997 research outputs found

    Metabolic and cometabolic degradation of herbicides in the fine material of railway ballast

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    Microbial degradation of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (diuron) and mineralization of 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) were studied in soil samples taken from the ballast layers of three Swedish railway embankments. The degradation of diuron followed first-order kinetics and half-lives ranged between 122 and 365 days. The half-lives correlated strongly with microbial biomass estimated by substrate-induced respiration (SIR; R=-0.85; p<0.05) and with the amount of organic matter measured as loss on ignition (R=-0.87; p<0.05). Accumulation of the metabolites 1-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-3-methyl urea (DCPMU) and 1-(3,4-dichlorophenyl) urea (DCPU) was observed in all samples and these were only detectably degraded in the sample with the highest SIR. Addition of ground lucerne straw to the ballast samples stimulated microbial activity and led to increased formation of metabolites, but further transformation of DCPMU and DCPU was not enhanced. Mineralization of MCPA followed growth-linked kinetics and the time for 50% mineralization was 44.5±7.1 days in samples of previously untreated ballast. In samples of ballast that had been previously treated with the herbicide formulation MCPA 750, the time for 50% mineralization was reduced to 13.7±11.3 days. The number of MCPA degraders, quantified using an MPN technique, was clearly increased but highly variable. An average yield of 0.18 cells pg−1 of MCPA was estimated from the kinetic data. The yield estimates correlated with the amount of nitrogen in the ballast, indicating that mineralization of MCPA was nitrogen-limited in the railway embankments studied. This has practical implications for weed control using herbicides on railways

    Expression and regulation of antimicrobial peptides in mucosal immunity

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    Antimicrobial polypeptides (AMPs) are effector molecules of the innate immune defense. AMPs are mainly expressed in epithelial cells and immune cells, providing the first line of defense to infection as direct antimicrobials. In addition, many AMPs display immunomodulatory functions in both the adaptive and innate immune system. Thus, a tight control of AMP-expression is necessary for a functional immune response. In this thesis the antimicrobial polypeptide armament of neutrophils (PMNs) was evaluated for its activity against four human pathogens S. aureus, H. influenzae, M. catarrhalis and C. albicans. We observed a high degree of redundancy in antimicrobial activity for a majority of the AMPs. Still, some polypeptides exhibited a more specific activity against individual pathogens. This suggests that PMNs are equipped with a repertoire of antimicrobial peptides and proteins with broad activities, underscoring the importance of PMNs in the host response. In a clinical study the expressions of cathelicidin LL-37 and α-defensins HNP1-3 were quantified in nasal fluids of patients with primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs). Healthy controls and most PID patients responded to pathogens with increased levels of AMPs in their nasal fluid. Interestingly, in patients with common variable immune deficiency (CVID) and Hyper IgE syndrome (HIES), the levels of AMPs did not increase in response to pathogens. Thus, there is a dysregulation in AMP-release in CVID and HIES patients, which may explain why these patients suffer from frequent respiratory tract infections. Furthermore, we have detected an induced expression of AMPs by human breast milk in colonic epithelial cell lines. We isolated and characterized the inducing compound as lactose and noted that the inducing effect of the gene encoding LL-37 (CAMP) was dependent on intact p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and c-Jun N-terminal kinase signaling. A strong synergistic effect on CAMP expression in HT-29 cells was observed in stimulations with lactose and phenylbutyrate or butyrate. This synergistic effect was further dissected by a proteomic approach. The subsequent pathway analysis of the proteomic results indicated that eleven pathways were activated. By using the novel CAMP gene reporter system we confirmed that the pathways of thyroid hormone receptor and retinoid X receptor (TR/RXR) activation, eicosanoid signaling and steroid biosynthesis were associated with the regulation of CAMP. In summary, AMPs exhibit both a large redundancy and strict specificity with regards to microbial killing. This may be relevant for certain disease conditions, where AMPs are lacking or dysregulated. Endogenous molecules, such as lactose and thyroid hormones are inducers of AMPs. In light of the wide-spread antibiotic resistance, attempts to strengthen epithelial barriers are highly warranted and the data presented here provide a concrete rationale for such studies

    From Olaus Magnus to Carl Reinhold Berch: on the background of Swedish marine archaeology and ship archaeology in the history of ideas

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag gibt einen Überblick ĂŒber die in der frĂŒhen schwedischen Geschichtsschreibung seit der ersten HĂ€lfte des 16. Jahrhunderts herrschenden Vorstellungen, deren Blickwinkel verrĂ€t, in welcher Weise man sich Schiffen sowie dem Leben auf und in der See zu frĂŒheren Zeiten annĂ€herte. Es wird deutlich, dass sich gewisse historische Anschauungen durch die Jahrhunderte hindurchziehen, wĂ€hrend andere ihr Erscheinungsbild wandelten, ohne jedoch ihre Kernaussage zu verĂ€ndern. Wann immer seit Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts schiffahrtsbezogene archĂ€ologische Funde oder Funde an unterseeischen bzw. ĂŒberfluteten PlĂ€tzen als solche erkannt und dokumentiert werden, ist das auf sie bezogene Interesse motiviert durch lange bestehende historische Vorstellungen zur gesellschaftlichen Bedeutung des maritimen Aspekts. In Teilen decken sich diese mit den Vorstellungen, die um die ArchĂ€ologie im allgemeinen kreisen, in anderen FĂ€llen haben sie eine ganz besondere AusprĂ€gung. Der Beitrag zeigt, dass die Ideen frĂŒherer Jahrhunderte auch heute noch sehr lebendig sein können, und blickt auf einige Beispiele archĂ€ologischer Funde an ĂŒberschwemmten Orten bzw. Schiffsfunde des 19. Jahrhunderts zurĂŒck und zeichnet frĂŒhere Interpretationen meeres- und schiffsarchĂ€ologischen Fundmaterials in der um die schwedische und nordische Geschichtsschreibung kreisenden Geistesgeschichte seit dem 16. Jahrhundert nach. Anliegen des Beitrags ist es, daran zu erinnern, dass es fĂŒr die Interpretationen und SchlĂŒsse der heutigen Meeres- und SchiffsarchĂ€ologie wichtig ist, deren schon lange bestehende, zugrundeliegende Anschauungen zu verstehen, denn sie spielen fĂŒr diese eine weitaus grĂ¶ĂŸere Rolle als man zunĂ€chst glauben mag

    Viscoelastic properties of human and bovine articular cartilage : a comparison of frequency-dependent trends

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    Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Spencer C. Barnes and Hamid Sadeghi for assistance during experimentation. We would also like to thank patients donating tissue and the surgeons collecting these. Funding The equipment used in this study was funded by Arthritis Research UK (Grant number H0671). We are grateful to Arthritis Research UK for the award of a PhD studentship to Anna A. Cederlund (Grant number 19971). Arthritis Research UK had no role in the design of the study and collection, analysis and interpretation of data and in writing the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Vad betyder akademiseringen av de socialpedagogiska utbildningarna för utvecklande av sjÀlvstÀndigt handlande socialarbetare/pedagoger?

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    Dagens samhĂ€lle stĂ€ller mĂ€nniskan inför allt fler utmaningar denne mĂ„ste kunna hantera. Utmaningar som bĂ„de krĂ€ver mod och kunskaper. Den samhĂ€lleliga utvecklingen innebĂ€r att allt fler krav stĂ€lls pĂ„ mĂ€nniskan att kunna göra sig intressant för andra utan att utmĂ„las som avvikande. Vad innebĂ€r det för den professionelle socialarbetaren/pedagogen? I artikeln diskuteras om sjĂ€lvstĂ€ndighet och mod kan utvecklas i den allt mer akademiserade utbildningen. Vad betyder det att studenternas kunskapsinlĂ€rning allt mer lĂ€mnats över till dem sjĂ€lva i form av mer omfattande litteratur som bearbetas genom individuella skriftliga uppgifter? Att allt fĂ€rre timmar erbjuds studenter för gemensamma reflektioner och de praktiknĂ€ra inslagen fĂ„r allt mindre utrymme. Hur pĂ„verkar detta studentens utvecklande av professionellt förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt, tillĂ€mpning av samhĂ€llets regelsystem eller förstĂ„else för samhĂ€llets grunder för att skapa förutsĂ€ttningar för alla dess medlemmar att ingĂ„ i samhĂ€llets gemenskaper. Artikelns övergripande frĂ„gor som Ă€r tĂ€nkta att utgöra en röd trĂ„d med en avslutande konklusion Ă€r: Är skrivandet ett sĂ€tt att utveckla ett professionellt förhĂ„llningsĂ€tt? Kan skrivandet stĂ€rka den professionelles och den aktuells mod?How does a highly academic educational system within the education of social pedagogy (social work) mean for the independence of the social worker/ pedagogue? In today’s society human beings are facing greater challenges then before. These challenges demand both courage and knowledge. As a result of the societal development, to avoid alienation and to be interesting enough for society, individuals are facing increasing demands. What does this mean for the professional social worker/pedagogue? The article narrates a discussion on how independence and courage can develop in a highly academic education. What does it mean for students that they themselves are becoming responsible for their own learning in the form of literature being processed through individual written assignments? Less hours are offered to students to collectively reflect on the knowledge processed and practical components are given less space in a curricula. How does this affect students’ development of professionalism, their application of social norms or understanding of how society’s foundation is built to create prerequisites for general inclusion? The overarching questions of the article, intended to create a narration guiding the reader to the final conclusion are: Is writing a way to develop a professional approach? Can writing enhance the professional and actual courage

    SmÀrtlindring med NSAID efter avhorning

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    Avhorning Àr ett ingrepp som utförs rutinmÀssigt pÄ kalvar och i mindre omfattning pÄ killingar. Den vanligaste avhorningsmetoden i Sverige Àr brÀnnjÀrnsavhorning. Ingreppet Àr smÀrtsamt för djuren, nÄgot som visats genom ökade smÀrtbeteenden samt förhöjda plasmakoncentrationer av kortisol. En metod för att minska smÀrtan Àr att ge lokalbedövning i samband med ingreppet. NÀr lokalanestesin slutar verka ökar plasmakoncentrationen av kortisol och det har Àven pÄvisats att mÀngden smÀrtrelaterade beteenden ökar. En anledning Àr den inflammatoriska reaktionen som uppstÄr till följd av vÀvnadsskadan vid ingreppet. Minskas den inflammatoriska reaktionen, minskas Àven smÀrtan. Ett sÀtt att minska inflammationen Àr att behandla med NSAID, non steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, postoperativt. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att utröna om NSAID kan lindra den postoperativa smÀrtan efter avhorning, samt om den pÄverkar tillvÀxtminskningen hos kalvarna. Markörerna som studerades för att mÀta smÀrta var kortisol och beteendeförÀndring. Litteraturstudien har avgrÀnsats till effekten av tre NSAID ketoprofen, flunixin samt meloxicam, i kalvar och killingar som avhornats. NSAID dÀmpar smÀrtan som uppkommer efter att lokalbedövningen slutar verka. Hur lÄng tid den kliniska effekten varar Àr dock ej faststÀllt men effekt har konstaterats upp till 44h beroende pÄ administrationsÀtt, dos samt subsans. NSAID sÀnker Àven kortisolkoncentrationen i blodet efter avhorningen. Avhornades kalvarna med skÀrande metod och behandlades med NSAID hÀmmas tillvÀxtminskningen tydligt (över en period pÄ 7-10 dagar) jÀmfört med placebo. AnvÀndes istÀllet brÀnnjÀrnsavhorning konstaterades en minskad tillvÀxtminskning endast de första dygnen. Detta gör det svÄrt att med sÀkerhet sÀga att kalvar som avhornas med brÀnnjÀrn fÄr en högre tillvÀxt över lÀngre period. Dock Àr den metod som framförallt anvÀnds i Sverige dÄligt utredd nÀr det gÀller tillvÀxt över en lÀngre period. Mer studier behövs Àven pÄ hur killingar och getter reagerar pÄ smÀrta vid avhorning. NSAID minskar den postoperativa smÀrtan efter avhorning. Det bidrar Àven till en ökad tillvÀxt efter avhorning med skÀrande metod. Dock Àr evidensen svag huruvida den bidrar till ökad tillvÀxt efter brÀnnjÀrnsavhorning.Dehorning and disbudding are two commonly used surgical methods in the dairy and meat industry, it is also performed on kids to some extent. The most commonly used method by Swedish veterinarians and handlers is disbudding by heat cauterization, a method that has been shown to induce pain in the animals. The acute pain caused by the disbudding can be alleviated with the use of local anesthetics. When the anesthesia wears off an increased level of plasma cortisol is observed simultaneously as an increased frequency of pain related behaviors. A probable cause to the pain is the inflammatory response due to the tissue damage. One way to moderate the inflammation and consequently the pain is postoperative treatment with NSAIDs, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs. The purpose of this review is to evaluate if NSAIDs alleviate the post surgical pain and causes an increased average daily gain after dehorning/disbudding. Behavioral changes and Plasma levels of cortisol have been used as markers of pain. Three different NSAIDs were included in the review, ketoprofen, flunixin and meloxicam. NSAIDs alleviate the pain that arises after the local anesthesia wears off. Behavioral studies suggest an effect of up to 44 hours, although the long term effects of NSAID in dehorned or disbudded calves and kids is unclear. There is evidence that NSAIDs lower the plasma cortisol levels. The daily gain was elevated during 7-10 days in calves dehorned using scoop dehorning when treated with NSAIDs. The daily gain after disbudding using heat cauterization has not been evaluated for a comparable time, but studies have shown effects during the first 24 hours after disbuddning compared to placebo treated calves. There is an uncertainly whether calves disbudded with heat cauterization and treated with NSAIDs get a higher daily gain or not. Pain post disbudding in kids and goats is poorly evaluated and more research is necessary before any conclusions are stated. NSAID-treatment after disbudding alleviates the pain induced by the surgery. It also decreases the loss in average daily gain caused scoop dehorning. The effects on the daily gain after heat cauterzation are poorly studied and therefore the effects of NSAID are unclear

    Kvalifi kationer för deltagande i samhÀllets gemenskaper

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    Outcome and clinical changes in patients 3, 6, 12 months after a severe or major hand injury - can sense of coherence be an indicator for rehabilitation focus?

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    Background: Our objective was to explore outcome and clinical changes in hand function, satisfaction in daily occupations, sleep disturbances, health and quality of life in consecutive patients after a severe or major hand injury. Our objective was also to investigate possible differences between groups according to severity of injury, presence of peripheral nerve injury and the patients' sense of coherence. Methods: A postal questionnaire, including demographic data, disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand (DASH), QoL (SF-36), EuroQol (EQ-5D VAS), hand function (VAS), satisfaction in daily occupation (SDO), was sent out 3, 6 and 12 months after injury to 45 consecutive patients with a severe or major hand injury. Sense of coherence (SOC) was evaluated at 6 months. For the descriptive study, non-parametric tests were used since almost all results were measured with ordinal scales, the study sample was small, and most variables not normally distributed. Results: Almost all self-assessed aspects of hand function, satisfaction in daily occupations, health (DASH), and physical QoL (SF-36) improved statistically for the whole group over time. Large clinical improvement was seen for physical QoL and health, while a low or no improvement was observed for mental QoL, and cold sensitivity. Few differences were found between participants with a severe or major of hand injury or with or without a major nerve injury. No significant differences in demographic data were observed between participants with high or low SOC, but participants with low SOC showed significantly lower satisfaction in daily occupations, higher DASH scores, lower mental QoL, more sleep disturbances, and bodily pain. Correlation was found between SOC, and QoL, health and satisfaction in daily occupations. Conclusions: SOC had a significant influence on patients with a severe or major traumatic hand injury. Patients with lower SOC would probably benefit from extra support and help to master their daily life, indicating that sense of coherence is an indicator for future rehabilitation focus

    Ett undflyende epitet

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    AnstĂ€llningsbarhet lanseras som en nyckel till framgĂ„ng i arbetslivet, i det arbetsliv dĂ€r förĂ€ndring och utveckling Ă€r tongivande och fortsatt lĂ€rande anses nödvĂ€ndigt. Vad anstĂ€llningsbarhet Ă€r kan ses som exempel pĂ„ en diskurs; alltsĂ„ vad som i en viss given kontext uttrycks som sjĂ€lvklart och naturligt. Att diskutera sprĂ„kets makt ger upphov till intressanta perspektiv pĂ„ hur diskursen pĂ„verkar individen och hur diskurs kan ses som en form av styrning av samhĂ€llet. Jag har utifrĂ„n en kort bakgrund om det nya arbetslivet fokuserat pĂ„ de teorier om diskurs och makt som varit relevanta för diskussion och analys av fenomenet anstĂ€llningsbarhet. Analysen Ă€r utförd enligt den modell pĂ„ kritisk diskursanalys som Norman Fairclough formulerat. Det innebĂ€r en granskning av ett material i dess sociala kontext som i det hĂ€r fallet inneburit en granskning av rapporten Jakten pĂ„ AnstĂ€llningsbarhet – om mötet mellan student och arbetsgivare utifrĂ„n hur texten bidrar till att konstruera eller förĂ€ndra den sociala struktur den befinner sig inom. Fokus ligger pĂ„ interdiskursivitet; hur produktion och konsumtion av texter Ă€r beroende av tidigare diskurser för att kunna göras begriplig. Det som framgĂ„r av rapporten Ă€r att vad det Ă€r att vara anstĂ€llningsbar, beror pĂ„ arbetsgivarnas behov och kan dĂ€rmed antas vara förĂ€nderligt sĂ„som arbetsmarknaden. Nyckelfaktorer för anstĂ€llning presenteras emellertid; SamarbetsförmĂ„ga, Referenser och InitiativförmĂ„ga, liksom god kontakt med arbetslivet och branschen samt en bred utbildningsbas. Jag tar i analysen fasta pĂ„ hur ansvar förskjutits frĂ„n statens struktur till individen och diskuterar bland annat med hjĂ€lp av Foucaults governmentalitybegrepp vilka konsekvenser detta fĂ„r för subjektet. Det utrymme för möjlig förĂ€ndring som identifieras utgĂ„r i huvudsak ifrĂ„n behovet av en oberoende och kritiskt granskande högskola som motdiskurs

    Koll pĂ„ miljökontrollen – en sammanstĂ€llning av resultaten frĂ„n det nationella miljökontrollprogrammet för kemisk ogrĂ€sbekĂ€mpning pĂ„ jĂ€rnvĂ€g 2006–2019

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    Den hĂ€r rapporten sammanstĂ€ller resultaten frĂ„n de miljökontrollprogram för kemisk ogrĂ€sbekĂ€mpning pĂ„ jĂ€rnvĂ€g som har bedrivits pĂ„ uppdrag av Banverket och Trafikverket mellan Ă„ren 2006–2010 (period 1) och 2015–2019 (period 2). Inom ramen för miljökontrollprogrammen har koncentrationen av glyfosat och dess nedbrytningsprodukt AMPA analyserats i grundvatten frĂ„n provtagningsrör installerade i eller vid sidan av jĂ€rnvĂ€gen och under period 2 Ă€ven halten glyfosat och AMPA i jordprover som tagits i nĂ€rheten av rören. Totalt har strax över 600 grundvattenprover analyserats frĂ„n 12 olika provplatser utspridda över landet och 645 jordprover frĂ„n fem av dessa provplatser. Glyfosat och AMPA detekterades i 16% respektive 14% av de grundvattenprover som tagits frĂ„n provtagningsrör som installerats i sjĂ€lva spĂ„romrĂ„det. De högsta koncentrationerna som uppmĂ€tts i nĂ„gra enskilda prover var 7 ÎŒg glyfosat/l respektive 1,1 ÎŒg AMPA/l i grundvatten direkt under spĂ„ret. Dessa vĂ€rden Ă€r dock knappast representativa för hela datasetet vilket illustreras av att de 95:e percentilerna för grundvatten under spĂ„ret var 0,15 ÎŒg glyfosat/l och 0,037 ÎŒg AMPA/l. Spridningen till omgivningen tycks ocksĂ„ vara relativt begrĂ€nsad, glyfosat och AMPA detekterades bara i 1–3% av proverna som tagits i grundvattenrör utanför spĂ„romrĂ„det. 2018 avviker som ett Ă„r med ovanligt förhöjda koncentrationer detekterade i grundvattnet under flera av provplatserna vilket förmodligen hĂ€nger samman med den ovanligt torra sommaren det Ă„ret. Halterna i jordprover frĂ„n tre av provplatserna var vĂ€ldigt lĂ„ga vilket indikerar att de endast har bekĂ€mpats i begrĂ€nsad utstrĂ€ckning (period 2) medan halterna för de tvĂ„ övriga platserna Ă€r rimliga utifrĂ„n den anvĂ€nda dosen och en förvĂ€ntad halveringstid pĂ„ 4 ± 2 mĂ„nader. Rapporten diskuterar hur resultaten ska tolkas, hur miljökontrollprogrammet har bedrivits och hur det kan utvecklas framöver
