36 research outputs found

    Valsartan recall-containing products

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    Pengaruh Perbedaan Kadar Cairan Pengekstrak (Etanol 5, 30, 60 dan 90) Rimpang Lengkuas Merah (Alpinia Galanga L. Swartz) Terhadap Daya Hambat Pertumbuhan Candida Albicans

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian pengaruh perbedaan konsentrasi cairan pengekstrak etanol 5%, 30%, 60%, dan 90% dari ekstrak rimpang Lengkuas merah (Alpinia galanga L.Swartz) terhadap daya hambat pertumbuhan Candida albicans. Uji daya hambat dilakukan dengan metode difusi agar menggunakan cylinder cup. Hasil uji menunjukkan ekstrak dengan kadar etanol sebagai cairan pengekstrak 90%, 60%, 30%, 5% berturut-turut memberikan rata-rata diameter daerah hambatan sebesar 1,712; 1,446; 1,098; dan 0,951 cm. Uji secara statistik menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara masing-masing cairan pengekstrak diatas dengan cairan pengekstrak yang memberikan. daya hambat terbesar adalah etanol 90%. Selain itu dilakukan juga analisa KLT-densitometri minyak atsiri dari masing-masing ekstrak rimpang. Hasil yang didapat memberikan tampakan kromatogram KLT dan profil densitometri yang berbeda antara masing-masing cairan pengekstrak. Dengan demikian terdapat perbedaan zat yang terekstrak antara cairan pengekstrak etanol 90%, 60%, 30% dan 5%

    Beyond Use Date (BUD)

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    Profil Tipe dan Ketepatan Rekomendasi Apoteker pada Kasus Vignette Dispesia di Salah Satu Kabupaten di Jawa Timur Indonesia

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    Dispepsia merupakan salah satu gejala yang umum dijumpai di apotek, dan oleh karena itu apoteker perlu untuk mampu memberikan rekomendasi yang tepat pada pasien dengan gejala dispepsia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tipe dan ketepatan rekomendasi pada dua kasus vignette dispepsia. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang dan 42 apoteker berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner yang berisi: (1) karakteristik apoteker dan apotek serta (2) dua kasus vignette: kasus dispepsia tanpa alarm symptoms dan kasus dispepsia karena Na diklofenak. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara terstruktur. Analisis data dilakukan dengan inductive content analysis. Ketepatan rekomendasi dinilai berdasarkan literatur dan opini expert panel. Tipe rekomendasi yang paling sering diberikan oleh apoteker pada dua kasus di atas adalah memberikan produk untuk gejala dispepsia. Ketepatan rekomendasi pada kasus dispepsia tanpa alarm symptom dan pada kasus dispepsia karena Na diklofenak secara berturut-turut adalah 83% dan 21% dari 42 apoteker yang berpartisipasi. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ketepatan rekomendasi bervariasi tergantung kasus. Perlu adanya peningkatan kemampuan apoteker dalam memberikan rekomendasi yang tepat, terutama pada kasus swamedikasi dispepsia yang membutuhkan rujukan ke dokter.   Dyspepsia is a symptom commonly seen in community pharmacies, and therefore pharmacists need to be able to provide appropriate recommendations for patients with dyspepsia. This study aims to describe the types and the appropriateness of the recommendation provided by pharmacists when responding to two vignette cases of dyspepsia. This study was a cross sectional study, and 42 community pharmacists participated in the study. A questionnaire consisting of (1) pharmacists and pharmacy characteristics, and (2) two vignette cases of dyspepsia without alarm symptoms and dyspepsia due to Na diclofenac was developed. A structured interview was used for data collection, and an inductive content analysis was used to analyse the cases. The appropriateness of the recommendation was assessed based on the literature and expert panel opinion. The most common type of recommendation provided in the 2 vignette cases was recommending product for dyspepsia. Appropriate recommendation was provided by 83% and 21% of the 42 participating pharmacists in the case of dyspepsia without alarm symptoms and in the case of dyspepia due to Na diclofenac respectively. The appropriateness of the recommendation varied depending on the case. There is a need to improve the capability of pharmacists in providing appropriate recommendation, particularly for a dyspepsia case that needs medical referral

    Predictors of the Use of Amlodipine Monotherapy as the First Line Agent in the Treatment of Ambulatory Preeclampsia

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    Background Preeclampsia has contributed to the high rate of maternal mortality in Indonesia. It has been reported that amlodipine is frequently used as one of the first line agents to manage preeclampsia in an outpatient setting. There have been some uncertainties around the efficacy and safety of amlodipine in pregnant women with hypertension, including in preeclampsia. Moreover, some relevant guidelines have encouraged to use nifedipine or methyldopa as the first line agent for this case. Objective This study aimed to investigate the predictors of the use of amlodipine as the first line agent for preeclampsia in an outpatient setting in Surabaya. Methods This is a cross-sectional study using data from medical records of pregnant women diagnosed with preeclampsia at an outpatient setting in one of children and maternal hospitals in Surabaya. Pregnant women who visited the setting during the period of January 1 to December 31, 2021 and met the inclusion criteria were included in the study. Potential predictors were baseline characteristics of pregnant women when they were first diagnosed with preeclampsia at the outpatient setting. The population of the study were divided into two groups (amlodipine vs nifedipine/methyldopa) and the predictors were compared between the groups. To confirm the predictors of the use of amlodipine to treat preeclampsia, a multivariate analysis was used. We present adjusted odds ratio and 95% confidence intervals for the predictors. All statistical analyses were done using SPSS version 26.0 with p-value ≀ 0.05 (two sided) as a cut-off for a statistically significant result. Results There were 168 pregnant women who met the inclusion criteria for this study, 67.9% of whom were prescribed with amlodipine. The significant predictor for the use of amlodipine was only baseline systolic blood pressure (adjusted odds ratio 0.934; 95% CI 0.893 – 0.977, p = 0.003). Conclusion Systolic blood pressure at baseline is the sole predictor that has been statistically significant for the use of amlodipine as the first line agent to treat preeclampsia. Studies to investigate the effectiveness and safety of amlodipine compared to other first line agents recommended by the guideline is needed

    Kemampuan mahasiswa farmasi dalam memberikan pelayanan swamedikasi pada kasus batuk : studi longitudinal prospective

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    Latar Belakang: Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa apoteker belum optimal dalam memberikan pelayanan swamedikasi untuk kasus batuk. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi hal tersebut adalah kemampuan mahasiswa farmasi dalam memberikan pelayanan swamedikasi selama menjalani pendidikan farmasi. Tujuan: Untuk mengukur kemampuan mahasiswa farmasi dalam memberikan pelayanan swamedikasi pada kasus simulasi batuk karena asma Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian prospektif longitudinal yang mengamati kemampuan mahasiswa dalam 2 titik pengamatan (saat berada di tingkat tiga dan di akhir profesi apoteker). Metode simulasi pasien digunakan untuk pengambilan data. Tipe dan jumlah informasi yang ditanyakan serta ketepatan rekomendasi merupakan parameter yang diukur pada penelitian ini. Hasil: Jumlah informasi penting yang ditanyakan mahasiswa saat berada di profesi apoteker secara signifikan lebih besar daripada saat di tahun ketiga (median = 5 pertanyaan saat di tingkat tiga vs 6 pertanyaan saat di profesi apoteker). Ketepatan rekomendasi diberikan oleh 66 partisipan (72,5%) saat di tahun ketiga dan 62 partisian (68,1%) saat di profesi apoteker. Kesimpulan: Terjadi peningkatan jumlah informasi yang ditanyakan tetapi tidak ada peningkatan ketepatan rekomendasi yang diberikan saat mahasiswa berada di profesi apoteker dibanding saat di tingkat tiga. Diperlukan adanya proses pembelajaran yang menekankan pada bagaimana mahasiswa dapat menganalisis informasi yang digali (clinical decision making)

    The provision of advice by pharmacy staff in eastern Indonesian community pharmacies

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    Background: Indonesian community pharmacies hold a strategic position from which to promote the rational use of medicines by providing appropriate advice for patients requesting self-medication. To date, published studies related to the provision of advice in Indonesian community pharmacies are limited and have been conducted only in more developed western Indonesia. No studies have been undertaken in eastern Indonesia, which is less developed than and culturally different from the western region. Objectives: This paper aims to: (1) describe the types and amount of advice provided by pharmacy staff for three scenarios in a patient simulation study and for two scenarios in pharmacy staff interviews; and (2) ascertain the frequency of appropriate advice given in response to the scenarios. Methods: A patient simulation study was conducted at community pharmacies in an eastern Indonesian provincial capital. Four weeks after completing a patient simulation study, structured interviews with pharmacy staff were conducted. Two cough scenarios and one diarrhoea scenario were developed for the patient simulation study. Meanwhile, two scenarios (an ACE inhibitor-induced cough and a common cough and cold) were developed for pharmacy staff interviews. The types and amount of advice provided by pharmacy staff were recorded on paper and assessed for its appropriateness. The determination of appropriate advice was based on the literature and by consensus of two Indonesian experts. Results: In patient simulation, the most common type of advice provided in all scenarios was product recommendations. In interviews, medical referrals and recommending cough and cold medicine were the most common types of advice provided for ACE inhibitorinduced cough and common cough and cold scenarios respectively. Appropriate advice was provided in less than 0.5% in the patient simulation study, but two-third of participants in the interviews responded to the scenarios appropriately. Conclusions: Pharmacy staff did not provide appropriate advice in practice, although they may have adequate knowledge. A contributing factor was insufficient information gathered in patient encounters. Optimising information-gathering practice by pharmacy staff is needed

    Profil Tipe dan Ketepatan Rekomendasi Apoteker pada Kasus Vignette Dispesia di Salah Satu Kabupaten di Jawa Timur Indonesia

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    Dispepsia merupakan salah satu gejala yang umum dijumpai di apotek, dan oleh karena itu apoteker perlu untuk mampu memberikan rekomendasi yang tepat pada pasien dengan gejala dispepsia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tipe dan ketepatan rekomendasi pada dua kasus vignette dispepsia. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang dan 42 apoteker berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner yang berisi: (1) karakteristik apoteker dan apotek serta (2) dua kasus vignette: kasus dispepsia tanpa alarm symptoms dan kasus dispepsia karena Na diklofenak. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara terstruktur. Analisis data dilakukan dengan inductive content analysis. Ketepatan rekomendasi dinilai berdasarkan literatur dan opini expert panel. Tipe rekomendasi yang paling sering diberikan oleh apoteker pada dua kasus di atas adalah memberikan produk untuk gejala dispepsia. Ketepatan rekomendasi pada kasus dispepsia tanpa alarm symptom dan pada kasus dispepsia karena Na diklofenak secara berturut-turut adalah 83% dan 21% dari 42 apoteker yang berpartisipasi. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ketepatan rekomendasi bervariasi tergantung kasus. Perlu adanya peningkatan kemampuan apoteker dalam memberikan rekomendasi yang tepat, terutama pada kasus swamedikasi dispepsia yang membutuhkan rujukan ke dokter