52 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of ammonia monooxygenase (amoA) genes in the water column and sediment-water interface of two lakes and the Baltic Sea

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    The functional gene amoA was used to compare the diversity of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in the water column and sediment-water interface of the two freshwater lakes Plusssee and Schöhsee and the Baltic Sea. Nested amplifications were used to increase the sensitivity of amoA detection, and to amplify a 789-bp fragment from which clone libraries were prepared. The larger part of the sequences was only distantly related to any of the cultured AOB and is considered to represent new clusters of AOB within the Nitrosomonas/Nitrosospira group. Almost all sequences from the water column of the Baltic Sea and from 1-m depth of Schöhsee were related to different Nitrosospira clusters 0 and 2, respectively. The majority of sequences from Plusssee and Schöhsee were associated with sequences from Chesapeake Bay, from a previous study of Plusssee and from rice roots in Nitrosospira-like cluster A, which lacks sequences from Baltic Sea. Two groups of sequences from Baltic Sea sediment were related to clonal sequences from other brackish/marine habitats in the purely environmental Nitrosospira-like cluster B and the Nitrosomonas-like cluster. This confirms previous results from 16S rRNA gene libraries that indicated the existence of hitherto uncultivated AOB in lake and Baltic Sea samples, and showed a differential distribution of AOB along the water column and sediment of these environment

    Rappresentazione e composizione delle imitazioni marmoree nella pittura di I stile dall’Etruria romana

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    Before the introduction and diffusion of coloured marbles used for architectural decoration in the Roman age, their imitation in mural painting was very widespread in Italy; among the various examples of the First Style in Etruria is the mural decorations of Le Logge at Populonia with many variegated marbling in the structural articulation

    L’uso dell’argilla nella pittura murale romana: nuove considerazioni

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    This paper examines the role of clay in different stages of construction of Roman Wall Painting, proposing a lexical distinction of the terms mentioned in written sources . The comparison between archaeological data and the techniques described by Vitruvius and Pliny shows a constant use of the material from the Republican age onwards, as a result of technological choices, both for the first layer of plaster (lutum) on raw earth supports (terra) and for the application of colors (creta)

    Pittura di I stile a Populonia: nuovi rinvenimenti dal saggio III (2003)

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    Aggiornamento delle nuove ricerche sulla pittura murale dell'edificio presso le Logge di Populonia, in particolare della decorazione in stucco dipinto con ipotesi di ricostruzione del contesto

    Rappresentazione e composizione delle imitazioni marmoree nella pittura di I stile dall’etruria romana

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    Before the introduction and diffusion of coloured “marbles” used for architectural decoration in Roman’s age, their imitation in mural painting is largely widespread, in Italy as well as all throughout the Mediterranean area. Among the various examples of the First Style in Etruria, which have been discovered until now and dated in the late second and in the early first century B.C., both in public buildings and in private houses, especially noteworthy are the mural decorations recently brought to light during the excavations of the so called Le Logge building at Populonia (Piombino-LI), both for the variegated marblings and structural articulation
