968 research outputs found

    Hulk Smash”™ Busting the OAA Silo!

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    This poster focuses on Lavery Library’s collaboration with the Office of Academic Affairs, OAA. At St. John Fisher College students with learning disabilities testing accommodations take their exams in the library instead of a testing center. This is unique because OAA is located in another building from the library and therefore they have to coordinate scheduling of a proctor and student in room they do not control. The library also balances the needs of the general student population and the needs of OAA by offering students other study locations in the library while testing is in progress. The library then holds the testing materials along with testing accessories behind the checkout desk until proctor and student arrive. Communication is crucial for this to all happen smoothly. Over the last 2 years the number of students needing accommodations has significantly increased so the relationship between the library and OAA has gotten stronger out of necessity. Access Services staff continues the strong communication within the department to coordinate exams which happen after hours or on the weekends when the OAA office is closed. Since the library is open for more than 100 hours a week, faculty are allowed to drop off testing materials any hour we are open. Four permanent part-time employees and 20 work study students are all trained on the testing process; this facilitates student success by accommodating testing outside of business hours. The library and OAA have recently created a focus group to determine the future of testing on the Fisher campus

    Electron cloud dynamics in the Cornell Electron Storage Ring Test Accelerator wiggler

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    The interference of stray electrons (also called “electron clouds”) with accelerator beams is important in modern intense-beam accelerators, especially those with beams of positive charge. In magnetic wigglers, used, for instance, for transverse emittance damping, the intense synchrotron radiation produced by the beam can generate an electron cloud of relatively high density. In this paper the complicated dynamics of electron clouds in wigglers is examined using the example of a wiggler in the Cornell Electron Storage Ring Test Accelerator experiment at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring. Three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations with the WARP-POSINST computer code show different density and dynamics for the electron cloud at locations near the maxima of the vertical wiggler field when compared to locations near the minima. Dynamics in these regions, the electron cloud distribution vs longitudinal position, and the beam coherent tune shift caused by the wiggler electron cloud will be discussed

    Structural breakdown and thermal behavior of selected borosilicate minerals

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    The specific objective of this thesis was the definition of thermal behavior, breakdown mechanisms and breakdown products of selected borosilicates, specifically tourmalines and axinites, which are the most and the less investigated borosilicate phases, respectively, occurring in geological settings. The general objective was to assess the role of borosilicates in the dehydration embrittlement process along the downgoing slab, leading to the definition of their stability fields and to the quantitative evaluation of B-enriched fluids released during possible oxidation-deprotonation processes and structural breakdown of such mineral phases

    Overview of the Heavy Ion Fusion Program

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    The world Heavy Ion Fusion (HIF) Program for inertial fusion energy is looking toward the development and commissioning of several new experiments. Recent and planned upgrades of the facilities at GSI, in Russia, and in Japan greatly enhance the ability to study energy deposition in hot dense matter. Worldwide target design developments have focused on non-ignition targets for nearterm experiments and designs which, while lowering the energy required for ignition, tighten accelerator requirements. The U.S program is transitioning between scaled beam dynamics experiments and high current experiments with power-plant-driver-scale beams. Current effort is aimed at preparation for the next-step large facility, the Integrated Research Experiment (IRE)-- an induction linac accelerating multiple beams to a few hundred MeV, then focusing to deliver tens of kilojoules to a target. The goal is to study heavy ion energy deposition, and to test all of the components and physics needed for an engineering test of a power plant driver and target chamber. This paper will include an overview of the Heavy Ion Fusion program abroad and a more in-depth view of the progress and plans of the U.S. program.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Comparison of the heat transfer efficiency of nanofluids

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    The continuously increasing power involved in many applications, coupled with the very small size of a number of component devices, is pushing the technical community to look for more efficient heat transfer systems, to remove the heat generated and keep the system under controlled operating conditions. In particular, significant interest has been devoted to the use of the so-called nanofluids, obtained by suspending nano-sized particles in conventional heat transfer liquids. According to some literature, these suspensions present enhanced heat transfer capabilities, without the inconveniencies of particles settlement and clogging of the channels encountered using larger particles. However, other results show that the actual improvement in the heat transfer efficiency may depend on the adopted working conditions and on the reference parameters (fluid velocity, Reynolds number, pressure drop, etc.) assumed to compare the performances of the nanoparticles suspensions with those of the clear thermal fluid. In the present work heat transfer experiments were carried out on a number of nanofluids systems, varying the type and the concentration of the nanoparticles, and the fluid dynamic regime. The investigated suspensions gave rise to heat transfer coefficients different from those of their respective clear thermal fluid, the thermal efficiency being higher or lower, depending on the fluid dynamic parameter used as a base for comparing the systems. Generally speaking, in most cases nanofluids may give an advantage from the heat transfer point of view only when the conditions are unfavorable for the traditional thermal fluid

    Cronometrando los intervalos "V-to-V" en italiano: revisión y nuevas hipótesis

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    This paper is intended to discuss aspects of durational variability of V-to-V intervals in Italian from a phonetically based perspective. Recently, the interest in the phonetic properties underlying rhythm typologies has been growing, also as a consequence of the repeatedly observed weakness of phonological factors in the explanation of rhythmic differences. Timing is only one of the many aspects contributing to language rhythm. The speaker and the text are fundamental sources of variation, in the sense that rhythm depends far more on individual timing strategies than on the phonological structure of a languageEste artículo intenta describir aspectos de la variabilidad duracional de los intervalos V-to-V en italiano desde un punto de vista fonético. Recientemente ha aumentado el interés en las propiedades fonéticas subyacentes en las tipologías rítmicas, también como consecuencia de una debilidad de los factores fonológicos, observada repetidamente la explicación de diferencias rítmicas. El hablante y el texto son fuentes fundamentales de variación, en el sentido de que el ritmo depende más de estrategias temporales individuales que en la estructura fonológica de la lengu

    Politiche pubbliche e orti condivisi a Roma: tra promozione e controllo

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    Gli orti condivisi sono stati interpretati in letteratura come pratiche attraverso cui i cittadini possono reclamare il loro diritto alla città, ma anche come forme di governance collaborativa in un contesto di neoliberismo. Il lavoro si propone di riflettere su questa ambivalenza e sui suoi effetti sulle politiche pubbliche, attraverso l’analisi del caso di Roma. Dopo una ricostruzione della diffusione degli orti urbani a Roma e delle risposte istituzionali messe in campo dal comune negli ultimi dieci anni, il contributo si focalizza sull’analisi del “Regolamento per l’affidamento in comodato d’uso e per la gestione di aree a verde di proprietà di Roma Capitale compatibili con la destinazione a orti/Giardini urbani”, approvato a Luglio 2015. L’analisi – basata su fonti secondarie, osservazione partecipata e interviste in profondità – consente di mettere in luce gli effetti perversi e contraddittori di questo intervento, nominalmente volto a promuovere il radicamento, l’attivismo e la partecipazione delle comunità locali


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    The creation of a Free Trade Area is the main pillar on which regionalization in the Mediterranean has been pursued since the establishment of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership in 1995. The aim of this paper is to reflect upon the relation between commercial integration and region-building in the Mediterranean from an interpretative perspective, in order to offer a critical evaluation of the aims, the impact and the evolution of Euro-Mediterranean policies. To this end, we will show some evidence about the intensity and spatiality of cross-Mediterranean trade relations. We will see how the idea of constructing a Mediterranean region does indeed coexist and conflict with other geographical imaginaries: the idea of the Mediterranean as a border and the attempts to establish a regime of managed and differential relations in the area. Moreover, we will present the different delimitations which have been proposed for the Euro-Mediterranean area, in order to give an idea of the struggle between alternative geopolitical representations which is behind regionalization strategies in the Mediterranean. We will discuss the attempts to use conditionality to promote reforms in the partner countries, and the Eurocentric character of such attempts. Finally, we will reflect upon the concept of ‘selective’ Europeanization: the spatial metaphor that, in our opinion, best captures the content and the outcome of the recurrent attempts to construct a Mediterranean region

    Good-bye World

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    Challenges and effects of short-term rentals regulation

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    Abstract: Many overtouristified cities introduced limitations to the diffusion of short-term rentals, and are struggling to guarantee their enforcement, while evidence about the impact of those regulations is limited. The article provides an overview of the instruments adopted by 16 European cities, and an assessment of their effectiveness. By comparing regulated and unregulated cities, we show that the former obtained a persistent reduction in the number of listings of entire apartments, in the ratio between entire apartments and shared rooms, and in the number of professional hosts, but no significant impact on the spatial concentration of short-term rentals in the city. We also provide evidence of the effects of the diverse regulatory strategies, and of the importance of obtaining the cooperation of booking platforms.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio