438 research outputs found

    Economic approach to climate policies and stakes of international negotiations

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    Cet article traite des différentes modalités qui existent pour gérer un problÚme d'action collective, comme celui du changement climatique, susceptible d'affecter les conditions de vie et les activités économiques de toutes les régions du monde.changement climatique;négociations internationales;politique environnementale

    Négociation internationale sur le climat : conserver les normes du régime Rio-Kyoto

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    Les menaces que le changement climatique fait peser sur l'environnement global pose un problÚme d'action collective qui est traité dans un cadre de coopération inter étatique de type régime international, le régime climatique Rio-Kyoto.Ce papier vise à analyser les caractéristiques de ce régime, les propositions aujourd'hui discutées pour son évolution future, enfin les architectures actuellement privilégiées par deux des acteurs majeurs de la négociation internationale, les Etats-Unis et l'Union Européenne. Dans une premiÚre section nous dégagerons donc les caractéristiques principales de ce régime à travers ses éléments constitutifs qui sont en particulier un ensemble de principes et normes et de rÚgles et procédures. Dans le cadre des rÚgles et procédures, il est prévu de commencer de définir, à partir de 2005, de nouveaux engagements pour la suite. Les Etats doivent présenter des propositions dans ce sens. La deuxiÚme section examinera les propositions qui sont d'ores et déjà formulées et posera la question de savoir si elles prolongent le régime de Rio-Kyoto ou s'inspirent d'autres principes et normes.Enfin la troisiÚme section sera consacrée aux scénarios et architectures privilégiées respectivement par les Etats-Unis et par l'Europe et tentera de montrer que le respect des principes et rÚgles du régime Rio-Kyoto est sans doute une condition de la poursuite, au plan international, d'objectifs climatiques ambitieuxchangement climatique; protocole de Kyoto; régime international; négociation

    Économie politique internationale de l'environnement global : Kyoto est-il condamnĂ© ?

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    Ce texte s'interroge sur la stabilitĂ© du rĂ©gime climatique de Rio-Kyoto. Il vise Ă  fournir une rĂ©ponse Ă  la question de substance qui est posĂ©e : la dĂ©fection des USA n'ayant manifestement pas empĂȘchĂ© la crĂ©ation du rĂ©gime international, peut-elle nĂ©anmoins le dĂ©stabiliser Ă  court ou moyen terme ? Mais il vise aussi, dans une perspective d'Economie Politique Internationale, Ă  rĂ©pondre Ă  la question suivante : la nĂ©gociation climat augure-t-elle de la fin de l'Ăąge rĂ©aliste dans les relations internationales ?changement climatique;protocole de Kyoto;rĂ©gime climatique; nĂ©gociation

    Le régime international pour le climat : vers la consolidation ou l'effondrement ?

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    Cette contribution traite des modalitĂ©s de gestion d'un problĂšme d'action collective dans le domaine de la nĂ©gociation sur le climat, en s'appuyant sur deux des concepts de l'Economie Politique Internationale (EPI), celui de rĂ©gime international (RI), et celui d'hĂ©gĂ©monie et/ou de leadership. Le cours suivi par la nĂ©gociation internationale entre 1992 (Convention de Rio) et mars 2001 (rejet par les États-Unis du protocole de Kyoto de 1997), conduit Ă  s'interroger sur les conditions d'existence et la viabilitĂ© d'un rĂ©gime international non hĂ©gĂ©monique (partie 1). On s'interroge ensuite sur les perspectives de "l'aprĂšs-Kyoto". L'examen des prĂ©fĂ©rences des trois acteurs les plus actifs dans la nĂ©gociation (États-Unis, Europe, G77+ Chine) combinĂ© Ă  celui des capacitĂ©s de leadership qu'ils possĂšdent permet de diffĂ©rencier trois scĂ©narios d'avenir : i) l'anarchie, ii) un rĂ©gime international sous hĂ©gĂ©monie amĂ©ricaine, iii) un rĂ©gime international sous leadership europĂ©en (partie 2). −−−−− This article deals with the different modalities that exist to manage a problem of collective action in the field of climate negotiation. It uses two concepts of the International Political Economy (IPE) : the concept of International Regime (IR) and the concept of Hegemony and / or Leadership. The course the international negotiation has taken between 1992 (Rio Convention) and march 2001 (the US rejection of the Kyoto Protocol of 1997) leads us, first, to question the conditions of existence as well as the viability of a non-hegemonic International Regime (Part One). Then, we discuss the perspectives for the "post - Kyoto" era. After having examined the preferences of the three most active actors in the negotiation (USA, Europe, G77 + China) combined with the leadership capacities they possess, we identify three scenarios for the future: i) anarchy, ii) an international regime under the American hegemony, iii) an international regime under the European leadership (Part Two).Changement climatique; rĂ©gime international

    Interactions entre les essences forestiĂšres de la forĂȘt borĂ©ale de l'est du Canada, et consĂ©quences pour la sĂ©questration du carbone dans la composante aĂ©rienne des peuplements mixtes

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    Bien qu’il soit reconnu que la forĂȘt borĂ©ale canadienne contribue de façon non nĂ©gligeable au stockage du carbone, le fonctionnement des peuplements mixtes demeure mal compris. Ces derniers sont pourtant frĂ©quents dans les forĂȘts naturelles et il existe plusieurs hypothĂšses qui y prĂ©voient un accroissement du stockage de carbone par rapport aux peuplements monospĂ©cifiques : en plus de possibles phĂ©nomĂšnes de facilitation, le recoupement des niches Ă©cologiques peut se rĂ©vĂ©ler moindre entre individus d’espĂšces diffĂ©rentes, induisant ainsi une baisse de la compĂ©tition et une utilisation plus vaste des ressources du milieu, et donc une augmentation de la productivitĂ©. La vĂ©gĂ©tation du sous-bois n’est pas en reste, pouvant ĂȘtre largement affectĂ©e – positivement ou non – par la diversitĂ© de microhabitats crĂ©Ă©e par une canopĂ©e mixte. Les rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux sur ces sujets sont toutefois peu nombreux et contradictoires, et aucune Ă©tude ne semble s’ĂȘtre intĂ©ressĂ©e spĂ©cifiquement au rĂŽle des peuplements mixtes dans le stockage du carbone. C’est pourquoi cette thĂšse vise Ă  dĂ©terminer l’effet du mĂ©lange des essences sur la productivitĂ© aĂ©rienne, mais n’est qu’une partie d’un projet plus vaste qui englobe des Ă©tudes concernant la productivitĂ© racinaire et la respiration hĂ©tĂ©rotrophe du sol, l’objectif ultime Ă©tant de modĂ©liser le bilan des flux d’entrĂ©e et de sortie du carbone en fonction de la composition spĂ©cifique des peuplements forestiers Ă©tudiĂ©s. Des peuplements purs et mixtes d’environ 90 ans, issus de feu et peu perturbĂ©s, ont Ă©tĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©s dans deux zones gĂ©ographiques distinctes : sur la ceinture d’argile abitibienne, au nord-ouest du QuĂ©bec, et sur des tills au nord-ouest de l’Ontario. Les mĂ©langes Ă©tudiĂ©s au QuĂ©bec rĂ©unissaient le peuplier faux-tremble et l’épinette noire, et ceux en Ontario comportaient du tremble, de l’épinette noire et du pin gris. La mesure des stocks de carbone dans les tiges vivantes Ă  90 ans ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© des relations plutĂŽt neutres entre les espĂšces Ă  l’échelle de la tige individuelle. À l’échelle du peuplement, les stocks de carbone dans les peuplements mixtes ne sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement pas diffĂ©rents de ce qui peut ĂȘtre prĂ©dit Ă  partir des peuplements purs associĂ©s, et les quelques diffĂ©rences observĂ©es peuvent ĂȘtre expliquĂ©es par l’effet de la densitĂ©. Les analyses dendrochronologiques ont toutefois rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que les relations entre les espĂšces ne sont pas neutres mais que les effets positifs et nĂ©gatifs Ă©voluent et s’annulent au fil du temps. La vĂ©gĂ©tation de sous-bois quant Ă  elle n’est guĂšre favorisĂ©e par les canopĂ©es mixtes. Les plantes vasculaires bĂ©nĂ©ficient des surplus de ressources apportĂ©s par le tremble, mais leur productivitĂ© chute drastiquement dĂšs lors que la proportion de conifĂšre augmente. Inversement, les bryophytes qui envahissent les sous-bois des pessiĂšres ne tolĂšrent pas que la proportion de tremble dans la canopĂ©e augmente un tant soit peu. Ainsi, la biomasse et la croissance du sous-bois des peuplements mixtes est infĂ©rieure Ă  celle de chacun des peuplements purs correspondants. Une fois tout cela mis ensemble, il apparaĂźt que comparĂ© aux arbres, le sous-bois contribue trĂšs peu aux stocks de carbone 90 ans aprĂšs feu. Au niveau des intrants de carbone en revanche, le sous-bois contribue largement plus, particuliĂšrement les bryophytes dans les pessiĂšres en Abitibi et les arbustes dans les tremblaies en Ontario. Par consĂ©quent, l’effet nĂ©gatif des peuplements mixtes sur la productivitĂ© du sous-bois fait en sorte que la productivitĂ© aĂ©rienne dans les mixtes est plus proche de celle du peuplement pur le moins productif que de celle du peuplement pur le plus productif. La quantitĂ© de carbone accumulĂ©e aprĂšs 90 ans dans la biomasse aĂ©rienne des peuplements mixtes Ă©tudiĂ©s est, en revanche, plus proche de la moyenne entre celles des peuplements purs associĂ©s

    Forest Carbon Management: a Review of Silvicultural Practices and Management Strategies Across Boreal, Temperate and Tropical Forests

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    Purpose of Review Carbon sequestration and storage in forest ecosystems is often promoted as a solution for reducing CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. Yet, our understanding is lacking regarding how forest management strategies affect the net removal of greenhouse gases and contribute to climate change mitigation. Here, we present a review of carbon sequestration and stock dynamics, following three strategies that are widely used in boreal, temperate and tropical forests: extensive forest management, intensive forest management and old-growth forest conservation. Recent Findings Several studies show that specific forest management strategies can improve carbon sequestration capacity and soil carbon storage. Within these studies, the old-growth forest conservation strategy results in greater carbon storage in soils than do extensive and intensive forest management. Intensive forest management enhances forest carbon sequestration capacity through afforestation using fast-growing species, mechanical soil preparation from low to moderate intensity and N fertilization. Extensive forest management is an intermediate compromise regarding carbon sequestration and soil carbon storage, between conservation and intensive forest management strategies. With respect to silvicultural treatments, partial cutting is a practice that increases forest carbon sequestration rates and maintains higher carbon storage in soils compared to clear-cuts. Each silvicultural practice that is discussed in this review showed a similar effect on forest carbon in all biomes, although the magnitude of these effects differs mainly in terms of heterotrophic respiration. To achieve sustainable management and fulfill industrial demand and profitability, specific gaps must be dealt with to improve our scientific knowledge regarding forest carbon sequestration in a climate change context, mainly through the integration of the three aforementioned strategies in a functional zoning approach at the landscape scale. We present a review with promising strategies for guiding sustainable forest management in such a global context

    LKB1 signaling is activated in CTNNB1 -mutated HCC and positively regulates ÎČ-catenin-dependent CTNNB1 -mutated HCC

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    International audienceCTNNB1‐mutated HCC. They were found to be well‐differentiated, almost never steatotic, and often cholestatic, with a microtrabecular or acinar growth pattern. Here, we investigated whether LKB1, which controls energy metabolism, cell polarity, and cell growth, mediates the specific phenotype of CTNNB1‐mutated HCC. The LKB1 protein was overexpressed in CTNNB1‐mutated HCC and oncogenic activation of ÎČ‐catenin in human HCC cells induced the post‐transcriptional accumulation of the LKB1 protein encoded by the LKB1 (STK11) gene. Hierarchical clustering, based on the expression of a murine hepatic liver Lkb1 (Stk11) signature in a human public dataset, identified a HCC cluster, composed of almost all the CTNNB1‐mutated HCC, that expresses a hepatic liver LKB1 program. This was confirmed by RT‐qPCR of an independent cohort of CTNNB1‐mutated HCC and the suppression of the LKB1‐related profile upon ÎČ‐catenin silencing of CTNNB1‐mutated human hepatoma cell lines. Previous studies described an epistatic relationship between LKB1 and CTNNB1 in which LKB1 acts upstream of CTNNB1. Thus, we also analyzed the consequences of Lkb1 deletion on the zonation of hepatic metabolism, known to be the hallmark of ÎČ‐catenin signaling in the liver. Lkb1 was required for the establishment of metabolic zonation in the mouse liver by positively modulating ÎČ‐catenin signaling. We identified positive reciprocal cross talk between the canonical Wnt pathway and LKB1, both in normal liver physiology and during tumorigenesis that likely participates in the amplification of the ÎČ‐catenin signaling by LKB1 and the distinctive phenotype of the CTNNB1‐mutated HCC

    Combined hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinomas exhibit progenitor features and activation of Wnt and TGFÎČ signaling pathways

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    Intrahepatic malignant tumours include hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC), cholangiocarcinomas (CC) and combined hepatocholangiocarcinomas (cHCC-CC), a group of rare and poorly characterized tumours that exhibit both biliary and hepatocytic differentiation. The aim of the study was to characterize the molecular pathways specifically associated with cHCC-CC pathogenesis. We performed a genome-wide transcriptional analysis of 20 histologically defined cHCC-CC and compared them with a series of typical HCC and of CC. Data were analysed by gene set enrichment and integrative genomics and results were further validated in situ by tissue microarray using an independent series of 152 tumours. We report that cHCC-CC exhibit stem/progenitor features, a down-regulation of the hepatocyte differentiation program and a commitment to the biliary lineage. TGFÎČ and Wnt/ÎČ-catenin were identified as the two major signalling pathways activated in cHCC-CC. A ÎČ-catenin signature distinct from that observed in well-differentiated HCC with mutant ÎČ-catenin was found in cHCC-CC. This signature was associated with microenvironment remodelling and TGFÎČ activation. Furthermore, integrative genomics revealed that cHCC-CC share characteristics of poorly differentiated HCC with stem cell traits and poor prognosis. The common traits displayed by CC, cHCC-CC and some HCC suggest that these tumours could originate from stem/progenitor cell(s) and raised the hypothesis of a potential continuum between intrahepatic CC, cHCC-CC and poorly differentiated HC

    Role of mixed-species stands in attenuating the vulnerability of boreal forests to climate change and insect epidemics

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    We investigated whether stand species mixture can attenuate the vulnerability of eastern Canada’s boreal forests to climate change and insect epidemics. For this, we focused on two dominant boreal species, black spruce [Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP] and trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.), in stands dominated by black spruce or trembling aspen (“pure stands”), and mixed stands (M) composed of both species within a 36 km2 study area in the Nord-du-QuĂ©bec region. For each species in each stand composition type, we tested climate-growth relations and assessed the impacts on growth by recorded insect epidemics of a black spruce defoliator, the spruce budworm (SBW) [Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.)], and a trembling aspen defoliator, the forest tent caterpillar (FTC; Malacosoma disstria HĂŒbn.). We implemented linear models in a Bayesian framework to explain baseline and long-term trends in tree growth for each species according to stand composition type and to differentiate the influences of climate and insect epidemics on tree growth. Overall, we found climate vulnerability was lower for black spruce in mixed stands than in pure stands, while trembling aspen was less sensitive to climate than spruce, and aspen did not present differences in responses based on stand mixture. We did not find any reduction of vulnerability for mixed stands to insect epidemics in the host species, but the non-host species in mixed stands could respond positively to epidemics affecting the host species, thus contributing to stabilize ecosystem-scale growth over time. Our findings partially support boreal forest management strategies including stand species mixture to foster forests that are resilient to climate change and insect epidemics

    Ferredoxin containing bacteriocins suggest a novel mechanism of iron uptake in <i>Pectobacterium spp</i>

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    In order to kill competing strains of the same or closely related bacterial species, many bacteria produce potent narrow-spectrum protein antibiotics known as bacteriocins. Two sequenced strains of the phytopathogenic bacterium &lt;i&gt;Pectobacterium carotovorum&lt;/i&gt; carry genes encoding putative bacteriocins which have seemingly evolved through a recombination event to encode proteins containing an N-terminal domain with extensive similarity to a [2Fe-2S] plant ferredoxin and a C-terminal colicin M-like catalytic domain. In this work, we show that these genes encode active bacteriocins, pectocin M1 and M2, which target strains of &lt;i&gt;Pectobacterium carotovorum&lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;Pectobacterium atrosepticum&lt;/i&gt; with increased potency under iron limiting conditions. The activity of pectocin M1 and M2 can be inhibited by the addition of spinach ferredoxin, indicating that the ferredoxin domain of these proteins acts as a receptor binding domain. This effect is not observed with the mammalian ferredoxin protein adrenodoxin, indicating that &lt;i&gt;Pectobacterium spp.&lt;/i&gt; carries a specific receptor for plant ferredoxins and that these plant pathogens may acquire iron from the host through the uptake of ferredoxin. In further support of this hypothesis we show that the growth of strains of &lt;i&gt;Pectobacterium carotovorum&lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;atrosepticum&lt;/i&gt; that are not sensitive to the cytotoxic effects of pectocin M1 is enhanced in the presence of pectocin M1 and M2 under iron limiting conditions. A similar growth enhancement under iron limiting conditions is observed with spinach ferrodoxin, but not with adrenodoxin. Our data indicate that pectocin M1 and M2 have evolved to parasitise an existing iron uptake pathway by using a ferredoxin-containing receptor binding domain as a Trojan horse to gain entry into susceptible cells
