26 research outputs found

    Adenovirus infection in savanna chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in the Issa Valley, Tanzania

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    Adenoviruses are a widespread cause of diverse human infections with recently confirmed zoonotic roots in African great apes. We focused on savanna-dwelling chimpanzees in the Issa Valley (Tanzania), which differ from those from forested sites in many aspects of behavior and ecology. DNA polymerase gene targeting PCR detected AdV in 36,7% (69/188) of fecal samples. We detected five groups of strains within the HAdV-E and two distinct groups within the HAdV-C species based on partial hexon sequence. All detected AdVs from the Issa Valley are related to those from nearby Mahale and Gombe National Parks suggesting chimpanzee movements and pathogen transmission

    PARV4 found in wild chimpanzee faeces - alternate route of transmission?

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    Human parvovirus 4 (PARV4, family Parvoviridae, genus Tetraparvovirus) displays puzzling features, such as uncertain clinical importance/significance, unclear routes of transmission and discontinuous geographical distribution. The origin, or the general reservoir, of human PARV4 infection is unknown. We aimed to detect and characterize PARV4 virus in faecal samples collected from two wild chimpanzee populations and 19 species of captive nonhuman primates. We aimed to investigate these species as a potential reservoir and alternate route of transmission on the African continent. From almost 500 samples screened, a single wild Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii sample tested positive. Full genome analysis, as well as single ORF phylogenies, confirmed species-specific PARV4 infection


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    The current radiation safety paradigm using the linear no-threshold (LNT) model is based on the premise that even the smallest amount of radiation may cause mutations increasing the risk of cancer. Autopsy studies have shown that the presence of cancer cells is not a decisive factor in the occurrence of clinical cancer. On the other hand, suppression of immune system more than doubles the cancer risk in organ transplant patients, indicating its key role in keeping occult cancers in check. Low dose radiation (LDR) elevates immune response, and so it may reduce rather than increase the risk of cancer. LNT model pays exclusive attention to DNA damage, which is not a decisive factor, and completely ignores immune system response, which is an important factor, and so is not scientifically justifiable. By not recognizing the importance of the immune system in cancer, and not exploring exercise intervention, the current paradigm may have missed an opportunity to reduce cancer deaths among atomic bomb survivors. Increased antioxidants from LDR may reduce aging-related non-cancer diseases since oxidative damage is implicated in these. A paradigm shift is warranted to reduce further casualties, reduce fear of LDR, and enable investigation of potential beneficial applications of LDR

    Genetic diversity of PRRSV 1 in Central Eastern Europe in 1994-2014: origin and evolution of the virus in the region

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    More than 20 years after the first outbreaks, the phylogenetic picture of PRRSV is still incomplete and full of gaps, especially in regards of PRRSV 1. Due to the exceptional diversity observed at the eastern borders of Europe and the low number of available sequences from Central Eastern European countries, the authors collected and analyzed both recent as well as already submitted sequences comparing them to a large backbone set of available ORF5 sequences representing the full spectrum of PRRSV 1 Subtype 1 diversity to conduct a systematic phylogenetic analysis and reclassification elucidating the diversity of the virus in these countries. Moreover, further analyses of the EUROSTAT data regarding the live pig movement trends revealed their influence of virus diversity and evolution. The results indicate that besides the effect of local, isolated divergent evolution and the use of modified live vaccines, the most important factor influencing a given country’s virus diversity is the transboundary movement of live, infected animals

    Kinetics of Rabies Virus Replication in Cell Cultures

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