156 research outputs found

    From Quantum Universal Enveloping Algebras to Quantum Algebras

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    The ``local'' structure of a quantum group G_q is currently considered to be an infinite-dimensional object: the corresponding quantum universal enveloping algebra U_q(g), which is a Hopf algebra deformation of the universal enveloping algebra of a n-dimensional Lie algebra g=Lie(G). However, we show how, by starting from the generators of the underlying Lie bialgebra (g,\delta), the analyticity in the deformation parameter(s) allows us to determine in a unique way a set of n ``almost primitive'' basic objects in U_q(g), that could be properly called the ``quantum algebra generators''. So, the analytical prolongation (g_q,\Delta) of the Lie bialgebra (g,\delta) is proposed as the appropriate local structure of G_q. Besides, as in this way (g,\delta) and U_q(g) are shown to be in one-to-one correspondence, the classification of quantum groups is reduced to the classification of Lie bialgebras. The su_q(2) and su_q(3) cases are explicitly elaborated.Comment: 16 pages, 0 figures, LaTeX fil

    Possible contractions of quantum orthogonal groups

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    Possible contractions of quantum orthogonal groups which correspond to different choices of primitive elements of Hopf algebra are considered and all allowed contractions in Cayley--Klein scheme are obtained. Quantum deformations of kinematical groups have been investigated and have shown that quantum analog of (complex) Galilei group G(1,3) do not exist in our scheme.Comment: 10 pages, Latex. Report given at XXIII Int. Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, July 31- August 5, 2000, Dubna (Russia

    Coherent and squeezed states of quantum Heisenberg algebras

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    Starting from deformed quantum Heisenberg Lie algebras some realizations are given in terms of the usual creation and annihilation operators of the standard harmonic oscillator. Then the associated algebra eigenstates are computed and give rise to new classes of deformed coherent and squeezed states. They are parametrized by deformed algebra parameters and suitable redefinitions of them as paragrassmann numbers. Some properties of these deformed states also are analyzed.Comment: 32 pages, 3 figure

    Early Death in Two Patients with Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Presenting the bcr3 Isoform, FLT3-ITD Mutation, and Elevated WT1 Level

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    Despite major advances in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), the problem of early death (ED) remains unsolved. Alongside the currently known clinical and hematological risk factors, prognostic significance has been attributed to internal tandem duplication mutations of the fms-like tyrosine kinase-3 (FLT3-ITD), hypogranular variant morphology, and the bcr-3 isoform of PML-RARα. We describe premature death of two patients with the hypogranular variant of APL who presented remarkably high expression levels of Wilms' tumor gene (WT1). Our results point to WT1 as an important prognostic factor of ED that needs to be promptly evaluated in all newly diagnosed cases of APL

    Expansions of algebras and superalgebras and some applications

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    After reviewing the three well-known methods to obtain Lie algebras and superalgebras from given ones, namely, contractions, deformations and extensions, we describe a fourth method recently introduced, the expansion of Lie (super)algebras. Expanded (super)algebras have, in general, larger dimensions than the original algebra, but also include the Inonu-Wigner and generalized IW contractions as a particular case. As an example of a physical application of expansions, we discuss the relation between the possible underlying gauge symmetry of eleven-dimensional supergravity and the superalgebra osp(1|32).Comment: Invited lecture delivered at the 'Deformations and Contractions in Mathematics and Physics Workshop', 15-21 January 2006, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, German

    Deformation of orthosymplectic Lie superalgebra osp(1|2)

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    Triangular deformation of the orthosymplectic Lie superalgebra osp(1|4) is defined by chains of twists. Corresponding classical r-matrix is obtained by a contraction procedure from the trigonometric r-matrix. The carrier space of the constant r-matrix is the Borel subalgebra.Comment: LaTeX, 8 page

    On contractions of classical basic superalgebras

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    We define a class of orthosymplectic osp(m;j2n;ω)osp(m;j|2n;\omega) and unitary sl(m;jn;ϵ)sl(m;j|n;\epsilon) superalgebras which may be obtained from osp(m2n)osp(m|2n) and sl(mn)sl(m|n) by contractions and analytic continuations in a similar way as the special linear, orthogonal and the symplectic Cayley-Klein algebras are obtained from the corresponding classical ones. Casimir operators of Cayley-Klein superalgebras are obtained from the corresponding operators of the basic superalgebras. Contractions of sl(21)sl(2|1) and osp(32)osp(3|2) are regarded as an examples.Comment: 15 pages, Late

    Algebraic structure of the Green's ansatz and its q-deformed analogue

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    The algebraic structure of the Green's ansatz is analyzed in such a way that its generalization to the case of q-deformed para-Bose and para-Fermi operators is becoming evident. To this end the underlying Lie (super)algebraic properties of the parastatistics are essentially used.Comment: plain TeX, Preprint INRNE-TH-94/4, 13