105 research outputs found

    Achiral dye/surfactant heteroaggregates for chiral sensing of phosphocholines

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    An investigation, based on absorption and circular dichroism spectroscopy, was carried out on assemblies formed in water upon the interaction of heteroaggregates, composed of dyes (Congo Red or Evans Blue) and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), with four enantiopure phopshocholines (DMPC, DPPC, DOPC, and POPC) characterized by the same po- lar head and different hydrophobic tails. The results show that the nature of the lipid as well as the concentration ratios influence sensitively the absorption and chiroptical properties of the su- pramolecular structure. Intriguingly, the transfer of chirality from the lipid to the assembly may be triggered or not, depending on the nature of the lipid hydrophobic chain. These findings con- firm the fundamental role of hydrophobic interactions in the transcription of chirality from mol- ecules to complex architectures

    A BBN-based Method to Manage Adaptive Behavior of a Smart User Interface☆

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    Abstract The present study proposes a new method to manage adaptation behaviour of adaptive system according to the output information provide by a user model based on Bayesian Belief Network (BBN). Such method has been applied in the development of smart interfaces for cooking and kitchen management, such as meal preparation and interaction with the major kitchen appliances, pandering the user's skills, expertise and disabilities. Nevertheless, this method is flexible and suitable enough to be used in other application contexts. The validity of the decision making algorithm has been tested through simulation of real user case scenarios

    Consumers vs Internet of Things: A Systematic Evaluation Process to Drive Users in the Smart World☆

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    Abstract Smart Objects (SOs) market offers a wide variety of products apparently similar but characterized by different features that the average users fail to perceive. Consequently, their purchasing is often based on price and brand affection. In this context, users need a tool able to guide them in choosing the most suitable object to satisfy their expectations. To this purpose, this paper proposes a new systematic method to assess SOs in a comprehensive way: it allows to objectively assess and compare products and provides evaluation results tailored on users' needs. A first validation is carried out on three different SO typologies

    Novel locally active estrogens accelerate cutaneous wound healing-part 2

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    Estrogen deprivation is associated with delayed healing, while estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) accelerates acute wound healing and protects against development of chronic wounds. However, current estrogenic molecules have undesired systemic effects, thus the aim of our studies is to generate new molecules for topic administration that are devoid of systemic effects. Following a preliminary study, the new 17β-estradiol derivatives 1 were synthesized. The estrogenic activity of these novel compounds was evaluated in vitro using the cell line ERE-Luc B17 stably transfected with an ERE-Luc reporter. Among the 17β-estradiol derivatives synthesized, compounds 1e and 1f showed the highest transactivation potency and were therefore selected for the study of their systemic estrogenic activity. The study of these compounds in the ERE-Luc mouse model demonstrated that both compounds lack systemic effects when administered in the wound area. Furthermore, wound-healing experiments showed that 1e displays a significant regenerative and anti-inflammatory activity. It is therefore confirmed that this class of compounds are suitable for topical administration and have a clear beneficial effect on wound healing

    Trematocine, a Novel Antimicrobial Peptide from the Antarctic Fish Trematomus bernacchii: Identification and Biological Activity

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    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are short peptides active against a wide range of pathogens and, therefore, they are considered a useful alternative to conventional antibiotics. We have identified a new AMP in a transcriptome derived from the Antarctic fish Trematomus bernacchii. This peptide, named Trematocine, has been investigated for its expression both at the basal level and after in vivo immunization with an endemic Antarctic bacterium (Psychrobacter sp. TAD1). Results agree with the expected behavior of a fish innate immune component, therefore we decided to synthesize the putative mature sequence of Trematocine to determine the structure, the interaction with biological membranes, and the biological activity. We showed that Trematocine folds into a \u3b1-helical structure in the presence of both zwitterionic and anionic charged vesicles. We demonstrated that Trematocine has a highly specific interaction with anionic charged vesicles and that it can kill Gram-negative bacteria, possibly via a carpet like mechanism. Moreover, Trematocine showed minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) values against selected Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria similar to other AMPs isolated from Antarctic fishes. The peptide is a possible candidate for a new drug as it does not show any haemolytic or cytotoxic activity against mammalian cells at the concentration needed to kill the tested bacteria

    The Case of Eskom

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    From 2010, South African companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange Limited have been required to prepare and present the Integrated Report (IR). Given the increasing relevance of integrated reporting in the South African context, in which the preparation of the IR is compulsory for many companies, this chapter examines the experience of Eskom, a South African electricity supply company. The aim is to analyse the IR of the company during the period 2011\u20132012 in light of the content elements and guiding principles presented in the Consultation Draft published by the International Integrated Reporting Council. Therefore, this chapter sheds light on the applica- bility and/or adaptability of international recommendations on IR within a public company in the electric power industry

    A closer look at wound infections and healing

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    Wound healing is a physiological process that involves several successive and often overlapping phases that lead to the restoration of the integrity of the skin after an injury, accident or surgery: haemostasis and inflammation, proliferation and remodeling. The interruption or slowing down of these processes can cause abnormal or impaired wound healing. There are now numerous data and clinical studies that highlight the roles of estrogens on normal cutaneous homeostasis and wound healing. In postmenopausal women, for example, the reduced speed of wound healing processes has been clearly related to estrogen deficiency, especially in relation to inflammation and re-granulation, while treatment with exogenous estrogens can reverse these effects. We report here on the complex role of estrogens and estrogenic derivatives in wound healing process, with a focus on their therapeutic use, and on which strategies have been explored to find substances with poor systemic effects

    The role of estrogenic substances in regulation of biological processes involved into wound healing

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    Wound healing is a physiological process that involves several successive and often overlapping phases that lead to the restoration of the integrity of the skin after an injury, accident or surgery: haemostasis and inflammation, proliferation and remodeling. The interruption or slowing down of these processes can cause abnormal or impaired wound healing. There are now numerous data and clinical studies that highlight the role of estrogens on normal cutaneous homeostasis and wound healing. In postmenopausal women, for example, the reduced rate of wound healing processes has been clearly related to estrogen deficiency, especially in relation to inflammation and re-granulation, while treatment with exogenous estrogens can reverse these effects. We report here the complex role of estrogens and estrogenic derivatives in wound healing process, with a focus on their therapeutic use, and which strategies have been explored to find substances with poor systemic effects