17 research outputs found

    Överlevnad, höjd och skador i odlingstester och proveniensförsök med douglasgran i södra Sverige

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    Den pĂ„gĂ„ende klimatförĂ€ndringen pĂ„verkar odlingsförutsĂ€ttningarna för sĂ„vĂ€l inhemska som icke inhemska arter. Douglasgran (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco) Ă€r ett av de trĂ€dslag som anses kunna vĂ€xa bra i ett förĂ€ndrat klimat och skulle kunna bli ett komplement till t.ex. granen i nĂ„got större omfattning Ă€n vad som Ă€r fallet idag. En av de faktorer som hĂ€mmar en sĂ„dan ökad etablering Ă€r kunskap om och tillgĂ„ng till lĂ€mpliga provenienser. Med utgĂ„ngspunkt i befintliga svenska proveniensförsök införskaffade Södra skog och SkogForsk 2007 ett fröparti frĂ„n British Columbia, Kanada, bestĂ„ende av sju provenienser av douglasgran. Fyra av dessa var kustnĂ€ra, latitud 48–52°N, och de övriga tre hĂ€rstammar frĂ„n det inlandet, latitud 50°N. Plantor frĂ„n dessa frön odlades upp och under 2009 och 2010 anlades odlingstester dĂ€r provenienserna ingick. I odlingstesterna ingĂ„r 12 lokaler och pĂ„ dessa har inventeringar genomförts efter en, tre och sex vĂ€xtsĂ€songer. PĂ„ fem av dessa lokaler gjordes en radvis inblandning av hybridlĂ€rk (Larix × marschlinsii Coaz) och pĂ„ tvĂ„ lokaler planterades förutom douglasgran Ă€ven vanlig gran gran (Picea abies [L.] Karst.). Ett proveniensförsök anlades 2010 i Tönnersjöhedens försökspark dĂ€r de sju provenienserna ingĂ„r och detta försök har inventerats pĂ„ samma sĂ€tt som odlingstesterna. Under vĂ„ren 2013 drabbades mĂ„nga föryngringar av vinterfrosttorka och dĂ„ gjordes en sĂ€rskild uppföljning av odlingstesterna och proveniensförsöket. Det fanns inga signifikanta skillnader i överlevnad mellan de olika provenienserna, varken efter en eller tre tillvĂ€xtsĂ€songer i odlingstesterna. Inlandsprovenienserna Larch Hills och Three Valley hade signifikant högre överlevnad (76 och 71 %) Ă€n kustprovenienserna Caycuse River och Bowser Heaman (50 och 48 %), efter sex vĂ€xtsĂ€songer. Bowser Heaman-plantorna var signifikant högre (2,09 m) Ă€n Three Valley-plantorna (1,67 m), efter sex vĂ€xtsĂ€songer. I övrigt fanns inga signifikanta höjdskillnader mellan provenienserna i nĂ„got av experimenten vid nĂ„gon tidpunkt. Medelhöjden för de 10 högsta trĂ€den tenderade att vara svagt positivt korrelerad med högre temperatursumma för provenienser frĂ„n kusten, medan detta samband inte kunde ses för inlandsprovenienserna. Resultaten visar att det Ă€r hög risk för avgĂ„ngar i stora delar av Götaland om man inte anvĂ€nder tillrĂ€ckligt hĂ€rdiga provenienser för vĂ„rt klimat. De hĂ€rdigare inlandsprovenienserna Ă€r dĂ€rför troligen att föredra, med undantag för gynnsamma klimatzoner i sydligaste Sverige och vissa kustnĂ€ra omrĂ„den. NĂ€r mĂ„nga plantor i SmĂ„land fick skador av vinterfrosttorka i april 2013, drabbades kustprovenienserna av douglasgran hĂ„rdare Ă€n de frĂ„n inlandet. Orsaken kan vara att kustproveniensernas senare invintring kan medföra skador pĂ„ hösten. De var dĂ„ redan försvagade eller kanske till och med döda vĂ„ren dĂ€rpĂ„. Detta ger ytterligare fog för en rekommendation att anvĂ€nda de hĂ€rdigare inlandsprovenienserna, med tidigare invintring, i stora delar av Götaland

    FRAMTIDSSPANING: Hur vill morgondagens seniorer bo?

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    Framtidens seniorer kommer att leva p\ue5 ett helt annat s\ue4tt \ue4n dagens. Medellivssl\ue4ngden f\uf6rv\ue4ntas \uf6ka och vi kommer ha andra behov och krav f\uf6r att kunna leva ett gott liv.Den 24 april 2018 h\uf6lls en konferens p\ue5 temat Hur vill morgondagens seniorer bo

    Prons and cons with using dialouges on housing with older people in Sweden

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    The overall aim with the reserach project is to shed light on how to build sustanable housning for seniors and to describe the role of dialogues

    Storability and freezing tolerance of Douglas fir and Norway spruce seedlings grown in mid-Sweden

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    Climate change provides new challenges to Nordic forestry. Use of non-native species, such as Douglas fir, can be a means of mitigating the effects of climate change and meeting the growing demand for biomass. When Douglas fir is grown in Sweden, it is several degrees of latitude north of its normal range, which can affect timing of growth cessation, hardening of seedlings, and seedling storability. The objective of this study was to investigate tolerance to freezing and sub-zero storability of seven Douglas fir provenances and make comparisons with the native Norway spruce. Freezing tolerance and storability were evaluated by measuring the electrolytic leakage of shoots and roots after freezing, complemented with a three-week cultivation test after storage. All provenances of Douglas fir used in this study were able to tolerate frozen storage at −4°C for about four months. Norway spruce and the interior Douglas fir provenance, Three Valley, could be stored earlier in the autumn than the southern coastal Douglas fir provenances. Consequently, it should be possible to store Douglas fir seedlings with the same routines as for Norway spruce

    Reading comprehension in school : A qualitative survey about teachers teaching in reading comprehension in grades 1-3

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    I denna rapport baserad pÄ kvalitativ enkÀtstudie presenterar vi lÀrares syn pÄ undervisning i lÀsförstÄelse.  Studien har genomförts pÄ 9 olika skolor med lÀrare frÄn Ärskurs 1-3. I kunskapsöversikten belyser vi vikten av att ha lÀsförstÄelse, samt hur detta kan uppnÄs med olika metoder och arbetssÀtt, detta presenterar vi utifrÄn flera forskare, bland annat Lundberg (2010), Lundberg och Herrlin (2009) och Westlund (2009). I kunskapsöversikten framgÄr det Àven hur svenska elevers lÀsförstÄelse framstÄr i ett internationellt perspektiv, utifrÄn undersökningar som PISA 2009 och PIRLS 2006 som skolverket har publicerat. Elevers lÀsförstÄelse har enligt undersökningarna sjunkit till en lÀgre nivÄ jÀmfört med tidigare Är.  Vidare erhÄller studien en teoretisk inramning utifrÄn ett sociokulturellt perspektiv i relation till Vygotskijs proximala utvecklingszon. I resultatet framgÄr det att lÀrarnas frÀmsta inverkansfaktor pÄ val av arbetssÀtt och metod Àr elevens individuella utvecklings- och intressenivÄ. I relation till detta styrs lÀrarna av ramfaktorer sÄ som ekonomi, personal, och tid. Det framgÄr ocksÄ att variationen av arbetssÀtt och metoder Àr stor för att utifrÄn de förutsÀttningar de har, kan de anpassa sin undervisning för den individuella eleven. Slutligen i resultatet ges ocksÄ en infallsvinkel pÄ hur lÀrarna anser att de förhÄller sig till forskning i relation till deras undervisning i lÀsförstÄelse. In this study we are presenting teachers views on teaching reading comprehension based on a qualitative survey. The study has been implemented in nine different schools with teachers that teach in grade 1-3. The importance of reading comprehension is presented in the introduction of this survey by authors such as Lundberg (2010), Lundberg and Herrlin (2009) and Westlund (2009). In the introduction we also present an image of Swedish pupils reading comprehension in an international perspective, surveys like PISA 2009 and PIRLS 2006 presented by Skolverket are examples.  Pupils reading comprehension, according to previously surveys gotten worse. The study also receives a theoretical setting with a sociocultural perspective. This in relation to Vygotskys Zone of proximal development. The result we present shows that the primary factor that has influenced the teachers in their teaching is the pupilsŽ interests and development zone. In relation to this the teachers are controlled by external resources such as economy, personal and time. The variation of working methods is of significant meaning for adapting it to each and every pupil. In the finish line of the result an incidence of how teachers consider the science as an impact on their teaching in reading comprehension.

    Space for housing and care: a study protocol

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    Home- and healthcare is increasing among older persons, but today\u27s homes are not designed for this services, also the personal privacy is important. The aim of this study has specific focus on obstacles and opportunities when home- and healthcare is performed in home environ-ments. Different research approaches and methods will be combined in order to enhance the un-derstanding of how home- and healthcare in ordinary housings for older persons could be sup-ported by architectural design. The study is basically of a qualitative character, although one part of the empirical material is quantitative, namely the layouts of the housings. The study will be conducted by an interdisciplinary research team involving architecture, health-care and occupa-tional science. This study will provide important knowledge on healthcare architecture as related to staff working in older persons private homes in ordinary housing

    Debate: Study Protocol. The Physical Environment and Home Healthcare Services. The development and Content of a Study Protocol to Explore Enablers and Barriers for the delivery of Home Healthcare Services

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    Whilst home healthcare services for an aging population currently living in ordinary housing are increasingly needed, physical environments do not adequately meet current levels of demand for such services. The present study protocol, which combines qualitative and quantitative methods, was developed in order to explore the impact of architectural design on enablers and barriers in the delivery of home healthcare services. An interdisciplinary research team, drawn from the fields of architecture, healthcare, and occupational sciences, will execute the forthcoming study. This study protocol describes the design of that study, which will explore the relation between residential design and the conditions for care in ordinary housing

    Enablers and Barriers in the Physical Environment of Care for Older People in Ordinary Housing: A Scoping Review

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    Our aim was to explore enablers and barriers in ordinary housing for older people in care. We systematically searched Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar for relevant published research and gray material. The search resulted in a final sample of eight publications, four of which focused on accessibility for older people with dementia. Thematic analysis resulted in two themes: safety and accessibility. Future studies should focus on modifications to ordinary housing to achieve safe and comfortable environments for people who want to age in place and those who provide them with care

    Debate: Study Protocol: The Physical Environment and Home Healthcare Services: The Development and Content of A Study Protocol to Explore Enablers and Barriers in the Physical Environment for the Delivery of Home Healthcare Services

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    Whilst home healthcare services for an aging population currently living in ordinary housing are increasingly needed, physical environments do not adequately meet current levels of demand for such services. The present study protocol, which combines qualitative and quantitative methods, was developed in order to explore the impact of architectural design on enablers and barriers in the delivery of home healthcare services. An interdisciplinary research team, drawn from the fields of architecture, healthcare, and occupational sciences, will execute the forthcoming study. This study protocol describes the design of that study, which will explore the relation between residential design and the conditions for care in ordinary housing