4 research outputs found

    Consumer preferences for goatkid meat in Albania

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    The objective of this paper is to analyse consumer preferences for goat-kid meat attributable to the market potential of mountainous areas and the valorisation opportunities arising from the certification of origin. The study explores consumer preferences toward the main attributes of goat-kid meat such as origin, weight and quality-certification. A Conjoint Choice Experiment was utilised to design the survey and a Latent Class Analysis Model employed to analyse the results of a survey carried out with 250 residents living in urban areas of Tirana. Origin was found to be the most important factor for all three identified consumer classes. This result can be used to producers’ advantage if labelling and other marketing tools are available to inform consumers of the products’ origin. Implementation and enforcement of origin identification should be a priority for the government and other stakeholders

    Analysis of urban consumer preferences for honey in the context of a transition economy – A case study for Albania

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    Summary This paper aims to analyze urban consumer preferences for Albanian honey, focusing on key product attributes such as origin, type, location and price, using a conjoint choice experiment and latent class approach. Origin and location-landscape were found to be the most important factors for most surveyed consumers. Albanian consumers prefer honey produced in mountainous forests and on pastures. Moreover, multi-flower honey is preferred compared to chestnuts honey. These results can be used to producers' advantage when local branding and well-perceived certification (e.g., producer associations' brands) would be applied in order to increase the consumer awareness and strengthen the intrinsic features of the product especially for small producers. Labeling should be clear and emphasize the origin as well as the natural landscape where beehives are kept. Furthermore, in its regionalization economic development policy, the government may consider supporting honey produced from the mountainous areas

    Consumer preferences for goatkid meat in Albania

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    The objective of this paper is to analyse consumer preferences for goat-kid meat attributable to the market potential of mountainous areas and the valorisation opportunities arising from the certification of origin. The study explores consumer preferences toward the main attributes of goat-kid meat such as origin, weight and quality-certification. A Conjoint Choice Experiment was utilised to design the survey and a Latent Class Analysis Model employed to analyse the results of a survey carried out with 250 residents living in urban areas of Tirana. Origin was found to be the most important factor for all three identified consumer classes. This result can be used to producers’ advantage if labelling and other marketing tools are available to inform consumers of the products’ origin. Implementation and enforcement of origin identification should be a priority for the government and other stakeholders

    Analysis of consumers' preferences for typical local cheese in Albania applying conjoint analysis

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    This study aims at analysing Albanian consumer preferences for cheese using a structured survey. We focus on preferences for local cheese by grouping consumers into homogenous classes using a conjoint choice design. Research results indicate that the area of origin is an important attribute, though the level of importance varies by consumer class. Two out of the three classes identified show a strong preference for white cheese, and prefer cheese from Gjirokaster area. The analysis provides useful information to producers and policy makers on the potential for developing local geographical indication labels, either Protected Geographical Indication or Protected Designation of Origin. Research results may be particularly promising in the case of Gjirokaster that has a good reputation for cheese production.Cette \'etude vise \`a analyser les pr\'ef\'erences des consommateurs albanais pour le fromage sur la base d'un questionnaire structur\'e. L'attention est focalis\'ee sur les pr\'ef\'erences pour le fromage local typique et l'\'echantillon de consommateurs est subdivis\'e en groupes homog\`enes au moyen d'une analyse conjointe des choix. Les r\'esultats indiquent que la zone d'origine est un attribut important, mais le niveau d'importance varie selon les groupes de consommateurs. Deux des trois groupes identifi\'es affichent une forte pr\'ef\'erence pour le fromage blanc et pour le fromage originaire de Gjirokast\"er. L'analyse fournit des informations utiles pour les producteurs et les d\'ecideurs sur le potentiel de d\'eveloppement des labels d'indication g\'eographique locale, que ce soient des Indications g\'eographiques prot\'eg\'ees ou des Appellations d'origine prot\'eg\'ee. Ces r\'esultats s'av\`erent \^etre particuli\`erement int\'eressants dans le cas de Gjirokast\"er qui a bonne r\'eputation pour la production de fromage