3,797 research outputs found

    Review of: David Kinloch and Richard Price, La Nouvelle Alliance

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    Computerized Reservation Systems for Air Transport: Remarks on the European Community Legislation

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    This Essay points out the major legal issues related to the development of the Computerized Reservation Systems (“CRS”) and evaluates whether the EC approach has achieved satisfactory results, mainly from the standpoint of consumer protection. My critique is essentially that the EC has ruled the CRS by means of legislation that tends to be hyper-technical, difficult to interpret, and, at the same time, extremely vague when it comes to defining unlawful conduct and potential sanctions. This Essay argues that more in-depth regulatory reform should be undertaken by the EC, in order to enhance competition and benefit travellers. This Essay is structured in two conceptually interdependent sections. Part I focuses on a synthetic description of CRS and evaluates its potential to adversely impact a market based on free competition, specifically by violating the antitrust rules of the Treaty of Rome (“EEC Treaty”). Part II is devoted to an analysis of the most recent EC regulations in this area, with particular reference to Commission Regulation No. 83/91 of December 5, 1990. Regulation No. 83/91 gives a basic description of the CRS system within the framework of EC legislation. The minimal action undertaken thus far by the EC has been guided by two considerations. First, the area of Computerized Reservation Systems is still legally unstable and is characterized by gray areas and gaps in the rules that should be resolved by future EC legislation. Second, in the absence of a line of judicial precedents within the EC, a theoretical debate appears fruitless in light of the lack of a substantially consolidated position within the EC

    Applying university strategic objectives at the school level

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    University Teachers at the School of Interdisciplinary Studies are working together on the Teaching, Learning and Participation Project. This project encompasses three strands: widening participation, student experience, and innovative learning and teaching; all key aspects of the University’s strategic objectives. The widening participation strand has focused primarily on partnership with local schools. This includes Campus Days whereby pupils who have the ability, but perhaps not the confidence, to enter higher education come to the University's two campuses and experience a day as a student. Additionally this strand is seeking to conduct a comparative study of assessment and feedback processes in secondary and higher education. The student experience strand has concentrated on employability and internationalisation. Examples include working with the local education authority to extend student learning and provide staff CPD opportunities via the establishment of an annual education lecture, and developing opportunities for internships overseas. Finally, the innovative learning and teaching strand has sought to review current teaching practices within the School, and to identify and trial innovative methodologies in an effort to engage learners more fully and thereby to enhance both the student and staff learning experiences

    Applicazione dei principi della Lean Production al flusso logistico di Siemens VDO Automotive S.p.A.

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    La crescente incertezza dei mercati, caratterizzati da una domanda variabile, obbliga le aziende alla competizione sulla base della capacità di risposta al cliente in termini di flessibilità della produzione; l’attuazione di una strategia di produzione fortemente just-in-time, ottenuta operando in un contesto di integrated supply chain, sviluppando la capacità di competere come filiera integrata, garantisce al contempo l’efficacia nelle performances di consegna al cliente e l’efficienza nell’utilizzo delle risorse, dunque l’acquisizione di un vantaggio competitivo rispetto ai concorrenti. Questo studio, svoltosi in collaborazione con Siemens VDO Automotive, ha avuto come scopo l’introduzione dei principi della Lean Production nella catena del valore dell’azienda, allo scopo di realizzare una strategia produttiva effettivamente just-in-time. Partendo dall’analisi del flusso logistico dell’azienda, sono stati individuati i punti che presentano maggiori criticità, delineando le strategie di intervento che prevedono la sostituzione degli attuali metodi di gestione con gli strumenti della Lean Production. I risultati conseguiti constano in un aumento della flessibilità del sistema produttivo alla variazione del mix ed alla variazione della domanda del mercato reale, un aumento della capacità di risposta al cliente finale, una riduzione del materiale circolante in WIP, una riduzione del capitale investito per il funzionamento del sistema

    First in class: Crichton student profile 1999-2005

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    Muscle Growth and Poultry Meat Quality Issues

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    Over the past 50 years the worldwide growing demand of poultry meat has resulted in pressure on breeders, nutritionists and growers to increase the growth rate of birds, feed efficiency, size of breast muscle and reduction in abdominal fatness. Moreover, the shift toward further processed products has emphasized the necessity for higher standards in poultry meat to improve sensory characteristics and functional properties. It is believed that genetic progress has put more stress on the growing bird and it has resulted in histological and biochemical modifications of the muscle tissue by impairing some meat quality traits. The most current poultry meat quality concerns are associated with deep pectoral muscle disease and white striping which impair product appearance, and increased occurrence of problems related with the meat’s poor ability to hold water during processing and storage (PSE-like condition) as well as poor toughness and cohesiveness related to immaturity of intramuscular connective tissue. This paper is aimed at making a general statement of recent studies focusing on the relationship between muscle growth and meat quality issues in poultry

    Editorial for the Special Issue on “Multidisciplinary Insights on Bone Healing”

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    : Animal and human bone damage can be considered differently according to a macro- or micro-level analysis [...]


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