13 research outputs found

    Morphological adaptations to arboreal habitats and heart position in species of the neotropical whipsnakes genus Chironius

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    The evolution of arboreality in snakes is accompanied by modifications that are remarkably similar across species. Gravity is one of the most important selective agents, and arboreal snakes present adaptations to circumvent the gradient of pressure, including modifications on heart position (HP) and body slenderness (BS). However, the degree to which different life-history traits influence the cardiovascular system of snakes remains unclear. Here, we used an ecological and a phylogenetic approach to explore the relationship between habitat, HP, BS, and heart size (HS) in five species of the neotropical whipsnakes genus Chironius that occupy terrestrial, semiarboreal, and arboreal habits. Our ecological comparison indicated that the arboreal species have the most posterior-positioned heart, the most slender body, and the smallest HS, whereas the terrestrial representative of the group exhibited the most anterior heart, the less flattened body, and the largest HS. After removing the phylogenetic effect, we found no difference in HP and BS between terrestrial and arboreal species. Habitat only differed when contrasting with HS. Body slenderness and HS were correlated with HP. Our results suggest that different restrictions, such as anatomical constraints, behavior, and phylogenetic inertia, may be important for the studied species. © 2013 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

    Legacy effects of fish but not elevation influence lake ecosystem response to environmental change.

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    How communities reorganize during climate change depends on the distribution of diversity within ecosystems and across landscapes. Understanding how environmental and evolutionary history constrain community resilience is critical to predicting shifts in future ecosystem function. The goal of our study was to understand how communities with different histories respond to environmental change with regard to shifts in elevation (temperature, nutrients) and introduced predators. We hypothesized that community responses to the environment would differ in ways consistent with local adaptation and initial trait structure. We transplanted plankton communities from lakes at different elevations with and without fish in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California to mesocosms at different elevations with and without fish. We examined the relative importance of the historical and experimental environment on functional (size structure, effects on lower trophic levels), community (zooplankton composition, abundance and biomass) and population (individual species abundance and biomass) responses. Communities originating from different elevations produced similar biomass at each elevation despite differences in species composition; that is, the experimental elevation, but not the elevation of origin, had a strong effect on biomass. Conversely, we detected a legacy effect of predators on plankton in the fishless environment. Daphnia pulicaria that historically coexisted with fish reached greater biomass under fishless conditions than those from fishless lakes, resulting in greater zooplankton community biomass and larger average size. Therefore, trait variation among lake populations determined the top-down effects of fish predators. In contrast, phenotypic plasticity and local diversity were sufficient to maintain food web structure in response to changing environmental conditions associated with elevation

    Seasonal variation in thermal plasticity of an alpine lake Daphnia population

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    Background: Temperature changes dramatically throughout the growing season in temperate latitudes, and seasonal changes in temperature are especially pronounced in alpine lakes where water stratifies into distinct thermal layers during summer. Hypothesis: Populations are expected to maintain a greater degree of plasticity in more heterogeneous environments, such as when lake stratification occurs. Organism: We studied seasonal variation in plasticity of a population of Daphnia, a key grazer in alpine lakes. Methods: We isolated maternal lines of Daphnia pulicaria from Blue Lake (Sierra Nevada, CA) at four different times throughout the growing season, then measured phenotypic traits and survivorship after individuals were reared at two temperatures (17C and 24C). Results: We found mixed evidence for the role of thermal variation in maintaining plasticity. Thermal plasticity for offspring number and age at maturity varied seasonally; however, inconsistent with our hypothesis, neither response was related to stratification. Similarly, we observed lower plasticity for the clutch interval when the lake experienced peak thermal stratification in mid-summer compared with early-fall conditions. In contrast, plasticity for critical maximum temperature (CT) was highest during peak stratification. As CT is a direct measurement of upper thermal limits, it should be related to maximum temperature experienced in the water column. Thus, this result is consistent with a positive correlation between thermal variation and plasticity. Conclusion: Our results suggest that the degree of plasticity in response to temperature varies throughout the season in relation to thermal stratification, with different life-history traits showing distinct seasonal patterns of plasticity

    Rapid evolution of thermal plasticity in mountain lake Daphnia populations

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    Populations at risk of extinction due to climate change may be rescued by adaptive evolution or plasticity. Selective agents, such as introduced predators, may enhance or constrain plastic or adaptive responses to temperature. We tested responses of Daphnia to temperature by collecting populations from lakes across an elevational gradient in the presence and absence of fish predators (long-term selection). We subsequently grew these populations at two elevations in field mesocosms over two years (short-term selection), followed by a common-garden experiment at two temperatures in the lab to measure life-history traits. Both long-term and short-term selection affected traits, suggesting that genetic variation of plasticity within populations enabled individuals to rapidly evolve plasticity in response to high temperature. We found that short-term selection by high temperature increased plasticity for growth rate in all populations. Fecundity was higher in populations from fishless lakes and body size showed greater plasticity in populations from warm lakes (long-term selection). Neither body size nor fecundity were affected by short-term thermal selection. These results demonstrate that plasticity is an important component of the life-history response of Daphnia, and that genetic variation within populations enabled rapid evolution of plasticity in response to selection by temperature

    Data from: Rapid evolution of thermal plasticity in mountain lake Daphnia populations

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    Populations at risk of extinction due to climate change may be rescued by adaptive evolution or plasticity. Selective agents, such as introduced predators, may enhance or constrain plastic or adaptive responses to temperature. We tested responses of Daphnia to temperature by collecting populations from lakes across an elevational gradient in the presence and absence of fish predators (long-term selection). We subsequently grew these populations at two elevations in field mesocosms over two years (short-term selection), followed by a common-garden experiment at two temperatures in the lab to measure life-history traits. Both long-term and short-term selection affected traits, suggesting that genetic variation of plasticity within populations enabled individuals to rapidly evolve plasticity in response to high temperature. We found that short-term selection by high temperature increased plasticity for growth rate in all populations. Fecundity was higher in populations from fishless lakes and body size showed greater plasticity in populations from warm lakes (long-term selection). Neither body size nor fecundity were affected by short-term thermal selection. These results demonstrate that plasticity is an important component of the life-history response of Daphnia, and that genetic variation within populations enabled rapid evolution of plasticity in response to selection by temperature