT may be useful in detecting malignant ovarian masses preoperatively, resulting in less invasive surgeries. ** 18F-FDG (18F fluorodeoxyglucose) PET/CT will be used as the PET/CT, later in this article.Streszczenie Cel pracy: Rola 18F-FDG PET w diagnozowaniu łagodnych i złośliwych guzów jajnika w diagnozowaniu oraz obserwacji po leczeniu była już tematem badań. Celem tej pracy jest ocena wartości predykcyjnej PET/CT w łagodnych i złośliwych guzach jajnika i porównanie tej metody z tomografią komputerową i pooperacyjnym wynikiem histopatologicznym. Materiał i metody: Badanie retrospektywne przeprowadzono na grupie 69 pacjentek z łagodną bądź złośliwą zmianą w miednicy mniejszej, które poddano laparotomii w naszej klinice. Wynik pooperacyjny histopatologiczny porównano z wynikiem badania PET/CT, USG, tomografią komputerową. Wyniki: Obliczone wartości AUC (95%CI) dla CA125, USG, PET/CT i tomografii komputerowej wyniosły odpowiednio: 0,855 (0,752-0,958), 0,703 (0,540-0,866), 0,681 (0,514-0,848) i 0,631 (0,463-0,799). Marker CA125 miał najwyższą wartość AUC dla przewidywania złośliwych zmian. USG miało najwyższą wartość AUC wśród technik obrazowania, następnie PET/CT i tomografia komputerowa. Wnioski: Według tego badania, spośród analizowanych czterech metod przedoperacyjnego prognozowania charakteru guza, CA125 jest najlepszym parametrem. USG i PET mają podobną siłę wykrywania zmian złośliwych przed operacją. Kombinacja badania CA125, USG i PET/CT może być przydatną metodą wykrywania złośliwych guzów jajnika przed operacją i wykonywania mniej inwazyjnych operacji


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    THE EFFECT OF WEAR MECHANISM FOR PLASMA OXIDISED CP TI AND ITS ALLOYS ON TRIBOCORROSION PERFORMANCEAbstract Commercially pure titanium (cp-Ti) and its alloys (Ti6Al4V, Ti45Nb, Ti6Al7Nb etc.) have an important use among biometallic materials. Recently developed alloying techniques and production methods have enabled many different titanium alloys to be used as biomaterials. Although harder and higher corrosion resistance than iron and its alloys, it is used as an invasive implant by applying various surface modifications to improve biodegradability performance. One of these processes is plasma oxidation process. With this process, corrosion resistance can be improved by obtaining more passive surfaces. There are many studies on these performance measurements in the literature. In this study, the effects of wear and corrosion mechanisms on the material in one cycle were investigated. Cp-Ti, Ti6Al4V and Ti45Nb were chosen as base materials. Samples were subjected to plasma oxidation for 600˚C-3 hours. Within the scope of this investigation, the adhesive wear mechanism on oxidized surfaces was compared with different types of abrasives, and its effect on corrosion performance was measured with the tribocorrosion test apparatus. Abrasion tests were carried out with two abrasive balls: tungsten carbide (WC) and silicon nitride (SiN) under 3 N load. Processes were carried out in two different media, dry and simulated body fluid (SBF). Potentiodynamic polarization scans were carried out using the scanning range of -0.28 V - 2 V in the presence of wear tests for tribocorrosion measurements. While abrasive wear mechanism is dominant in untreated samples, adhesive wear is at the forefront in coated samples. The effects that increase the corrosion resistance positively affected the performance of tribocorrosion. The high oxidation resistance of Ti and its alloys increased adhesive wear performance, and because of the higher corrosion resistance of Ti6Al4V and Ti45Nb, which were alloyed from these three material groups, their corrosion performance was higher than Cp-Ti.Keywords: Cp-Ti, Ti6Al4V, Ti45Nb, Plasma oxidation, Tribocorrosion


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    THE BIOMECHANICAL ANALYSIS FOR BIODEGRADABLE PURE MAGNESIUM BONE SCREWS UNDER THREE POINT BENDING AND TORSIONAL TESTAbstractRecently, magnesium and its alloys have been used as the raw material of degradable implants. In the orthopedic implant group, it is used in the production of medical tools due to its close modulus of elasticity and mechanical behavior suitable for bone tissue. In addition, magnesium is completely biodegradable both in biocompatible and living organisms. The purpose of using a degradable implant within the living organism is both to perform biomedical functions. It has become even more attractive to use the biodegradable magnesium screws due to the use of the temporary (non-biodegradable) implant in the living organism, the need for a secondary surgical operation to remove it from the body, and the increased risk of complications for the patient. However, the degradation times of magnesium screws; It is difficult to control the biological environment, the age and gender of the patients and the implant geometry Determination of the degradation stage is important for mechanical performance due to loss of mass and volume in the implant. Furthermore, loss of adhesion performance due to deterioration of bone screws weakens the mechanical properties of the implant system. Considering this feature of magnesium screws, pure magnesium screws of different origin were kept in phosphate buffer solution (pH = 7.4) for 1 day, 1,4,12 and 26 weeks. Then, three-point bending and torsion tests were performed according to ASTM F2502-11 standard to examine the mechanical properties of the screws. In the mechanical tests applied for both groups, when the three-point bending test and force-displacement curves were examined, it was observed that the mechanical properties of the 26th week decreased by about half compared to the 1st day. In the same way, when the torsion-torsion angle curves were examined in the torsion test, it was observed that the mechanical properties of the 26th week decreased for both groups.Keywords: Pure Magnesium, Biodegradation, Bone Screws, Three-Point Bending Test, Torsion Test

    Is local resection sufficient for parathyroid carcinoma?

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    OBJECTIVES: Parathyroid carcinoma is a rare malignant disease of the parathyroid glands that appears in less than 1% of patients with primary hyperparathyroidism. In the literature, the generally recommended treatment is en bloc tumor excision with ipsilateral thyroid lobectomy. Based on our 12 years of experience, we discuss the necessity of performing thyroid lobectomy on parathyroid carcinoma patients. RESULTS: Eleven parathyroid carcinoma cases were included in the study. All operations were performed at the Department of Endocrine Surgery at Ankara University Medical School. Seven of the patients were male (63.6%), and the mean patient age was 48.9 ± 14.0 years. Hyperparathyroidism was the most common indication for surgery (n ϝ 10, 90.9%). Local disease was detected in 5 patients (45.5%), invasive disease was detected in 5 patients (45.5%) and metastatic disease was detected in 1 patient (9.1%). The mean follow-up period was 99.6 ± 42.1 months, and the patients' average disease-free survival was 96.0 ± 49.0 months. During the follow-up period, only 1 patient died of metastatic parathyroid carcinoma. CONCLUSION: Parathyroid carcinoma has a slow-growing natural progression, and regional lymph node metastases are uncommon. Although our study comprised few patients, it nevertheless showed that in selected cases, parathyroid carcinoma could be solely treated with parathyroidectomy