567 research outputs found
TUGS – The tactile user guidance system
The Electronic System and Information Technology Research Group at Brunel University has designed a multifaceted navigation system for blind and visually impaired pedestrians. The primary operation of the system mimics the advantages of an informed sighted guide by using Global Positioning Systems and remote (sighted on the user) video cameras as navigational sensors. The information generated is streamed to a central control centre. This allows the system to operate in a fully automatic or operator assisted mode dependent on the users requirements. Initially the system used an audio link to transfer information to the user, however this has proved problematic. Clear unimpeded access to ambient sound is vital for visually impaired and blind pedestrians, both for efficient wayfinding and safety. Any system which has a continuing dialogue with the user, for example, navigational instructions received through an audio link, interferes with the users ability to process ambient sounds. To solve this problem a novel Tactile User Guidance System (TUGS) with vibrating actuators, has been designed and experimentally tested.
In this paper we present the design and experimental verification of TUGS with both visually impaired and sighted users. Although we have taken the visually impaired user as the ‘worst case scenario’ a practical ability to transfer information through the tactile sense has considerable value to other groups who may find themselves in restricted or overloaded visual or audio situations. These groups include; front line responders in the emergency services, railroad workers, pilots and remote vehicle operators
Model Integration Using Ontology Input-Output Matching
This paper introduces ontology controlled model integration framework using inputoutput matching in the domain of biorefining. The framework builds upon the existing framework and replaces the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) object bus with more flexible semantic repository. Semantic Web Services Description Ontologies (OWL-S) are used to describe model inputs, outputs, preconditions, operating environment and its functionality. The OWL-S enables the automation of model integration through (i) discovery, (ii) selection, (iii) composition, and (iv) execution stages. This concept has been verified with a small scale model integration to demonstrate the flexibility of model integration through all four stages of the process
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An Ontological Approach to Chemical Engineering Curriculum Development
Continuous reflection and evolution of curricula in chemical engineering is beneficial for adaptation to evolving industries and technologies and for improving student experience. To this end it was necessary to develop a method to enable a holistic reflection on the curriculum and to examine potential areas of improvement and change. The curriculum was modelled using knowledge modelling through the development of an ontology, Chemical Engineering Education Ontology (ChEEdO) in the Protégé 3.5 environment. ChEEdO models topics, taught modules and the learning outcomes of the modules within the domain of chemical engineering. The learning outcomes were related to the topics using verb properties from Bloom’s taxonomy and the context of each learning outcome. The functionality of semantic reasoning via the ontology was demonstrated with a case study. The modelling results showed that the ontology could be successfully utilised for curriculum development, horizontal and vertical integration and to identify appropriate pre-requisite learning
Perceptual impact of environmental factors in sighted and visually impaired individuals
To a visually impaired individual the physical world presents many challenges. For a person with impaired sight, wayfinding through a complex environment is fraught with dangers, both actual and imagined. The current generation of mobility aids have the possibility of addressing a broad range of physical issues through technological solutions. The perception of difficulty however, can mean that many visually impaired individuals are fearful or uncomfortable about independent mobility or travel. In this context it becomes necessary to discover exactly what environments, environmental factors or items constitute a ‘perception of difficulty’ in the individuals mental landscape and may trigger a negative response before they interact with the physical environment. This paper reports on research, which sought to ascertain what levels of perceptual difficulties specific environments and factors presented to individuals. The research was conducted with both visually impaired and sighted groups and compared differences and similarities in perceptual difficulty between these two groups
Komparativna analiza udžbenika i priručnika iz likovne umjetnosti za četvrti razred srednje škole
Tema diplomskog rada je komparativna analiza udžbenika i priručnika iz likovne umjetnosti za četvrti razred srednje škole. U radu se uspoređuje šest udžbenika, a u njihovoj analizi koristi se Nacionalni okvirni kurikulum, Nastavni plan i program, nacrt Udžbeničkog standarda i Ispitni katalog za državnu maturu (2012./2013.).
Diplomski rad je podijeljen na dva dijela. U prvom dijelu se obrađuje Udžbenički standard i njegovi zahtjevi, kao uvod u parametre prema kojima će se u radu provesti analiza razmatranih udžbenika. Udžbenici su analizirani kroz sve parametre koje navodi Udžbenički standard (2011.), ali je veći naglasak stavljen na analizu didaktičke i metodičke prilagođenosti te likovne i grafičke prilagođenosti udžbenika.
Drugi dio diplomskog rada je posvećen analizama pojedinih sadržajnih cjelina u razmatranim udžbenicima, a obrađene su cjeline Kubizam i Fluksus. Cilj rada je da se komparativno analiziraju udžbenici te da se ukaže na nedostatke pojedinih udžbenika u odnosu na druge, ali isto tako i njihove prednosti. U analizi su obuhvaćeni svi udžbenici koji su do sada bili propisani od strane MZOS-a, sveukupno šest udžbenika različitih autora. Posebna pozornost obratila se na Didaktičko-metodičke standarde i zahtjeve te Likovno-grafičke zahtjeve i standarde, propisane Udžbeničkim standardom (2011.)
Zaključak je da bi autori više pozornosti trebali posvetiti povezanosti gradiva u udžbeniku s drugim znanstvenim disciplinama. Također bi trebali uskladiti udžbenike sa zahtjevima suvremene nastavne strategije po kojoj gradivo treba biti maksimalno prilagođeno učenicima. Na kraju, provedenom analizom vidljivo je kako su trenutni udžbenici nedovoljno prilagođeni zahtjevima Udžbeničkog standarda (2011.) te kako ima mjesta za napredak u gotovo svim stavkama.The theme of Undergraduate thesis is a comparative analysis of history of art textbooks and manuals in fourth grade of high school. This paper compares six textbooks and in its analysis a National Curriculum Framework, Curriculum, Textbook standard (2011) and Test catalogue for the state graduation (2012/2013) has been consulted. Undergraduate thesis is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the Textbook standard (2011) and its requirements as an introduction to the analysis of considered textbooks which will be conducted. Textbooks are analysed through all the parameters specified by the Textbook standard (2011), but the greater emphasis is given to the analysis of didactic and methodical adaptation and visual and graphic adaptation of textbooks.
The second part of Undergraduate thesis is dedicated to the analysis of specific content units in the considered textbooks, and the chapters Cubism and Fluxus are elaborated as a whole. The aim of this Undergraduate thesis was to comparatively analyse textbooks and to point out disadvantages of certain textbooks in relation to others, but also their benefits. All the textbooks that have been so far prescribed by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports were included in the analysis, all together six textbooks by various authors. Special attention was given to the Methodological standards and requirements and Visual graphic requirements and standards prescribed by Textbook Standard (2011).
The conclusion is that the authors should pay more attention to connecting the material of the textbooks with other scientific disciplines. Thus, they should adjust textbooks with the requirements of modern educational strategies according to which materials should be considerably adjusted to students. Lastly, analysis shows that current textbooks are insufficiently adapted to the requirements of the Textbook Standard (2011) and that there is a room for improvement in almost all aspects
Diagnosis and management of benign neoplasms of the ovary
Benigne novotvorine jajnika su najčešće novotvorine jajnika, a u njih ubrajamo funkcionalne ciste te dobroćudne novotvorine jajnika koje mogu imati različit omjer cističnih i solidnih komponenti. Češće se pojavljuju u žena reproduktivne dobi, dok rizik za malignitet raste sa dobi. Klinička prezentacija im može biti asimptomatska i simptomatska, a jakost simptoma ovisi o veličini i lokalizaciji novotvorine. Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija klasificira novotvorine jajnika po njihovoj histogenezi. U dijagnostici i diferencijaciji benignih od malignih novotvorina jajnika pomaže nam nekoliko informacija koje se mogu dobiti kvalitetno uzetom anamnezom i fizikalnim pregledom. Sljedeći korak u daljnjoj obradi je ultrazvuk. Zbog potrebe za standardizacijom terminologije i pomoći pri diferencijaciji koja se koristi pri opisu ultrazvučnog nalaza, Internacionalna studija za analizu ovarijskih tumora je razvila listu jednostavnih pravila, definicija i opisa koji pomažu karakterizirati tvorbe jajnika. Temeljem opisa ultrazvučnog nalaza pacijentica se usmjeruje na određivanje CA 125 i po potrebi na ostale slikovne metode. Postoje tri mogućnosti liječenja, a to su terapija strpljivog čekanja, farmakološka, i kirurška terapija. Odluka o liječenju ovisi o uzetoj anamnezi, dijagnozi, dobi pacijentice, čimbenicima rizika i kliničkoj prezentaciji.Benign ovarian abnormalities are most common of ovarian neoplasms, including functional cysts and benign ovarian neoplasms which may have a different ratio of cystic and solid components. They occur more often in women of reproductive age, while the risk of malignancy increases with age. Clinical presentation can be both asymptomatic and symptomatic, while symptom intensity depends on the size and localization of the neoplasm. The World Health Organization classifies ovarian neoplasms by their histogenesis. Through anamnesis and physical examination, we are able to provide some helpful information for the diagnostics and differentiation of benign from malignant ovary neoplasms. The next step in further processing is ultrasonography. Due to the need for standardization of terminology used in the description of the ultrasound findings, the International Ovarian Tumor Analysis group has developed a list of simple rules, definitions and descriptions that help characterize ovarian formations. Based on the description of the ultrasonic finding, the patient is directed towards determining the CA 125 and other imaging methods if necessary. There are three possibilities of treatment, such as pharmacological and surgical therapy, and patience. The decision on treatment depends on well received history, diagnosis, patient age, risk factors, and clinical presentation
Association of pulse wave velocity and intima-media thickness with cardiovascular risk factors in young adults.
Pulse wave velocity (PWV), a measure of arterial stiffness, and intima-media thickening (IMT), a measure of early atherosclerosis, are intermediate markers of cardiovascular disease which are predictive of cardiovascular events. Traditionally, both were thought to result from accumulative exposure to traditional cardiovascular risk factors. However, their association with risk factors in young adults in low-income settings is unknown. We sought to investigate the association between PWV and IMT with traditional cardiovascular risk factors in the Andhra Pradesh Children and Parents Study cohort from Southern India. Male and female adults (N = 1440) aged between 20 and 24 years underwent measures of PWV and IMT. Exposure variables included smoking, body mass index (BMI), mean arterial pressure (MAP), glucose, homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol), and triglycerides. Association between outcome and exposure variables was assessed using linear regression analysis. Average values for PWV and IMT were 5.9 ± 0.6 m/s and 0.5 ± 0.1 mm. In univariable analysis, PWV associated with MAP, BMI, smoking, total cholesterol, glucose, and HOMA-IR and IMT associated with MAP, BMI, tobacco use, and HDL-cholesterol. In multivariable analysis, PWV remained strongly positively associated with MAP increasing by 0.5 m/s (P < .001) for a 10 mm Hg increase in MAP (R2 = .37). In contrast, IMT negatively associated with HDL-cholesterol (β = -.10; P = .012, R2 = .02). There was weak evidence that PWV and IMT positively associated with BMI. In young adults from Southern India, PWV positively associated with blood pressure and IMT negatively associated with HDL-cholesterol. This suggests separate etiologies for atherosclerosis and arterial stiffening in young adults
An association between blood pressure and aortic stiffness is well known, but ambiguity remains as to whether one precedes the other. This study aimed to investigate the association of aortic stiffness with contemporaneous versus historic blood pressure and direction of causality between aortic stiffening and hypertension in female twins. METHODS: Aortic stiffness, measured by carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV), and mean arterial pressure (MAP) was recorded in 2037 female TwinsUK participants (mean age: 62.4±9.7 years) at a single time point. A subset of 947 participants had repeat PWV and MAP measures (mean interval 5.5±1.7 years) with additional historic MAP (mean interval 6.6±3.3 years before baseline). RESULTS: Cross-sectional multivariable linear regression analysis confirmed PWV significantly associated with age and MAP. In longitudinal analysis, annual progression of PWV was not associated with historic MAP (standardized beta coefficient [β]=-0.02, P=0.698), weakly associated with baseline MAP (β=0.09, P=0.049) but strongly associated with progression (from baseline to most recent measurement) of MAP (β= 0.26, P<0.001). Progression of MAP associated with both baseline and progression of PWV (β=0.13, P=0.003 and β=0.24, P<0.001, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Progression of aortic stiffness associates more strongly with contemporaneous MAP compared with historic MAP. In contrast, progression of MAP is associated with prior arterial stiffness. These findings suggest a bidirectional relationship between arterial stiffness and blood pressure, and that lowering blood pressure may prevent a cycle of arterial stiffening and hypertension
Comparison between audio and tactile systems for delivering simple navigational information to visually impaired pedestrians
Many of the current GPS (Global Positioning Systems) navigation aids use an audio method to deliver navigation information to the user. For the visually impaired person this method can be problematic. The visually impaired pedestrian relies heavily on information contained within the ambient sound environment; for location and orientation information, navigation information, and importantly, safety information. In this paper we present the design of an innovative tactile interface and verification of results obtained through experimental trials. This pilot study compared the efficiency of the tactile interface, to an audio method of delivering simple navigational information. The findings indicate that the tactile interface could be used successfully by blind and sighted pedestrians and may offer advantages over auditory interfaces
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