294 research outputs found

    Electrostatically tuned quantum superconductor-metal-insulator transition at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface

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    Recently superconductivity at the interface between the insulators LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 has been tuned with the electric field effect to an unprecedented range of transition temperatures. Here we perform a detailed finite size scaling analysis to explore the compatibility of the phase transition line with Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) behavior and a 2D-quantum phase(QP)-transition. In an intermediate regime, limited by a gate voltage dependent limiting length, we uncover remarkable consistency with a BKT-critical line ending at a metallic quantum critical point, separating a weakly localized insulator from the superconducting phase. Our estimates for the critical exponents of the 2D-QP-transition, z=1 and nu=0.66, suggest that it belongs to the 3D-xy universality class.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Mentalization, attachment, and defense mechanisms: A Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual-2-oriented empirical investigation

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    Mentalizing capacities depends on the quality of primary attachment interactions with caregivers who thinks of the child as a subject with mental states. Operationalized as reflective functioning, mentalization is crucial for regulating emotions and developing of a coherent sense of identity, for interacting with individuals making sense to own and others mental states, and for distinguishing internal and external realities without distortions. Although the clinical literature on interplay between mentalization, attachment, and emotional regulation is rich, the empirical research is limited. This study sought to explore connections between reflective functioning, attachment styles, and implicit emotion regulation, operationalized as defense mechanisms, in a group of depressive patients. Twenty-eight patients were interviewed using the adult attachment interview (AAI) and diagnosed using the Psychodynamic Chart-2 of the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual, Second Edition. The reflective functioning scale and the defense mechanisms rating scale Qsort were applied to AAI transcriptions to assess reflective functioning and defensive profile. Patients with secure attachment showed significantly higher levels in reflective functioning and overall defensive functioning as compared to those with insecure attachment. Good reflective functioning and secure attachment correlated with mature defenses and specific defensive mechanisms that serve in better regulating affective states. Overall, the relationship between mentalization, attachment and emotion regulation lay the foundations for the delineation of defensive profiles associated with attachment patterns and reflective functioning in depressive patients. The systematic assessment of these psychological dimensions with gold-standard tools may help in tailoring personalized therapeutic interventions and promoting more effective treatments


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    Background:bDMARDs are among the most effective therapies in the management of inflammatory arthritides, but they are associated with potentially severe adverse events (AEs), particularly infection. Tapering strategies of bDMARDs for patients in remission/low disease activity (R/LDA) have demonstrated comparable efficacy to standard-dose treatments, but their safety profile has not been studied yet.Objectives:To compare the number and the causes of hospital admissions in RA patients in R/LDA continuing or tapering bDMARDs.Methods:Consecutive patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) evaluated between 2011 and 2017, were assigned, based on treating physician's discretion, to continue the standard dose (STD) of bDMARDs or to undergo a predetermined tapering strategy (TAP), after being in R/LDA for two consecutive visits at least 3 months apart. Down-titration of bDMARDs was obtained by a stepwise increase of the dosing interval to achieve a reduction of about 30% (e.g. administration of etanercept every 10 days instead of weekly). Demographic, clinical data and concomitant treatments were retrospectively retrieved from the electronic charts of the outpatient clinics. Information about hospital admissions, including main diagnosis, period and duration of hospitalization, and death were retrieved from the Regional Healthcare System Database.For the STD group, the observation period started with the occurrence of remission and finished with one of these events: loss of remission, switch to another bDMARD, withdrawal of the bDMARD, severe AE, death, end of the study period in (December 2017). For the TAP group, the observation period started with tapering onset and finished with one of these events: reduction of the dosing interval due to either a relapse (according to a DAS28 increase) or to a subjective, symptomatic relapse (according to the patient's definition), switch to another bDMARD, withdrawal of the bDMARD, severe AE, death, end of the study period in (December 2017).Results:81 patients were included, of whom 40 underwent TAP. Demographic, clinical and treatment data are shown in table 1. Baseline characteristics were comparable between the two groups, except for the number of previous bDMARDs before observational period entry that was slightly higher in the STD group (STD 1.0±0.9 versus TAP 0.5±0.8, P=0.11).Table 1.Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients in remission or low disease activity.NO TAPERING(n=41)TAPERING(n=40)p valueMean age (yrs)57±1158±130.563Mean disease duration (yrs)12±912±70.897Starting bDMARD to tapering/monitoring (months)52±4567±410.128Mean monitoring period (months)22±2419±230.632Taking sDMARD at any time ((n (%))40 (98%)37 (92%)0.359Taking glucocorticoids29 (71%)28 (70%)0.999Mean prednisone dose (mg/day)2.5±2.92.1±2.70.527DAS28 at the time of tapering or first LDA/REM2.3±0.82.3±0.90.863Previous bDMARDs >1 (n (%))10 (24.4%)4 (10%)0.140In the STD group, 14 hospital admissions occurred, while in the TAP group there were 7 admissions (p=0.128). The corresponding figures for hospital admission due to infectious diseases were 6 in the STD group and 0 in the TAP group (p=0.026).Conclusion:Tapering bDMARDs in RA patients in R/LDA is associated with fewer hospital admissions, with a possible protective effect especially toward infections.Acknowledgments:The authors are indebted with Mrs Rosella Gramuglia and Mrs Cristina Olivieri for the management and analysis of the data on the flow of the drugs, and with Mrs Anna Consigliere, Mrs Anna Cosso, Mrs Romina Petralito and Mrs Laura Ravaschio for helping in retrieving clinical data.Disclosure of Interests:Dario Camellino Consultant of: I have received consultancy fees from Celgene, Sanofi, Novartis, Janssen-Cilag, Accord, Paid instructor for: I have served as a paid instructor for Mylan, Andrea Giusti Consultant of: UCB, Amgen, Janssen, Eli Lilly, Abiogen, EffRx, Speakers bureau: UCB, Amgen, Janssen, Eli Lilly, Abiogen, EffRx, Alfa-Sigma, Chiesi, Giuseppe Girasole: None declared, Chiara Craviotto: None declared, Paola Diana: None declared, Antonia Locaputo: None declared, Tiziana Caviglia: None declared, Lacramioara Luca: None declared, Gerolamo Bianchi Consultant of: Amgen, Janssen, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Novartis, UCB, Speakers bureau: Abbvie, Abiogen, Alfa-Sigma, Amgen, BMS, Celgene, Chiesi, Eli Lilly, GSK, Janssen, Medac, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, Sanofi Genzyme, Servier, UC

    Calibration of critical thresholds of soil available nitrogen for late-sown maize in Entre Rios province, Argentina

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    Con el fin de estabilizar los rendimientos de maíz (Zea mays L.), evitando la coincidencia de la floración con momentos de mayor déficit hídrico típicos de las siembras tempranas, la superficie de maíz tardío (MT) en Entre Ríos se ha incrementado notoriamente desde 2010. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue desarrollar una metodología de diagnóstico para recomendar la fertilización nitrogenada en MT en Entre Ríos, a partir del nitrógeno (N) disponible en el suelo + fertilizante (Nd). El trabajo se realizó sobre doce experimentos de fertilización nitrogenada en MT, conducidos durante dos campañas. Cuando se consideraron todos los experimentos, no hubo asociación entre el Nd y el rendimiento, producto de la variabilidad encontrada en la respuesta a N entre localidades. Debido a dicha variabilidad, se trabajó con el conjunto de las localidades utilizando el rendimiento relativo (RR). Los modelos lograron un mejor ajuste realizando el muestreo de suelo en presiembra (PS) que en V6. En PS, el ajuste no varió por modificar la profundidad de muestreo (0-20, 0-40 o 0-60 cm). El modelo que utilizó el RR mejoró el ajuste con respecto al modelo que utilizó el rendimiento y permitió obtener un único umbral de 165 kg Nd ha-1 a 0-60cm. Sin embargo, la utilización de un solo modelo puede llevar a recomendaciones incorrectas al no considerar distintos niveles de rendimiento. En efecto, los modelos que tuvieron en cuenta el ambiente, i.e. el rango de rendimientos obtenidos, difirieron en el umbral obtenido. Se definieron ambientes de menos de 6000 kg ha-1, 6000 a 9000 kg ha-1 y más de 9000 kg ha-1, para los cuales los umbrales de Nd (0-20 cm) fueron de 93; 102 y 108 kg N ha-1 y la eficiencia de uso del Nd fue de 13; 21 y 26 kg grano kg N-1, respectivamente.Since 2010, late-sown maize (MT) area in Entre Rios Province, Argentina has noticeably increased, in order to stabilize grain yields avoiding the coincidence of flowering with water deficit periods, which are typical in early sowings. We aimed to develop a methodology to recommend N fertilization in MT for the Entre Ríos Province, considering available N (soil N + fertilizer) (Nav). Twelve experiments of N fertilization were carried-out during two growing seasons. Owing wide yield variability among locations, no association between yield and Nav was detected, when all the locations were pooled. To deal with this variability, models considering Relative Yield (RR) can be alternatively used. Models considering soil sampling at pre-sowing (PS) have a better fit than those with soil sampling at V6. In PS, the fit of the model did not change across soil depth sampling (0-20, 0-40 or 0-60 cm). Using RR, fit of the model was improved and it allowed obtain a unique threshold of Nav (0-60 cm) of 165 kg Nav ha-1. However, since there are no single thresholds for all the environments, models considering yield-environment level could be more adequate. We defined yield-environments of: less than 6000 kg ha-1, 6000 to 9000 kg ha-1 and more than 9000 kg ha-1, with Nav (0-20 cm) thresholds of 93; 102 y 108 kg N ha-1 and N use efficency of 13; 21 y 26 kg grain kg Nav-1, respectively.Fil: Diaz Valdez, Santiago T.. Bayer Cropscience Sociedad Anonima; ArgentinaFil: Garcia, Fernando Oscar. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Caviglia, Octavio Pedro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos; Argentina. International Plant Nutrition Institute; Argentina. Monsanto Argentina SAIC. Equipo de Desarrollo Tecnológico; Argentin

    Tuning of metal-insulator transition of two-dimensional electrons at parylene/SrTiO3_3 interface by electric field

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    Electrostatic carrier doping using a field-effect-transistor structure is an intriguing approach to explore electronic phases by critical control of carrier concentration. We demonstrate the reversible control of the insulator-metal transition (IMT) in a two dimensional (2D) electron gas at the interface of insulating SrTiO3_3 single crystals. Superconductivity was observed in a limited number of devices doped far beyond the IMT, which may imply the presence of 2D metal-superconductor transition. This realization of a two-dimensional metallic state on the most widely-used perovskite oxide is the best manifestation of the potential of oxide electronics

    Response to Mass-Casualty Incidents and Outbreaks: A Prehospital Disaster Training Package Developed for the National Emergency Medical Service in Sierra Leone

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    Sierra Leone is a country highly prone to disasters, still recovering from the catastrophic 2014 Ebola epidemic. In 2018, the country launched its first National Emergency Medical Service (NEMS) aiming to strengthen the provision of essential health services to the population with the long-term goal of creating a resilient health system able to effectively respond to and recover from emergencies. The Center for Research and Training in Disaster Medicine, Humanitarian Aid, and Global Health (CRIMEDIM), together with the Italian NGO Doctors with Africa (CUAMM), under the direct supervision of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS), developed a prehospital Disaster Training Package (DTP) to be delivered to all NEMS personnel to boost the prehospital management of mass-casualty incidents (MCIs) and outbreaks. The DTP included a first phase in which NEMS local trainers underwent a training-of-trainers (ToT) course, enabling them to deliver cascade trainings to 16 district ambulance supervisors, 441 paramedics, 441 ambulance drivers, and 36 operators working in the NEMS operation center. This on-going training package represents the first Disaster Medicine training course for prehospital health professionals in Sierra Leone

    Selective scattering between Floquet-Bloch and Volkov states in a topological insulator

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    The coherent optical manipulation of solids is emerging as a promising way to engineer novel quantum states of matter. The strong time periodic potential of intense laser light can be used to generate hybrid photon-electron states. Interaction of light with Bloch states leads to Floquet-Bloch states which are essential in realizing new photo-induced quantum phases. Similarly, dressing of free electron states near the surface of a solid generates Volkov states which are used to study non-linear optics in atoms and semiconductors. The interaction of these two dynamic states with each other remains an open experimental problem. Here we use Time and Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (Tr-ARPES) to selectively study the transition between these two states on the surface of the topological insulator Bi2Se3. We find that the coupling between the two strongly depends on the electron momentum, providing a route to enhance or inhibit it. Moreover, by controlling the light polarization we can negate Volkov states in order to generate pure Floquet-Bloch states. This work establishes a systematic path for the coherent manipulation of solids via light-matter interaction.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, final version to appear in Nature Physic
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