11 research outputs found

    Soil conditions under a Fagus sylvatica CONECOFOR stand in Central Italy: an integrated assessment through combined solid phase and solution studies.

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    As soil solution represents the major phase of soil chemical reactions, its study is a powerful tool for ecological investigations. Soil solution chemical composition gives a realistic idea about the soil chemical components immediately available in the environment, mainly in relation to the soil ecosystem reaction to the disturbance due to acidifying loads. Within the CONECOFOR Program, the monitoring of forest soil conditions was performed in a level II plot (ABR I), under a Fagus sylvatica (European beech) stand, through the study of throughfall and soil solutions collected from depths ranging between the base of the litter layers and 90 cm. To be able to investigate solution contents of nutrients, acidifying agents and DOC throughout the profile, both zero tension and tension lysimeters were used. The first ones were inserted below the organic horizons, while tension lysimeters were placed within the mineral horizons at 15, 25, 55 and 90 cm depth. Sampled solutions were analyzed for Na, K, Ca, Mg, NH4, Cl, F, NO3, SO4, and DOC. The results evidence a clear seasonal pattern, mainly for macronutrients and inorganic N components. Acidic pulses were mostly evident below the organic horizons, in relation to strong nitric N releases from litter; these last were not always immediately neutralized by basic cations. Acid solutions leaving the organic horizons were invariably neutralized in the surface mineral horizons, within 15 cm depth. Temporal patterns of sulphate retention and release suggest that the soil has low retention capability for this anion. Such behaviour can be explained by the composition of the solid phase, where potential anion adsorbants appear strongly linked with organic matter in long residence time complexes. Sulphate and nitrate loading of this soil appear, anyway, to be mostly non-anthropogenic, but rather linked to natural mineralization pulses and, for sulphate, to aeolian solid transport from the south

    Soil solution chemistry at one mountain beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) CONECOFOR plot, 1999 to 2005

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    Soil solution monitoring aims to understand various temporal scales of soil processes. The first eight years of observation in ABR1 Level II site have brought significant elements of understanding about the shorter temporal scales. It is suggested that certain solutes, regularly produced by forest floor microbial processes, are transferred to the highly mobile portion of the soil solution by a non linear process, producing irregular pulses and creating a strong high frequency component. Seasonal processes remain nonetheless detectable after simple and rough filtering. A multi-year trend of diminished nitrate mineralization and increased pH of forest floor solutions is possible. It is estimated that much more accurate analysis will be possible in a relatively short time span of further monitoring

    On the tracks of Nitrogen deposition effects on temperate forests at their southern European range - an observational study from Italy

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    We studied forest monitoring data collected at permanent plots in Italy over the period 2000\u20132009 to identify the possible impact of nitrogen (N) deposition on soil chemistry, tree nutrition and growth. Average N throughfall (N-NO3+N-NH4) ranged between 4 and 29 kg ha 1 yr 1, with Critical Loads (CLs) for nutrient N exceeded at several sites. Evidence is consistent in pointing out effects of N deposition on soil and tree nutrition: topsoil exchangeable base cations (BCE) and pH decreased with increasing N deposition, and foliar nutrient N ratios (especially N : P and N : K) increased. Comparison between bulk openfield and throughfall data suggested possible canopy uptake of N, levelling out for bulk deposition >4\u20136 kg ha 1 yr 1. Partial Least Square (PLS) regression revealed that - although stand and meteorological variables explained the largest portion of variance in relative basal area increment (BAIrel 2000\u20132009) - N-related predictors (topsoil BCE, C : N, pH; foliar N-ratios; N deposition) nearly always improved the BAIrel model in terms of variance explained (from 78.2 to 93.5%) and error (from 2.98 to 1.50%). N deposition was the strongest predictor even when stand, management and atmosphere-related variables (meteorology and tropospheric ozone) were accounted for. The maximal annual response of BAIrel was estimated at 0.074\u20130.085% for every additional kgN. This corresponds to an annual maximal relative increase of 0.13\u20130.14% of carbon sequestered in the above-ground woody biomass for every additional kgN, i.e. a median value of 159 kgC per kgN ha 1 yr 1 (range: 50\u2013504 kgC per kgN, depending on the site). Positive growth response occurred also at sites where signals of possible, perhaps recent N saturation were detected. This may suggest a time lag for detrimental N effects, but also that, under continuous high N input, the reported positive growth response may be not sustainable in the long-term

    Environmental and pedological factors influencing organic carbon storage in Italian forest soils

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    As a large and persistent carbon sink, forest soils have an essential role in the carbon cycle, thus performing valuable services to society. This paper aims to investigate the role of several environmental factors in driving soil organic carbon (SOC) storage variability in forest soils. The Italian ICP-Forests (International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests) dataset provides an excellent opportunity to analyse an extensive range of variables in a land spanning different ecological regions and climatic gradients, thus being a case of broad interest. We estimated SOC storage for mineral forest soils, considering the topsoil (0–20 cm; SOCM02) and the whole soil profile (0–80 cm; SOCM08). Boosted regression trees (BRTs) were applied to explore the relative influence of environmental predictors and to model SOC storage responses. The reference soil groups (RSG-WRB) and the total subsoil phosphorus (P) content were the factors with the highest performance in explaining SOC storage for both models (SOCM02-SOCM08). Parameters related to vegetation, such as tree species, biodiversity and plant traits, clearly influenced topsoil SOC storage, while their impact was reduced with depth. Climate directly controls SOC storage, but indirect influences via plant or soil characteristics were also identified. Interactions between different environmental factors were discussed to elucidate and analyse SOC responses evidenced by the models. Our results highlighted how soil types (RSGs) can be an effective environmental factor in explaining SOC storage variability, which would likely improve SOC models on national and global scales. Interactions between different environmental factors were seen to be most important, pointing out the strong links between SOC storage and the general ecological context

    Tree or soil? Factors influencing humus form differentiation in Italian forests

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    We aimto investigate the occurrence of forest humus forms (Moder, Amphi and Mull) in relation to environmental factors describing parent material, climate and tree species. Boosted regression trees (BRTs) were applied as modeling tool to analyze data of 238 plots of the BioSoil database covering the whole Italian forest territory. Though predictive ability was not very high, especially for the Amphi form, we could gain significant insight into factors controlling humus form differentiation. In the BRT analysis, the diversity of tree species was the most important predictor for Moder and Mull models and specific plant effects were evidenced. However, our results showed that the geographic distribution of Italian forest species was influenced by soil and climate conditions, partly explaining the high weight of tree species as factor. The importance of the soil nutritional status, due to parent material properties, in driving humus form differentiation was stated, highlighting the key role played by pH and calcium content, with the hitherto understated importance of phosphorus. This study further clarified the functioning of the still poorly understood Amphi form. Reduced effective soil volume (EfVol) combined with seasonality appeared to constrain pedofauna activity in otherwise favorable and nutrient rich systems, favoring the evolution of Amphi instead of Mull forms