298 research outputs found

    The Challenge of an Aging Population

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    In chapter seven of Public Policy in Connecticut, Nicole X. Cauvin and Elaine B. Davis discuss the policy challenges associated with an aging or graying state population. Demographic data clearly demonstrate that Connecticut\u27s population, similar to the population of other states, is becoming older. The authors propose innovative public policies designed to accommodate the long-term health care and social service needs of the state\u27s elderly

    Four-particle condensate in strongly coupled fermion systems

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    Four-particle correlations in fermion systems at finite temperatures are investigated with special attention to the formation of a condensate. Instead of the instability of the normal state with respect to the onset of pairing described by the Gorkov equation, a new equation is obtained which describes the onset of quartetting. Within a model calculation for symmetric nuclear matter, we find that below a critical density, the four-particle condensation (alpha-like quartetting) is favored over deuteron condensation (triplet pairing). This pairing-quartetting competition is expected to be a general feature of interacting fermion systems, such as the excition-biexciton system in excited semiconductors. Possible experimental consequences are pointed out.Comment: LaTeX, 11 pages, 2 figures, uses psfig.sty (included), to be published in Phys. Rev. Lett., tentatively scheduled for 13 April 1998 (Volume 80, Number 15

    Preparation of double emulsions using hybrid polymer/silica particles: New pickering emulsifiers with adjustable surface wettability

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    A facile route for the preparation of water-in-oil-in-water (w/o/w) double emulsions is described for three model oils, namely, n-dodecane, isopropyl myristate, and isononyl isononanoate, using fumed silica particles coated with poly(ethylene imine) (PEI). The surface wettability of such hybrid PEI/silica particles can be systematically adjusted by (i) increasing the adsorbed amount of PEI and (ii) addition of 1-undecanal to the oil phase prior to homogenization. In the absence of this long-chain aldehyde, PEI/silica hybrid particles (PEI/silica mass ratio = 0.50) produce o/w Pickering emulsions in all cases. In the presence of 1-undecanal, this reagent reacts with the primary and secondary amine groups on the PEI chains via Schiff base chemistry, which can render the PEI/silica hybrid particles sufficiently hydrophobic to stabilize w/o Pickering emulsions at 20 °C. Gas chromatography, 1H NMR and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy provide compelling experimental evidence for this in situ surface reaction, while a significant increase in the water contact angle indicates markedly greater hydrophobic character for the PEI/silica hybrid particles. However, when PEI/silica hybrid particles are prepared using a relatively low adsorbed amount of PEI (PEI/silica mass ratio = 0.075) only o/w Pickering emulsions are obtained, since the extent of surface modification achieved using this Schiff base chemistry is insufficient. Fluorescence microscopy and laser diffraction studies confirm that highly stable w/o/w double emulsions can be achieved for all three model oils. This is achieved by first homogenizing the relatively hydrophobic PEI/silica hybrid particles (PEI/silica mass ratio = 0.50) with an oil containing 3% 1-undecanal to form an initial w/o emulsion, followed by further homogenization using an aqueous dispersion of relatively hydrophilic PEI/silica particles (PEI/silica mass ratio = 0.075). Dye release from the internal aqueous cores into the aqueous continuous phase was monitored by visible absorption spectroscopy. These studies indicate immediate loss of 12-18% dye during the high speed homogenization that is required for double emulsion formation, but no further dye release is observed at 20 °C for at least 15 days thereafter

    Symbiotic Legume Nodules Employ Both Rhizobial Exo- and Endo-Hydrogenases to Recycle Hydrogen Produced by Nitrogen Fixation

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    BACKGROUND: In symbiotic legume nodules, endosymbiotic rhizobia (bacteroids) fix atmospheric N(2), an ATP-dependent catalytic process yielding stoichiometric ammonium and hydrogen gas (H(2)). While in most legume nodules this H(2) is quantitatively evolved, which loss drains metabolic energy, certain bacteroid strains employ uptake hydrogenase activity and thus evolve little or no H(2). Rather, endogenous H(2) is efficiently respired at the expense of O(2), driving oxidative phosphorylation, recouping ATP used for H(2) production, and increasing the efficiency of symbiotic nodule N(2) fixation. In many ensuing investigations since its discovery as a physiological process, bacteroid uptake hydrogenase activity has been presumed a single entity. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Azorhizobium caulinodans, the nodule endosymbiont of Sesbania rostrata stems and roots, possesses both orthodox respiratory (exo-)hydrogenase and novel (endo-)hydrogenase activities. These two respiratory hydrogenases are structurally quite distinct and encoded by disparate, unlinked gene-sets. As shown here, in S. rostrata symbiotic nodules, haploid A. caulinodans bacteroids carrying single knockout alleles in either exo- or-endo-hydrogenase structural genes, like the wild-type parent, evolve no detectable H(2) and thus are fully competent for endogenous H(2) recycling. Whereas, nodules formed with A. caulinodans exo-, endo-hydrogenase double-mutants evolve endogenous H(2) quantitatively and thus suffer complete loss of H(2) recycling capability. More generally, from bioinformatic analyses, diazotrophic microaerophiles, including rhizobia, which respire H(2) may carry both exo- and endo-hydrogenase gene-sets. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In symbiotic S. rostrata nodules, A. caulinodans bacteroids can use either respiratory hydrogenase to recycle endogenous H(2) produced by N(2) fixation. Thus, H(2) recycling by symbiotic legume nodules may involve multiple respiratory hydrogenases

    Younger age at onset and sex predict celiac disease in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes: an Italian multicenter study

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    OBJECTIVE— To estimate the prevalence of biopsy-confirmed celiac disease in Italian children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes and to assess whether age at onset of type 1 diabetes is independently associated with diagnosis of celiac disease. RESEARCH DESIGNANDMETHODS— The study group was a clinic-based cohort of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes cared for in 25 Italian centers for childhood diabetes. Yearly screening for celiac disease was performed using IgA/IgG anti-gliadin and IgA anti-endomysium antibodies. RESULTS— Of the 4,322 children and adolescents (age 11.8 4.2 years) identified with type 1 diabetes, biopsy-confirmed celiac disease was diagnosed in 292 (prevalence 6.8%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 6.0 –7.6), with a higher risk seen in girls than in boys (odds ratio [OR] 1.93, 1.51–2.47). In 89% of these, diabetes was diagnosed before celiac disease. In logistic regression analyses, being younger at onset of diabetes, being female, and having a diagnosis of a thyroid disorder were independently associated with the risk of having diabetes and celiac disease. In comparison with subjects who were older than 9 years at onset of diabetes, subjects who were younger than 4 years at onset had an OR of 3.27 (2.20–4.85). CONCLUSIONS— We have provided evidence that 1) the prevalence of biopsy-confirmed celiac disease in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes is high (6.8%); 2) the risk of having both diseases is threefold higher in children diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 4 years than in those age 9 years; and 3) girls have a higher risk of having both diseases than boys
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