1,863 research outputs found

    Prolonged oral cannabinoid administration prevents neuroinflammation, lowers β-amyloid levels and improves cognitive performance in Tg APP 2576 mice

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.-- et al.[Background]: Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain shows an ongoing inflammatory condition and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories diminish the risk of suffering the neurologic disease. Cannabinoids are neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory agents with therapeutic potential. [Methods]: We have studied the effects of prolonged oral administration of transgenic amyloid precursor protein (APP) mice with two pharmacologically different cannabinoids (WIN 55,212-2 and JWH-133, 0.2 mg/kg/day in the drinking water during 4 months) on inflammatory and cognitive parameters, and on 18F-fluoro-deoxyglucose (18FDG) uptake by positron emission tomography (PET). [Results]: Novel object recognition was significantly reduced in 11 month old Tg APP mice and 4 month administration of JWH was able to normalize this cognitive deficit, although WIN was ineffective. Wild type mice cognitive performance was unaltered by cannabinoid administration. Tg APP mice showed decreased 18FDG uptake in hippocampus and cortical regions, which was counteracted by oral JWH treatment. Hippocampal GFAP immunoreactivity and cortical protein expression was unaffected by genotype or treatment. In contrast, the density of Iba1 positive microglia was increased in Tg APP mice, and normalized following JWH chronic treatment. Both cannabinoids were effective at reducing the enhancement of COX-2 protein levels and TNF-α mRNA expression found in the AD model. Increased cortical β-amyloid (Aβ) levels were significantly reduced in the mouse model by both cannabinoids. Noteworthy both cannabinoids enhanced Aβ transport across choroid plexus cells in vitro. [Conclusions]: In summary we have shown that chronically administered cannabinoid showed marked beneficial effects concomitant with inflammation reduction and increased Aβ clearance.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (SAF 2005-02845 to M.L.C). A.M.M-M. was recipient a fellowship from the Ministry of Education and Science.Peer Reviewe

    Vascular Dysfunction in a Transgenic Model of Alzheimer's Disease: Effects of CB1R and CB2R Cannabinoid Agonists

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    There is evidence of altered vascular function, including cerebrovascular, in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and transgenic models of the disease. Indeed vasoconstrictor responses are increased, while vasodilation is reduced in both conditions. β-Amyloid (Aβ) appears to be responsible, at least in part, of alterations in vascular function. Cannabinoids, neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory agents, induce vasodilation both in vivo and in vitro. We have demonstrated a beneficial effect of cannabinoids in models of AD by preventing glial activation. In this work we have studied the effects of these compounds on vessel density in amyloid precursor protein (APP) transgenic mice, line 2576, and on altered vascular responses in aortae isolated ring. First we showed increased collagen IV positive vessels in AD brain compared to control subjects, with a similar increase in TgAPP mice, which was normalized by prolonged oral treatment with the CB1/CB2 mixed agonist WIN 55,212-2 (WIN) and the CB2 selective agonist JWH-133 (JWH). In Tg APP mice the vasoconstriction induced by phenylephrine and the thromboxane agonist U46619 was significantly increased, and no change in the vasodilation to acetylcholine (ACh) was observed. Tg APP displayed decreased vasodilation to both cannabinoid agonists, which were able to prevent decreased ACh relaxation in the presence of Aβ. In summary, we have confirmed and extended the existence of altered vascular responses in Tg APP mice. Moreover, our results suggest that treatment with cannabinoids may ameliorate the vascular responses in AD-type pathology.This work was supported by the Council of Madrid (S- BIO/0170/2006 and P2010/BMD-2349 to MLC) and by Instituto de Salud Carlos III/FISS (PI12/00590 to TT). AM received a fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and JN-D from FISS. Dr. R. Martínez-Murillo is acknowledged for preliminary EM experiments.Peer reviewedPeer Reviewe

    Nueva localidad de Bulinus truncatus (Audouin, 1827) (Gastropoda: Planorbidae), hospedador intermediario de Schistosoma haematobium, y su distribución en la península Ibérica

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    This paper reports a new population of Bulinus truncatus (Audouin, 1827) (Gastropoda, Planorbidae) found in the province of Almería (Southeast Spain). B. truncatus is an intermediate host of Schistosoma haematobium, the trematode which causes urinary schistosomiasis in humans. Individuals were identified to species level by double-nested PCR, resulting in 100% homology. This population is located under the driest climate conditions of the Iberian Peninsula. Data on the distribution of this species in the Iberian Peninsula was gathered and is provided in this paper. Improved knowledge of the distribution of Bulinus truncatus is key to assess the risk of new outbreaks of schistosomiasis in the Iberian Peninsula.En este trabajo se reporta una nueva población de Bulinus truncatus (Audouin, 1827) (Gastropoda, Planorbidae) en la provincia de Almería (Sureste de España). Se trata de una especie que presenta considerable interés tanto zoológico como epidemiológico por su papel como hospedador intermediario de Schistosoma haematobium, responsable de la esquistosomiasis urogenital humana. Los ejemplares fueron determinados a nivel específico mediante PCR doble anidada, con un 100% de homología. Se trata de la población localizada más al Sureste y en condiciones de mayor aridez en la península Ibérica. Se recopilaron los datos de presencia publicados para conocer su distribución en la península. El conocimiento de la distribución de Bulinus truncatus es una pieza clave para evaluar el riesgo de nuevos focos de esquistosomiasis en la península Ibérica

    High-fat diet alters stress behavior, inflammatory parameters and gut microbiota in Tg APP mice in a sex-specific manner

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    Long-term high-fat diet (HFD) consumption commonly leads to obesity, a major health concern of western societies and a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD). Both conditions present glial activation and inflammation and show sex differences in their incidence, clinical manifestation, and disease course. HFD intake has an important impact on gut microbiota, the bacteria present in the gut, and microbiota dysbiosis is associated with inflammation and certain mental disorders such as anxiety. In this study, we have analyzed the effects of a prolonged (18 weeks, starting at 7 months of age) HFD on male and female mice, both wild type (WT) and TgAPP mice, a model for AD, investigating the behavioral profile, gut microbiota composition and inflammatory/phagocytosis-related gene expression in hippocampus. In the open-field test, no overt differences in motor activity were observed between male and female or WT and TgAPP mice on a low-fat diet (LFD). However, HFD induced anxiety, as judged by decreased motor activity and increased time in the margins in the open-field, and a trend towards increased immobility time in the tail suspension test, with increased defecation. Intriguingly, female TgAPP mice on HFD showed less immobility and defecation compared to female WT mice on HFD. HFD induced dysbiosis of gut microbiota, resulting in reduced microbiota diversity and abundance compared with LFD fed mice, with some significant differences due to sex and little effect of genotype. Gene expression of pro-inflammatory/phagocytic markers in the hippocampus were not different between male and female WT mice, and in TgAPP mice of both sexes, some cytokines (IL-6 and IFN¿) were higher than in WT mice on LFD, more so in female TgAPP (IL-6). HFD induced few alterations in mRNA expression of inflammatory/phagocytosis-related genes in male mice, whether WT (IL-1ß, MHCII), or TgAPP (IL-6). However, in female TgAPP, altered gene expression returned towards control levels following prolonged HFD (IL-6, IL-12ß, TNF¿, CD36, IRAK4, PYRY6). In summary, we demonstrate that HFD induces anxiogenic symptoms, marked alterations in gut microbiota, and increased expression of inflammatory genes, except for female TgAPP that appear to be resistant to the diet effects. Lifestyle interventions should be introduced to prevent AD onset or exacerbation by reducing inflammation and its associated symptoms; however, our results suggest that the eventual goal of developing prevention and treatment strategies should take sex into consideration.This work was supported by Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO), Grant Numbers BFU2014-51836-C2-1-R to LMGS and MAA, BFU2014-51836-C2-2-R and BFU2017-82565-C21-R2 to JAC; Madrid Council S2010/BMD-2349 to MLC; Centre for Biomedical Network Research for Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN) to JAC, Centre for Biomedical Network Research for Frailty and Healthy Ageing (CIBERFES) to LMGS and MAA, and Centre for Biomedical Network Research for Neurodegenerative Diseases (CIBERNED) to MLC. AC-C was granted with a FPI fellowship by the MINECO (BES-2015-072980)

    Transcription factor NFE2L2/NRF2 is a regulator of macroautophagy genes

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    Autophagy is a highly coordinated process that is controlled at several levels including transcriptional regulation. Here, we identify the transcription factor NFE2L2/NRF2 (nuclear factor, erythroid 2 like 2) as a regulator of autophagy gene expression and its relevance in a mouse model of Alzheimer disease (AD) that reproduces impaired APP (amyloid β precursor protein) and human (Hs)MAPT/TAU processing, clearance and aggregation. We screened the chromatin immunoprecipitation database ENCODE for 2 proteins, MAFK and BACH1, that bind the NFE2L2-regulated enhancer antioxidant response element (ARE). Using a script generated from the JASPAR's consensus ARE sequence, we identified 27 putative AREs in 16 autophagy-related genes. Twelve of these sequences were validated as NFE2L2 regulated AREs in 9 autophagy genes by additional ChIP assays and quantitative RT-PCR on human and mouse cells after NFE2L2 activation with sulforaphane. Mouse embryo fibroblasts of nfe2l2-knockout mice exhibited reduced expression of autophagy genes, which was rescued by an NFE2L2 expressing lentivirus, and impaired autophagy flux when exposed to hydrogen peroxide. NFE2L2-deficient mice co-expressing HsAPP(V717I) and HsMAPT(P301L), exhibited more intracellular aggregates of these proteins and reduced neuronal levels of SQSTM1/p62, CALCOCO2/NDP52, ULK1, ATG5 and GABARAPL1. Also, colocalization of HsAPP(V717I) and HsMAPT(P301L) with the NFE2L2-regulated autophagy marker SQSTM1/p62 was reduced in the absence of NFE2L2. In AD patients, neurons expressing high levels of APP or MAPT also expressed SQSTM1/p62 and nuclear NFE2L2, suggesting their attempt to degrade intraneuronal aggregates through autophagy. This study shows that NFE2L2 modulates autophagy gene expression and suggests a new strategy to combat proteinopathies

    Galectin-3 Deletion Reduces LPS and Acute Colitis-Induced Pro-Inflammatory Microglial Activation in the Ventral Mesencephalon

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    Parkinson’s disease is a highly prevalent neurological disorder for which there is currently no cure. Therefore, the knowledge of risk factors as well as the development of new putative molecular targets is mandatory. In this sense, peripheral inflammation, especially the originated in the colon, is emerging as a predisposing factor for suffering this disease. We have largely studied the pleiotropic roles of galectin-3 in driving microglia-associated immune responses. However, studies aimed at elucidating the role of galectin-3 in peripheral inflammation in terms of microglia polarization are lacking. To achieve this, we have evaluated the effect of galectin-3 deletion in two different models of acute peripheral inflammation: intraperitoneal injection of lipopolysaccharide or gut inflammation induced by oral administration of dextran sodium sulfate. We found that under peripheral inflammation the number of microglial cells and the expression levels of pro-inflammatory mediators take place specifically in the dopaminergic system, thus supporting causative links between Parkinson’s disease and peripheral inflammation. Absence of galectin-3 highly reduced neuroinflammation in both models, suggesting an important central regulatory role of galectin-3 in driving microglial activation provoked by the peripheral inflammation. Thus, modulation of galectin-3 function emerges as a promising strategy to minimize undesired microglia polarization states.This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (RTI 2018-098830-B-I00), from the Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento of Junta de Andalucía (P18-RT-1372 and US-1264806). MJP, MDVC and PGM were supported by a grant from the Junta de Andalucía (CTS 5884) and AEC by an associated post-doctoral grant

    CAR density influences antitumoral efficacy of BCMA CAR T cells and correlates with clinical outcome

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    Identification of new markers associated with long-term efficacy in patients treated with CAR T cells is a current medical need, particularly in diseases such as multiple myeloma. In this study, we address the impact of CAR density on the functionality of BCMA CAR T cells. Functional and transcriptional studies demonstrate that CAR T cells with high expression of the CAR construct show an increased tonic signaling with up-regulation of exhaustion markers and increased in vitro cytotoxicity but a decrease in in vivo BM infiltration. Characterization of gene regulatory networks using scRNA-seq identified regulons associated to activation and exhaustion up-regulated in CARHigh T cells, providing mechanistic insights behind differential functionality of these cells. Last, we demonstrate that patients treated with CAR T cell products enriched in CARHigh T cells show a significantly worse clinical response in several hematological malignancies. In summary, our work demonstrates that CAR density plays an important role in CAR T activity with notable impact on clinical response

    Sex Differences in Hypothalamic Changes and the Metabolic Response of TgAPP Mice to a High Fat Diet

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    The propensity to develop neurodegenerative diseases is influenced by diverse factors including genetic background, sex, lifestyle, including dietary habits and being overweight, and age. Indeed, with aging, there is an increased incidence of obesity and neurodegenerative processes, both of which are associated with inflammatory responses, in a sex-specific manner. High fat diet (HFD) commonly leads to obesity and markedly affects metabolism, both peripherally and centrally. Here we analyzed the metabolic and inflammatory responses of middle-aged (11–12 months old) transgenic amyloid precursor protein (TgAPP) mice of both sexes to HFD for 18 weeks (starting at 7–8 months of age). We found clear sex differences with females gaining significantly more weight and fat mass than males, with a larger increase in circulating leptin levels and expression of inflammatory markers in visceral adipose tissue. Glycemia and insulin levels increased in HFD fed mice of both sexes, with TgAPP mice being more affected than wild type (WT) mice. In the hypothalamus, murine amyloid β (Aβ) levels were increased by HFD intake exclusively in males, reaching statistical significance in TgAPP males. On a low fat diet (LFD), TgAPP males had significantly lower mRNA levels of the anorexigenic neuropeptide proopiomelanocortin (POMC) than WT males, with HFD intake decreasing the expression of the orexigenic neuropeptides Agouti-related peptide (AgRP) and neuropeptide Y (NPY), especially in TgAPP mice. In females, HFD increased POMC mRNA levels but had no effect on AgRP or NPY mRNA levels, and with no effect on genotype. There was no effect of diet or genotype on the hypothalamic inflammatory markers analyzed or the astrogliosis marker glial acidic protein (GFAP); however, levels of the microglial marker Iba-1 increased selectively in male TgAPP mice. In summary, the response to HFD intake was significantly affected by sex, with fewer effects due to genotype. Hypothalamic inflammatory cytokine expression and astrogliosis were little affected by HFD in middle-aged mice, although in TgAPP males, which showed increased Aβ, there was microglial activation. Thus, excess intake of diets high in fat should be avoided because of its possible detrimental consequences

    EURECA: European-Japanese microcalorimeter array

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    The EURECA project aims to demonstrate technological readiness of a micro-calorimeter array for application in future X-ray astronomy missions, like Constellation-X, EDGE, and XEUS. The prototype instrument consists of a 5 × 5 pixel array of TES-based micro-calorimeters read out by two SQUID-amplifier channels using frequency-domain-multiplexing (FDM) with digital base-band feedback. The detector array is cooled by a cryogen-free cryostat consisting of a pulse tube cooler and a two stage ADR. Initial tests of the system at the PTB beam line of the BESSY synchrotron showed stable performance and an X-ray energy resolution of 1.5 eV at 250 eV for read-out of one TES-pixel only. Next step is deployment of FDM to read-out the full array. Full performance demonstration is expected end 2008.This work was financially supported by the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).Peer Reviewe

    Prolonged oral cannabinoid administration prevents neuroinflammation, lowers β-amyloid levels and improves cognitive performance in Tg APP 2576 mice

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    Background: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) brain shows an ongoing inflammatory condition and non-steroidal antiinflammatories diminish the risk of suffering the neurologic disease. Cannabinoids are neuroprotective and antiinflammatory agents with therapeutic potential. Methods: We have studied the effects of prolonged oral administration of transgenic amyloid precursor protein (APP) mice with two pharmacologically different cannabinoids (WIN 55,212-2 and JWH-133, 0.2 mg/kg/day in the drinking water during 4 months) on inflammatory and cognitive parameters, and on 18F-fluoro-deoxyglucose (18FDG) uptake by positron emission tomography (PET). Results: Novel object recognition was significantly reduced in 11 month old Tg APP mice and 4 month administration of JWH was able to normalize this cognitive deficit, although WIN was ineffective. Wild type mice cognitive performance was unaltered by cannabinoid administration. Tg APP mice showed decreased 18FDG uptake in hippocampus and cortical regions, which was counteracted by oral JWH treatment. Hippocampal GFAP immunoreactivity and cortical protein expression was unaffected by genotype or treatment. In contrast, the density of Iba1 positive microglia was increased in Tg APP mice, and normalized following JWH chronic treatment. Both cannabinoids were effective at reducing the enhancement of COX-2 protein levels and TNF-a mRNA expression found in the AD model. Increased cortical b-amyloid (Ab) levels were significantly reduced in the mouse model by both cannabinoids. Noteworthy both cannabinoids enhanced Ab transport across choroid plexus cells in vitro. Conclusions: In summary we have shown that chronically administered cannabinoid showed marked beneficial effects concomitant with inflammation reduction and increased Ab clearanceThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (SAF 2005-02845 to M.L.C). A.M.M-M. was recipient a fellowship from the Ministry of Education and Scienc