14 research outputs found

    New near-IR observations of mesospheric CO2 and H2O clouds on Mars

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    Carbon dioxide clouds, which are speculated by models on solar and extra-solar planets, have been recently observed near the equator of Mars. The most comprehensive identification of Martian CO2 ice clouds has been obtained by the near-IR imaging spectrometer OMEGA. CRISM, a similar instrument with a higher spatial resolution, cannot detect these clouds with the same method due to its shorter wavelength range. Here we present a new method to detect CO2 clouds using near-IR data based on the comparison of H2O and CO2 ice spectral properties. The spatial and seasonal distributions of 54 CRISM observations containing CO2 clouds are reported, in addition to 17 new OMEGA observations. CRISM CO2 clouds are characterized by grain size in the 0.5-2\mum range and optical depths lower than 0.3. The distributions of CO2 clouds inferred from OMEGA and CRISM are consistent with each other and match at first order the distribution of high altitude (>60km) clouds derived from previous studies. At second order, discrepancies are observed. We report the identification of H2O clouds extending up to 80 km altitude, which could explain part of these discrepancies: both CO2 and H2O clouds can exist at high, mesospheric altitudes. CRISM observations of afternoon CO2 clouds display morphologies resembling terrestrial cirrus, which generalizes a previous result to the whole equatorial clouds season. Finally, we show that morning OMEGA observations have been previously misinterpreted as evidence for cumuliform, and hence potentially convective, CO2 clouds.Comment: Vincendon, M., C. Pilorget, B. Gondet, S. Murchie, and J.-P. Bibring (2011), New near-IR observations of mesospheric CO2 and H2O clouds on Mars, J. Geophys. Res., 116, E00J0

    VIS-IR spectroscopy of mixtures of ice, organic matter and opaque mineral in support of minor bodies remote sensing observations

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    International audienceWe investigate the VIS-IR spectral reflectance of mixtures rich in water ice and organics, in support of the interpretation of remote sensing observations of minor bodies from space missions, and to test the ability of radiative transfer models to infer surface composition from VIS-IR spectroscopy

    VIS-IR Spectroscopy of Mixtures of Water Ice, Organic Matter, and Opaque Mineral in Support of Small Body Remote Sensing Observations

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    International audienceVisual-to-infrared (VIS-IR) remote sensing observations of different classes of outer solar system objects indicate the presence of water ice and organics. Here, we present laboratory reflectance spectra in the 0.5–4.2 μm spectral range of binary particulate mixtures of water ice, organics analogue (kerite), and an opaque iron sulphide phase (pyrrhotite) to investigate the spectral effects of varying mixing ratios, endmember grain size, and mixing modality. The laboratory spectra are also compared to different implementations of the Hapke reflectance model (Hapke, 2012). We find that minor amounts (≲1 wt%) of kerite (investigated grain sizes of 45–63 μm and <25 μm) can remain undetected when mixed in coarse-grained (67 ± 31 μm) water ice, suggesting that organics similar to meteoritic insoluble organic matter (IOM) might be characterized by larger detectability thresholds. Additionally, our measurements indicate that the VIS absolute reflectance of water ice-containing mixtures is not necessarily monotonically linked to water ice abundance. The latter is better constrained by spectral indicators such as the band depths of water ice VIS-IR diagnostic absorptions and spectral slopes. Simulation of laboratory spectra of intimate mixtures with a semi-empirical formulation of the Hapke model suggests that simplistic assumptions on the endmember grain size distribution and shape may lead to estimated mixing ratios considerably offset from the nominal values. Finally, laboratory spectra of water ice grains with fine-grained pyrrhotite inclusions (intraparticle mixture) have been positively compared with a modified version of the Hapke model from Lucey and Riner (2011)

    MASCOT’s in situ analysis of asteroid Ryugu in the context of regolith samples and remote sensing data returned by Hayabusa2

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    The Hayabusa2 mission provided a unique data set of asteroid Ryugu that covers a wide range of spatial scale from the orbiter remote sensing instruments to the returned samples. The MASCOT lander that was delivered onto the surface of Ryugu aimed to provide context for these data sets by producing in situ data collected by a camera (MasCam), a radiometer (MARA), a magnetometer (MasMag) and a spectrometer (MicrOmega). In this work, we evaluate the success of MASCOT as an integrated lander to bridge the gap between orbiter and returned sample analysis. We find that MASCOT’s measurements and derivatives thereof, including the rock morphology, colour in the visible wavelengths, possible meteorite analogue, density, and porosity of the rock at the landing site are in good agreement with those of the orbiter and the returned samples. However, it also provides information on the spatial scale (sub-millimetres to centimetres) at which some physical properties such as the thermal inertia and reflectance undergo scale-dependent changes. Some of the in situ observations such as the presence of clast/inclusions in rocks and the absence of fine particles at the landing site was uniquely identified by MASCOT. Thus, we conclude that the delivery of an in situ instrument like MASCOT provides a valuable data set that complements and provides context for remote sensing and returned sample analyses.Validerad;2023;Nivå 2;2023-04-14 (johcin);Funder: German Aerospace Center (DLR);  French space agency (CNES);Part of special issue: New Insights in Planetary Science with Hayabusa, Hayabusa2, and Future Space Missions</p

    Ryugu Sample Database System (RS-DBS) on the Data Archives and Transmission System (DARTS) by the JAXA curation

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    International audienceAbstract The JAXA Astromaterials Science Research Group developed a web-based database system for the Hayabusa2-returned samples from C-type asteroid Ryugu. The Ryugu Sample Database System database (RS-DBS) is designed as an online catalog for users of wide scientific communities to choose their preferred samples and propose the sample loan through the JAXA Ryugu Sample Announcement of Opportunity. Ryugu samples can be sorted and given identification numbers as individual particles larger than 1 mm and aggregate samples consisting of less than 1 mm particle through the Phase1 curation (i.e., the initial description). The RS-DBS lists all samples with analytical data such as a microscopy image, size, mass, spectroscopic data, and shape model obtained by the initial description at the JAXA curation facility. The list also includes research results conducted by previous projects (i.e., the Hayabusa2 initial analysis team and Phase2 curation teams). The RS-DBS, built with open-source technologies, archives the data securely and long-term on the Data Archives and Transmission System (DARTS) at ISAS/JAXA. Graphical Abstrac

    Raman Laser Spectrometer (RLS) calibration target design to allow onboard combined science between the RLS and MicrOmega instruments on the ExoMars rover

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    The ExoMars rover, scheduled to be launched in 2020, will be equipped with a novel and diverse payload. It will also include a drill to collect subsurface samples (from 0‐ to 2‐m depth) and deliver them to the rover analytical laboratory, where it will be possible to perform combined science between instruments. For the first time, the exact same sample target areas will be investigated using complementary analytical methods—infrared spectrometry, Raman spectrometry, and laser desorption mass spectrometry—to establish mineralogical and organic chemistry composition. Fundamental for implementing this cooperative science strategy is the Raman Laser Spectrometer (RLS) calibration target (CT). The RLS CT features a polyethylene terephthalate disk used for RLS calibration and verification of the instrument during the mission. In addition, special patterns have been recorded on the RLS CT disk that the other instruments can detect and employ to determine their relative position. In this manner, the RLS CT ensures the spatial correlation between the three analytical laboratory instruments: MicrOmega, RLS, and MOMA. The RLS CT has been subjected to a series of tests to qualify it for space utilization and to characterize its behavior during the mission. The results from the joint work performed by the RLS and MicrOmega instrument teams confirm the feasibility of the “combined science” approach envisioned for ExoMars rover operations, whose science return is optimized when complementing the RLS and MicrOmega joint analysis with the autonomous RLS operation.Proyecto MINECO Retos de la Sociedad. Ref. ESP2017-87690-C3-1-

    Variations of the surface characteristics of Ryugu returned samples

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    Abstract Hayabusa2 spacecraft successfully collected rock samples from the surface of C-type near-Earth asteroid 162173 Ryugu through two touchdowns and brought them back to Earth in 2020. At the Extraterrestrial Sample Curation Center in JAXA, we performed initial description of all samples to obtain fundamental information and prepare the database for sample allocation. We propose morphological classifications for the returned samples based on the initial description of 205 grains described in the first 6 months. The returned samples can be distinguished by four morphological characteristics: dark, glossy, bright, and white. According to coordinated study to provide an initial description and detailed investigation by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis in this study, these features reflect the differences in the degree of space weathering and mineral assemblages. The degree of space weathering of the four studied grain types is heterogeneous: weak for A0042 (dark group) and C0041 (white group); moderate for C0094 (glossy); and severe for A0017 (bright). The white phase, which is the mineral characteristic of the white group grains, is identified as large carbonate minerals. This is the first effort to classify Ryugu returned samples into distinct categories. Based on these results, researchers can estimate sample characteristics only from the information on the JAXA curation public database. It will be an important reference for sample selection for further investigation. Graphical Abstrac

    火の鳥「はやぶさ」未来編 その26 ~リュウグウ帰還試料のキュレーション~

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