213 research outputs found
Participation in leisure and physical activity among children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Contexte: Lâarthrite juvĂ©nile idiopathique (AJI) est lâune des maladies chroniques auto-immune les plus rĂ©pandues chez les enfants et est caractĂ©risĂ©e par des enflures articulaires (maladie active), de la douleur, de la fatigue et des raideurs matinales pouvant restreindre leur niveau de participation aux activitĂ©s quotidiennes (par exemple: les loisirs, lâactivitĂ© physique, la mobilitĂ© et les soins personnels) Ă la maison comme Ă lâĂ©cole. Participer aux activitĂ©s de loisirs et Ă lâactivitĂ© physique a des bienfaits au niveau de la santĂ© et du dĂ©veloppement de tous les enfants et dĂ©montrent aussi des effets positifs qui rĂ©duisent les symptĂŽmes des maladies chroniques telle lâAJI. MalgrĂ© ces bienfaits la participation aux loisirs chez les jeunes avec lâAJI demeure largement sous-Ă©tudiĂ©e.
Objectifs: Cette Ă©tude vise Ă Ă©valuer le niveau de participation aux loisirs et Ă lâactivitĂ© physique chez les enfants et les adolescents atteints dâAJI, ainsi quâĂ identifier les facteurs liĂ©s Ă la maladie, la personne et lâenvironnement.
MĂ©thodes : LâĂ©valuation du niveau de participation et lâexploration des facteurs associĂ©s aux loisirs et Ă lâactivitĂ© physique ont Ă©tĂ© complĂ©tĂ©s par lâentremise dâune revue systĂ©matique de la littĂ©rature, lâanalyse de donnĂ©es dâun Ă©chantillon national reprĂ©sentatif dâenfants canadiens atteints dâarthrite ĂągĂ©s entre 5 et 14 ans (npondĂ©rĂ© = 4350), ainsi que lâanalyse standardisĂ©e du niveau de participation aux loisirs Ă lâaide du Childrenâs Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment (n=107) et la mesure objective de lâactivitĂ© physique par accĂ©lĂ©romĂštre (n=76) auprĂšs dâun Ă©chantillon dâenfants (ĂągĂ©s entre 8 et 11 ans ) et dâadolescents (ĂągĂ©s entre 12 et 17 ans) suivis en clinique de rhumatologie Ă lâhĂŽpital de MontrĂ©al pour enfants, Centre Universitaire de SantĂ© McGill. Les rĂ©sultats cliniques ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s Ă des donnĂ©es normatives, ainsi quâĂ un groupe contrĂŽle sans AJI. Nous avons explorĂ© les facteurs associĂ©s avec le niveau de participation aux loisirs et Ă lâactivitĂ© physique en utilisant les modĂšles de rĂ©gression linĂ©aire multiple et lâanalyse hiĂ©rarchique.
RĂ©sultats : Les enfants et les adolescents atteints dâAJI participent Ă une multitude dâactivitĂ©s de loisirs; cependant ils sont moins souvent impliquĂ©s dans des activitĂ©s physiques et de raffinement en comparaison aux autres types dâactivitĂ©s de loisirs. Ceux avec lâAJI Ă©taient en gĂ©nĂ©ral moins actifs que leurs pairs sans arthrite et la plupart nâatteignaient pas les recommandations nationales dâactivitĂ© physique. Les garçons avec lâAJI participent plus souvent Ă des activitĂ©s physiques et moins aux activitĂ©s sociales, de raffinement et de dĂ©veloppement de soi en comparaison avec les filles ayant lâAJI. En gĂ©nĂ©ral, ĂȘtre un garçon, ĂȘtre plus ĂągĂ©, avoir une meilleure motivation pour participer aux activitĂ©s de motricitĂ© globale, avoir un statut socio-Ă©conomique plus Ă©levĂ© et ĂȘtre dâorigine culturelle canadienne sont associĂ©s Ă un niveau de participation plus Ă©levĂ© aux activitĂ©s physiques. La prĂ©fĂ©rence pour les activitĂ©s de raffinement, un niveau dâĂ©ducation maternelle plus Ă©levĂ© et ĂȘtre une fille Ă©taient associĂ©s Ă un niveau de participation plus Ă©levĂ© aux activitĂ©s de raffinement.
Conclusion: La participation aux loisirs et Ă lâactivitĂ© physique en AJI est un concept complexe et semble surtout ĂȘtre expliquĂ© par des facteurs personnels et environnementaux. Lâidentification des facteurs associĂ©s aux loisirs et Ă lâactivitĂ© physique est trĂšs importante en AJI puisquâelle peut permettre aux professionnels de la santĂ© de dĂ©velopper des interventions significatives basĂ©es sur les activitĂ©s prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©es des enfants, amĂ©liorer lâobservance au traitement et promouvoir des habitudes de vie saine.Background: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), one of the most common chronic childhood autoimmune diseases, is a heterogeneous inflammatory condition characterised by joint inflammation (i.e. active disease), chronic pain, fatigue and morning stiffness, which may interfere with age-appropriate daily activities (i.e. leisure and physical activity, mobility and self-care), both at home and at school. Involvement in leisure and physical activity is beneficial to the health and development of all children and adolescents, and has also shown to help mitigate the effects of disease among those with chronic conditions such as JIA. Despite the benefits of leisure participation this subject remains vastly understudied in JIA.
Objective: The aim of this thesis was to assess participation in leisure and physical activity among children and adolescents with JIA, as well as identify associated disease-related, personal and environmental factors.
Methods: The assessment of patterns and exploration of potential predictors of participation in leisure and physical activity in children and adolescents with JIA was completed through a systematic review of the literature, analysis of survey data from a nationally representative sample of Canadian children with arthritis (age range = 5 to 14 years, nweighted = 4350), as well as the standardized assessment of leisure with the Childrenâs Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment (n=107) and the objective measurement of physical activity with accelerometer (n=76) among a clinical sample of children (age range = 8 to 11 years) and adolescents (age range = 12 to 17 years) with JIA followed at the Rheumatology clinic at the Montreal Childrenâs Hospital, McGill University Health Center. Clinical data were also compared to normative data and children and adolescents without JIA. We explored factors associated with participation in leisure and physical activity using multiple linear regression models and hierarchical analysis.
Results: Children and adolescents with JIA participated in an array of leisure activities; however involvement was least frequent in active physical and skill-based leisure activities compared to other types of activity. Those with JIA were generally less physically active than healthy peers without JIA, and most with JIA did not meet national recommendations for physical activity. Boys with JIA were more likely to engage in physical activities, and less likely to take part in social, skill-based and self-improvement activities than girls with JIA. In general, being a boy, older age, greater mastery motivation for gross motor skills, higher socio-economic status and being of Canadian cultural background were associated with increased participation in more physical activities. Preference for skill-based activities, higher maternal education and being a girl were associated with increased participation in skill-based activities.
Conclusion: Participation in leisure and physical activity in JIA is a complex concept and is mostly explained by personal and environmental factors. The identification of factors associated with leisure participation and physical activity is of utmost importance in JIA as it may aid health care professionals to tailor meaningful intervention plans based on preferred activities, improve adherence to treatment and help promote healthier lifestyles
The impact of child's functional severity on parental coping in two cohorts : children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and children with physical disabilities
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothÚques de l'Université de Montréal
VOCs Measurements in Residential Buildings: Quantification via Thermal Desorption and Assessment of Indoor Concentrations in a Case-Study
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) represent one of the most important categories of pollutants, influencing the air quality and human health and well-being in indoor environments. In the present study, 12 selected VOCs were sampled using Tenax TA tubes and analyzed by thermal desorption combined with gas chromatography and a flame ionization detector (TD-GC-FID). The TD-GC-FID method was optimized to obtain the separation of all the analytical peaks (including m- and p-xylene) and a satisfactory sensitivity, with low detection (between 0.14 and 0.31 ng) and quantification (between 0.47 and 1.02 ng) limits. The whole procedure was firstly assessed with the analysis of four co-located tubes exposed at an outdoor monitoring site, with results that revealed a very low inter-tubes variability (relative standard deviations of parallel measurements <5%). Then, the measurement protocol was used to quantify the indoor concentrations of the target VOCs in nine different homes during the dishwasher washing cycle. The most abundant detected VOC in all dwellings was d-limonene (mean: 231 ”g/m3; maximum: 611 ”g/m3). All the other compounds were monitored at concentration levels one or two orders of magnitude lower than d-limonene, and were generally comparable with those found in the scientific literature. In terms of health concerns, the measured concentrations were always well below the safe levels established for the protection of the general population in living environments
Monitor and sensors 2.0 for exposure assessment to airborne pollutants
In recent years, the issue of exposure assessment to airborne pollutants has become increasingly popular, both in the occupational and environmental fields. The increasingly stringent national and international air quality standards and exposure limit values both for indoor environments and occupational exposure limit values have been developed with the aim of protecting the health of the general population and workers. On the other hand, this requires a considerable and continuous development of the technologies used to monitor the concentrations of the pollutants to ensure the reliability of the exposure assessment studies. In this regard, one of the most interesting aspects is certainly the development of ânew generationâ instrumentation for monitoring airborne pollutants (âNext Generation Monitors and Sensorsâ â NGMS). The main purpose of this work is to analyze the state of the art regarding the afore-mentioned instrumentation, to be able to investigate any practical applications within exposure assessment studies. In this regard, a systematic review of the scientific literature was carried out using three different databases (Scopus, PubMed and Web of Knowledge) and the results were analyzed in terms of the objectives set out above. What emerged is the fact that the use of NGMSs is increasingly growing within the scientific community for exposure assessment studies applied to the occupational and environmental context. The investigated studies have emphasized that NGMSs cannot be considered, in terms of the reliability of the results, to be equal to the reference measurement tools and techniques (i.e., those defined in recognized methods used for regulatory purposes), but they can certainly be integrated into the internal exposure assessment studies to improve their spatial-temporal resolution. These tools have the potential to be easily adapted to different types of studies, are characterized by a small size, which allows them to be worn comfortably without affecting the normal activities of workers or citizens, and by a relatively low cost. Despite this, there is certainly a gap with respect to the reference instrumentation, regarding the measurement performance and quality of the data provided; the objective to be set, however, is not to replace the traditional instrumentation with NGMSs but to integrate and combine the two typologies of instruments to benefit from the strengths of both, therefore, the desirable future developments in this sense has been discussed in this work
Smart-working VS office work: how does personal exposure to different air pollutants change?
The COVID-19 pandemic is raging all over the world, with possible structural effects on the work: the smart-working (WFH -Working From Home) role is therefore emphasized by the fact that it could become a traditional way of working in many work sectors. Several scientific papers have recently analyzed the WFH phenomenon under different aspects, but scientific studies have not yet been conducted considering the differences between WFH and WFO (Working From Office), in terms of evaluation of personal exposure assessment to selected airborne pollutants.
This study, therefore, aims to evaluate, using portable monitors, the differences in terms of personal exposure to selected airborne pollutants, during different working conditions (WFO vs WFH), over long periods of time (from days to weeks), extending the results to even longer periods (years), to adhere to the approach proposed by the concept of the exposome. The preliminary results of this study refer to three separate phases of the work (i) re-analyses of literature data via Monte Carlo simulation, and assessment of personal exposure to different air pollutants during different working conditions, during (ii) âlong termâ campaign and (iii) a âshort termâ monitoring campaign. During the two different measurement campaigns, portable instrumentation was used, because of the ability of these kinds of instruments to obtain data characterized by a high spatial and temperature resolution. The re-elaborations of the data obtained from the literature show how, under different conditions, the exposure concentrations to different PM fractions are statistically lower in WFH working conditions, compared to WFO conditions. These results are in contrast with the preliminary results obtained from exploratory monitoring (both for the âlong termâ and for the âshort termâ campaigns). The results obtained from these exploratory monitoring show that the WFH condition has a greater impact on the daily exposure of the monitored subjects, compared to the WFO condition
An In-Field Assessment of the P.ALP Device in Four Different Real Working Conditions: A Performance Evaluation in Particulate Matter Monitoring
This study aimed to assess the performance, in terms of precision and accuracy, of a prototype (called âP.ALPââPh.D. Air Quality Low-cost Project) developed for monitoring PM2.5 concentration levels. Four prototypes were co-located with reference instrumentation in four different microenvironments simulating real-world and working conditions, namely (i) office, (ii) home, (iii) outdoor, and (iv) occupational environments. The devices were evaluated for a total of 20 monitoring days (approximately 168 h) under a wide range of PM2.5 concentrations. The performances of the prototypes (based on the light-scattering working principle) were tested through different statistical methods. After the data acquisition and data cleaning processes, a linear regression analysis was performed to assess the precision (by comparing all possible pairs of devices) and the accuracy (by comparing the prototypes against the reference instrumentation) of the P.ALP. Moreover, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) criteria were applied to assess the possible usage of this instrumentation, and to evaluate the eventual error trends of the P.ALP in the data storage process, BlandâAltman plots were also adopted. The outcomes of this study underlined that the P.ALP performed differently depending on the microenvironment in which it was tested and, consequently, on the PM2.5 concentrations. The device can monitor PM2.5 variations with acceptable results, but the performance cannot be considered satisfactory at extremely low and remarkably high PM2.5 concentrations. Thanks to modular components and open-source software, the tested device has the potential to be customized and adapted to better fit specific study design needs, but it must be implemented with ad hoc calibration factors depending on the application before being used in field
Studies on Air Pollution and Air Quality in Rural and Agricultural Environments: A Systematic Review
Studies on air quality in rural environments are fundamental to obtain first-hand data for the determination of base emissions of air pollutants, to assess the impact of rural-specific airborne pollutants, to model pollutant dispersion, and to develop proper pollution mitigation technologies. The literature lacks a systematic review based on the evaluation of the techniques and methods used for the sampling/monitoring (S/M) of atmospheric pollutants in rural and agricultural settings, which highlights the shortcomings in this field and the need for future studies. This work aims to review the study design applied for on-field monitoring campaigns of airborne pollutants in rural environments and discuss the possible needs and future developments in this field. The results of this literature review, based on the revision of 23 scientific papers, allowed us to determine (i) the basic characteristics related to the study design that should always be reported; (ii) the main techniques and analyses used in exposure assessment studies conducted in this type of setting; and (iii) contextual parameters and descriptors of the S/M site that should be considered to best support the results obtained from the different studies. Future studies carried out to monitor the airborne pollution in rural/agriculture areas should (i) include the use of multiparametric monitors for the contextual measurement of different atmospheric pollutants (as well as meteorological parameters) and (ii) consider the most important boundary information, to better characterize the S/M site
mass concentration and size distribution of atmospheric particulate matter in an urban environment
To investigate the ambient mass concentration, size-distribution and temporal variability of atmospheric particulate matter (PM), a long-term monitoring campaign was undertaken at an urban background site in Como, Northern Italy, from May 2015 to March 2016. A 13-stage Low Pressure Impactor (DLPI) was used for the collection of size-segregated particulates in the 0.028-10 ÎŒm size range. The results revealed a good level of agreement between DLPI and a co-located Harvard-type PM_(2.5) Impactor, allowing them to be classified as comparable and characterized by a reciprocal predictability. The PM concentration levels varied greatly between the different 5-days monitoring sessions, with higher mean mass concentrations during the heating season. Appreciable seasonal differences were found for particles between 0.15 and 1.60 ÎŒm that, on average, registered concentration levels 3.5 times higher during the heating season (mean: 28.2 ÎŒg m^(-3); median: 24.4 ÎŒg m^(-3)) compared to the non-heating season (mean: 8.3 ÎŒg m^(-3); median: 7.6 ÎŒg m^(-3)). No relevant and significant differences were detected for the coarser ranges (> 1.60 ÎŒm). Temporal variabilities were influenced by typical PM urban sources (e.g., household heating, traffic), that significantly affected fine and submicrometer particles, and were related to meteorological factors. Ambient air particles exhibited a trimodal distribution: a first and sharp peak more pronounced during the heating season was identified between 0.3 and 0.5 ÎŒm and two other slight peaks in the coarse mode were centered on approximately 3 and 8 ÎŒm. No relevant differences were found in the shape of the size-distribution between the two investigated seasons. The mean PM_(2.5) (22.4 ÎŒg m^(-3)) and PM_(10) (27.7 ÎŒg m^(-3)) concentrations monitored in the study area exceeded the annual Air Quality Guideline Values (respectively equal to 10 ÎŒg m^(-3) and 20 ÎŒg m^(-3)) established by the World Health Organization
Effects of the Emissions of Vehicles Ahead on In-Car Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollutants: A Multiple Statistical Analysis Approach
Traffic-related air pollutants inside vehicle cabins are often extremely high compared to background pollution concentrations. The study of the determinants of these concentrations is particularly important for professional drivers and commuters who spend long periods in vehicles. This study is aimed at identifying and quantifying the effect of several exposure determinants on carbon monoxide (CO), equivalent black carbon (eBC), two particulate matter (PM) fractions (PM0.3â1 and PM1â2.5), and ultrafine particle (UFP) concentrations inside a passenger car cabin. The novelty of this work consists in examining the effects of the emissions of the first vehicle ahead (henceforth called âleading vehicleâ) on pollutant concentrations inside the cabin of the following vehicle (i.e., the car that was equipped with the air monitoring devices), with particular emphasis on the role of the leading vehicle characteristics (e.g., emission reduction technologies). The real-time instrumentation was placed inside the cabin of a petrol passenger car, which was driven by the same operator two times per day on the same route in real driving conditions. The in-cabin ventilation settings were set as follows: windows closed, air conditioning and recirculation modes off, and the fanned ventilation system on. The measurements were conducted over a total of 10 weekdays during two different seasons (i.e., summer and autumn). A video camera fixed to the windscreen was used to retrieve information about traffic conditions and leading vehicle characteristics through careful video analysis. The associations among pollutant concentrations and their potential determinants were evaluated using generalized estimating equation univariate and multiple models. The results confirmed the significant impact of several well-known determinants such as seasonality, microclimatic parameters, traffic jam situations, and route characteristics. Moreover, the outcomes shed light on the key role of leading vehicle emissions as determinant factors of the pollutant concentrations inside car cabins. Indeed, in the tested cabin ventilation conditions, it was demonstrated that in-cabin pollutant concentrations were significantly higher with leading vehicles ahead (from +14.6% to +67.5%) compared to empty road conditions, even though the introduction of newer technologies with better emissions reduction helped mitigate their effect. Additionally, diesel-fuelled leading vehicles compared to petrol-fuelled leading vehicles were impactful on in-cabin CO (â7.2%) and eBC (+45.3%) concentrations. An important effect (+30.4%) on in-vehicle PM1â2.5 concentrations was found with heavy-duty compared to light-duty leading vehicles. Finally, this research pointed out that road-scale factors are more important determinant factors of in-cabin concentrations than local pollution and meteorological conditions
Aberrant MET activation impairs perinuclear actin cap organization with YAP1 cytosolic relocation
: Little is known about the signaling network responsible for the organization of the perinuclear actin cap, a recently identified structure holding unique roles in the regulation of nuclear shape and cell directionality. In cancer cells expressing a constitutively active MET, we show a rearrangement of the actin cap filaments, which crash into perinuclear patches associated with spherical nuclei, meandering cell motility and inactivation of the mechano-transducer YAP1. MET ablation is sufficient to reactivate YAP1 and restore the cap, leading to enhanced directionality and flattened nuclei. Consistently, the introduction of a hyperactive MET in normal epithelial cells, enhances nuclear height and alters the cap organization, as also confirmed by TEM analysis. Finally, the constitutively active YAP1 mutant YAP5SA is able to overcome the effects of oncogenic MET. Overall, our work describes a signaling axis empowering MET-mediated YAP1 dampening and actin cap misalignment, with implications for nuclear shape and cell motility
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