775 research outputs found

    Rivoluzione cognitivista e teoria del diritto: un programma di ricerca

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    Questo scritto ha un carattere esclusivamente programmatico. \uc8 dedicato alla presentazione delle linee essenziali di un programma di ricerca nel quale siamo impegnati gi\ue0 da un po\u2019 di tempo, e che intendiamo sviluppare nel prossimo futuro. Nei primi due paragrafi tratteggiamo sommariamente il contesto culturale e scientifico della \u201crivoluzione cognitivista\u201d, nel quale il nostro programma si colloca (behavioural law and economics; responsabilit\ue0 e imputabilit\ue0; euristiche e bias nella decisione giudiziale). Nel terzo paragrafo elenchiamo le linee di ricerca affini gi\ue0 battute da altri autori. Il quarto paragrafo \ue8 dedicato alla formulazione del nucleo centrale del nostro programma: quali sono i processi psicologici soggiacenti alla comprensione, osservanza, produzione, applicazione di regole in genere, e di regole giuridiche in particolare? Successivamente diremo cosa abbiamo gi\ue0 fatto (molto poco), e cosa intendiamo fare in futuro.What we present here are the outlines of a research program. In sections 1 and 2, we give a rough picture of the \u201ccognitive revolution\u201d, the context in which our program situates. In section 3, we briefly review some well-established lines of inquiry germane to ours (behavioural law and economics; criminal responsibility and imputability; heuristics and biases in adjudication). Section 4 is devoted to the core of our research program: what are the psychological processes involved in the understanding, issuing and complying with norms, and in rule-based decision-making? Subsequently, in the last two sections, we give a glimpse on what we have done already (not much), and on what we plan to do in the next future


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    Background:Covid-19 has had an important impact on the mental health conditions of over 5 million Italians suffering from one of the over 150 rheumatic diseases. In order to understand the psychological impact of the Covid-19 emergency and the restrictions imposed to counter it, the Italian National Association of People with Rheumatic and Rare Diseases – APMARR APS launched the research "Living with a rheumatic pathology".Objectives:Gather data directly from Italian patients about the impact of the COVID-19 and consequent restrictions on their mental health and feelings; evaluate the most effective intervention to be implemented to face the pandemic by Patients organization.Methods:A qualitative-quantitative survey was carried out through a questionnaire administered throughout the national territory to a sample of N = 1,001 people. The people invited to complete the questionnaire were women (55,9%) and men (44,1%), aged 18-85 years (age 18-41=26,7%; age 42-65=64%; age >65=9,3%) with at least one rheumatic pathology. The questionnaire was made up of 39 questions, of which 29 were closed and 10 were open. For the administration of the questionnaires, the CAWI (Computer Aided Web Interview) methodology of on-line survey was used. The 1,001 interviews were carried out from 7 to 14 August 2020.Results:More than 4 out of 10 people (total sample 44.2%; male 60%, female 35,7%; age 18-41=39,1%; age 42-65=45,9%; age >65 = 50%) declared that the emergency period has somehow caused a worsening of their health condition. People declared that the deterioration of their health is due to the emergency period for the following reasons: 1) Psychological: such as stress and anxiety: "Too much stress and anxiety made the symptoms worse."; "The stress of the quarantine affected my problem"; "Insomnia. Nervousness. General ailments. Depression. Strong stress" 2) Inability to perform physiotherapy and motor activities due to the lockdown 3) Postponement of examinations, visits and checks 4) remote working, in some cases described as harmful for people's mental and physical health: "Due to Covid19 I had to do remote working and I worked even 12 hours a day including holidays to the detriment of my family life".Furthermore, from January 31, 2020 a significant increase emerged in communication problems with rheumatology specialist compared to the period before the emergency due to Covid-19. The sharp increase may be due to the situation of severe psychological stress to which also the doctors were subjected in the emergency phase: people could not find the comfort of being empathically listened to.Conclusion:The research shows that the most frequent symptoms among people with rheumatic diseases were depression and high levels of anxiety due to strong emotional stress. Psychological malaise caused direct effects in worsening the symptoms of rheumatic disease as well as other related effects, for example, insomnia. The forced isolation due to the lockdown has made people lack the social support that is fundamental for the psychological well-being especially for those suffering from some chronic pathology. Starting from the data collected, APMARR promptly activated a completely free psychological support service with 6 professional psychologists, two of them specialized in emergency psychology. The service is accessible online and is still going on for all who are not able to overcome the anxiety and fear related to the pandemic and its evolution. Thousands of accesses to the service have been measured to date.References:S Mingolla1, A Celano1, M Santopietro2[1]NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PEOPLE WITH RHEUMATIC AND RARE DISEASES - APMARR APS[2]WeResearch. Ricerche di marketingDisclosure of Interests:None declare

    Assessment and tuning of the behaviour of a microphysical characterisation scheme

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    International audienceThe correct classification of prevailing bulk hydrometeor type within a radar resolution volume is a challenge task even if a full set of polarimetric radar observables is available. Indeed scattering and propagation effects from the variety of hydrometeors present interact each others and sometimes, if not often, tend to obscure the characteristic signature of each weather radar target type. This consideration is enforced when the atmospheric volume is sampled with a wavelength where both Mie scattering effects and attenuation start to become relevant. In this paper, we utilize the hydrometeor classification scheme developed at the National Severe Storms Laboratory (USA). Briefly, the scheme uses a fuzzy logic approach to combine different polarimetric variables and environmental temperature in order to determine the most likely type of prevalent hydrometeor in the radar volume. This means that the resulting classification is based on two characteristics: the volume polarimetric responses and the thermal value. The relative balance between these two is managed through the coefficients in the fuzzy scheme. We have observed that these parameters are crucial in order to get "physical reasonable result", independently from the meteorological character of the event investigated. Our work is based on a reduced set of polarimetric variables (Z and ZDR) as input. Data used in this study were collected by a C-band radar over weather events ranging from convective to stratiform

    Distinctive Traits of Four Apulian Traditional Agri-Food Product (TAP) Cheeses Manufactured at the Same Dairy Plant

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    This study aimed to highlight the distinctive features of four Traditional Agri-food Products (TAP), namely, Caprino, Pecorino, Vaccino, and Cacioricotta cheeses produced at the same dairy plant to reveal any possible relationships between their microbiological and biochemical character-istics. Two distinct natural whey starter (NWS) cultures were used during Caprino and Vaccino cheesemaking, whereas no starter was used for the other cheeses. Cacioricotta retained the highest concentrations of salt and residual carbohydrates. Lactic acid bacteria dominated the microbiota of the cheeses. Furthermore, staphylococci represented an additional dominant microbial population in Cacioricotta. Although culture-dependent analysis showed that the use of NWS cultures only slightly affected the microbial community of cheeses, 16S metagenetic analysis showed that Lactobacillus helveticus dominated both the NWS cultures and the corresponding Caprino and Vaccino cheeses. This analysis indicated that Staphylococcus equorum and Streptococcus thermophilus dominated Cacioricotta and Pecorino cheeses, respectively. The highest peptidase activities were found in either Caprino or Vaccino. Enzymes involved in the catabolism of free amino acids and esterase showed the highest activity in Pecorino cheese. Each cheese showed a distinct profile of volatile organic compounds, with Pecorino being the richest cheese in carboxylic acids, ketones, and esters, related to lipolysis. The results of this study contribute to valorizing and safeguarding these TAP cheeses, sustaining local farming

    Reduced expression of THRβ in papillary thyroid carcinomas: relationship with BRAF mutation, aggressiveness and miR expression

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    Purpose Down-regulation of thyroid hormone receptor beta (THRβ) gene has been described in several human malignancies, including thyroid cancer. In this study, we analyzed THRβ mRNA expression in surgical specimens from a series of human papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTCs), characterized by their genotypic and clinical–biological features. Methods Thirty-six PTCs were divided into two groups according to the 2009 American Thyroid Association risk classification (17 low, 19 intermediate), and each group was divided into subgroups based on the presence or absence of the BRAFV600E mutation (21 BRAF mutated, 15 BRAF wild type). Gene expression was analyzed using fluidic cards containing probes and primers specific for the THRβ gene, as well as for genes of thyroperoxidase (TPO), sodium/iodide symporter (NIS), thyroglobulin (Tg) and thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (TSH-R) and for some miRNAs involved in thyroid neoplasia and targeting THRβ. The mRNA levels of each tumor tissue were compared with their correspondent normal counterpart. Results THRβ transcript was down-regulated in all PTCs examined. No significant differences were found between intermediate- vs low-risk PTCs patients, and BRAF-mutated vs BRAF wild-type groups. THRβ expression was directly correlated with NIS, TPO, Tg and TSH-R, and inversely correlated to miR-21, -146a, -181a and -221 expression. Conclusions Our results demonstrate that down-regulation of THRβ is a common feature of PTCs. While it is not associated with a more aggressive phenotype of PTC, it correlates with the reduction of all the markers of differentiation and is associated with overexpression of some miRNAs supposed to play a role in thyroid tumorigenesis

    The controversial role of human gut lachnospiraceae

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    The complex polymicrobial composition of human gut microbiota plays a key role in health and disease. Lachnospiraceae belong to the core of gut microbiota, colonizing the intestinal lumen from birth and increasing, in terms of species richness and their relative abundances during the host’s life. Although, members of Lachnospiraceae are among the main producers of short-chain fatty acids, different taxa of Lachnospiraceae are also associated with different intra-and extraintestinal diseases. Their impact on the host physiology is often inconsistent across different studies. Here, we discuss changes in Lachnospiraceae abundances according to health and disease. With the aim of harnessing Lachnospiraceae to promote human health, we also analyze how nutrients from the host diet can influence their growth and how their metabolites can, in turn, influence host physiology

    Hydrometeor classification from dual-polarized weather radar: extending fuzzy logic from S-band to C-band data

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    International audienceA model-based fuzzy classification method for C-band polarimetric radar data, named Fuzzy Radar Algorithm for Hydrometeor Classification at C-band (FRAHCC), is presented. Membership functions are designed for best fitting simulation data at C-band, and they are derived for ten different hydrometeor classes by means of a scattering model, based on T-Matrix numerical method. The fuzzy logic classification technique uses a reduced set of polarimetric observables, i.e. copolar reflectivity and differential reflectivity, and it is finally applied to data coming from radar sites located in Gattatico and S. Pietro Capofiume in North Italy. The final purpose is to show qualitative accuracy improvements with respect to the use of a set of ten bidimensional MBFs, previously adopted and well suited to S-band data but not to C-band data

    Regulación epigenética del IFN-y en tuberculosis

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    M. tuberculosis (Mtb) es el principal asesino microbiológico en el mundo. Las modificaciones epigenéticas son claves en la plasticidad del sistema inmune y como mediadores entre el ambiente y los fenotipos celulares. El IFN-v, media la respuesta protectiva frente a Mtb, pero se desconocen los mecanismos epigenéticos que regularían su activación y mediarían la susceptibilidad a la tuberculosis.Área: Ciencias Biológicas, Ambiente y Salud

    Predictive Metagenomic Profiling, Urine Metabolomics, and Human Marker Gene Expression as an Integrated Approach to Study Alopecia Areata

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    Involvement of the microbiome in many different scalp conditions has been investigated over the years. Studies on the role of the scalp microbiome in specific diseases, such as those involving hair growth alterations like non-cicatricial [androgenetic alopecia (AGA), alopecia areata (AA)] and cicatricial alopecia lichen planopilaris, are of major importance. In the present work, we highlighted the differences in microbial populations inhabiting the scalp of AA subjects and a healthy sample cohort by using an integrated approach relying on metagenomic targeted 16S sequencing analysis, urine metabolomics, and human marker gene expression. Significant differences in genera abundances (p < 0.05) were found in the hypodermis and especially the dermis layer. Based on 16S sequencing data, we explored the differences in predicted KEGG pathways and identified some significant differences in predicted pathways related to the AA pathologic condition such as flagellar, assembly, bacterial chemotaxis, mineral absorption, ABC transporters, cellular antigens, glycosaminoglycan degradation, lysosome, sphingolipid metabolism, cell division, protein digestion and absorption, and energy metabolism. All predicted pathways were significantly enhanced in AA samples compared to expression in healthy samples, with the exceptions of mineral absorption, and ABC transporters. We also determined the expression of TNF-α, FAS, KCNA3, NOD-2, and SOD-2 genes and explored the relationships between human gene expression levels and microbiome composition by Pearson's correlation analysis; here, significant correlations both positive (SOD vs. Staphylococcus, Candidatus Aquiluna) and negative (FAS and SOD2 vs. Anaerococcus, Neisseria, and Acinetobacter) were highlighted. Finally, we inspected volatile organic metabolite profiles in urinary samples and detected statistically significant differences (menthol, methanethiol, dihydrodehydro-beta-ionone, 2,5-dimethylfuran, 1,2,3,4, tetrahydro-1,5,7-trimethylnapthalene) when comparing AA and healthy subject groups. This multiple comparison approach highlighted potential traits associated with AA and their relationship with the microbiota inhabiting the scalp, opening up novel therapeutic interventions in such kind of hair growth disorders mainly by means of prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics