28 research outputs found

    The Tree Biodiversity Network (BIOTREE-NET): prospects for biodiversity research and conservation in the Neotropics

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    Long Database Report.-- et al.Biodiversity research and conservation efforts in the tropics are hindered by the lack of knowledge of the assemblages found there, with many species undescribed or poorly known. Our initiative, the Tree Biodiversity Network (BIOTREE-NET), aims to ad-dress this problem by assembling georeferenced data from a wide range of sources, making these data easily accessible and easily que-ried, and promoting data sharing. The database (GIVD ID NA-00-002) currently comprises ca. 50,000 tree records of ca. 5,000 species (230 in the IUCN Red List) from >2,000 forest plots in 11 countries. The focus is on trees because of their pivotal role in tropical for-est ecosystems (which contain most of the world's biodiversity) in terms of ecosystem function, carbon storage and effects on other species. BIOTREE-NET currently focuses on southern Mexico and Central America, but we aim to expand coverage to other parts of tropical America. The database is relational, comprising 12 linked data tables. We summarise its structure and contents. Key tables contain data on forest plots (including size, location and date(s) sampled), individual trees (including diameter, when available, and both recorded and standardised species name), species (including biological traits of each species) and the researchers who collected the data. Many types of queries are facilitated and species distribution modelling is enabled. Examining the data in BIOTREE-NET to date, we found an uneven distribution of data in space and across biomes, reflecting the general state of knowledge of the tropics. More than 90% of the data were collected since 1990 and plot size varies widely, but with most less than one hectare in size. A wide range of minimum sizes is used to define a 'tree'. The database helps to identify gaps that need filling by further data collection and collation. The data can be publicly accessed through a web application at http://portal.biotreenet.com. Researchers are invited and encouraged to contribute data to BIOTREE-NET.BIOTREE-NET development has been supported primarily by Fundación BBVA (project BIOCON08_044).Peer Reviewe

    El veganismo durante la gestación. Consecuencias y prevención

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    Trabajo fin de grado en EnfermeríaNumerosas enfermedades no transmisibles tienen su origen en la vida intrauterina, y son producidas por los cambios producidos en los procesos fisiológicos y funcionales de la gestación. En la mayoría de los casos, dichos cambios tienen su origen en la alimentación que se ha llevado a cabo durante este proceso. Esta revisión narrativa, analiza las posibles consecuencias de una dieta vegana en el proceso de gestación, y aporta las medidas preventivas para estas consecuencias. Se concluye que es primordial una correcta planificación de la dieta para poder cubrir las necesidades de este proceso. Sin embargo, se hace necesaria la suplementación de vitamina B12, calcio y hierro. Siendo la suplementación de zinc y ácidos grasos menos concluyente, y la de proteínas innecesaria. Por otra parte, se hace patente una falta de homogeneización en los datos que manejan los profesionales. En relación al papel de la enfermería, se ha evidenciado una mayor disposición a la inclusión de nuevos hábitos de vida más saludables durante el periodo de gestación, por lo que se hace el momento idóneo para la elaboración de programas de educación para la salud sobre esta cuestión.Numerous noncommunicable diseases have their origin in the intrauterine life, and are caused by the changes produced in the physiological and functional processes of gestation. In most cases, the changes have their origin in the feeding that has been carried out during this process. This narrative review analyzes the possible consequences of a vegan diet in the gestation process, and the preventive measures for these consequences. It is concluded that a correct diet planning is essential to meet the needs of this process. However, supplementation of vitamin B12, calcium and iron is necessary. Being the zinc and fatty acids supplementation less conclusive, and unnecessary the protein one. On the other hand, a lack of homogenization in the data that the professionals handle is evident. In relation to the role of nursing, there has been a greater willingness to include new, healthier living habits during the gestation period, which make this period the ideal moment for the development of health education programs that deal with this topic

    Identification of critical areas for mammal conservation in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve

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    Herein we identified the geographic location of protected areas (PAs) critical for strengthening mammalian conservation in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve (RMBA) by assessing sites of particular importance for mammal diversity using different biodiversity criteria (richness, rarity, vulnerability) and a connectivity index. Although 95% of mammal species were represented by PAs, most of them had less than 10% of their distribution range protected by these areas. A total of 94 critical areas for mammal conservation-representing 49.60% of the total PAs were identified. Most of these areas were located at endangered ecoregions. We recommend that conservationists and policy makers should identify critical areas in order to guarantee biodiversity fluxes among landscapes, and enhance the connectivity between PAs to increase biodiversity protection and conservation. Knowledge about the location of critical areas may encourage managers and policy makers to develop specific programs to strengthen mammal biodiversity protection, especially for threatened species.This study was supported by BIOTREE-net - project funded by BBVA Foundation and M.J.T. Assunção-Albuquerque was supported by the Brazilian Ministry of Education, through CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior) Doctorate scholarship.Peer Reviewe

    Caso práctico Norive

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    El TFM se basa en el caso práctico de la sociedad NORIVE, S.A., elaborado por el profesor José Ignacio Llorente Olier y se divide en tres partes diferenciadas: En primer lugar, y en base a la información facilitada, se realiza un estudio de los estados económicos y financieros de los ejercicios 2014 y 2015 (APARTADO 1). En segundo lugar, se realiza una proyección económico-financiera para el año 2016, sobre la base de las hipótesis proporcionadas en el enunciado (APARTADO 2). En tercer lugar, proponemos y cuantificamos medidas correctoras para mejorar la situación de NORIVE que permitan incrementar el valor de esta (APARTADO 3).2020-2

    Estudio descriptivo sobre libranza de guardias de Médicos Residentes de Madrid: Efecto de la huelga de 2020 en el cumplimiento de los descansos obligatorios

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    Background: This study aims at describing the absence of mandatory rest periods after a 24h on call shift in resident physicians in the region of Madrid. It also tries to elucidate the effect which the 2020 resident physician’s strike has had in this phenomenon. Materials and methods: A descriptive observational cross-sectional study has been carried out through an anonymous survey adapted from the available literature. Results: Before the resident’s strike up to 27,2% of the residents surveyed could not enjoy mandatory resting periods after a 24 hour on-call shift. The mandatory weekly rest of at least 36 hours was not done in up to 87% of the cases. After the residents' strike, these figures have been reduced to 19.8% and 34.5% respectively, with statistical significance comparing with previous percentages (p <0.05). The average number of 24 hours on call shifts residents had to work per month was 5, which exceeds the maximum weekly hours allowed by law. Conclusions: The findings reveal a violation of resident physician labor rights in relation to the mandatory days-off after 24-hour on call shifts and weekly breaks. The resident physician’s strike has reduced the incidence of the phenomenon, but it remains a relevant threat to resident physician’s health and patient safety.Antecedentes: Este estudio tiene como objetivo describir el grado de cumplimiento de los descansos obligatorios tras las jornadas de trabajo de 24 horas (guardias) en el colectivo de médicos residentes en la Comunidad de Madrid y el efecto que la huelga de residentes de 2020 ha tenido en el cumplimiento de dichos descansos. Métodos: Se ha diseñado un estudio descriptivo observacional transversal a través de una encuesta online anónima adaptada de la bibliografía existente. Resultados: Antes de la huelga de residentes el 27,2% de los encuestados no realizaban los descansos obligatorios después de las guardias. El descanso semanal obligatorio de al menos 36 horas no se respetaba hasta en el 87% de los casos. Después de la huelga de residentes, estos porcentajes se han reducido a un 19,8% y un 34,5% respectivamente, con significación estadística comparándose con los porcentajes previos (p<0,05). La media de guardias realizadas en la muestra era de 5 al mes, lo que supera el máximo legal de horas semanales.  Conclusiones: Se constata la vulneración de los derechos laborales de los residentes en un importante porcentaje de los residentes en lo relativo a los descansos obligatorios post-guardia y descansos semanales. La huelga de residentes ha reducido la incidencia del fenómeno, pero sigue siendo un problema relevante para la salud de los residentes y la seguridad del paciente.&nbsp

    The Tree Biodiversity Network (BIOTREE-NET): prospects for biodiversity research and conservation in the Neotropics

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    Biodiversity research and conservation efforts in the tropics are hindered by the lack of knowledge of the assemblages found there, with many species undescribed or poorly known. Our initiative, the Tree Biodiversity Network (BIOTREE-NET), aims to address this problem by assembling georeferenced data from a wide range of sources, making these data easily accessible and easily queried, and promoting data sharing. The database (GIVD ID NA-00-002) currently comprises ca. 50,000 tree records of ca. 5,000 species (230 in the IUCN Red List) from \u3e2,000 forest plots in 11 countries. The focus is on trees because of their pivotal role in tropical forest ecosystems (which contain most of the world\u27s biodiversity) in terms of ecosystem function, carbon storage and effects on other species. BIOTREE-NET currently focuses on southern Mexico and Central America, but we aim to expand coverage to other parts of tropical America. The database is relational, comprising 12 linked data tables. We summarise its structure and contents. Key tables contain data on forest plots (including size, location and date(s) sampled), individual trees (including diameter, when available, and both recorded and standardised species name), species (including biological traits of each species) and the researchers who collected the data. Many types of queries are facilitated and species distribution modelling is enabled. Examining the data in BIOTREE-NET to date, we found an uneven distribution of data in space and across biomes, reflecting the general state of knowledge of the tropics. More than 90% of the data were collected since 1990 and plot size varies widely, but with most less than one hectare in size. A wide range of minimum sizes is used to define a \u27tree\u27. The database helps to identify gaps that need filling by further data collection and collation. The data can be publicly accessed through a web application at http://portal.biotreenet.com. Researchers are invited and encouraged to contribute data to BIOTREE-NET

    La Red Internacional de Inventarios Forestales (BIOTREE-NET) en Mesoamérica: avances, retos y perspectivas futuras

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    Conservation efforts in Neotropical regions are often hindered by lack of data, since for many species there is a vacuum of information, and many species have not even been described yet. The International Network of Forest Inventory Plots (BIOTREE-NET) gathers and facilitates access to tree data from forest inventory plots in Mesoamerica, while encouraging data exchange between researchers, managers and conservationists. The information is organised and standardised into a single database that includes spatially explicit data. This article describes the scope and objectives of the network, its progress, and the challenges and future perspectives. The database includes above 50000 tree records of over 5000 species from more than 2000 plots distributed from southern Mexico through to Panama. Information is heterogeneous, both in nature and shape, as well as in the geographical coverage of inventory plots. The database has a relational structure, with 12 inter-connected tables that include information about plots, species names, dbh, and functional attributes of trees. A new system that corrects typographical errors and achieves taxonomic and nomenclatural standardization was developed using The Plant List (http://theplantlist.org/) as reference. Species distribution models have been computed for around 1700 species using different methods, and they will be publicly accessible through the web site in the future (http://portal.biotreenet.com). Although BIOTREE-NET has contributed to the development of improved species distribution models, its main potential lies, in our opinion, in studies at the community level. Finally, we emphasise the need to expand the network and encourage researchers willing to share data and to join the network and contribute to the generation of further knowledge about forest biodiversity in Neotropical regions

    The International Network of Forest Inventory Plots (BIOTREE-NET) in Mesoamerica: advances, challenges and future perspectives

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    [ES]: Los esfuerzos de conservación en la región neotropical están limitados por la falta de información disponible sobre las especies, ya que muchas no han sido descritas o se tiene poca información sobre ellas. La Red Internacional de Inventarios Forestales (BIOTREE-NET) concentra y facilita el acceso a la información y el intercambio entre investigadores, gestores y conservacionistas, organizando y estandarizando los datos de especies de árboles procedentes de inventarios forestales en la región mesoamericana en una única base de datos que incluya información espacial. Este artículo explica el ámbito y objetivos de la red, describe la estructura de la base de datos e identifica los principales avances realizados, así como los retos y perspectivas futuras. La base de datos contiene más de 50 000 registros de árboles de unas 5000 especies, distribuidas en más de 2000 parcelas muestreadas desde el suroeste de México hasta Panamá. La información es heterogénea, tanto en su naturaleza y forma como en la cobertura geográfica de los inventarios. La base de datos tiene una estructura relacional, con 12 tablas interconectadas, incluyendo información sobre las parcelas, los nombres de las especies, el diámetro a la altura del pecho de los árboles medidos y sus atributos funcionales. Se ha desarrollado un sistema para la corrección de errores tipográficos y la estandarización taxonómica y nomenclatural utilizando como referencia The Plant List (http://theplantlist.org/). También se han generado modelos de distribución potencial para cerca de 1700 especies utilizando distintos métodos y en el futuro se prevé habilitar también el acceso público a los modelos de distribución de especies a través del portal web (http://portal.biotreenet.com). Aunque BIOTREE-NET ha contribuido al desarrollo de mejores modelos de distribución, su mayor potencial radica, en nuestra opinión, en el estudio a nivel de comunidades. Finalmente, se reconoce la necesidad de expandir la red a través de la participación de más investigadores interesados en colaborar con datos para ampliar el conocimiento sobre la biodiversidad forestal en la región neotropical.[EN]: Conservation efforts in Neotropical regions are often hindered by lack of data, since for many species there is a vacuum of information, and many species have not even been described yet. The International Network of Forest Inventory Plots (BIOTREE-NET) gathers and facilitates access to tree data from forest inventory plots in Mesoamerica, while encouraging data exchange between researchers, managers and conservationists. The information is organised and standardised into a single database that includes spatially explicit data. This article describes the scope and objectives of the network, its progress, and the challenges and future perspectives. The database includes above 50 000 tree records of over 5000 species from more than 2000 plots distributed from southern Mexico through to Panama. Information is heterogeneous, both in nature and shape, as well as in the geographical coverage of inventory plots. The database has a relational structure, with 12 inter-connected tables that include information about plots, species names, dbh, and functional attributes of trees. A new system that corrects typographical errors and achieves taxonomic and nomenclatural standardization was developed using The Plant List (http://theplantlist.org/) as reference. Species distribution models have been computed for around 1700 species using different methods, and they will be publicly accessible through the web site in the future (http://portal.biotreenet.com). Although BIOTREE-NET has contributed to the development of improved species distribution models, its main potential lies, in our opinion, in studies at the community level. Finally, we emphasise the need to expand the network and encourage researchers willing to share data and to join the network and contribute to the generation of further knowledge about forest biodiversity in Neotropical regions.El desarrollo de la red BIOTREE-NET ha sido posible gracias al proyecto “Red Internacional de Inventarios Forestales para la Investigación y la Conservación de la Diversidad en Centroamérica” (BIOCON08_044), financiado por la Fundación BBVA. La Universidad Rey Juan Carlos financió parcialmente el portal de datos.Peer Reviewe

    Reflexiones sobre la aportación de la antropología a la intervención en un contexto de diversificación sociocultural

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    Esta comunicación parte de una experiencia de investigación antropológica, llevada a cabo por el Programa Migración y Multiculturalidad (PMM) de la UAM en un municipio del área metropolitana madrileña, en respuesta a las inquietudes mostradas por técnicos municipales sobre cómo se estaba integrando una población inmigrante en aumento y las tensiones surgidas en algunos barrios en los últimos años. El objetivo es reflexionar sobre las posibilidades y limitaciones de la investigación antropológica a la hora de contribuir a la transformación social, a la resolución de problemáticas sociales y a la construcción de conocimiento a partir de experiencias que se llevan a cabo con una finalidad práctica