195 research outputs found

    Test-cost sensitive classification based on conditioned loss functions

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    We report a novel approach for designing test-cost sensitive classifiers that consider the misclassification cost together with the cost of feature extraction utilizing the consistency behavior for the first time. In this approach, we propose to use a new Bayesian decision theoretical framework in which the loss is conditioned with the current decision and the expected decisions after additional features are extracted as well as the consistency among the current and expected decisions. This approach allows us to force the feature extraction for samples for which the current and expected decisions are inconsistent. On the other hand, it forces not to extract any features in the case of consistency, leading to less costly but equally accurate decisions. In this work, we apply this approach to a medical diagnosis problem and demonstrate that it reduces the overall feature extraction cost up to 47.61 percent without decreasing the accuracy. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

    Qualitative test-cost sensitive classification

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    This paper reports a new framework for test-cost sensitive classification. It introduces a new loss function definition, in which misclassification cost and cost of feature extraction are combined qualitatively and the loss is conditioned with current and estimated decisions as well as their consistency. This loss function definition is motivated with the following issues. First, for many applications, the relation between different types of costs can be expressed roughly and usually only in terms of ordinal relations, but not as a precise quantitative number. Second, the redundancy between features can be used to decrease the cost; it is possible not to consider a new feature if it is consistent with the existing ones. In this paper, we show the feasibility of the proposed framework for medical diagnosis problems. Our experiments demonstrate that this framework is efficient to significantly decrease feature extraction cost without decreasing accuracy. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Hemispherical Emissivity of V, Nb, Ta, Mo, and W from 300 to 1000 K

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    The hemispherical emissivities of five transition elements, V, Nb, Ta, Mo, and W, have been measured from 300 to 1000 K, complementing earlier higher-temperature results. These low-temperature data, which are similar, are fitted to a Drude model in which the room-temperature parameters have been obtained from optical measurements and the temperature dependence of the dc resistivity is used as input to calculate the temperature dependence of the emissivity. A frequency-dependent free-carrier relaxation rate is found to have a similar magnitude for all these elements. For temperatures larger than 1200 K the calculated emissivity is always greater than the measured value, indicating that the high-temperature interband features of transition elements are much weaker than those determined from room-temperature measurements

    Ovarian VEGF165b expression regulates follicular development, corpus luteum function and fertility

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    Angiogenesis and vascular regression are critical for the female ovulatory cycle. They enable progression and regression of follicular development, and corpora lutea formation and regression. Angiogenesis in the ovary occurs under the control of the vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGFA) family of proteins, which are generated as both pro-(VEGF165) and anti(VEGF165b)-angiogenic isoforms by alternative splicing. To determine the role of the VEGF165b isoforms in the ovulatory cycle, we measured VEGF165b expression in marmoset ovaries by immunohistochemistry and ELISA, and used transgenic mice over-expressing VEGF165b in the ovary. VEGF165b was expressed in the marmoset ovaries in granulosa cells and theca, and the balance of VEGF165b:VEGF165 was regulated during luteogenesis. Mice over-expressing VEGF165b in the ovary were less fertile than wild-type littermates, had reduced secondary and tertiary follicles after mating, increased atretic follicles, fewer corpora lutea and generated fewer embryos in the oviduct after mating, and these were more likely not to retain the corona radiata. These results indicate that the balance of VEGFA isoforms controls follicle progression and luteogenesis, and that control of isoform expression may regulate fertility in mammals, including in primates

    Dielectric relaxations in PEEK by combined dynamic dielectric spectroscopy and thermally stimulated current

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    The molecular dynamics of a quenched poly (ether ether ketone) (PEEK) was studied over a broad frequency range from 10-3 to 106 Hz by combining dynamic dielectric spectroscopy (DDS) and thermo-stimulated current (TSC) analysis. The dielectric relaxation losses e00 KK has been determined from the real part e0 T(x) thanks to Kramers–Kronig transform. In this way, conduction and relaxation processes can be analyzed independently. Two secondary dipolar relaxations, the c and the b modes, corresponding to non-cooperative localized molecular mobility have been pointed out. The main a relaxation appeared close to the glass transition temperature as determined by DSC; it has been attributed to the delocalized cooperative mobility of the free amorphous phase. The relaxation times of dielectric relaxations determined with TSC at low frequency converge with relaxation times extracted from DDS at high frequency. This correlation emphasized continuity of mobility kinetics between vitreous and liquid state. The dielectric spectroscopy exhibits the ac relaxation, near 443 K, which has been associated with the rigid amorphous phase confined by crystallites. This present experiment demonstrates coherence of the dynamics of the PEEK heterogeneous amorphous phase between glassy and liquid state and significantly improve the knowledge of molecular/dynamic structure relationships

    The endogenous anti-angiogenic VEGF isoform, VEGF165b inhibits human tumour growth in mice

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    Vascular endothelial growth factor-A is widely regarded as the principal stimulator of angiogenesis required for tumour growth. VEGF is generated as multiple isoforms of two families, the pro-angiogenic family generated by proximal splice site selection in the terminal exon, termed VEGFxxx, and the anti-angiogenic family formed by distal splice site selection in the terminal exon, termed VEGFxxxb, where xxx is the amino acid number. The most studied isoforms, VEGF165 and VEGF165b have been shown to be present in tumour and normal tissues respectively. VEGF165b has been shown to inhibit VEGF- and hypoxia-induced angiogenesis, and VEGF-induced cell migration and proliferation in vitro. Here we show that overexpression of VEGF165b by tumour cells inhibits the growth of prostate carcinoma, Ewing's sarcoma and renal cell carcinoma in xenografted mouse tumour models. Moreover, VEGF165b overexpression inhibited tumour cell-mediated migration and proliferation of endothelial cells. These data show that overexpression of VEGF165b can inhibit growth of multiple tumour types in vivo indicating that VEGF165b has potential as an anti-angiogenic, anti-tumour strategy in a number of different tumour types, either by control of VEGF165b expression by regulation of splicing, overexpression of VEGF165b, or therapeutic delivery of VEGF165b to tumours

    A Review on the Mechanical Modeling of Composite Manufacturing Processes

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    © 2016, The Author(s). The increased usage of fiber reinforced polymer composites in load bearing applications requires a detailed understanding of the process induced residual stresses and their effect on the shape distortions. This is utmost necessary in order to have more reliable composite manufacturing since the residual stresses alter the internal stress level of the composite part during the service life and the residual shape distortions may lead to not meeting the desired geometrical tolerances. The occurrence of residual stresses during the manufacturing process inherently contains diverse interactions between the involved physical phenomena mainly related to material flow, heat transfer and polymerization or crystallization. Development of numerical process models is required for virtual design and optimization of the composite manufacturing process which avoids the expensive trial-and-error based approaches. The process models as well as applications focusing on the prediction of residual stresses and shape distortions taking place in composite manufacturing are discussed in this study. The applications on both thermoset and thermoplastic based composites are reviewed in detail