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    (The) religious experience of certain Romans ..

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    Typewritten sheets in cover. Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University Bibliography: 4 p. at end

    Friedrich Hebbel's theory of tragedy

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    Without attempting to treat in detail the subject of the extent of Hebbel's debt to his age, one may note, in summing up Hebbel's contribution to literary and esthetic criticism and his place in its history, that he shared many ideas with his contemporaries and that his theory belongs quite definitely in character and conception to the period of Romantic Idealism in Ger- many. This fact has already been touched upon here and it is essential for an understanding and appreciation of Hebbel's theory.The period of Rationalism in dramatic theory had come to an end with the rise of individualism. Gottsched, Lessing and also Schiller in his earlier writings, had seen in art the servant of every -day morality. The tragic hero was not important as a personality but as an "example" to serve as an incentive to laudable actions or a warning against crime. The action, borne by the hero, definitely "pointed a moral". The young writers of the "Sturm and Drang" period had then shifted the balance to the individual. They admired in particular Shakespeare as the creator of powerful characters, powerful both for "good" and for "evil" and inspiring admiration because of the strength of their will, quite apart from its direction. (The whole art of poetic creation, too, was the expression of personality and had its importance as such alone, not in any result which the product might have on the mind of the spectator or the reader.) Within the drama itself, the strength of the hero's will was measured by his resistance to obstacles. The "Sturm and Drang" writers were giving expression in art to what they experienced in life - the opposition between the individual and the community and the force of tradition. The young Goethe saw the source of power. in Shakespeare's historical drama in his ability to give expression to the eternal conflict between the individual will and the "necessary course of events ". Here are ideas which have been found in Hebbel. We know that he was familiar, as the "Sturm and Drang" had been, with the works of Jakob Böhme, in which the dualism is traced back to the Deity itself and to the art of the creation of the universe. The philosophers of the period and their successors expanded these ideas and generalised them. Schelling, with whose ideas Hebbel was familiar, insisted upon the inevitable conflict between the personal and the universal will; and to the personal will the individual owes its existence. He went on to say that art alone can reconcile this dualism which he clearly visualised as a conflict between the individual and the general, and which he, like Hebbel, saw exemplified in the course of history. In his "First Sketch of a System of Natural Philosophy" Schelling stated that the individual must appear to be only the means by which nature attains its end, the species: the individual must succumb and the species survive, if it is true that individual products in nature must be looked upon as unsuccessful attempts at a representation of the Absolute. Solger, and after him Hebbel, took up these ideas and applied them particularly to the theory of the tragic and of tragedy.Here, then, we have already the root idea of Hebbel's Theory, the conception of the dualism (inherent in all things) between the individual and the general, Hebbel's "Pantragism ". Drama, in Hebbel's view, portrays the process of life, not (as the "Sturm and Drang" had thought) of individual life alone, but of life in its relation to the whole. And this relation is, as has been seen, a tragic one. Looked at from the individual's point of view, all "drama" is "tragedy ". And indeed, Hebbel's views on comedy are by ho means clear and give the impression that he saw in it either a grim satire or an escape from the problems of tragedy; for the "comic" he had no feeling. Drama expresses Hebbel's view of life, which is essentially a "tragic" one, involving as it does a conflict between the individual and the general, and the necessary destruction of the former. (The connection between Hebbel's conception of the individual and that of his contemporaries has been pointed out, as well as the influence of events in his life.) The metaphysical idea illustrated in tragedy is then the idea of the necessary conflict following upon the fact of individuation, which Hebbel considers to involve an incapacity to keep within bounds.There is therefore no question in tragedy of "guilt" in the ordinary sense of the word. However the individual acts, his action entails - from the point of view of the general - "tragic guilt ". Hebbel does not judge heroes by the code of everyday morality. But this is not because, like Schiller, he wishes to extol the power of the will, but to bring home the inevitability of the conflict, given individuation, no matter what the aim of the individual may be. The old code of morality is obsolete. For Hebbel true morality is identical with necessity, with the inevitable course of events. Fate works itself out through character.Fate is, however, for Hebbel, not merely blind chance but the progress of what he calls in Hegelian language and thought, the "Idea ". The Idea can progress only by means of the successive crises in its history precipitated by the resistance of particularly strong individuals, to the then existing state of affairs. It is thus, in Hegel's sense, the privilege of strong characters to be "guilty" and through their guilt the "Idea" is able to enter upon a new phase in its development. In all history Hebbel thus finds examples of a crisis in events being brought on by the rebellion of a strong character against an existing order of affairs justifiable in itself, no longer strong enough to hold its own, but yet strong enough to bring about the destruction of the force which had disturbed it. This, in Hebbelts view, is true "historical" drama, and in this sense all drama is historical and treats some historical theme, while being in itself a historical document.The tragic character, then, is at once individual and a representative of his age, for in drama of this metaphysical type the hero is humanity in individual representation. He is depicted by means of the portrayal of his reactions to his surroundings and is thus seen to be constantly changing. And it is through the hero that the reconciliation in drama is brought about, by the realisation of the necessity of suffering for the progress of the Idea, whether or not the necessity is grasped by the hero himself. Hebbel naturally scorns the thought of any "individual" reconciliation within the scope of the drama.These would seem to be Hebbel's central notions about tragedy, but it is often by no means easy to formulate Hebbel's opinion on particular points, for several reasons. The sources from which one may take one's evidence are scattered over nearly thirty years, during which Hebbel came under many influences and had many experiences. The diaries, perhaps the most illuminating source for a study of Hebbel's thought, contain, as Hebbel himself expresses it, ideas and thoughts which he has jotted down as material for more detailed and systematic treatment, not fixed and formulated views. Hence contradictions are frequently to be found, not always attributable to a change in opinion as the result of a new influence, but merely expressing Hebbelts own doubts and lack of clearness. The letters, again, are to some extent modified in content and treatment according to the recipient, although this is less the case with Hebbel than with many writers; in the earlier years especially there is little modification in his style. Hebbelts prefaces, criticisms and reviews contain his most categorical statements on the nature of tragedy, but these are often extremely difficult to interpret. Hebbel made use of the philosophical terminology of his age (in particular of Hegel) for his own purposes and in his own sense, and he often uses the same word in several different senses. Added to this, his style is often so involved, his period so long and so intricate, his ideas succeeding and running into each other with such bewildering swiftness, that the precise meaning is by no means easy to find. It would be an error, however, to suppose that this "Hegel-style" implies with Hebbel in every instance confusion of thought. Hebbel states of himself that his ideas are often clearer in his own head than when given expression, and that particularly expression in writing presents greater difficulties to him than verbal exposition. And when one agrees with Hebbel that the manner of utterance is in itself an expression of character, his writings reveal attractive qualities, great energy and originality of thought, and absolute sincerity

    Does Short-Term Debt increase Profitability? The Role of Corporate Governance as a Moderating Variable

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    This research is conducted to inspect the relationship of Short-Term Debt as a predictor for the financial leverage on Profitability of the company. In the analysis, Short-Term Debt will act as the independent variable and Profitability will be the dependent variable using Return on Equity (ROE) as the indicator. In the model analysis, corporate governance will be used as the moderating variable to bridge the relationship between the independent and dependent variable. In this study, the mediating variable of corporate governance uses Board of Directors (BOD) and board of commissioner (BOC) size, board of independent commissioners� size, managerial and also the institutional ownership. From the analysis, it is shown that Short-Term debt has a significant positive impact on the company�s Profitability. In addition, board size weakens the relationship between financial leverage and profitability. Board size and institutional ownership significantly strengthen the relationship between financial leverage and profitability. Board of independent commissioners� size and managerial ownership did not moderate the relationship between financial leverage and profitability

    A review of the palm oil industry and its impact on the orangutan (Pongo spp.) and other species

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    För 10,000 år sedan var 45% av jordens landyta täckt av skog. I dag ligger siffran på 31%, vilket motsvarar fyra miljarder hektar. Klimat- och temperaturförändringar kan delvis förklara minskningen men även människan har haft en inverkan. Från 1700-talet fram till början av 1900-talet skövlades skog främst i Europa, Nordamerika och delar av Asien för att bereda mark åt expanderande jordbruk. Under mitten av 1900-talet avstannade dock skogsskövlingen nästan helt i de delarna av världen samtidigt som skövlingen av tropisk skog nådde sin spets under 1900-talets senare hälft. Tropisk skog är hem åt flest arter i hela världen och därför uppstår en konflikt mellan vilda djur och människan när tropisk skog skövlas för att bereda plats för oljepalmen som trivs i samma klimat. I dag är palmoljan ledande inom den globala marknaden av vegetabiliska oljor och detta beror till stor del på yteffektiviteten hos oljepalmen. Den kan producera upp till fyra ton olja per hektar, vilket är upp till åtta gånger så mycket som sojabönan, från vilken den näst mest producerade vegetabiliska oljan utvinns. Palmolja används till matlagning i stora delar av världen och finns som ingrediens i allt från smink- och hygienprodukter till matprodukter. EU importerar även oljan för att producera biobränsle. I dag står Indonesien och Malaysia för 57% respektive 28% av all palmoljeproduktion. Syftet med det här arbetet var att få en överblick av palmoljeindustrin i dessa två länder och dess konsekvenser för orangutanger och andra arter. Hur orangutanger påverkas av RSPO-certifierade och icke-certifierad palmolja undersöktes också. Resultatet visar att industrin har expanderat kraftigt de senaste årtiondena och har en stor påverkan på många djurarter på grund av de förändringar i djurens hemmiljö, så kallat ”habitat”, som industrin orsakar. Generellt tycks större arter såsom orangutanger, tigrar och elefanter vara känsliga för habitatstörningar medan mindre, mer anpassningsbara arter som exempelvis vildsvin och råttor frodas i oljepalmslandskap. RSPO är en icke-vinstdrivande organisation som värnar om hållbarhet, rättvisa arbetsvillkor och hotade arter i form av en standard med obligatoriska kriterier för sina medlemmar. Dock finns det brister i organisationens effektivitet att implementera dessa och i praktiken är förlusten av orangutanger procentuellt lika stor i både certifierad som icke-certifierad 24 produktion. Trots detta visar RSPO upp stor transparens och de reviderade standarderna som kommer ut vart femte år visar på bättre förutsättningar för hotade arter och ekosystem. För att palmoljeproduktionen överlag ska utvecklas i en mer hållbar riktning är det nödvändigt att skydda, förbättra och sammankoppla de habitat och skogsfragment som finns kvar i dag, oavsett om det handlar om skog som redan delvis skövlats. Utöver detta behövs mer artspecifik forskning kring hur olika arter reagerar på habitatförändringar för att kunna utveckla effektiva och artanpassade bevarandeprojekt.According to a recent UN summary from an upcoming report, one million species are threatened with extinction, many within decades. Terrestrial ecosystems are mostly affected by land-use changes and as the palm oil industry continues to spread throughout South Asia more intact ecosystems are lost in the tropics. 64 research papers and 11 reports were reviewed to find out to what extent the palm oil industry impacts orangutans and other species. Possible measures to mitigate the negative impacts of the industry and the effect of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil certification were also reviewed. Results show that habitat loss caused by deforestation has had severe effects on all orangutan species and their viability. Certified areas did not significantly differ in relative orangutan loss compared to non-certified areas and many authors have identified several shortcomings in RSPO’s standards and the implementation of them. Overall, keystone species such as orangutans, elephants and tigers are negatively affected by the palm oil landscape while smaller opportunistic species (e.g. rats and boars) seem to thrive in it. For the industry to develop more sustainable practices and support the conservation of threatened species it is essential to protect remaining habitat and increase the connectivity between habitat fragments. There are also knowledge gaps concerning species-specific responses to habitat changes which need to be filled in order to make conservation plans more effective

    Atypical cytomorphology of Gaucher cells is frequently seen in bone marrow smears from untreated patients with Gaucher disease type 1

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    Introduction. Gaucher cells (GCs), the lipid-laden storage macrophages, are the pathologic hallmark of Gaucher disease (GD). They are typically 20–100 μm in diameter with eccentrically placed nuclei and cytoplasm with characteristic crinkles and striations. A few previous observations have indicated that sometimes GD patients may display morphology of GCs which is different from this classical description. The aim of our study was to explore the morphological polymorphism of GCs in patients with untreated GD type 1 (GD1). Material and methods. May-Grünwald Giemsa stained bone marrow smears (BM-S) from 6 patients with sporadic GD1 were analysed; each patient sample consisted of two slides where all GCs and non-Gaucher cell macrophages were counted. We have defined for the study purposes and examined the following features of GCs which were considered as atypical: (1) foamy cytoplasm, (2) centrally placed nucleus, (3) cell diameter > 100 μm, (4) multinuclearity, (5) syncytial morphology, (6) unusually large cytoplasmic projections, and (7) apparent haemophagocytosis. Results. All analysed patients showed 22–40% GCs with atypical cytomorphology (median 29%). The median number of atypical features of GCs was 10 per patient (range 6–13). Multinuclearity was the most common atypical feature of GCs, followed by erythrophagocytosis and foamy cytoplasm. There was a strong positive correlation between erythrophagocytosis and foamy cytoplasm in GCs (Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient: 0.9). Although majority of atypical GCs had one atypical feature, there was a considerable amount of GCs presenting ≥ 2 atypical features. Conclusions. Untreated patients with GD1 often show a considerable proportion of GCs with atypical cytomorphology. The knowledge of possible atypical variant forms of GCs can contribute to a quicker and accurate diagnosis of GD, and minimize the risk for misdiagnosis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first published report on atypical cytomorphology of GCs in untreated patients with GD1.


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi pengalaman para pendamping di salah satu shelter atau rumah singgah yang menampung dan mendampingi anak-anak jalanan dan anak-anak dari keluarga kurang beruntung. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode focus group discussion (FGD). Pengumpulan data berfokus pada dua hal penting, yakni berbagai permasalahan mendasar yang dialami anak-anak shelter dan kebutuhan pendampingan yang perlu diberikan oleh para pendamping. Hasil dari penelitian ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan pemikiran Greenleaf tentang kepemimpinan yang melayani secara empatik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa anak-anak shelter memiliki  permasalahan mendasar tentang pengolahan emosi, tanggungjawab, kekerasan, kedewasaan bertindak seksual dan kepribadian. Berhadapan dengan berbagai permasalahan mendasar itu, anak-anak shelter memerlukan pendampingan yang melayani secara empatik sehingga anak-anak mampu bertumbuh dalam keyakinan diri, emosi yang sehat, kejujuran dan saling menghargai, persahabatan yang tulus, kreativitas kolaboratif, dan kemampuan saling mendengarkan. Anak anak shelter memerlukan pendampingan yang empatik agar mampu bertumbuh dalam keyakinan diri, persahabatan, tanggungjawab, kepedulian dan kedewasaan afektif

    Estudio técnico económico comparativo de la elaboración de bloques de peso normal con cloques fabricados a base de hormigón rojo

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    Presenta el estudio técnico económico comparativo de la elaboración de bloques de peso normal con cloques fabricados a base de hormigón rojo el cual se elaboró mediante la realización de la determinación de las propiedades físico mecánicas del hormigón rojo, así como elaboración de cuatro propuestas de diseño de mesclas de mortero