11 research outputs found

    Perspectivas del cultivo de la saya (Amoreuxia spp.) en el noroeste de M茅xico como nuevo producto agron贸mico.

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    In the past, the inhabitants of northwestern Mexico benefited from the saya plant (several species from the Amoreuxia genus), taking advantage of it for both food and medicinal purposes, and subsequently European colonizers utilized it as food, when faced with famine. Currently, some of these species have shown a decline in populations, so they are now considered to be in the NOM 059, 2010 risk category of the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources. Recent endeavors have provided knowledge concerning how to propagate this plant under agricultural conditions. In this work, cultivation of saya (A. palmatifida) crop was evaluated over two consecutive years, in order to compare productivity during the first year with plants obtained from direct germination of seeds under agricultural conditions, with those produced the second year from tuberous root regrowth. Greater plant productivity was found in the second year evaluation (p<0.0001), in terms of plant growth, seed production and weight of tuberous roots. In the future, it may be possible for some species from the Amoreuxia genus to have very positive social impact, if multiplication techniques for this species, as described in this work are applied, in order to rehabilitate this plant in grazing lands of northwestern Mexico and even to generate new plants.En el pasado los pobladores del noroeste de M茅xico se beneficiaron de la planta saya (varias especies del g茅nero Amoreuxia), aprovech谩ndola tanto con fines alimenticios como medicinales, luego los colonizadores europeos la aprovecharon como alimento ante hambrunas. Actualmente algunas de estas especies presentan disminuci贸n en sus poblaciones, por lo cual han sido consideradas en categor铆as de riesgo de la NOM 059 de la Secretar铆a del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales en el a帽o 2010. Esfuerzos recientes han aportado conocimiento sobre formas de multiplicaci贸n de la planta bajo condiciones agr铆colas. En este trabajo se evalu贸 el cultivo de saya (A. palmatifida) durante dos a帽os consecutivos, para comparar la productividad del primer a帽o de plantas obtenidas de germinaci贸n directa de semillas en condiciones agr铆colas, con la productividad del segundo a帽o a partir del rebrote las ra铆ces tuberosas. Se encontr贸 una mayor productividad de las plantas en el segundo a帽o de evaluaci贸n (p < 0.0001), tanto en crecimiento de la planta, producci贸n de semillas y peso de las ra铆ces tuberosas. El futuro impacto social de algunas especies del g茅nero Amoreuxia puede ser muy positivo aplicando las t茅cnicas de multiplicaci贸n de esta especie, descritas en este trabajo, para recuperar esta planta en los terrenos de agostadero del noroeste de M茅xico e incluso para generar nuevos cultivos

    Germinaci贸n Y Crecimiento En Vivero Y En Campo De Zaya (Amoreuxia palmatifida DC.), Una Especie Nativa Amenazada En M茅xico

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    The food needs by the human population is increasing; In that sense, having a new crop can contribute to ameliorate the demand for food. The zaya (Amoreuxia palmatifida DC.) has been used as food both before and after the arrival of the European settlers in several states of northwest Mexico and southwestern United States. Over a hundred years ago there are authors recommending the zaya as a native plant with potential to be cultivated, being one of the problems to overcome the difficulty of its seeds to germinate. The study objectives were to evaluate germination treatments of zaya seeds and measure plantula grow under two systems. It was found that seeds physically scarified by sanding were those that germinated (73%; p <0.0001), compared to treatments control, of soaking for 24 hours and addition, of boiling water, were does not germinate any seed. The results of zaya growth were greater (p <0.0001), for plants in open field under drip irrigation, compared to the plants planted in pots under shadehouse, for all variables evaluated. The results obtained in this work, about the germination and growing of zaya, can be used to multiply their propagules and restore natural populations affected in northwest of Mexico. It is necessary to continue research on agronomic aspects of the zaya cultivation, a plant with great potential for both human and animal feeding, ornamental, and possibly medicinal use

    Rol de Bacillus subtilis y dosis de f贸sforo en la concentraci贸n, distribuci贸n y absorci贸n de macronutrientes en frijol com煤n

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    El conocimiento sobre la absorci贸n y distribuci贸n de macronutrientes es indispensable en los programas de fertilizaci贸n en el cultivo de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Al respecto, el empleo de rizobacterias promotoras de crecimiento vegetal (PGPR) en combinaci贸n con la fertilizaci贸n fosfatada, podr铆an ejercer un efecto sin茅rgico y potencializar la absorci贸n y distribuci贸n de nutrientes en este cultivo. Se estableci贸 un experimento con el prop贸sito de investigar la respuesta del cultivo de frijol a cuatro dosis de f贸sforo (P), (0, 25, 50, 100 kg ha-1 P2O5) y a la cepa Bacillus subtilis Q11 (Bs) (inoculaci贸n a la semilla y un testigo sin inocular) en la concentraci贸n, distribuci贸n y acumulaci贸n de macronutrientes. El experimento se estableci贸 bajo un dise帽o de parcelas divididas en bloques al azar con tres repeticiones. Seg煤n los resultados obtenidos, la acumulaci贸n de biomasa se afect贸 de forma individual por el P y Bs. La mayor acumulaci贸n de biomasa se obtuvo con dosis de P mayores a los 50 kg ha-1, mientras que la inoculaci贸n con Bs produjo mayor biomasa que el testigo. La interacci贸n P 脳 Bs afect贸 la concentraci贸n de nitr贸geno, f贸sforo, potasio, calcio y magnesio en los 贸rganos de la planta en todas las etapas fenol贸gicas, excepto en la vaina durante la etapa de llenado de grano. La acumulaci贸n de nutrientes present贸 un patr贸n caracter铆stico sigmoidal y se modific贸 individualmente por el P y la inoculaci贸n con Bs. La dosis de 50 kg ha-1 de P increment贸 la acumulaci贸n de macronutrientes, sobre todo en la etapa de llenado de grano, mientras que el uso de Bs increment贸 la absorci贸n en las etapas de llenado de grano y madurez fisiol贸gica. En conclusi贸n, se comprob贸 la utilidad de la combinaci贸n de Bs con P en la modificaci贸n de la concentraci贸n, absorci贸n y acumulaci贸n de nutrientes en frijol


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    El cambio de uso de suelo es uno de los principales factores de la degradaci贸n de los ecosistemas naturales, al modificar los procesos de transferencia de nitr贸geno y agua reduciendo su productividad. En el presente trabajo, se describe c贸mo la transformaci贸n de matorrales des茅rticos a sabanas de zacate buffel en la regi贸n central de Sonora (RCS) afecta dichos almacenes de recursos del suelo. Para entenderlo, se seleccionaron parcelas en el matorral bajo el dosel de 谩rboles de Olneya tesota (NA) y espacios abiertos sin cobertura vegetal aparente (NI), y en la sabana de buffel, bajo la misma especie de 谩rbol (SA), inter-espacio (SI) y bajo el pasto buffel (SB). Se analiz贸 el nitr贸geno total y las formas disponibles de este nutrimento en el suelo, as铆 como contenido de agua en el suelo a diferentes profundidades durante cuatro a帽os (2010 al 2013). Se encontr贸 una p茅rdida anual de 12.5 kg N ha-1 debido a la transformaci贸n del ecosistema natural dominado por 谩rboles y arbustos que generan islas de fertilidad e inter-espacios, a una sabana dominada por buffel e inter-espacios a sabana. La humedad del suelo indica que en la parte superficial del suelo, los espacios abiertos tienen m谩s humedad, pero en la parte profunda de 150 a 200 cm la cubierta vegetal de los 谩rboles y buffel almacenan m谩s agua. Los resultados sugieren que el cambio de matorrales a sabanas de buffel ha disminuido los reservorios de nitr贸geno y agua, e impactado las propiedades f铆sicas del suelo, la fertilidad, y los reservorios h铆dricos del suelo. El estudio sugiere que los cambios espaciales y temporales en nitr贸geno y agua en el suelo repercutir谩n de manera importante en el balance hidrol贸gico y funcionamiento del ecosistema transformado

    Evaluaci贸n de ocho especies de 谩rboles end茅micos del estado de Sonora en suelo agr铆cola

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    The change in land use and factors such as overgrazing, long periods of drought and intensive agriculture have caused that Sonora's pastures lose more than half of their productive potential. The recovery of deteriorated soils is gradual and long-term so, that it is urgent to implement rehabilitation programs in these areas. According to the results, with respect to height, there were no significant differences between some species such as: Palo Verde c., Palo Fierro and Mesquite with values of 37.11 to 45.56 cm, with respect to the rest of the species (Green stick a., White stick, Tepehuaje, Green stick H. ATZ and Ceiba t茅sota), with values of 90.6 to 112.7 cm. In aerial coverage, there were no significant differences, in palo blanco, Palo Fierro and Ceiba t茅sota with covers of 390.3 to 4394 cm2, except for the species of paloverde c., paloverde a., Tepehuaje, Mesquite and Palo v. h ATZ with coverage from 3111 to 10068 cm2. Finally, as regards stem coverage, there were no significant differences between the species of Palo verde c., Palo verde a., Tepehuaje, Palo Fierro, Mesquite, Palo v. h ATZ and Ceiba t茅sota with stems of 0.5592 to 3.0356 cm2, except the White stick with 12.0480 cm2. It is possible that these species, 6 months after their establishment in abandoned agricultural areas, can rehabilitate areas in the short term.El cambio en el uso del suelo y factores como, sobre pastoreo, periodos largos de sequ铆a y agricultura intensiva han provocado que los agostaderos de Sonora pierdan m谩s de la mitad de su potencial productivo. La recuperaci贸n de suelos deteriorados es gradual y a largo plazo, por lo que urge implementar programas de rehabilitaci贸n en estas 谩reas. De acuerdo con los resultados, en lo que respecta a la altura, no se presentaron diferencias significativas de algunas especies, tales como: palo verde c., palo fierro y mezquite con valores de 37.11 a 45.56 cm, con respecto al resto de las especies (palo verde a., palo blanco, tepehuaje, palo verde h. ATZ y ceiba t茅sota), con valores de 90.6 a 112.7 cm. En cobertura a茅rea no se mostr贸 diferencias significativas, en palo blanco, palo fierro y ceiba t茅sota con coberturas de 390.3 a 4394 cm2, excepto las especies de palo verde c., palo verde a., tepehuaje, mezquite y palo v. h ATZ con coberturas de 3111 a 10068 cm2. Por 煤ltimo, en lo que respecta a la cobertura del tallo, no se presentaron diferencias significativas entre las especies de palo verde c., palo verde a., tepehuaje, palo fierro, mezquite, palo v. h ATZ y ceiba t茅sota con tallos de 0.5592 a 3.0356 cm2, excepto el palo blanco con 12.0480 cm2. Es posible que estas especies a los 6 meses de su establecimiento en 谩reas agr铆colas abandonadas puedan rehabilitar 谩reas en corto plazo

    Detection of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis in tomato and chili seeds and farming area of Sinaloa, Mexico

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    Phytosanitary inspectors play an important role in diagnosing diseases in foreign plant material. However, some deficiencies have been detected in the detectionc ausing the entrance of many microorganisms. Therefore, it was of great interest to detect the presence of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm) in foreign tomato and chili seed in the agricultural area of Sinaloa, Mexico, besides the growth and cell density of Cmm was evaluated in different selective media under continuous illumination and photoperiod. The results indicate that seeed of 35 varieties of tomatoes was collected; while for Chili seed were 18. This study was supported by farmers (225) which represent 79% of all growers and 32 business engaged in the sale of agro-supplies, provided seeds of varieties and hybrids. Those growers are from six areas (Culiacan, El Tamarindo, Navolato, Culiacan, El dorado and Badiraguato). For detection of Cmm in tomato seed, from 35, only four was variability considering Immunochromatography and ELISA techniques; however, considering chemical and physiological test, the result was negative. Similar results were in 18 varietes of chili seed, where eight showed variability to detect Cmm, and negative by chemical and physiological test. According to the growth and cell density of Cmm, the optimal medium was YDC under pH stable and continuous light conditions. It is recommended to consider the fusion of diagnostic techniques in the emission of a result

    Seroprevalencia de Mycobacterium avium subespecie paratuberculosis en bovinos sospechosos sacrificados en rastro de Sonora, M茅xico

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    Paratuberculosis is an infectious-contagious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium avium subspecie paratuberculosis (MAP), which affects the digestive tract of ruminants. MAP is distributed worldwide; however, there are no publications on the seroprevalence of this disease in cattle in the state of Sonora. Therefore, the objective of this study was to detect MAP seropositivity in cattle in Sonora, as well as to know its apparent prevalence in a population of adult cattle with emaciation and cachexia. Three hundred and eighty-five serum samples were analyzed from 370 female and 15 male cattle, older than 3 years, born in the state with signs of emaciation and cachexia. Data were collected on age, breed, zootechnical purpose and municipality of origin. The zootechnical purpose of the animals was mostly dual purpose cattle with 84.93% (370/385). The samples were processed using the commercial ELISA test. The results show an apparent seroprevalence of 2.08% (8/385) and the municipalities that presented seropositive animals were Hermosillo with 3 samples, as well as Guaymas, Huachinera, Ures, Villa Pesqueira and Fronteras, with one sample each. The present study demonstrates for the first time seropositivity to Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in cattle in Sonora. In addition to a low apparent seroprevalence in the cattle population sampled. The presence of MAP in Sonora, which could be considered a neglected disease, highlights the need to know its possible role in public health in MexicoLa paratuberculosis en una enfermedad infecto-contagiosa causada por la bacteria Mycobacterium avium subespecie paratuberculosis (MAP), y afecta al aparato digestivo de los rumiantes. MAP es de distribuci贸n mundial, sin embargo, no hay publicaciones de la seroprevalencia en bovinos de esta enfermedad en el estado de Sonora. Por lo anterior, el objetivo de este trabajo fue detectar la seropositividad a MAP en ganado bovino de Sonora, as铆 como conocer su prevalencia aparente en una poblaci贸n de bovinos adultos con emaciaci贸n y caquexia. Se analizaron 385 muestras de suero de bovinos, 370 de hembras y 15 de machos, mayores de 3 a帽os, nacidos en la entidad con signos de emaciaci贸n y caquexia. Se recopilaron datos sobre edad, raza, fin zoot茅cnico y municipio de origen. La finalidad zoot茅cnica de los animales fue en su mayor铆a bovinos de doble prop贸sito con 84.93% (370/385). Las muestras procesaron mediante la prueba comercial ELISA. Los resultados muestran una seroprevalencia aparente de 2.08% (8/385) y los municipios que presentaron animales seropositivos fueron Hermosillo con 3 muestras, as铆 como, Guaymas, Huachinera, Ures, Villa Pesqueira y Fronteras, con una muestra cada uno. El presente estudio demuestra por primera vez la seropositividad a Mycobacterium avium subespecie paratuberculosis en ganado bovino de Sonora. Adem谩s de una baja seroprevalencia aparente en la poblaci贸n de bovinos muestreada. La presencia de MAP en Sonora, la cual podr铆a ser considerada como una enfermedad olvidada, pone en evidencia la necesidad de conocer su posible rol en la salud p煤blica de M茅xic

    Germination and growth of the Sonoran Desert native trees under different agricultural conditions: TREE PLANTATION OF SONORAN DESERT

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    Objective: To evaluate the germination, survival and growth of native trees of the Sonoran Desert, in a fertile agricultural soil and with irrigation, and protection against herbivory. Design / methodology / approach: The germination, survival, and growth of five tree species (Parkinsonia microphylla, Olneya tesota, Prosopis velutina, Guaiacum coulteri, and Parkinsonia florida) were evaluated, with and without drip irrigation, excluding herbivory, and carried out on agricultural land for six months. Results: It was found that the irrigated species O. tesota, P. velutina, had the highest germination percentage (?2 = 398.941, p <0.0001). Plant survival was above 62% (?2 = 21.196, p <0.0035), with the exception of G. coulteri and P. florida without irrigation, which presented zero survival. The highest height at 6 months was presented by P. florida (p <0.0001), while the lowest heights were the plants without irrigation and G. coulteri with irrigation. Canopy coverage at 6 months was higher for P. velutina, P. florida, and O. tesota (p <0.0001), while plants without irrigation and G. coulteri with irrigation had the lowest coverage. Limitations / implications: It is necessary to continue with agronomic studies, which allow the successful establishment of commercial forest plantations, which contribute to environmental problems. Findings / conclusions: It is feasible to establish by direct sowing, the five species of native plants studied, in agricultural soil and with drip irrigation.Objective: To evaluate the germination, survival, and growth of Sonoran Desert native trees, in a fertile agricultural soil, with irrigation and protection against herbivory. Design/Methodology/Approach: For six months, the germination, survival, and growth of five tree species (Parkinsonia microphylla, Olneya tesota, Prosopis velutina, Guaiacum coulteri, and Parkinsonia florida) were evaluated in agricultural soil, with and without drip irrigation, avoiding herbivory. Results: The irrigated species O. tesota and P. velutina had the highest germination percentage (蠂2 = 398.941, p < 0.0001). Plant survival was above 62 % (蠂2 = 21.196, p < 0.0035), except for G. coulteri and P. florida without irrigation, which did not survive. At six months, P. florida recorded the greatest height (p < 0.0001), while all the species without irrigation and G. coulteri with irrigation recorded the lowest heights. Likewise, P. velutina, P. florida, and O. tesota (p < 0.0001) registered the greatest canopy cover at six months, while non-irrigated plants of all species and irrigated G. coulteri had the least cover. Limitations/Implications: Further agronomic studies are necessary to enable the successful establishment of commercial forest plantations, increasing knowledge about environmental problems. Findings/Conclusions: The five species of native plants studied can be established by direct sowing, in agricultural soil and with drip irrigation

    Protecci贸n contra herbivor铆a en reforestaci贸n de terreno 谩rido degradado, con palo verde(Parkinsonia microphylla Torr.)

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    ABSTRACT Rehabilitating degraded arid lands requires overcoming biotic and abiotic limitations. The objective of this study was to determine if low-cost protective shelters improve the survival and growth of palo verde (Parkinsonia microphylla) plants during the first year of reforestation at degraded sites in the Sonoran Desert. Protective shelters were built using pruning waste and plastic containers. For one year, 264 palo verde plants were subjected to differential protection treatments against herbivores: unprotected, and protected by branch shelters, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) shelters or both), and their survival and height were monitored. The survival of plants with the use of protective shelters was greater than that of unprotected plants (34.9-56.7 vs. 1.8%, x2 = 63.5; p < 0.0001); also, the heights of protected plants were greater. The use of shelters is an alternative for reforestation with palo verde in degraded lands in the Sonoran desert.RESUMEN Rehabilitar terrenos degradados 谩ridos, demanda superar limitaciones bi贸ticas y abi贸ticas. El objetivo del estudio fue conocer si refugios protectores de bajo costo, mejoran la supervivencia y el crecimiento de plantas de palo verde (Parkinsonia microphyll谩), durante el primer a帽o de reforestaci贸n en sitios degradados del Desierto Sonorense. Se construyeron refugios protectores reutilizando desechos de poda y envases pl谩sticos. Durante un a帽o, 264 plantas de palo verde fueron sometidas a tratamientos diferenciales de protecci贸n contra herb铆voros (sin protecci贸n, y con protecci贸n por refugios de ramas, PET o ambos), y se monitore贸 su supervivencia y altura. La supervivencia de plantas con el uso de refugios protectores fue mayor que la de las plantas sin protecci贸n (34.9-56.7 vs. 1.8%, x2 = 63.5; p < 0.0001); tambi茅n las alturas de las plantas protegidas fueron mayores. El uso de refugios es una alternativa para la reforestaci贸n con palo verde en terrenos degradados del desierto Sonorense